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        충북지역 초등학교의 다문화가정 학생을 위한 공간 특성 연구

        노란,정진주,Noh, Ran,Jung, Jin-Ju 한국교육시설학회 2012 敎育施設 Vol.19 No.2

        The number of foreign residents is expected to increase with the increase of international marriage in rural area and the avoidance of 3D jobs, which is also anticipated to cause various problems more serious. This kind of phenomenon will bring about the increase of the students from the multi-cultural families and a big change in the schools along with the decrease of the students in rural area. Currently, school's interest in and support for those students from multi-cultural families are focused on the promotion of their learning capability. However, I think that not just the support for the students from multi-cultural families but a new space for the two student-groups' smooth communication in schools is to be arranged. Accordingly, this study suggests. The support limited to educational programs for those students from multi-cultural families should be expanded to the school facilities. What kind of preparation should be done by school facilities in the future. There should be five steps of intermediate space with the additional function other than that of communication between Korean native students and those from multi-cultural families along with the utilization of existing rooms and space.

      • KCI등재

        교육과정과 학교 시설.설비 법령의 변천 비교에 따른 향후 개정 방향 연구

        노란,윤성훈,정진주,Noh, Ran,Yoon, Sung-Hoon,Jung, Jin-Ju 한국교육시설학회 2011 敎育施設 Vol.18 No.5

        To ensure the effective operation of a curriculum, facilities and equipments should be properly supported. Therefore, changes are required for educational facilities in accordance with the curriculum, revised 10 times in total from 1945 to 2011, but it's true that the facility and equipment laws, which are the standards of facility and equipment changes, did not adapt to the changes. After 'the Act on Standards of School Facilities' was repealed, 'the Act on Establishment and Operation of the Schools,' the corresponding law for the purpose of spatial configuration for teaching and learning methods, was enacted in Sept. 1997. This law has been active for 14 years and revised 11 times thereafter. It has also been decided to often revise the curriculum, so the 7th National curriculum has undergone 6 times of minor revisions. Among them, the most recently revised 2009 curriculum is to be applied for elementary school 1st and 2nd grade, middle school 1st grade, and high school 1st grade from the beginning of this year of 2011. Hereupon, the purpose of this study is to research on the revisions of the school facility and equipment standards which can support the curriculum revised in 2009 and thereafter by examining classrooms and facilities as the learning space that can respond to the changes of school functions and systems with curriculum transition, of teaching and learning systems, and of subjects.

      • KCI등재

        밀란 쿤데라의 소설 세계에서 『무의미의 축제』가 가진 의미에 대한 고찰

        노란(NOH Ran) 프랑스문화예술학회 2020 프랑스문화예술연구 Vol.74 No.-

        본 논문은 한 작가의 여러 작품들 간에 존재하는 상호텍스트성을 뜻하는 개념인 ‘내부텍스트성 intratextualité’에 근거해 밀란 쿤데라의 열한 번째 소설 『무의미의 축제』가 쿤데라의 소설 세계에서 가진 특수한 의미를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 구성의 측면에서 이 소설이 소나타와 푸가의 결합이라는 점을 밝힌 뒤, 내용의 측면에서는 내부텍스트성을 다시 ‘정태적’ 내부텍스트성과 ‘동태적’ 내부텍스트성으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 무엇보다도 작가는 스탈린이라는 역사적 실존인물을 ‘소설화’하면서 이제까지 그가 끈질기게 고집했던 진지함과 진지하지 않음이라는 이분법적 사유를 전복시키는데, 결국 그는 소설의 상대성과 복합성의 정신에 근거한 이 작품을 통해 소설 예술 본래의 자유를 만끽하고 있는 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        충북지역 초등학교의 다문화가정 학생을 위한 공간 특성 연구

        노란(Noh, Ran),정진주(Jung, Jin-Ju) 한국교육시설학회 2012 敎育施設 Vol.19 No.2

        The number of foreign residents is expected to increase with the increase of international marriage in rural area and the avoidance of 3D jobs, which is also anticipated to cause various problems more serious. This kind of phenomenon will bring about the increase of the students from the multi-cultural families and a big change in the schools along with the decrease of the students in rural area. Currently, school's interest in and support for those students from multi-cultural families are focused on the promotion of their learning capability. However, I think that not just the support for the students from multi-cultural families but a new space for the two student-groups' smooth communication in schools is to be arranged. Accordingly, this study suggests. The support limited to educational programs for those students from multi-cultural families should be expanded to the school facilities. What kind of preparation should be done by school facilities in the future. There should be five steps of intermediate space with the additional function other than that of communication between Korean native students and those from multi-cultural families along with the utilization of existing rooms and space.

      • KCI등재

        밀란 쿤데라의 소설 속 가족의 이미지를 통해 본 가벼움과 무거움

        노란(Ran NOH) 프랑스학회 2023 프랑스학연구 Vol.- No.102

        밀란 쿤데라의 소설에서 나타나는 가족들은 서로 적대시하거나 증오하고, 경쟁 관계에 놓여 있는 경우가 빈번하다. 특히 쿤데라의 대표작 『참을 수 없는 존재의 가벼움』과 『불멸』에서 부정적인 가족 관계는 작가의 주요 실존적 테마인 ‘가벼움과 무거움’, ‘영혼과 육체’, ‘우연과 필연’을 드러내는 역할을 한다. 이 테마들은 자아 혹은 정체성의 문제와 직결되며 작가로 하여금 인간의 실존을 탐구하게 해준다. 『참을 수 없는 존재의 가벼움』에서 아들에 대한 부성을 거부하는 토마시는 평생에 걸쳐 ‘가벼움’을 추구하며, 외부로부터 부과된 모든 ‘필연’을 거부하는 인물이다. 한편 토마시를 계속 해서 낮은 곳으로 끌어내리는 테레자는 ‘무거움’을 표상하는 인물로, 그녀의 ‘무거움’은 다름 아닌 자신을 증오하는 어머니로부터 물려받은 육체와 그 육체를 대하는 태도에서 비롯된다. 『불멸』의 두 자매 아녜스와 로라는 토마시-테레자 부부와 마찬가지로 각자가 ‘가벼움’과 ‘무거움’을 나타내는데, 아녜스의 고독한 ‘가벼움’은 아버지에게서, 로라의 가족과 함께 하는 ‘무거움’은 어머니에게서 물려받은 것이다. 자아의 유일성을 찾기 위한 이들의 상반된 태도는 작가에 의해 ‘뺄셈법’과 ‘덧셈법’으로 명명된다. 이렇듯 우리는 작가가 가족 관계룹 통해 자신의 주요 실존적 테마를 보다 분명하게 드라내고 있음을 알 수 있게 된다 La relation familiale atypique dans L'Insoutenable légèreté de l'être et L'Immortalité de Milan Kundera relève les thèmes existentiels kundériens : la légèreté vs. la pesanteur, l'âme vs. le corps et le hasard vs. la nécessité. Ces thèmes sont liés étroitement au moi ou à l'identité, qui est l'autre thème existentiel. Dans L'Insoutenalble légèreté de l'être, Tomas, le père sans paternité, qui représente la légèreté, refuse tout 'es muss sein', devoir et responsabilité qui sont donnés à l'extérieur. Alors que Tereza, qui est le prolongement de sa mère impudique, incarne la pesanteur. Pour elle, le corps est son unique souci. Agnès et Laura, les soeurs dans L'Immortalité, sont aux antipodes. La première poursuit la légèreté, la solitude, alors que la dernière, qui représente la pesanteur et le corps comme Tereza, impose le poids en imitant tout. Leurs attitudes opposées ont été héritées de leurs parents : Agnès de son père, Laura de sa mère. Ainsi, l'auteur nous révèle ses thèmes les plus importants à travers la relation familiale.

      • KCI등재

        밀란 쿤데라의 『불멸』에 나타난 포스트모던적 글쓰기

        이지순 ( Ji Soon Lee ),노란 ( Ran Noh ) 한국비교문학회 2012 比較文學 Vol.56 No.-

        Milan Kundera, qui est connu communement comme un ecrivain postmoderne, et qui proclame qu`il reste toujours la possibilite illimitee de forme au roman, ecrit ses œuvres dans une forme experimentale meta-fictionnelle, Il a developpe continuellement des sujets, des motifs, et des possibilites formelles depuis son premier roman, La Plaisanterie, et il les a pousses au maximum dans L`immortalite, son septieme roman, Ici, nous avons remarque les aspects formels de L`immortalite, et les avons observes au regard des traits de meta-fiction en litterature postmoderne. Les trois grands aspects formels dans cet œuvre: l`hybridite du genre entre roman et essai; l`intervention de l`auteur dans son roman avec des elements autobiographiques, l`apparition du narrateur-auteur qui est aussi ≪un personnage central≫; enfin, donc la frontiere imprecise entre realite et fiction. Les traits majeurs de meta-fiction sont la deconstruction de la forme romanesque traditionnelle, l`ambiguite entre le debut et la fin, sans intrigue, ni heros, Cela peut s`appliquer au sens propre a L`immortalite. Celle-ci est irracontable, inadaptable comme Kundera le dit lui-meme, qu`il n`y a aucun d`intrigue. Plusieurs evenements se croisent comme une grande mosaique, mais il n`y a aucun ordre de priorite, aucun evenement superieur, aucun heros. Kundera refuse une intrigue traditionnelle, et donne l`importance aux episodes (anecdotes), donc l`improbabilite et la contingence surgissent. ≪La rencontre de l`auteur avec ses propres personnages≫ est un exemple extreme pour la contingence. A travers de ce dispositif plus ou moins inoui, l`auteur trouble radicalement la structure et l`univers du roman, Un nouveau fait s`ajoute a la fin, le lecteur peut faire maintenant “une nouvelle lecture”. Suivant que le role du lecteur est important, l`auteur utilise une voix d`interprete qui joue un role de guide. Pour les differentes voix, Kundera change de point de vue. La voix d`auteur pour l`essai, la voix du narrateur pour le roman, et celle-ci change de la focalisation interne a la focalisation externe, En effet, les personnages obtiennent une individualite au fur et a mesure que le recit est en progres. Pour quelle raison utilise-t-il cette methode postmodeme? Il est bien connu que Kundera refuse la lecture dans le contexte biographique a cause de son origine (tcheque) et donc, il ne veut pas de devoiler sa vie privee, C`est qu`il prend une position d`interprete pour reduire au minimum des malentendus vis-a-vis son œuvre. A propos de l`essai, il l`emploie comme un moyen de transmettre plus clairement le sujet du roman. C`est ce que l`auteur nomme ≪un essai specifiquement romanesque≫, a travers cette forme experimentale, il peut construire son propre univers romanesque plus solidement.

      • KCI등재

        증례 : 혈액종양 ; 원발성 폐 악성 흑색종의 진단과 치료 1예

        방창석 ( Chang Seok Bang ),박건우 ( Keon Woo Park ),이순일 ( Soon Il Lee ),추영광 ( Young Kwang Choo ),이원경 ( Won Kyung Lee ),노란 ( Ran Noh ),서지현 ( Ji Hyun Suh ) 대한내과학회 2009 대한내과학회지 Vol.76 No.2

        저자들은 악성 흑색종의 원발 부위로 흔치 않은 폐 악성 흑색종 환자에서 원발 부위의 수술적 치료 및 전이 부위에 대한 수술적 치료와 보조적 치료를 통해 생존기간을 연장시킨 증례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Melanoma develops in the skin or the mucosa of organs. It spreads via lymphatic channels or the bloodstream to the regional lymph nodes or organs such as the brain, liver, and lung. Melanoma of the lung is nearly always metastatic, and primary malignant melanoma of the lung is very rare, with only 30 cases reported in the English literature. The possibility of skin lesions that have disappeared, or of undetected primary sites, makes it difficult to confirm true primary tumors. Therefore, a thorough workup is needed to make the diagnosis. Since metastatic melanoma is incurable, the goal of treatment is palliation. However, because of the rare experience of primary melanoma of the lung, it is difficult to predict the prognosis. We experienced one patient with primary malignant melanoma of the lung with metastases who had been managed with surgery, interferon-a, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy over 5 years. This case report presents the diagnosis and management of primary malignant melanoma of the lung. (Korean J Med 76:238-243, 2009)

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