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      • KCI등재

        재활프로그램이 슬관절 골관절염 환자의 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향

        김혜인,천승철,김용선,Kim, Hye-In,Chun, Seung-Chul,Kim, Yong-Seon 대한물리치료과학회 2006 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigerate the changes of isokinetic muscular function in elderly people who have been to take from osteoarthritis in both knee joints after 36 weeks' rehabilitative therapy programs. In this study the subjects were 20 women residing in S-Tower(n=10) and H-welfare Town(n=10) respectively. The rehabilitative group(equal to experimental group) had taken part in exercise program 5 days per week. And then was performed by warm up, workout(involving aerobic exercise and weight training), cool down, physical therapy(cryotherapy, TENS, ultrasound). Also its programs were classified in conditioning phase($0{\sim}12$ weeks), improvement phase($13{\sim}24$ weeks), and maintenance phase($25{\sim}36$ weeks) respectively. The results of inspections were as followed: In the isokinetic muscular function, there were significant differences in right leg's flexor and extensor in $60^{\circ}$/sec. And there were significant differences in right leg's flexor and left leg's extensor in $180^{\circ}$/sec. At last, there were significant differences in right leg's flexor and left leg's extensor in $240^{\circ}$/sec. In other words, the rehabilitative programs for 36 weeks could increase the muscular function in elderly with OA. In conclusion, the rehabilitative programs of this paper has shown the positive results, which involved in the muscular function variables in elderly people with OA in both knee.

      • KCI등재

        기술가치 평가기반 R&D 우선순위 선정 방법론 개발: 정보보안기술을 중심으로

        장혜진 ( Hye Jin Jang ),김혜인 ( Hye In Kim ),정유진 ( Yu Jin Jeong ),이기은 ( Kee Eun Lee ),윤병운 ( Byung Un Yoon ) (주)엘지씨엔에스(구 LGCNS 엔트루정보기술연구소) 2015 Entrue Journal of Information Technology Vol.14 No.3

        최근 보안침해사고로 인한 보안 위협이 증가함에 따라 정보보안 기술개발이 활발하게 진행되고 있으나 R&D 우선순위 평가에 있어 미래가치 측정, 기술 고유의 특성 반영 등을 포함한 체계적인 방법론은 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연구는 정보보안기술의 특성을 반영한 기술가치평가 및 R&D 우선순위 선정 방법론을 개발하고자 한다. 기술가치평가는 기술자체에 대한 기술성을 평가한 후, 이를 연계하여 기술의 시장성을 수익접근법을 통해 평가하였고, R&D 우선순위 평가는 기술가치평가 결과를 점수화한 뒤, 공익성평가와 연구개발의 추진 적합성을 평가하여 가중합을 통해 도출한다. 개발된 방법론의 타당성을 검증하기 위해 세 개의 분석기술을 선정하여 사례분석을 수행한다. 본 연구결과는 정보보안기술의 연구개발에 대한 의사결정 및 기술개발 방향성을 제시하고, 체계적인 연구개발 우선순위를 선정하는 데 도움을 줄 것이다. Increasing the security threat in recent days, the importance of information security technology is emphasized. R&D activities about information security technology became active, but there is little systematic methodology in prioritizing the R&D projects. This study develops a methodology for setting priority of R&D projects based on the technology valuation, focusing on information securi-ty technology. The technology valuation includes technological value, which is connected to market value through income approach. R&D priority evaluation is firstly grading the technology valuation, secondly estimating public interests reflecting the characteristics of the technology, thirdly assessing the suitability of R&D projects. At last, final results of R&D priorities are calculated by the weighted sums of scorings of all three indicators, which are technology valuation, public interests and suitability of R&D projects. Developed methodology is verified by applying three technologies with case studies. Research results will help for decision makers prioritize the technology with systematic approach and provide the direction of technological development in business or research in-stitutes.

      • KCI등재

        독거노인 지원 개선을 위한 서비스 디자인 제안

        유다미 ( Yu Da-mi ),김혜인 ( Kim Hye-in ),박진원 ( Park Jin-won ),이사랑 ( Lee Sa-rang ),하효정 ( Ha Hyo-jung ),윤재영 ( Yun Ray Jae-young ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회 2016 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.57 No.-

        우리나라는 이미 2000년에 고령화사회에 접어 들었고 2026년에는 초고령사회로 접어들 것으로 예상된다. 늘어나는 노인의 수 만큼이나 독거노인과 그 문제가 심각해지고 있지만 그에 대한 지원 및 관리는 매우 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제를 해소하기 위해 독거노인의 증가에 따라 발생되는 문제를 알아보고 그 해결방안으로 봉사와 기부에 상대적으로 호의적인 청년(학생)층을 유입할 수 있는 서비스 디자인을 제안한다. 연구방법으로는 관찰조사를 통하여 독거노인, 청년(학생), 어르신 돌봄 센터와 같은 이해관계자를 도출하고, 설문조사 및 심층 인터뷰 통하여 각 이해 관계자 간에 발생하는 문제점을 발견하였다. 문제점을 해소하기 위해 크게 `봉사하기`, `기부하기` 기능으로 나누어 신청단계를 간소화하였다. 또한 시간기부인 봉사를 통해 획득한 `베리` 포인트는 물질적으로 지정기부를 할 수 있도록 기획하였다. 이와 같은 기능들을 모바일앱 프로토타입으로 제작 하였고 1차, 2차에 걸친 사용성 테스트를 진행했다. 결과적으로 본 연구가 독거노인 문제 해소와 청년들을 대상으로 한 새로운 기부문화 창출에 기여할 것으로 기대한다. Korea already became a fast aging society in 2000 and there is a forecast of becoming a super-aged society by 2026. As the number of the aged increases, the issue related with the increasing number of elderly people living alone and aging society is becoming more serious but there is an insufficiency in supporting senior citizens and managing the situation. The purpose of this study is to identify problems occurred by the increasing number of elderly people living alone to obtain a solution for the problems and suggest a service design to attract young people in their 20s, who is more likely to favor voluntary service and donation for solution. For a study method, an observational study was conducted with selecting people who are engaged in senior care center, students in their 20s, and elderly people living alone and conducting questionnaire and in-depth interview with them and the problems occurred among those interested parties. The application steps were being simplified by dividing them into major categories, `performing voluntary service` and `donating`, to solve the problems. Also, `berry` points obtained by a voluntary service, which is an essentially time-donating, is available for designated financial donation. Those functions were manufactured as a mobile application prototype and first and second usability tests were conducted. As a result, it is expected that this study will contribute to creation of new donation culture with students in their 20s and solution for elderly people living alone.

      • KCI등재

        확장적 교육환경으로서의 디지털 시대의 참여적 박물관 : 소셜미디어와 게임 활용 사례를 통한 참여 환경에 관한 연구

        김혜인(Hye-In, Kim) 한국문화교육학회 2020 문화예술교육연구 Vol.15 No.5

        코로나-19로 인한 ‘사회적 거리두기’로 박물관계는 유례없는 휴관과 함께 디지털환경 및 활동구축에 집중할 수밖에 없게 되었다. 포스트코로나시대가 일상적 활동 및 물리적 공간활동을 선택하는 기준을 변화시킬 것이란 전망 속에, ‘참여’의 개념과 단계설계의 재구성이 중요하게 논의되고 있다. 본 연구는 디지털 기술의 발전과 향유방식의 변화를 반영한 새로운 ‘참여적 박물관’ 의 필요를 전제로 하여, 시공간에 구애받지 않고 개인화된 체험과 사회화된 참여를 제공하는 박물관 4.0세대의 모습을 어떻게 실천할 수 있을지에 관한 것이다. 그 사례로 미국 게티센터의‘#gettymuseumchallenge’, 영국 브리스톨박물관의 ‘Hidden Museum’사례를 선정하여 니나 사이몬의 참여의 5단계 모델‘과 마크 윌하이머의 ’박물관 4.0세대 모델‘의 요소들이 어떻게 구현되고 있는지를 연구하였다. 두 사례는 모두 내용과 형식의 상이에도 불구하고, 참여적 박물관의 모습과 역할을 설정하는 방식에서 명확한 공통점을 가지고 있다. 개인적 참여와 사회적 참여의 융합, 박물관과 관람객 간/관람객 과 관람객 간의 상호관계 설정, 시공간의 제한없는 확장적인 박물관 경험의 기회 제공의 모습을 보여준 사례를 보여준다. 이를 통해 참여적 박물관의 역할과 요건을 이루는 기준, 디지털 시대와 관계형성문화의 변화의 흐름 속의 참여적 박물관의 개념과 조건을 탐색해보고자 하였다. Since the Social Distancing is in place across the world consequent to the global outbreak of COVID-19, museums are forced to be closed, not knowing when they will reopen. With limited options to choose from, museums inevitably have to focus on setting up a dedicated digital environment and developing digital-based activities. Particularly, in an outlook that people will be subject to new standards for choosing physical spaces for their daily activities in the post-corona era, it has been considered critical not only in our society but also in the museum community to redefine the concept of participation and redesign the stages of participation and engagement. On the premise that a new approach of participatory museum is necessary to go with the advancement of digital technologies and changes in the ways of enjoying such technologies, this study is intended to figure out what it takes to develop and settle an environment for Museum 4.0 that will provide customized experiences and socialized participation free from the constraints of time and space. This study reviews 2 cases, which are #gettymuseumchallenge by Getty Center in the United States that exemplifies the characteristics of social media-based participatory museums which started to grow since the outbreak of COVID-19, and Hidden Museum by Bristol Museum in the United Kingdom that shows how the concepts of Nina Simon s Five Stages of Engagement and Mark Walhaimer s Museum 4.0 are applied in practice to museums. Although these 2 cases differ from each other in content and format, they have clear commonalities with respect to how participatory museums should look like and what such museums should do, which can be summarized as Converge personal and social participation; Set relationships not only between the museum and visitors but among visitors; and Provide opportunities for expansive museum experience free from time and space constraints. With these cases, this study tries to identify criteria for roles and requirements of participatory museums so as to examine the concept and prerequisites for such museums in the digital era in which our relationship-forming culture is changing.

      • KCI등재

        기억의 변방, 증언(testimony)으로서의 글쓰기

        김혜인(Kim, Hye In) 동악어문학회 2014 동악어문학 Vol.63 No.-

        포로는 인권과 생명을 관리하고 운영하는 국가의 통치 권력과 밀접하게 관련되어 있다. 시베리아 억류 조선인 포로들은 소련 정부에 의해 수용소라는 예외상태 속에서 생존 혹은 죽음을 영위했다. 제국-식민지 체제의 해체와 냉전 체제로의 전환 과정에서 발생했던 새로운 형태의 기민(饑民)이었던 시베리아 억류 조선인 귀환자의 존재?기억은 탈식민 민족국가 및 자유주의국가 남한의 대문자 역사에서 억압되고 망각되어 왔다. 이런 점에서 20세기 한국의 트라우마적 자기 내러티브의 한 장르로도 볼 수 있는 시베리아 억류 조선인 포로 수기는 그간 공적 역사에서 망각되고 억압되었던 개별 역사-기억에 대한 복원과 동시에, 마이너리티의 자기 재현(self-representation), 삶 글쓰기(life-writing)을 통한 자아 정체성 구축 과정에 대한 고구(考究)의 차원에서 중요하다. 이 글은 이러한 문제의식 아래 시베리아 억류 조선인 포로 수기를 탈식민과 냉전 체제 하 한국인의 트라우마적 자기 내러티브의 한 양상으로 바라보며, 그 수기에 나타난 내러티브 구축 방식 및 자기 구축 과정을 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 ‘살아남은 자’의 글쓰기에 증언의 형식으로 기술된 ‘인간으로서의 자기 증명’이 시베리아의 혹독한 추위와 굶주림, 노동 등에 관한 그 어떤 사실적 기술보다 현대 한국의 역사적 상흔을 응시하게 만들고 있음을 논의하였다. Captives are closely related to the ruling power of a nation, which manages and operates human rights and life. Joseon Captives who were detained in Siberia survived or died in an exceptional condition, namely a camp of the Soviet government. The existence and memory of these new forms of starved people generated by the deconstruction of imperialism-colony system and process of transition to Cold War have been suppressed and forgotten in the history of the postcolonizing nation-state and liberal country, South Korea. In this sense, the memoirs intermittently but continuously produced by them from the 50s to the 90s are important. The memoirs of Korean Captives who were detained in Siberia, which can be a genre of traumatic self-narrative in the 20th century Korea have its significance in searching for the restoration of individual history-memory which have been forgotten and suppressed, and selfrepresentation of minorities at the same time, as well as building ego identity through life-writing. Under such a critical awareness, this article views the memoirs of Joseon Captives who were detained in Siberia as the pattern of the traumatic self-narrative of Koreans under post-colonization and the cold war system, and it reviews the narrative construction pattern and self-construction process shown in the memoirs. Through this, the article discusses that “self-proving as a human”, which is described in the form of witnessing or in the form of exceeding witnessing in the writing of a “survivor”, makes us gaze at the “historical scar” of modern Korea rather than any other realistic description about the harsh cold, hunger, and labor of Siberia.

      • KCI등재후보

        인공지능 시대의 몸(body)의 민속학 ―인공지능의 죽음을 둘러싼 의례를 중심으로―

        김혜인 ( Kim Hye In ) 동서대학교 일본연구센터 2024 次世代 人文社會硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        과거 인공지능의 발달은 사이보그와 같은 유기체와 기계의 결합, 인간의 기계화와 같은 전망과 우려가 우세하였으나, 현재 인공지능의 발전상은 사뭇 다른 방향에 와 있다. 보조도구에 지나지 않던 기계는 현대인들과 라포를 형성하며 다양한 계층에서 공동체를 이루는 모습을 보인다. 본 연구는 인공지능이 인간과 사회적인 관계를 맺어감에 따라 공동체 내에서 발생하는 인공지능의 죽음을 인간의 의례로 처리하는데 초점을 맞춘다. 인공지능의 죽음에 대해 일본에서 11회째 이뤄지고 있는 SONY社의 애완로봇인 아이보(AIBO)의 장례식을 사례로 장례식의 발생 기제를 이중장제(二重葬祭) 개념을 통해 분석한다. 한편, 2023년 출시된 인공지능 프로그램 ChatGPT와 New Bing은 인간공동체의 지식습득과 전승체계의 패러다임을 바꾸며 현대사회의 파트너로서 인식되고 있다. 아이보와 같이 정서적 교감을 이루는 인공지능의 죽음이 인간공동체 내에서 의례로 다뤄지는바, 가까운 미래에 맞이할 실체 없는 인공지능의 서비스 종료, 소멸을 우리는 어떠한 방식으로 애도하게 될지 고찰해 본다. 인공지능은 기술발달과 인간과의 상호교류를 통해 ‘자연스러운 생명체’와 같은 반응체계를 갖춰가고 있다. 공동체 안에서 정서적 유대감을 쌓아나가는 인공지능의 사후를 처리하는 모습은 가까운 미래에 인류 보편의 일상으로 다가올 것으로 전망된다. In the past the development of artificial intelligence was mainly concerned about the fusion of organic and mechanical elements, or the mechanization of the human body; often characterized as cyborgs. However, the current trajectory of AI development seems to take quite a different direction. Machines were once considered mere auxiliary tools, but it is now actively engaging with human lives; it is forming rapport and community across diverse societal strata. This study focuses on the funeral rites of AI robots. As it increasingly involves in social relationships, communities commemorate the end of mechanical lifespan of AI robots in the form of human-like funeral rites. This paper examines the case of funeral rite for AIBO, an AI pet robot produced by SONY. It is held for the 11th time in Japan. I try to explain the mechanism of this ceremony through the concept of dual funeral rites. Meanwhile artificial intelligence programs such as ChatGPT and New Bing, released in 2023, are perceived as partners in modern society. It is reshaping the paradigm of knowledge acquisition and transmission within human communities. Considering the emotional communication between artificial intelligence and man, as seen in AIBO, the handling of its termination with a human-like ritual is to be focused. This study contemplates how we might mourn the termination of individual artificial intelligence services. Artificial intelligence is evolving with technological advancements and data developed through human interactions, acquiring a responsive system akin to ‘natural organism’. As we become more closely connected to AI, dealing with the termination of individual AI services is anticipated to become a commonplace problem in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        골목길 내비게이션을 위한 저가 모듈 기반의 지능형 GNSS 측위 기술 개발

        김혜인(Kim, Hye In),박관동(Park, Kwan Dong) 대한공간정보학회 2016 대한공간정보학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        도심환경이나 좁은 골목길의 경우 건물 등의 장애물에 의해 GNSS 신호가 차폐되어 충분한 개수의 가시위성 확보가 어려운 난수신환경이기 때문에 측위가 불가능하거나 측위정확도가 저하되는 문제가 발생한다. 이 연구에서는 골목길 환경에서의 위치정확도 향상 기술을 개발하고 그 성능을 검증하였다. 먼저 관측자료를 선별하고 이상점을 제거하는 알고리즘을 적용하였으며, GPS/GLONASS 복합측위를 구현하였다. 또한 위성신호의 신호강도를 나타내는 SNR을 기반으로 다중경로 신호의 영향을 최소화하는 다중경로오차 저감 기술을 적용하였다. 개발 기술의 성능검증을 위하여 인하대학교 후문에 위치한 도로폭 10m 이내의 좁은 골목길을 테스트베드로 선정하였으며, 테스트 베드 내의 4개 측점들을 대상으로 정지측위 및 이동측위를 실시하고 측위 정확도를 분석하였다. 그 결과 정지측위의 경우 개활지에서는 저가 장비인 u-blox를 사용하는 경우보다 3차원 RMSE가 평균 45% 향상되는 것을 확인하였으며, 골목길에서는 3차원 정확도가 평균 37% 향상되었다. 특히 이동측위의 경우 개발 기술을 통해 편의 없이 안정적으로 위치결정이 가능함을 확인하였다. Since GNSS signals get blocked by buildings in urban canyons or narrow alleys, it is very difficult to secure a enough number of visible satellites for satellite navigation in those poor signal-reception environments. In those situations, one cannot get their coordinates or obtain accurate positions. In this study, a couple of strategies for improving positioning accuracy in urban canyons were developed and their performance was verified. First of all, we combined GPS and GLONASS measurements together and devised algorithms to quality-control observed signals and eliminate outliers. Also, a new multipath reduction scheme was applied to minimize its effect by utilizing SNR values of the observed signals. For performance verification of the developed technique, a narrow alley of 10m width located near the back gate of the Inha University was selected as the test-bed, and then we conducted static and kinematic positioning at four pre-surveyed points. We found that our new algorithms produced an 45% improvement in an open-sky environment compared with the positioning result of a low-cost u-blox receiver. In the alleys, 3-D accuracy improved by an average of 37%. In the case of kinematic positioning, especially, biases showing up in regular receivers got eliminated significantly through our new filtering algorithms.

      • KCI등재후보

        항생제 스튜어드십 프로그램에 대한 설문조사

        김혜인 ( Hye In Kim ),김신우 ( Shin Woo Kim ),장현하 ( Hyun Ha Chang ),김홍빈 ( Hong Bin Kim ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회지 Vol.87 No.2

        Background/Aims: We evaluated the status of antibiotic stewardship programs (ASPs) for physicians. This survey was a follow-up study of data from 2006 and was performed with some new questions about ASPs. Methods: The online survey collected information on infectious diseases from doctors in 84 hospitals. The questions included some about ASPs. The data were analyzed and compared with a previous report. Results: Responses came from 40 hospitals. ASPs existed in 87.5% of these (95.5% in 2006), and a computerized preauthorization system was the most common method (85.0%, 59.1% in 2006). An antimicrobial management team existed in 33 hospitals (82.5%), and the preauthorization systems were mainly implemented by infectious disease doctors (72.5%). Incentives to set up ASPs existed in only 12.5% of hospitals (2.3% in 2006). Conclusions: Computerized preauthorization ASP systems are relatively more common. To improve the uptake of ASPs in each hospital a team approach from the medical institutions is required, along with the cooperation and willingness of those involved. (Korean J Med 2014;87:173-181)

      • 모체태아의학

        김혜인 ( Hye In Kim ),( Seonmi Nam ),( Yejin Park ),( Yun Ji Jung ),( Ha Yan Kim ),( Kyung Won Kim ),( Myung Hyun Sohn ),( Young-han Kim ),( Joon-ho Lee ),( Soo Jong Hong ),( Ja-young Kwon ) 대한산부인과학회 2020 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.106 No.-

        Objective: In this study, we evaluated the prevalence of allergic disease in offsprings delivered via the delivery modes of vaginal delivery vs. planned Cesarean section vs. Cesarean section with labor. Methods: This study included 175 mother-neonate pairs from Severance Hospital who were enrolled in the Cohort for Childhood Origin of Asthma and allergic diseases study. Information regarding prenatal environmental factors, delivery, and diagnosis of allergic diseases was obtained from a questionnaire and medical record review. Patients with at least 3 years of follow-up data were included in this study. Results were adjusted for sex, birthweight, gestational age at birth, season of birth, neonatal intensive care unit admission, parity, breastfeeding, and maternal factors. Results: A total of 175 offsprings were eligible for analysis. Among the subjects, 52.0% were delivered by vaginal delivery, 34.3% by planned Cesarean section, and 16.6% by Cesarean section with labor. Fifty-nine offsprings (33.7%) were diagnosed with allergic disease at a median age of 1 year (range 0.5-3 years). The prevalence of allergic disease was not associated with delivery mode after adjusting for confounding variables. Time period from membrane rupture to delivery, duration of the active phase, and the beginning of the pelvic division prior to Cesarean section were not associated with allergic disease development in offsprings. Conclusion: Cesarean section, irrespective of the occurrence of labor before surgery, did not increase the prevalence of allergic disease in infants up to 3 years of age.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        일반 요검사상 단백뇨가 없는 IgA 신병증의 예후

        김기현 ( Ki Hyun Kim ),김종빈 ( Jong Bin Kim ),김정민 ( Jung Min Kim ),손영기 ( Young Ki Son ),이수미 ( Su Mi Lee ),김혜인 ( Hye In Kim ),안원석 ( Won Suk An ),김성은 ( Seong Eun Kim ) 대한신장학회 2010 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.29 No.6

        Purpose: In patients with IgA nephropathy, more than 1 g/day of proteinuria is a risk factor to develop end-stage renal failure. Uncommonly, patients with IgA nephropathy exhibit negative proteinuria on routine dipstick test during follow-up examination, spontaneously or after use of ACEI or ARB. We evaluated whether no proteinuric patients have good prognosis or not. Methods: 41 patients who had no proteinuria on routine urinalysis for more than 6 months, were classified into spontaneous remission group (25 cases, SR) without any treatment and drug-induced remission group (16 cases, DR) with treatment of ACEI/ARB or both, were analyzed for clinical findings and renal function, retrospectively. We examined spot urine protein/creatinine ratio (Up/c) to evaluate exact amount of proteinuria and GFR was estimated by MDRD equation. Results: Twenty eight percent of cases in SR and 50 percent in DR showed spot Up/c 0.3-1 g/g. After follow-up of 58±41 (9-192) months in SR and 79±56 (35-192) months in DR, the stages of CKD shifted to advanced levels as follows; in SR group, 11, 10, 4 patients in stage 1 (GFR≥90 ml/min/ 1.73m2), 2 (GFR 60-89 ml/min/1.73m2), 3 (GFR 30-59 ml/min/1.73m2) to 7, 13, 5 patients, respectively; in DR, 7, 8, 1 patients in stage 1, 2, 3 to 3, 8, 5 patients, respectively. There was a tendency of slow decreasing GFR in both groups but no case progressed to CKD stage 4 and 5. Conclusion: Of IgA nephropathy patients with no proteinuria on routine urinalysis, 30-50% of patients have proteinuria 0.3-1.0 g/g on spot Up/c and there was also a risk of progression.

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