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      • KCI등재

        불확실성을 고려한 농업투자사업의 경제성 분석 - 몬테칼로 시뮬레이션 기법의 적용사례 -

        구승모,김재홍 한국농업정책학회 2004 농업경영정책연구 Vol.31 No.1

        Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) are widely used indices to evaluate economic performance for various projects as well as agriculture-related projects. These indices, how-ever, generally assumes deterministic assumptions in applying its components or inputs including possible benefits, costs, and discounting rate. Because deterministic models for economic indices hardly reflect various uncertainties regarding its inputs, probabilistic models could be superior alternatives considering future uncertainties or risk, while providing powerful informations for decision-making. In this study, Monte Carlo simulation, which is one of the probabilistic experiments, are introduces to overcome weak points of the traditionally-used deterministic models. The simulation approach is adapted to analyze economic indices including NPV and B/C using the actual cash-flow data and several probabilistic assumptions for Daeho agricultural investment project. The results shows that simulation approach could provide more flexible and definite decision-making information than those of the traditional deterministic approach. Compared to the deterministic models, simulation approach could also have advantages in interpreting results in terms of reducing possibility of biases.

      • KCI등재

        2012년 개정 상법 시행령의 주요 내용

        구승모 한국상사법학회 2012 商事法硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        Recently, Korea revised its Corporate Law in 2011, which was the biggest amendment in Korean Corporate Law history. As this new corporate law is in effect from April 2012, the Ministry of Justice of Korea revised Commercial Law Presidential Decree. The revision of commercial law presidential decree was as enormous as the change of corporate law. The major changes in Commercial Law presidential decree are in three parts. First, there are many new articles about corporate finances and accounting. As the new corporate law allows companies to acquire its own stock, the new presidential decree regulated the procedures about the acquirements of its own stock. And the presidential decree appointed the accounting principles for each type of companies. Also the presidential decree regulated the issuance procedure of new type of corporate bond such as exchangeable bond, participating bond and derivative bond. Secondly, the Ministry of Justice revised some regulations about corporate governance in the presidential decree. There were some changes in the qualification of outside director and related party transactions. As the new presidential decree, the person who is already outsider director in 2companies cannot become the outside director of new company whether the company is listed or not. Lastly, as the new corporate law adopted mandatory compliance system for the listed companies, the revised presidential decree set detail rules for the newly launched compliance officer. Key

      • KCI등재

        경기력 성과포상금 제도 변화 분석: 신제도주의 4대 이론을 중심으로

        구승모,박용성 고려대학교 정부학연구소 2023 정부학연구 Vol.29 No.3

        법에서 정한 국제대회 입상 성적에 대한 포상제도인 ‘경기력 성과포상금(舊 경기력향상연구연금)’ 제도는 국제대회 성적향상과 선수은퇴 후 생활 안정에 이바지하고자 1974년 종신연금으로 도입되었으나, 종목 간 불평등을 초래하는 과도한 포상이라는 비판하에 1993년 일시금이 도입되어 현재까지 병행 운영되고 있다. 본 연구는 ‘단기성과에 대한 종신 포상’이라는 근원적 문제에도 불구, 제도가 발전하고 유지되는 요인을 분석하고자, 신제도주의 3대 이론인 ‘합리적 선택 제도주의’, ‘역사적 제도주의’, ‘사회학적 제도주의’와 2000년대 중반 이후 새롭게 등장한 ‘담론적 제도주의’를 적용하여 제도의 변화 과정을 종합적으로 분석해 보았다. 그 결과, 정치 권력(군사정권 ↔ 민주정권)과 입상실적 가치에 대한 관념 변화(국력 향상 ↔ 개인 성과), 이에 따른 제도 운영의 이익(집권 정당성 ↔ 성과 치하), 제도의 역사성 및 사회적 수용성(연금 ↔ 포상) 등에 의해 경기력 성과포상금 제도가 변화되었음을 알 수 있었다. This study analyzed the changes in the incentive system for international athletic competition performance through the four main theories of new institutionalism (rational choice institutionalism, historical institutionalism, sociological institutionalism, and discursive institutionalism results showed that the nature and function of the system changed from a ‘pension’, which is a living allowance, to a ‘reward’ for performance due to political power, policy actors’ ideas about the value of winning records, and the historical and social acceptability of the system. In the case of system reform, we derived policy implications that a change in the policy actors’ idea of the system should precede and that a long-term gradual reform strategy rather than a short-term comprehensive reform strategy is required.

      • KCI등재

        정신분석학적 측면에서 본 우화형식을 갖춘 산문 연구 : 무질의 『지빠귀』를 중심으로

        구승모 한국독일어문학회 2000 독일어문학 Vol.12 No.-

        Die Literaturwissenschaftler, die die exogenetische Interpretationsmethode vertraten. glaubten. der Sinn des Werks sei aus Erfahrungen des Autors herauszufinden. Im Grunde genommen bezieht sich diese Methode auf den Positivismus. Deshalb ist sie immer der folgenden Gefahr ausgesetzt: erstens. in den Inhalt des Textes die schwer zu erkla¨renden Sachen der Biographie des Autors einflieβen zu lassen. Zweitens. alles. was der Autor erlebt hat. als eine Art von sexuell bezogenen Erfahrungen zu betrachten. Im Vergleich dazu basiert die endogenetische Interpretationsmethode auf der textimmanenten Textanalyse. Da sie ohne weiteres mit der Textstruktur in Verbindung gesetzt werden kann, ist die Lucke der exogenetischen Interpretationsmethode zu erga¨nzen. Um den theoretischen Hintergrund zu verschaffen. habe ich hier zuerst anhand drei Lacanscher Kategorien - das Imagina¨re. das Symbolische. das Reale - Freuds Begriffe wie Ich-Bildung. Subjekt. Todestrieb. die Phasen der sexuellen Entwicklung usw. reflektiert. Sodann untersuchte ich mit Hilfe der neu gewonnenen Begriffe - je-/moi-Ich. objet petit a. Autre usw. - Musils "Die Amsel", dessen Struktur als Parabel zu bezeichnen ist. "Die Amsel", die wie eine Rahmenerza¨hlung struktuiert ist, hat einen parabolischen Charakter. Von struktuellen sowie inhaltlichen Aspekten her gesehen bezieht sich jede Geschichte auf jede. was drei untergliederte Geschichten als Binnenerza¨hlungen ergibt. Im sta¨rkeren Maβe, in dem die Bedeutung 'Amsel' variiert, la¨sst "Die Amsel" dem Leser den eigentlichen Sinnzusammenhang des Textes offen. Bei der genauen Lektu¨re zeigt sich aber. dass das Schlu¨sselwort 'Amsel' nicht eine bestimmte Bedeutung beinhaltet. sondern mehrere. Je nach der kontextuellen Umgebung signifiziert das Wort 'Amsel' immer eine andere Bedeutung, wie z.B. Sehnsucht nach dem Fremden bzw. Mutterbild, oder Tanatos bzw. Begierde nach dem Anderen. So bildet sich ein Netz der Signifikanten 'Amsel'. der Signifikanten. die immer 'gleiten'. Es liegt auf der Hand. daβ die gleitenden Signifikanten mit dem parabolischen Charakter des Textes verzahnt sind. In diesem Zusammenhang ko¨nnen diejenigen Meinungen, die Amsel solle ein mystisches bzw. u¨bernatu¨rliches Wesen symbolisieren, nicht gehalten werden. Alles, was von den anderen 'geschenkt' wird und doch bei Azwei fehlt. ist in ein imagina¨res Bild verdra¨ngt und verdichtet. Wenn etwas Azwei vor Augen steht - Azwei sieht die Amsel. wird die Realita¨t des imagina¨ren Bildes in die Wirklichkeit u¨bertragen. So impliziert das Wort 'Amsel' etwas Fehlendes. worauf sich Azwei. moi-Ich richtet. Daher ist es etwas Fehlendes und zugleich als Phallus im Lacanschen Sinne zu bezeichnen.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        약자들의 구실 : 브레히트의 드라마 "사천의 선인"에서

        구승모,정인모 釜山大學校 師範大學 1996 교사교육연구 Vol.32 No.-

        Shen The ist nicht in der Lage, allein mit den gesellschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten umzugehen. Deshalb braucht sie eine fremde Hilfe, jedesmal wenn sie in die Notsituation gera··t. Diese fremde Hilfe kommt einmal aus den anderen, na··mlich Go··ttern. Jedoch u··berwindet sie meistens die notgedrungenen Situationen mit der Selbsthilfe, die unter der Maske von Shui Ta realisiert. Unter ihren sozialen Verhalten kann man verstehen, daβ das andere Ich von Shen Te hinter dem Veralten von Shui Ta versteckt bleibt. Bemerkenswert ist ihr auf die Ichbezogenheit gerichtetes Verhalten, jedesmal wenn Shen Te unter der Maske von Shui Ta auftritt. Inszeniert wird derartige Auftritt dreimal: Erstens, um ihren Tabakladen vor den armen Leute zu retten. Zweitens, um ihren vergangenen Traum zu erfu··llen, den Liebestraum, den sie als Prostituierte nicht erfu··llen konnte. Drittens, um des Reichtums willen, das sie unter der Vorwand der Zukunft ihres Kindes gewinnen will. So hat Shen The ihre alle Wu··nsche erreicht, die vergangene, gegenwa··rtige und zuku··nftige Wu··nsche. In der Maβe, in dem sie ihre versteckten Interessen gezeigt und in die Tat umgesetzt hat, ist zu schlieβen, daβ ihr Verhalten egozentrisch ist. Durch die Doppelrolle von Shen Te zeigt sich das widerspru··chliche Verhalten der sozialen Schwa··cheren deutlich. So hat Brecht vor dem Pla··doyer der sozial Unterlegenen gewarnt.

      • KCI등재

        A case study on the economic feasibility of different patterns of green care and healing complexes

        구승모,김대식,구희동,이한준,박범진,김경찬 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2017 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.44 No.3

        Korean agriculture has recently focused on the 6th dimension of industrialization, which includes the functions of healing and care. The green care and healing business is one of the most representative models, satisfying modern consumers’ needs for care or healing in rural agricultural environments. Many studies have shown physical and social benefits from green care and healing, but studies regarding economic performance are rarely found. The present study aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of different green care and healing farm complexes proposed in recent domestic research, with various possible combinations of business scenarios. The results show that most of the scenarios are economically feasible as B/C (benefit-cost ratio) and IRR (internal rate of return) are 1.19 and 8.53%, respectively, under scenario 1. This study also performed a break-even analysis for providing more flexible decision-making information. Overall, scenario 1 from green care and healing site and scenario 4 from green care and healing cluster are found to be superior to the other scenarios in terms of B/C and IRR. The scenarios in this study reflect the domestic farms or complexes which have similar functions of care or healing. Therefore, the results of this study provide information on practical policies and business implications in making decisions on the specific size and operational patterns when adopting green care and healing complexes by central or local governments and private sectors in the future.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지역 발전수준 지표체계 설정과 시ㆍ군 유형별 비교

        구승모,박윤호,이한성,최세현 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2010 농업생명과학연구 Vol.44 No.3

        This paper builds a system of indicators representing rural regional development level. Indicators were classified into two groups, that is, living environment indicator group and regional vitality indicator group. Living environment indicator group consists of four indicators including housing, road, water supply, and sewage system, while regional vitality indicator group consists of five indicators including regional economy, public finance, and demography. Real data of the year 2002 and 2006 were used to do the basic statistical analysis and estimate the suitable statistical distributions for each indicator. Data were applied for the three city/county type, general city, urban-rural combined city, and county. General cities have the strongest urbanization tendency among the three types, while counties have the weakest tendency. General cities turned out to be superior in housing condition, road density, water supply system and sewage system. Indicators of employment and local finance showed the highest levels in counties. The results of this analysis are expected to provide local governments with the appropriate reference for their rural regional development policy. 이 연구에서는 농촌지역에 대한 발전수준을 종합적으로 판단할 수 있는 지표체계를 설정하였으며, 실제 데이터를 이용해 세 가지 유형의 시ㆍ군 지역 (일반시, 도농통합시, 군)별로 설정된 지표의 수준을 비교, 분석하였다. 또한 각 지표의 분포가 어떤 통계분포에 적합한지를 시ㆍ군 유형별로 추정하였다. 지표의 체계는, 지역주민들이 쾌적한 일상생활을 살아가는데 필요한 각종 생활환경시설을 나타내는 생활환경지표와, 지역이 경제적으로 얼마나 활성화되어 있는가와 지역의 성장에 가장 중요한 인적 자원의 규모와 구조가 어떠한가를 보여주는 지역활력지표의 2가지로 분류한다. 생활환경지표는 주택, 도로, 상ㆍ하수도 등 생활환경을 대표하는 4개의 지표로 구성되며, 지역활력지표는 경제, 재정, 인구 등의 부문을 대표하는 5개의 지표로 구성된다. 주택부문의 수준은 군 지역이 다른 지역보다 더 떨어진 것을 알 수 있었으며, 도로부문의 지표는 일반시가 다른 유형의 시ㆍ군 지역보다 월등히 높은 것으로 나타났다. 상ㆍ하수도 개발 수준은 일반시가 가장 높으며, 다음으로 도농통합시, 군 지역의 순이다. 고용수준은 군 지역이 가장 높고, 소득의 대리변수로 채택한 1인당지방세액 수준은 도농통합시가 가장 높게 나타났다. 지방재정의 지표에 있어서는 군 지역이 월등히 높았고, 인구증가율은 일반시와 도농통합시, 군 지역이 정체 상태로 모두 비슷한 수준을 나타내고 있어 유형별로도 별 차이가 없다는 것을 알 수 있다. 총인구수에 대한 노동가능인구수의 비율에 있어서는 일반시가 가장 높게 나타났다.

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