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      • KCI우수등재

        사회불안감이 뉴스 이용 양상에 미치는 영향: 재난 뉴스 이용량의 매개효과

        김국주,김수명,김정현 한국방송학회 2024 한국방송학보 Vol.38 No.2

        본 연구는 국가적 재난 상황이 뉴스 이용 양상에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구로, 재난 뉴스 이용량의매개효과를 살펴보고자 하였다. 구체적으로는 재난 상황에서 사회 불안감, 재난 뉴스 이용량이 과몰입과 같은 뉴스 이용 양상에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 만 19∼64세 국내 성인남녀를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 사회 불안감, 뉴스 이용량, 뉴스 과몰입을 측정하였다. 연구결과를 통해 사회 불안감이 뉴스 과몰입 양상을 증가시키는 것을 확인했으며, 재난 뉴스 이용량이이러한 관계를 매개하는 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 재난 상황에서 뉴스의 과도한 소비가불안을 증폭시키는 부정적인 순환을 만들 수 있는 것으로 보인다. 본 연구는 뉴스 과몰입을 줄이고자 하는 사용자들과 실무자들에게 유용한 지침과 정보를 제공한다는 데 의의가 있다. This study examines the impact of national disaster situations on patterns of news usage, with a particular focus on investigating the mediating effect of disasterrelated news volume. Through meticulous analysis, it explores how social anxiety intertwines with disaster news usage to shape patterns of news over-engagement during disaster situations. A comprehensive survey was administered among a diverse demographic of domestic adults aged 19 to 64, assessing levels of social anxiety, news usage, and news over-engagement. The findings confirmed a notable correlation, indicating that heightened levels of social anxiety increases the tendency toward news over-engagement, with disaster news usage serving as a crucial mediator in this relationship. In other words, excessive news usage during disaster situations appears to perpetuate a detrimental cycle that exacerbates anxiety. This study hold substantial significance in providing practical guidelines and insights for both individuals and professionals seeking to mitigate news overengagement.

      • KCI등재

        Direct fabrication of copper patterns by reactive inkjet printing

        김국주,안성일,최경철 한국물리학회 2013 Current Applied Physics Vol.13 No.9

        Reactive inkjet printing (RIP) was applied to fabricate arbitrary copper (Cu) patterns. RIP prints reactive inks which can provide desired materials after the reaction on a substrate. Here, Cu precursors and reducing agents were dissolved together in one solution as a printable ink instead of conventional Cu nanoparticle inks. The prepared reactive ink was applied to the RIP method to provide dot arrays, lines,and films of Cu. The synthesis of Cu was confirmed to occur successfully by thorough analysis. The RIP method can reduce the process cost and resolve critical drawbacks of the conventional inkjet printing such as a nozzle clogging problem. Furthermore, utilizing reactive precursor inks broadens the choice of materials that can be processed by inkjet printing.

      • KCI등재

        Nanomaterial-based stretchable and transparent electrodes

        김국주,현병관,장지욱,조은진,박영근,박장웅 한국정보디스플레이학회 2016 Journal of information display Vol.17 No.4

        The recent advent of unprecedented wearable applications engendered the need for stretchable electronics, which can be realized by making the individual components stretchable. The transparent conducting electrode is one of the most important components of optoelectronic devices. Therefore, developing transparent electrodes in a stretchable form is essential for the implementation of stretchable electronics. In this paper, the recent efforts in the development of stretchable and transparent electrodes, particularly those using nanomaterials such as metal nanowires, metal nanofibers, and carbon nanotubes are introduced.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of the Non-linear Stress-Strain Behavior of RAP Concrete on Structural Responses for Rigid Pavement Application

        김국주,천상현,박봉석,티아 맹 한국도로학회 2017 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        PURPOSES: This study is primarily focused on evaluating the effects of the non-linear stress-strain behavior of RAP concrete on structural response characteristics as is applicable to concrete pavement. METHODS : A 3D FE model was developed by incorporating the actual stress-strain behavior of RAP concrete obtained via flexural strength testing as a material property model to evaluate the effects of the non-linear stress-strain behavior to failure on the maximum stresses in the concrete slab and potential performance prediction results. In addition, a typical linear elastic model was employed to analyze the structural responses for comparison purposes. The analytical results from the FE model incorporating the actual stress-strain behavior of RAP concrete were compared to the corresponding results from the linear elastic FE model. RESULTS : The results indicate that the linear elastic model tends to yield higher predicted maximum stresses in the concrete as compared to those obtained via the actual stress-strain model. Consequently, these higher predicted stresses lead to a difference in potential performance of the concrete pavement containing RAP. CONCLUSIONS : Analysis of the concrete pavement containing RAP demonstrated that an appropriate analytical model using the actual stress-strain characteristics should be employed to calculate the structural responses of RAP concrete pavement instead of simply assuming the concrete to be a linear elastic material.

      • KCI등재

        의사결정론을 통한 EMP 방호대책 및 수준 판단방안 제시에 관한 연구

        김국주,박상우,백장운,박영준 한국건축시공학회 2019 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        한반도 안보상황에서 주변국들에 의한 EMP 위협이 고조되는 상황에서 EMP 방호시설은 군의 작전수행능력을보장할 수 있는 매우 중요한 수단이다. 이러한 EMP 방호시설은 작전을 수행하는 부대의 다양한 요소들을 종합적고려하여 구축하여야 한다. 하지만 현 군·관의 EMP 방호기준은 80dB의 일률적인 차폐효율만을 요구하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 전문가 집단의 의견을 통해 객관적이고 통계적 방법을 사용하여 방호요구수준의 고려사항을 재선정하고자 한다. 연구방법은 델파이기법을 사용하였으며, 53명의 EMP방호 설계기준과 관련 있는 전문가들을 선정하였다. 1차 설문은 EMP 방호의 적정수준에 대하여 조사하였고, 2차 설문은 방호대책 수립시 고려요소에 대하여 분석하였다. 채택된 전문가의 의견에 대해 요인분석을 실시한 결과, EMP 방호요구수준 설정시 METT+TC 요소를고려하여야 한다는 것을 확인하였다. In the context of increasing threats of EMP by neighboring countries in the security situation on the Koreanpeninsula, EMP protection facilities are a very important means of ensuring military operational capability. These EMPprotection facilities should be constructed by comprehensively judging various factors about operation units. However,Defense Military Facilities Criteria and National Technical Guideline for EMP protection require at least 80dB shieldingeffectiveness without considering other options. In this study, we use objective and statistical methods to refine theconsideration of the required EMP protection level based on the opinions of the experts. To do this, the Delphitechnique is used for this study, and the survey was conducted from 53 experts related to EMP protection standardin the military and civilian sectors. The first questionnaire investigated the appropriate level of EMP protection, andthe second questionnaire analyzed the factors considered in establishing EMP protection level. As a result of thefactor analysis on the opinions of the experts, it was concluded that the EMP protection requirement level should bedetermined by variables of METT + TC.

      • KCI우수등재

        지하 핵 방호시설 구축 필요성 및 요구능력 도출 연구

        김국주,이상규,박영준 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.36 No.10

        본 연구에서는 유럽의 중립 강소국인 스웨덴의 핵무기 방호전략의 변천과정을 통해 한국의 핵 방호전략에 대해 고찰하였다. 또한 한국형 지하 핵무기 방호시설의 발전방향과 요구능력을 의사결정론에 입각한 델파이(Delphi) 기법을 통해 도출하였다. 델파이 분석을 위해 선정된 21명의 전문가 그룹에 의해 핵 방호시설 요구능력을 도출하였다. 한국형 지하 핵 방호시설 구축을 위해서는 한반도라는 전략적 종심이 부재한 지역적 특성을 고려하여 대피시간 5분을 기준으로 250m 이내에 설치하여야 한다는 요구조건을 도출하였다. 또한 핵무기의 가공할 위력을 고려하여 지하 10m(암반 7m) 이상의 깊이에 최소 14일의 대피능력이 요구되었다. 핵폭발 이후 누적 방사능 총량의 80% 정도가 최초 14일간에 나타나기 때문에 폭심지역을 제외한 낙진오염지역에서 방사능 피폭을 방지할 수 있을 만큼 방사능 선량이 감소하는데 필요한 시간이다. 대피기간 14일 간 필요한 충분한 식수와 식량이 비축되어야 할 것이며 내부인원의 생존을 위해 환기와 방폭 설비가 반드시 필요한 것으로 확인되었다. This study examined the need for a transition of South Korea's nuclear defense strategy through a review of Sweden's nuclear protectionstrategies. Then, the required operational capabilities of the Korean underground nuclear shelters were derived through the Delphi techniquebased on decision-making theory. A group of 21 experts on military and civil protection facilities had been selected for Delphi analysis. As aresult, the following required capabilities were derived: ① Shelters shall be installed within 250 meters of the evacuation time based onfive-minute; ② At least 14 days of evacuation period are required at a depth of more than 15 meters (7 meters of rock); ③ The ventilationsystem with NBC filter and blast proof facilities are essential for the survival of evacuees; ④ Three-liters of drinking water per person,diesel emergency generators, radio, telephone, fire-fighting equipment were derived.

      • KCI등재

        유한요소해석을 이용한 한국군 K-1전차하중에 대한 아스팔트 포장재의 Top-down 균열 거동에 대한 연구

        김국주,천상현,박봉석,김주희 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2016 한국군사학논집 Vol.72 No.1

        In this study, a Finite Element (FE) model was developed to evaluate the top-down cracking behavior for asphalt pavement under Korean Army K-1 battle tank loads. In particular, the FE model developed includes “seam” along the crack length that allows the dual nodes at the same position and it creates two separate faces along the crack. Based on the analyses of stress distribution, it was found that higher magnitude of transverse tensile stress with depth occurred when crack is presented at the pavement surface. However, the existence of crack seems not have significant effect on transverse stress distribution for far away region. Also, it was identified that both longer crack length and greater stiffness gradient between the top and bottom of asphalt concrete (AC) layer are critical conditions for top-down cracking propagation. Based on the results analyzed, it was concluded that the FE model developed was able to provide reasonable and rational prediction in terms of the effect of the K-1 tank loads on characteristics for top-down cracking of asphalt pavement. In practice, the effect of these heavy loads can be potentially minimized by considering operation time to when the AC layer exhibits minimum daily temperature differential (e.g. from 9 am to 12 am as well as from 11 pm to 2 am). 본 연구는 유한요소해석법을 이용하여 한국군 K-1 전차 하중 하에서 아스팔트 포장의 Top-down cracking 거동 특성에 대하여 평가하였다. 특히, 아스팔트 포장의 균열 현상은 "Seam" 기법을 이용하여 모사하였다. 유한요소해석을 통해 얻어진 응력분포 분석결과에 의하면 포장 표면에 균열이 존재하는 경우 깊이에 따른 횡방향 인장응력이 크게 발생하였다. 그러나, 하중 영향권에서 멀리 떨어질수록 포장 표면의 균열 존재 여부가 횡방향 인장응력 분포에 미치는 영향은 매우 작았다. 반면, 균열의 길이와 아스팔트 표층의 상부와 하부 간 강성 분포도의 차이가 Top-down cracking 진행에 중대한 영향을 미치는 요소임이 밝혀졌다. 본 연구에서 개발된 유한요소해석 모델은 K-1 전차 하중 하에서 포장체의 Top-down cracking 거동 특성을 예측하는데 있어서 효과적으로 적용될 수 있을 것으로 판단하며, 실제로 포장체의 상부와 하부의 온도차에 따른 강성 분포도의 차이가 최소가 되는 시간대(즉 오전 9시~정오, 오후 11시~오전 2시)에 전차를 기동함으로써 아스팔트 포장의 파손을 최소화 할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.

      • KCI등재

        요통에서의 pressure biofeedback unit(stabilizer)를 사용한 안정화 운동

        김국주,공관우,권순오,장용근,황희준,박준기,Kim, Gook-Joo,Kong, Kwan-Woo,Kwon, Sun-Oh,Jang, Yong-Geun,Hwang, Hee-Jun,Park, Jun-Ki 대한물리치료과학회 2012 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Purpose : This study aimed to acquire a basic knowledge about lumbar stability and inquire into exercise approach of pressure biofeedback unit for lumbar stability. Methods : This study was composed with reviewed theory of lumbar stability and several books and articles for exercise using pressure biofeedback unit. Results : The stability of lumbar should work symmetrical with passive, active, control subsystem in neutral zone, and local muscles should be using for stability. Especially, selective using of transverse abdominis work for lumbar stability importantly. The control of using pressure biofeedback unit may important not only examination but treatment. Conclusion : The stability of lumbar need co-contraction of specific local muscle and training for timing as well as using pressure biofeedback unit for accurate control may use for examination and therapedic approach.

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