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        해방기 박영종의 동요·동시 작법론 연구 ―박영종의 동요집과 평론을 중심으로―

        김종헌 ( Kim Jong-heon ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2023 民族文化硏究 Vol.98 No.-

        이 글은 해방기에 박영종이 발표한 동요집과 평론, 해설을 견주어 읽음으로써 그의 동요관을 살피는 것이 목적이다. 해방기에 발행한 『박영종 동시집』, 『초록별』, 『현대 동요선』 등에 발표한 그의 작품과 여러 잡지에 발표한 해설과 선평 등을 확인한 결과 그는 무리하게 글자 수를 맞춰 넣는 것은 부정하면서 ‘자연스런 리듬’을 강조하였다. 즉 음수의 정형은 부정하고 음보율은 그대로 수용하였다. 한편 이들 자료에서 박영종의 동요관과 창작의 태도도 확인할 수 있다. 그 대강의 요지는 동요가 어린이 노래의 연장이고 따라서 동요에 사용되는 언어는 율동적인 리듬을 살려내야 한다는 것이다. 즉 그는 동요를 대상에 대한 글쓴이(작가)의 느낌을 전달하는 매체 기능으로 보았다. 이런 인식은 근대의 표상인 개인의 정서를 드러내는 동시로 나아가는데 한계로 다가왔다. 실제로 그의 동요는 놀이와 풍습을 시적 대상으로 하여 어린이의 귀여움과 추상적인 집단 정서가 드러난 작품이 많았다. 이러한 그의 동요관에 변화가 나타난 것은 1949년 평론 「童謠 敎材論」이다. 여기서 박영종은 동요과 동시 그리고 아동작품을 구분한다. 이상을 요약하면 리듬은 동요의 재미를 만드는 수단이고, 내면의 서정은 동시의 근간이라는 논리이다. 이런 그의 인식 때문에 그는 동요와 시를 넘나들면서 요적인 동시를 창작하였다. 따라서 박영종이 1937년에 동시로 넘어오는 전기를 마련하였다는 이재철의 평가는 수정되어야 한다. The purpose of this article is to examine Park Young-jong's view of children’s songs by comparing them with his collections of children's songs and commentary published during the liberation period. As a result of checking his works published in Park Young-jong’s children’s poem (박영종 동시집), Green Byul (초록별), and Anthology of Modern Children’s Song (현대 동요선) published during the liberation period. And his commentary and articles published in various magazines showed that he agonized over the rhythm of creative children’s songs, which deviated from the stereotype of folk songs. It emphasized ‘natural rhythm’ while denying the forced number of characters. Another material that can examine Park Young-jong’s children’s song view was his children’s song and poem commentary after liberation. In these reviews, Park Young-jong showed a similar view of children’s songs. The point is that the children’s song is an extension of a song sung by children, and therefore the language used in the children’s song should revive the rhythmic rhythm. In other words, children’s songs were viewed as a media function that simply conveys the artist’s emotions. Came to a limit in children’s poem revealing the emotions of an individual, a representation of modern times, and for a while, his works revealed children’s cuteness and abstract collective emotions with play and customs as poetic objects. It was in 1949 that his view of children’s songs changed. Here, Park Young-jong distinguishes children’s songs from children’s works. In summary, Park Young-jong was a means of making fun in children’s songs and a means of revealing inner emotions in poetry. Because of his perception, he was able to create an children’s poem by crossing children’s songs and poems. Therefore, the assessment that Park Young-jong switched to free verse rhythm in 1937 should be revised.

      • KCI등재

        탈식민주의의 해체적 문화 이론: 바바와 데리다를 중심으로

        김종헌(Jong-Heon Kim) 한국인문사회과학회 2004 현상과 인식 Vol.28 No.1ㆍ2

        Bhabha explores a colonial condition in terms of stereotype, mimicry, and hybridity, focusing on the notion of ambivalence. Although he focuses on the various aspects of postmodernism, his whole theory can be converged into Derrida's diff'erance. Thus, the author analyzes the key concepts of Bhabha' s postcolonialism within the framework of Derrida's diff'erance. Yet, it is strongly doubted whether Bhabha's refurbished notion of diff'erance serves as an alternative for the current postcolonialists cultural discourses. Bhabha finds resistance and compromise from the space of interstices, the beyond, post, bridge, namely, the third space that is equivalent to Derrida's blank or wrinkle. Bhabha demonstrates in terms of stereotype and mimicry that we cannot explain the colonial condition by means of one-sided relationship of control and obedience. It is because the stereotype of a colonial discourse refuses any finite boundaries within 'diff'erance of play', and bears an ambivalence. It is also because the mimicry gives the ruled only partial identification and ends up with a project of resistance. Furthermore, Bahaba argues that the hybridity becomes more aggressive as it takes the form of metonymical representation as mimicry does. But it is rather to be pointed out that Bahaba's attempt possibly nullifies the whole ground of resistance itself due to the ambiguity of the truth judgment in Derrida's diff'erance which goes beyond the very notion of truth. These theoretical limitations lead to a negative description of Bhabha's cultural theory as a conspiratorial postcolonialism. Nevertheless, it is to be suggested that it is worth while to note that Bhabha explores a new way of postcolonialists cultural reading through contingency and indeterminacy.<br/>

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        외부장착 계측포드를 사용한 비행적합성 자료 분석기법 연구

        김종헌(Jong-Heon Kim),전우철(Oo-Chul Jun),전승문(Seung-Moon Jun) 한국항공우주학회 2005 韓國航空宇宙學會誌 Vol.33 No.8

        외부장착 계측포드를 사용한 비행 적합성 시험 결과의 분석 기법을 연구하였다. 자체적으로 개발한 계측포드로부터 획득한 센서 원시자료와 MIL-STD-1553B 원시자료를 각각 별 도의 방법으로 분석하였으며, 센서 자료의 보정, 동조 및 동기화를 통해 서로 다른 형태의 두 자료를 동시에 분석할 수 있도록 하였다. 분석 자료의 타당성 평가 결과, 자료가 항공기의 거동을 잘 구현하고 있었으며 실제 비행에서 수행한 자료값과 잘 일치하였다. Analysis technique of flight compatibility test results using instrumented pod for external store is studied. Raw data of sensors and MIL-STD-1553B acquired from instrumented pod are analyzed separately. Besides, tuning and synchronization of sensor data enable the analysis of those two type of data simultaneously. Evaluation of analysis result shows that the analyzed data represent maneuvers of the aircraft successfully and agree the values of the real flight tests.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 대구·경북 지역 아동문학 연구 : 〈한국아동문학가협회〉와〈대구아동문학회〉를 중심으로

        김종헌(Kim, Jong-heon) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2014 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.14

        The purpose of this research is to study how the children’s literature in Daegu-Kyeongbuk area accepted the new discourse of〈The Association of Writer at Korea children’s Literature(The Association of Writer)〉. As commonly known, the children’s literature in 1970s developed between the polarity of conservatism and progressivism. This was triggered by the establishment of〈The Association of Writer〉led by Lee Won-soo and〈The Association of Korea children’s Literature(The Association)〉led by Kim Young-il. After establishment,〈The Association of Writer〉published the organ『Hanguk Adong munhak』the following year in september, 1972. On the other hand,〈The Association〉published『Adong munhak』as their organ. In the meantime,〈The Association of Writer〉brought up the common touch and nature of children’s Literature to the surface. Meanwhile, Kim Sung-do became the second president of〈The Society of Daegu children’s Literature〉. The society expanded because of various reasons such as join of many rising authors. Although their turf was in region, they kept on their activity enthusiastically, mutually interchanging with the central children’s literary world. This is the point of departure of this study. By understanding the tendency of the local children’s literature, it could complement a feature of the Korean children’s literature. The local children’s literary world at the time was in a state of confusion about ‘common touch’. It is an instance which shows that the discussion about ‘common touch’ and ‘ethnicity’ of the children’s literature, which was brought up by〈The Association of Writer〉, was not accepted fully even in the association itself. Thus, although most of the authors in the region were the member of the association, discussion about the ‘common touch’ of children’s literary world could not become widespread. However, it is obvious that at the beginning of 1970s, based on the coterie awareness of〈The Society of Daegu children’s Literature〉where Lee Eung-chang and Kim Seung-do were working as the symbolic capital of the region, the children’s literary world in Daegu-Kyeongbuk contributed a lot to the establishment of 〈The Association of Writer〉.

      • KCI등재

        항공기 날개 연료탱크의 수압램 전투손상 해석연구

        김종헌(Jong-Heon Kim),전승문(Seung-Moon Jun) 한국항공우주학회 2006 韓國航空宇宙學會誌 Vol.34 No.4

        항공기의 주요 발사체 전투손상 중 하나이며 기체 생존성 설계에 중요한 영향을 미치는 수압램을 연구하였다. 수압램의 기본 개념과 물리적 원리, 연구사례를 조사하였다. 간단한 형상의 연료탱크 및 전투기 날개모델(ICW, Intermediate Complexity Wing)에 대해 발사체 관통 및 내부폭발 해석을 수행하였다. 구조-유체 간에 파손이 고려된 General 커플링과 커플링 면간의 상호작용을 정의하여, 구조의 파열과 유체의 터짐을 해석상에서 구현하였다. 유체 압력, 탱크 응력과 변형 등의 해석결과를 보였으며, 연구결과를 토대로 향후 가능성을 제시하였다. Hydrodynamic ram of aircraft fuel tanks is one of main ballistic battle damages of an aircraft and has great importance to airframe survivability design. Basic concept, physics and research history of hydrodynamic ram are investigated. The penetration and internal detonation of a simple fuel tank and ICW(Intermediate Complexity Wing) are analyzed by computational method. Structural rupture and fluid burst are analytically realized using general coupling and coupling surface interaction. The results such as fluid pressure, tank stress and displacement are shown and future research chances are suggested based on the study.

      • 한국주재 러시아 총영사 플란손의 착임과정에서 제기된 인가장 부여 문제에 관한 연구

        김종헌 ( Jong Heon Kim ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 2011 사총 Vol.72 No.-

        George de Planson was the Russian Consul-General in Seoul from 1906 to 1908 year. The name of the Korean Emperor was written on Plason`s patent. It means. that Russia has not recognized the right of Japan to a protectorate over Korea. Therefore, Japan could not accept such diplomatic action Russia. Japan used the occasion to resolve a question of Japanese right for protectorate over Korea. After the Russo-japanese war in 1904-1905 Portsmouth peace treaty was concluded between Russia and Japan. Russia believe that independence of Korea is not ignored by this treaty. And also believe the treaties, which signed in 1884 and 1888 years between Russia and Korea, still have the force. Therefore, by the insistence of russian government, the Russian Consul-General in Seoul would have to get his exequatur from the Foreign Office of korean government in Seoul. Japan could not accept that russian argument. Russo-japanese diplomatic war over Korea began. Especially, marquis Ito thought that Russia deliberately ignores the rights of Japan in Korea. And he did not want, that this case become a precedent for non-recognition of Japan`s right to protection on Korea. But this problem has been solved surprisingly. The new minister of foreign affairs of Russia, Izbolskii has pursued pro-English policy and on the extension of this policy he also pursued pro-Japan policy. He accepted all requests from Japan. So He agreed with issue of new patent for Planson and receipt of Plason`s exequatur from Japanese Government. However, the question of treaties between Korea and Russia had no resolution. Therefore, Japan had to sign another two new treaties with Russia in 1907 and 1910 year.

      • KCI등재

        석면 폐기물 처리 특허기술 분석

        김종헌,조진동,이상권,차성기,Kim, Jong-Heon,Cho, Jin-Dong,Lee, Sang-Kwon,Cha, Seong-Ki 대한자원환경지질학회 2011 자원환경지질 Vol.44 No.5

        석면은 내화성, 전기에 대한 절연성 및 화학약품에 대한 저항성이 강하여 산업 전반에 걸쳐 다양한 용도로 우리의 생활 주변에서 흔히 사용되어 왔다. 그러나 석면은 석면섬유형태에 따라 독성을 보여주고 있다. 본 논문은 석면 폐기물의 처리 기술과 환경오염 문제해결을 위한 기술동향 정보를 제공할 목적으로 KISTI에서 운영하는 특허 검색시스템을 사용하여 DWPI Database에서 석면 폐기물 처리기술을 검색 및 분석을 하였다. 그 결과, 석면 폐기물 처리에 관련 특허 분석 대상은 267건 검색되었다. 이들 중 고형 폐기물 처리(B09B)분야에서 86건(32.5%), 분리(B01D)분야에서 44건(16.6%) 및 석회, 마그네시아, 슬래그, 시멘트 및 그 조성물(C04B)분야에서 27건(10.2%)을 보여 주었다. Asbestos or its applications have been used for long times and for various purposes in our life because of their merits, namely fire resistance, electric insulation and chemical resistance capacity etc. Despite of theses many merits, one of the problems of asbestos is shown toxicity according to its fiber type. So we need data to solve about this problem. In this paper, we study on the technical method of asbestos waste treatment and on the trends of asbestos researches and developments by the analysis of its patents and DWPI database materials. As a result, the asbestos-waste treatment data in the its related patents is used 267 cases to analyze. These data are divided into 86(32.5%) cases of solid waste disposal(B09B). 41(16.6%) cases of separation(B01D) and 27(10.2%) of lime, magnesia, slag, cement and their composites(C04B).

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