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      • 논문 : 1950년 한미경제안정위원회의 설립과 안정화정책의 성격

        권혁은 ( Hyuk Eun Kwon ) 서울대학교 국사학과 2012 韓國史論 Vol.58 No.-

        This study examines the process of the Korean-American Economic Stabilization Committee and the meaning of the committee`s stabilization policy. The Korean-American Economic Stabilization Committee was the pathway which the Economic Cooperation Administration(ECA) could directly intervene in the economic policy of Korea. Although the committee`s main work was to combat inflation, it actually sought to rationalize fiscal management and recognize prices necessary to balance international payments. The goal of the ECA project in Korea was to balance international payments in three years. Therefore, the stabilization policy in 1950 meant a rapid internal adjustment of the economy. ECA project was launched by the Korean American Economic Aid Agreement in December 194IIIThe agreement stated that the ECA could be involved in the overall economic policy. However, the ECA did not have a direct pathway that influenced the policy making course. The ECA`s role was limited by an advisor, which made it difficult to adjust the Korean economy and achieve their goal in 1949. In 1949, when the rice prices increased rapidly and inflation crisis was on the verge of breaking out, the American government pressured the Korean government to establish a Korean-American Economic Stabilization Committee and authorize the committee to operate an action countering the inflation entirely. As a result, the committee made every possible economic policy in the name of stabilization from January to June 1950. The stabilization policy focused on rationalizing fiscal management and recognizing a price level. Although the major cause of inflation was the expenses spent on excessive security and defense, the committee sought to increase tax collection, eliminate voluntary contribution, and reform fiscal disbursement process because they could not discontinue the expenses for security and defense. In addition, the committee worked on increasing public utility fees, prices of aid goods and exchange rates. The committee considered the Korean government`s control of prices only extended the budget deficit and provided hidden subsidy to certain groups. That is, the ECA believed the Korean government did not handle the economic situation clearly. As a result of the stabilization policy, the inflation was relieved in several months. Nevertheless it was contradictory for the committee to leave the excessive security and defense expenses as they were. While poor fiscal management of the Korean government was mainly caused by the social environment the nation was divided and the red purge prevailed. After all, since the stabilization policy was the rapid internal adjustment of the economy, it sacrificed small businesses, exporters, peasants, and the lower classes of the city. The Korean economic policy had been formed under the strong American influences until the 1960s. The Korean-American economic stabilization committee was the first attempt of America to systematically intervene in the Korean economic policy. American demands and the issues between Korea and America in the committee had been repeatedly brought up after the Korean War. Therefore, understanding the context surrounding the committee is important in understanding how the Korean government has formed its developmental strategy.

      • KCI등재

        5ㆍ18 항쟁기 시위 진압의 기원 : 충정훈련, 특전사, 그리고 대반란(counterinsurgency) 전략

        권혁은 ( Kwon Hyuk Eun ) 역사문제연구소 2021 역사문제연구 Vol.25 No.1

        20세기 초 미국에서 군의 시위 진압은 전투교리로 출발했다. 해방 이후 미국의 압도적인 영향력 하에 놓인 한국군은 시위 진압의 교리, 훈련, 장비 등 모든 면에서 미군으로부터 큰 영향을 받았다. 미군정기에 처음 실시된 시위진압 훈련은 4·19혁명 이후 유엔군사령부의 지휘 하에 본격적으로 시작되었고, 한일회담 반대운동기 실시된 시위진압 훈련도 미군의 교육 및 훈련을 모방한 것이었다. 따라서 한국군의 시위진압 교리도 전투적 성격을 내재했다. 1960년대 미국에서는 정치적 변화로 인해 시위진압의 최소한의 현대화가 일어났으나 한국에서는 그런 변화가 나타나지 않았다. 그 결과 1980년 한국군은 장갑차와 헬기를 동원하고 진압봉과 총검을 함께 사용했다. 거기에 더해 신군부의 과격진압 지시, 가혹한 정신교육, 군에게 초법적 힘을 주는 계엄이 더해져 5·18항쟁에 대한 과격진압을 낳았다. 한편, 1960년대 미국은 제3세계 민족해방운동에 대응하기 위해 대반란이라는 전략을 정치적 아젠다로 만들었다. 이러한 전략 하에 미 특수전 센터와 부대는 제3세계 군부와 경찰에 대반란 전략과 특수전 부대의 임무에 시위 진압이 포함된다는 인식을 전파했다. 또한 한국군은 베트남전을 통해서도 대반란전을 습득했다. 그러한 사고 속에서 특수전 부대가 시위 진압에 투입되었으며, 게릴라와 시민을 구별하지 않는 사고 속에서 극단적 폭력이 자행되었다. The Korean military’s riot control training originated from the U.S. military. The U.S. military’s doctrine and training of riot control began in the early 20th century and took on the form of a fighting doctrine that initially considered the target of suppression an "enemy." After World War Ⅱ, the U.S. military occupation and the U.S. military presence in military key posts has given the U.S. global influence in its doctrine and training of riot control. South Korea, which has experienced everything, including military occupation, U.S. military presence, and U.S. military aid, was also strongly tied to its sphere of influence. However, differentiation took place at some point in the 1960s and 1970s. In the United States, where the powerful resistance movement took place in the 1960s, minimal "modernization" took place, including the replacement of riot control weapons, establishment of riot control rules, and respect for the rights of those subject to be controlled. However, even such changes did not occur in South Korea, which was dominated by military dictatorships. Meanwhile, in the 1960s, the U.S. made the strategy of counterinsurgency a policy agenda to counter the Third World national liberation movement. Under these strategies, U.S. special warfare agencies and units have spread thoughts that riot control is included in counterinsurgency and riot control techniques to the Third World military and police. Korean military officers who studied at the U.S. Special Warfare Center acquired such recognition and skills. Also, the South Korean military acquired counterinsurgency through the Vietnam War. The Chun Do Hwan’s perception of the uprising in 1980 and the role played by the Korean special forces were in the context of counterinsurgency.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 미 대한경찰원조의 전개 - 경찰 ‘현대화’와 대반란전(counterinsurgency) 수행 -

        권혁은 ( Kwon Hyuk Eun ) 수선사학회 2020 史林 Vol.0 No.74

        In the 1960s, U.S. police assistance contributed significantly to the Korean National Police achieving “modernization.” As a result of “modernization,” the South Korean police have been able to build up their capabilities to counter the North Korean invasion and civil society's resistance movements. This did not only happen in Korea but also in the Third World nation in the 1960s, which was the direction of police assistance for counterinsurgency sought by the United States, and was rooted in the longer term “modernization” of police in the U.S. home countries in the 1930s and occupied areas of the U.S., including Japan, in the 1940s. In the early 1960s, the Kennedy administration began focusing on the counterinsurgency to counter the revolutionary trends of the Third World. The counterinsurgency meant that political reform and economic development must be carried out in the Third World to cut off the source of the rebellion, while stressing the development of military and paramilitary capabilities to counter new types of wars, such as guerrilla warfare, rebellion and subversion. As a result, the importance of police assistance, which was relatively neglected during the Eisenhower regime, was highlighted, and as a result, OPS within USAID was established. Korean police assistance began in the mid-1950s, but was suspended by 5.16 coup d'etat without much success. Since then, USAID OPS has continued to try to resume police assistance in South Korea, but the attempt has not been successful due to opposition from the county team in Korea. With the security crisis in 1968, the OPS was finally able to achieve the resumption of Korean police assistance. Over the next five years, $5 million has been donated to the Korean National Police, which has drastically increased the police's ability to carry out counter guerrilla operations and, in part, increased their capacity to suppress mass anti-dictatorship resistance in the late 1960s.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 은행 귀속주 불하의 배경과 귀결

        권혁은(Kwon, Hyuk-eun) 한국역사연구회 2015 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.98

        Traced in this article is how the Bank-imputed stocks were disposed, in order to determine how the U.S.-style liberal economic order met with Korea’s political and economic situation and then changed. Also examined is how such task of disposing bank-imputed stocks, which began by the public’s demand to bring democratic methods to finance, resulted in yet another layer of cozy relationships between the realm of politics and the realm of economy. The collusive links between politics and economy formed in the 1950s through bank-imputed stock disposals shows us how the Bank Law, which was part of a project to restructure Korean economy according to the ‘Bretton Woods’ system and the ‘Korean Relief’ task, was a result of a certain chain of events, which began with the concept’s introduction to the Korean society in the form of ‘financial democracy’ demands, and ended with some of those demands leading to “privatization [of certain financial areas].” Which turned out to be inevitable after the disposal, were the Capitalists’ monopoly of financial resources, and delayed paying of disposal costs. It was simply because financial democracy demands essentially took a wrong turn into being abused as privatization demands, and terms for the disposal process which specifically denounced monopoly had already been discarded. As a result, capitalists who ended up grabbing the disposed banks turned into new “Jaebeol” figures, and formed a relationship with the Yi Seung-man regime. Their rise eventually led to the society’s demanding of punishing illicit fortune makers, and requesting of a new democratic order established to govern the finance, after April 19th.

      • 고흥 길두리 안동고분 출토 금동식리의 과학적 보존

        권혁,서정은,이정민,함철희,Kwon, Hyuk-nam,Seo, Jung-eun,Lee, Jung-min,Ham, Chul-hee 국립문화재연구소 2010 保存科學硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        There were excavated many relics about 200 pieces including gilt-bronze cap, gilt-bronze shoes, bronze mirror and armor, etc. in Ahndong tumulus, Gildu-ri, Goheung. The National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage was undertaking excavation of major damaged relics that were corroded by several environment and were destroyed by a lump of earth. Shoes are consolidated with soils in order to stop destroy during excavation. And these are relocated in order to treat for conservation. Before treatment, X-ray radiography and CT(Computed Tomography) are used in order to examine the original surface and the shape of shoes. As a result, we confirm the condition of shoes. If soils are removed, gilt-bronze shoes are crumbling into little pieces because gilt-bronze shoes are damaged by corrosion and deformation. So, shoes are consolidating with inner soils and are removing outer soils. Throughout conservation treatment, shoes recovered original form and inner soils are consolidated in order to keep the shape of shoes.

      • KCI등재

        혼인상태별 사망률의 차이를 반영한 생명보험수리 모형의 설계

        권혁,김정은,Kwon, Hyuk Sung,Kim, Jung Eun 한국데이터정보과학회 2013 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        현재까지 인간 수명에 영향을 미치는 요소와 해당 요소가 수명에 미치는 영향을 계량적으로 분석하는 연구들이 지속적으로 이루어져 왔고, 그 결과 성별과 연령 이외의 많은 요소들이 실제로 수명에 유의한 영향을 미치는 요인으로 나타났다. 혼인상태는 그러한 요인들 중 하나로, 직접 또는 간접적으로 생존자의 여명에 영향을 끼치는 것으로 인지되고 있다. 이러한 결과는 공적보험과 같은 사회복지 제도와 사보험 영역의 생명보험과 개인연금의 위험관리에 시사점을 제공해 준다. 본 연구에서는 국내의 혼인상태별 사망률 자료를 이용하여 혼인상태의 변화를 반영한 사망률 모형을 설계하고 혼인상태가 보험수리적 계산에 미치는 영향을 파악하고, 그 결과가 나타내는 시사점에 대하여 논의하였다. Various risk factors other than age and sex affecting human mortality have been identified and quantitatively analyzed by previous studies in many area of research. Marital status is one of key mortality risk factors which affect life expectancy directly or indirectly. Relevant results have implication on risk management for both of social and private insurance. In this paper, a mortality model to reflect mortality differential according to marital status and possible transitions among marital status is designed. Various actuarial calculations were performed and related issues were discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        백서 두개골 결손부에 Hydroxylapatitie와 TGF-β 매식 후 치유과정에 관한 연구

        권혁,이동근,김은철,Kwon, Hyuk-Do,Lee, Dong-Kuen,Kim, Eun-Chol 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 1999 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the healing process of the calvarial defect filled with hydroxylapatite(HA) and $TGF-{\beta}$ in Rat. 72 Sprague-Dawly rats were divided into 3 groups, control and two experimental groups. Bony defect were artificially prepared in the calvaria of all 72 rats and followed by implantation of HA (experimental group of 24 rats) and HA+$TGF-{\beta}$(another experimental group of 24 rats) into the defects. Sequential sacrifice was performed at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 weeks of experiment. Obtained specimen was stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Masson's Trichrome and Immunohistochemistry. The results were as follows, 1. Granulation tissue was prominent on control group in 1 and 2 weeks. Bony defects were filled with dense fibrous tissue through the whole experimental period and osteoinduction could not be observed in all groups. 2. Inflammatory cell infiltration was prominent on control group in 1 and 2 weeks and osteoclastic activity was high in HA implanted experimental group at 1 and 2 weeks. 3. Inflammatory cell infiltration was less and maturation of fibrous tissue could be found on HA+$TGF-{\beta}$ implanted experimental group at 1 and 2 weeks. 4. Osteoconduction activity was high in HA+$TGF-{\beta}$ implanted experimental group at 2 and 4 weeks but there was no difference after 6 weeks among 3 groups. 5. In grafted site of HA+$TGF-{\beta}$ implanted group, osteonectin expression was slightly increased from 1 week to 6 weeks. In the host site, it was increased from 1 to 4weeks. 6. In grafted site of HA+$TGF-{\beta}$ implanted group, osteocalcin expression was high at 4 weeks. In the host site, we could find the difference among 3 groups. From above results, the HA with mixture of $TGF-{\beta}$ has the potentiality of promoting bone formation in the bony defect area in the rat.

      • KCI등재

        5.16군사정부기 미 대한원조정책의 성격과 AID-유솜의 역할

        권혁은(Kwon Hyuk-eun) 한국역사연구회 2017 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.105

        Contrary to previous understanding, the U.S. policy of Korean aid was actually shifting during the Kennedy administration. The magnitude of Korean aid which included aiding 600,000 Korean troops was becoming a burden for the U.S., and was preventing the U.S. government from adopting its new foreign aid policy to Korea immediately. The U.S. government planned to commence the policy shift in Korea in 1964, which was essentially a switch from military aids to economic aids, accompanied by an establishment of a long-term aid plan as well as an offer of a development loan. The reason that the U.S. government did not actively support the first 5-Year Economy Development Plan in the early years of the “5.16” Military regime was not only because it differed in opinion of developmental strategy with the military government, but also because it was hard to shift its entire aid policy to Korea immediately. The Ulsan Industrial Complex(UIC), which also included the central factories for the first 5-Year Economy Development Plan, shows us how the Kennedy administration’s foreign policy was shifting at the time. In this transitional period, AID-USOM played more than an active role, by mediating American civilian investments for the UIC, and forcing changes in the military government’s initial plans for construction. This was a strategy of the U.S. foreign aid office designed to compensate for any problem that might arise due to the shift in policy itself. In the end, UIC was constructed not with the U.S. government’s development loan as hoped by the Korean military government, but with U.S. private -and direct- investments aggressively mediated by the U.S. foreign aid authorities.

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