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      • KCI등재

        한·중 직장인의 BIG 5 성격 요인과 불확실성 회피 성향의 상관관계 비교 연구

        김효민,임대근 한국중국언어문화연구회 2023 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.68

        This study is based on the results of Hofstede’s previous study, ‘The BIG 5 personality factors(extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience and neuroticism) have a significant effect on uncertainty avoidance among cultural levels’. So, the hypothesis was established that there would be a clear correlation between personality factors and the uncertainty avoidance index, and the investigation was conducted. In particular, focused on his previous argument that ‘Respondents in cultures with a strong tendency to avoid uncertainty rated their neuroticism higher and their agreeableness lower’. To measure BIG 5 personality factors, a total of 40 items were measured on a Likert 5-point scale, including 20 measurement items(4 extraversion, 4 agreeableness, 4 conscientiousness, 4 openness to experience, 4 neuroticism) and 20 measurement items to measure uncertainty avoidance tendency. In addition, demographic questions such as six questions corresponding to the respondents’ gender, age, educational background, industry, position, and tenure were added,, and the questionnaires written in Korean and Chinese were checked through reverse translation to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the questions. For the empirical analysis of this study, questionnaires were distributed and collected from 100 Korean workers in Korea and 100 Chinese workers in China, and the collected questionnaires were analyzed using IBM SPSS 21. As a result of comparative analysis of the BIG 5 personality factors and uncertainty avoidance tendency values of Korean and Chinese office workers based on the average values of SPSS 21 and surveys, the figures for uncertainty avoidance tendency are higher in Korea(3.47 in Korea and 3.35 in China), but the agreeableness is higher in Korea(3.91), and the neuroticism level in China is 3.35, which is much higher than Korea. This is a completely opposite result from Hofstede’s previous assertion, ‘Respondents in cultures with a strong tendency to avoid uncertainty rated their neuroticism higher and their agreeableness lower’. Nevertheless, the study is meaningful in that it was able to derive some results consistent with Hobstead’s overall research that ‘BIG 5 personality factors have a significant effect on uncertainty avoidance tendency’ through the figures of personality factors other than agreeableness and neuroticism. However, there are also limitations. This study was conducted extensively on a total of 200 Korean and Chinese office workers, but the possibility of problems in generalizing the research results cannot be ruled out because there is a deviation in the sample, and total of 40 questions were organized by referring to the research of three scholars for the design of the questionnaire, but there are limitations in accepting the questionnaire due to the use of words or expressions unfamiliar to Chinese respondents. therefore, in future studies, it is necessary to reconstruct the questions by referring to the research of Chinese scholars. In addition, although the SPSS 21 program was used as an analysis method of the survey, it is difficult to completely exclude the possibility of poor operation, so it is necessary to make efforts for higher-level analysis methods through various methods such as regression analysis in future studies. 본 연구는 ‘BIG 5 성격 요인(외향성, 친화성, 성실성, 개방성, 신경증)’과 홉스테드의 문화 차원 이론 중 ‘불확실성 회피 성향’의 상관관계 분석을 위해, 한·중 직장인을 대상으로 설문지를 배포하여 수집하였고, 회수된 설문지를 IBM SPSS 21 통계 프로그램을 사용하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 홉스테드의 “불확실성 회피 성향이 강한 문화권의 응답자들은 자신의 신경증을 보다 높게 평정했고, 친화성은 보다 낮게 평정한 것으로 나타남”이라는 기존 주장과는 반대로, 한국의 불확실성 회피 성향의 수치가 높음에도 불구하고 친화성 수치는 중국보다 월등히 높았고, 신경증 수치는 더 낮았다. 그러나 친화성과 신경증 수치를 제외한 나머지 성격 요인이 부분적으로 불확실성 회피 성향의 수치 형성에 영향을 주었기에, “BIG 5 성격 요인은 불확실성 회피 성향에 유의한 영향을 끼친”다는 홉스테드의 기존 연구결과에 일부 부합하는 결과를 도출할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        鄭若曾의 『朝鮮圖說』에 대한 일고찰 — 明末 지식인의 한반도 인식 엿보기

        김효민 중국문화연구학회 2023 중국문화연구 Vol.- No.62

        Chaoxian Tushuo ( 朝鮮圖說 ), compiled by Zheng Ruozeng (鄭若曾, 1503-1570), an intellectual of the late Ming Dynasty, is the oldest standalone work related to the Korean Peninsula that contains a map, not only in China but potentially in the world. Chaoxian Tushuo is a rare geographical text related to the Korean Peninsula, crafted by late Ming Dynasty intellectuals, prompted by their security concerns. This work serves as a significant resource that provides insight into the perceptions of the Korean Peninsula held by Chinese intellectuals of the time. Despite limitations in information gathering, the compilers appear to have systematically selected and recorded information related to the Korean Peninsula, making the best use of the “latest” resources available at that time. Chaoxian Tushuo is structured like a local chronicle in line with the system of the Dynasty. This structure itself reveals its perception and understanding of the subject matter, underpinned by a fundamentally “Chinese” worldview that posits China above all. In this context, Chaoxian Tushuo reflects a “China-centered” perspective, highlighting Joseon as a model country under the Chinese order. At the same time, it presents an objective descriptive attitude, considering Joseon as an independent foreign country from a relative perspective. Occasionally, it goes further to express a sense of caution towards Joseon, showcasing a dualistic aspect in its viewpoint. From this perspective, Chaoxian Tushuo can be seen as one of the significant resources that help reaffirm how “China” restructured and reproduced itself through its representation of foreign lands. It also reveals how it fostered a “Chinese consciousness” of itself as a singular “nation-state”, particularly in its relationship with the Korean Peninsula. It is noteworthy that Chaoxian Tushuo features a standalone map of Joseon, provides detailed records of the major post roads and distances across the Korean Peninsula, discusses Dangun in relative detail, and consistently exhibits an awareness of Japan throughout the text when describing the Korean Peninsula. These distinct attributes can be seen as reflections of the temporal context and particularities of the late Ming Dynasty, both directly and indirectly.

      • KCI등재후보

        ≪홍루몽(紅樓夢)≫과 과거문화(科擧文化)

        김효민 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2010 中國學論叢 Vol.30 No.-

        本文從科擧文化的視角出發, 對≪紅樓夢≫進行了多方面的考察。≪紅樓夢≫中反映著不少的科擧文化因素, 這些因素主要集中在賈府對科擧功名及擧業的重視觀念與賈寶玉對八股科擧文化的批判態度上, 而且這兩方面又在小說中構成一個主要矛盾。령一方面, 作爲八股迷的高악之續作使小說中的科擧文化色彩更加濃鬱, 這一點在科擧文化與≪紅樓夢≫的關係上是個不可忽略的問題。不僅如此, 還在≪紅樓夢≫的出版和傳播, 評點, 續書等作品外部的諸般層面上, 可以發現和科擧文化的一定的關聯性。因此, 如排除科擧文化這一上下文, 今天≪紅樓夢≫的面貌以及現代以前廣大的接受和影響等可以說都是難以想像的。尤其, 由高악的續作和程本的出版引起的廣範傳播和影響卽是≪紅樓夢≫在科擧文化中形成、衝突、傳播、接受的過程本身。在這一點上可以說, ≪紅樓夢≫誕生在科擧文化的磁場中, 而且在其成書和傳播過程中, 通過續作、評點、續書等又産生了圍繞著科擧文化的許多話語。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        明淸小說에 나타난 科學文化

        김효민 한국중국소설학회 2004 中國小說論叢 Vol.19 No.-

        中國古代以文選官的的科擧制度, 存續了一千餘年, 是那個時代知識分子十分的關注對象之一。 科擧制度幷不僅僅是簡單的考試和選官, 타作爲一種權力機制, 在全社會形成具有强勁吸附力的文化磁場, 這種現象在明淸時期尤爲突出。 對當時大部分知識分子而言, 科擧文化是決定他們生活方式與價値觀念的重要因素。 小說的創作者和欣賞者也不例外, 他們絶大多數身受科擧文化的長期濡染。 由於科擧文化對明淸社會的影響非常深遠, 타爲小說創作提供了重要的文化語境。 因此, 通過從科擧文化透視小說這一渠道, 有助於把握作爲明淸小說基礎的文化語境和小說的社會文化意義。 本文從“科擧文化”的角度, 探討了反映在明淸小說中的科擧文化。 首先, 科擧考試給士人提供出門的機會, 在간考和試畢歸來的過程中會有各種機遇, 小說作家往往把타作爲故事的環境。其次, 在小說題材方面, 多見於明淸小說的應考題材、 各種科場奇事題材、 窮書生金榜題名的題材等, 都和科擧文化有密切的關系。 령外, 小說家接觸最多、 最爲熟悉、 也最關心的當數士人階層, 因此, 在小說衆多的人物形象當中, 各類士人占相當高的比例。 可以說, 這些士人形象就是科擧文化反映在小說中的最直接的渠道。 明淸小說中的士人形象大致可以分成三類。 就是體現着作者的庸俗理想的人物和作爲同情對象的人物以及作爲批評對象的人物等的三個類型。

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ중 지식인 사회와 그 윤리

        김효민 한국중국소설학회 2003 中國小說論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        在理解近代以前的韓中知識分子社會, 科擧制度給我們提供無比重要的視角. 在近代以前的韓中知識分子社會, 科擧制度具有重要意義的原因, 是因爲科擧制度對當時知識分子社會和各個知識分子的人生各方面發揮着極大的影響力. 儒家倫理的理想是德治, 且德治的實際主體是知識分子. 科擧制度就是選拔這種知識分子官員的制度. 因此, 根據學問和自我修養, 且通過公正的競爭, 當國家官員就是科擧制度的理想. 但由于爲發迹的慾望和激烈的競爭以及個人之間不均等的條件等原因, 發生越來越多的各種科擧舞弊, 導致了知識分子(尤其是特權階層)自己汚染科擧制度的結果. 當然, 科擧制度不重視德行的缺陷也是重要原因. 再加上, 除了科擧考試外, 知識分子흔難顯達的情況下, 社會里形成了只以科名評價知識分子的地位和價値的觀念. 因而, 在儒家社會里知識分子應該具有的基本倫理被消失, 被뉴曲的價値觀和人際關係却蔓延開來. 由此, 不但在制度本身, 而且在學問、自我修養、人際關係等方面, 不能不産生許多倫理問題. 這些問題在科擧制度흔難發揮積極作用的朝鮮後期和明淸時代更加突出. 當然, 由于兩國的不同條件, 具體情況有些不同, 大體上說, 在韓國, 特權階層造成的壟斷現象和腐敗問題最突出, 在中國, 八股文的弊端和科名至上主義爲最大的問題. 以上的一系列問題成爲邊緣知識分子的反省和批判的對象, 文學創作就是這種反省和批判的一種方式. 在文學領域中, 小說作爲社會性最强, 且當時(朝鮮後期-明淸時代)迅速發展起來的邊緣體裁, 흔値得注意. 小說作家通過小說創作, 表現出理想的生活態度, 同時평擊了被뉴曲的知識分子社會的倫理. 兩國的小說當中, 本文以韓國的《要路院夜話記》和 《柳光億傳》、中國的《聊齋志異》和《儒林外史》爲中心, 探討了上述的問題. 雖然各個作品的具體情況不同, 但歸根到底, 兩國的小說都把重心放在知識分子倫理的墜落問題上. 在以知識分子爲主的社會, 知識分子要成爲倫理的基本主體, 但在知識分子社會被考試和功名爲主的觀念奴化的情況下, 糾正倫理的工作主要通過科擧文化邊緣人的反省和批判來進行. 批評科擧問題的韓中小說就是對上述問題的活生生的證言, 也是告發落在地下的倫理的訥喊.

      • KCI등재

        도시차원의 빗물순환체계 요소별 입지선정에 관한 연구 - 개발예정지역의 환경생태계획 적용방안을 중심으로 -

        김효민,김귀곤,Kim, Hyo-Min,Kim, Kwi-Gon 한국조경학회 2012 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.40 No.3

        본 연구는 신도시 개발 등 규모가 비교적 큰 도시개발에 있어 빗물을 이용하여 자연적인 빗물순환체계를 구축하는데 중점을 두고 있다. 특히 통합빗물관리를 위한 자연적인 빗물순환체계 요소별 입지 선정 방법을 개발하여 수문환경의 변화를 최소화하고, 자연적인 물순환을 회복하여 저영향개발(LID)을 실현할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 유출량 저감뿐만 아니라 도시 내의 수공간 및 녹지공간의 증가로 인한 도시의 지속가능성을 증진시키는 데 목적이 있다. 통합빗물관리를 위한 빗물순환체계 요소별 입지 선정을 위한 최종적인 빗물순환체계 요소로는 집수, 침투, 여과, 저류, 이동 공간의 5가지 항목이 도출되었으며, 이를 토대로 각 요소별 입지선정 항목 및 기준을 설정하였다. 도출된 평가항목과 기준을 적용하기 위한 방법은 적합성지수 이론을 바탕으로 Gridcellanalysis를 실시하여 각 요소별로 적합성평가를 통해 주제도를 중첩하고 종합하여, 적합성지수에 따라 등급화 함으로써 요소별 조성가능 우선지역을 구분하도록 하였다. 개발된 방법은 경북 김천 혁신도시 개발예정지에 적용함으로써 그 실행가능성과 한계를 검토하였으며, 각 요소별 주제도의 중첩 결과는 Verylow, Low, Moderate, High, Veryhigh의 5단계로 구분하여, 공간 특성을 쉽게 파악할 수 있게 하였다. 마지막으로 적용한 결과를 바탕으로 현 토지이용계획도면 위에 빗물순환체계 구상도를 작성해 봄으로써 환경생태계획 후 세부공간계획 단계에서 물순환체계를 구축하는데 있어 유용하게 활용될 수 있으며, 지속가능한 도시개발을 위한 친환경적 도시계획의 수단으로 이용될 수 있다. This study focused on establishing a natural rainwater circulation system using rainwater meant for relatively large urban development projects such as a new town development. In particular, when the location selection techniques for individual elements of a natural rainwater circulation system are developed for the integrated rainwater management, changes in hydrological environment will be minimized and the natural water circulation would be restored to realize the low impact development (LID). In that case, not only the excess will be reduced but water space and green areas in a city would also increase to improve the urban sustainability. First of all, there were five elements selected for the location selection of a rainwater circulation system intended for the integrated rainwater management: rainwater collection, infiltration, filtration, retention and movement spaces. After generating these items, the location selection items and criteria were defined for each of the five elements. For a technique to apply the generated evaluation items and criteria, a grid cell analysis was conducted based m the suitability index theory, and thematic maps were overlapped through suitability assessment of each element and graded based on the suitability index. The priority areas were identified for each element. The developed technique was applied to a site where Gim-cheon Innovation City development is planned to review its feasibility and limitations. The combined score of the overlapped map for each element was separated into five levels: very low, low, moderate, high and very high. Finally, it was concluded that creating a rainwater circulation system conceptual map m the current land use plan based on the outcome of the application would be useful in building a water circulation system at the de1ailed space planning stage after environmental and ecological planning. Furthermore, we use the results of this study as a means for environment-friendly urban planning for sustainable urban development.

      • KCI등재

        KSR-III 과학 관측 로켓 자력계(MAG/AIM & SIM)의 초기 시험 모델 개발

        김효민,장민환,손대락,이동훈,김선미,황승현,KIM HYO-MIN,JANG MIN-HWAN,SON DE-RAC,LEE DONG-HUN,KIM SUN-MI,HWANG SEUNG-HYUN 한국천문학회 2000 天文學論叢 Vol.15 No.suppl2

        It is realized that the extraterrestrial matter is in ionized state, plasma, so the matter of this kind behaves as not expected because of its sensitiveness to electric and magnetic fields and its ability to carry electric currents. This kind of subtle change can be observed by an instrument for the magnetic field measurement, the magnetometer usually mounted on the rocket and the satellite, and based on the ground observatory. The magnetometer is a useful instrument for the spacecraft attitude control and the Earth's magnetic field measurements for the scientific purpose. In this paper, we present the preliminary design and the test results of the two onboard magnetometers of KARl's (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) sounding rocket, KSR­III, which will be launched during the period of 2001-02. The KSR-III magnetometers consist of the fluxgate magnetometer, MAG/AIM (Attitude Information Magnetometer) for acquiring the rocket flight attitude information, and of the search-coil magnetometer, MAG/SIM (Scientific Investigation Magnetometer) for the observation of the Earth's magnetic field fluctuations. With the MAG/AIM, the 3-axis attitude information can be acquired by the comparison of the resulting dc magnetic vector fields with the IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field). The Earth's magnetic field fluctuations ranging from 10 to 1,000 Hz can also be observed with the MAG/SIM measurement.

      • KCI등재

        KSR-III 과학 관측 로켓 자력계(MAG/AIM & SIM)의 초기 시험 모델 개발

        김효민,장민환,손대락,이동훈,김선미,황승현 한국천문학회 2000 天文學論叢 Vol.15 No.3

        It is realized that the extraterrestrial matter is in ionized state, plasma, so the matter of this kind behaves as not expected because of its sensitiveness to electric and magnetic fields and its ability to carry electric currents. This kind of subtle change can be observed by an instrument for the magnetic field measurement, the magnetometer usually mounted on the rocket and the satellite, and based on the ground observatory. The magnetometer is a useful instrument for the spacecraft attitude control and the Earth's magnetic field measurements for the scientific purpose. In this paper, we present the preliminary design and the test results of the two onboard magnetometers of KARl's (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) sounding rocket, KSR­III, which will be launched during the period of 2001-02. The KSR-III magnetometers consist of the fluxgate magnetometer, MAG/AIM (Attitude Information Magnetometer) for acquiring the rocket flight attitude information, and of the search-coil magnetometer, MAG/SIM (Scientific Investigation Magnetometer) for the observation of the Earth's magnetic field fluctuations. With the MAG/AIM, the 3-axis attitude information can be acquired by the comparison of the resulting dc magnetic vector fields with the IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field). The Earth's magnetic field fluctuations ranging from 10 to 1,000 Hz can also be observed with the MAG/SIM measurement.

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