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      • KCI등재

        Cytologic Features of Giant Cell Ependymoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

        고명주,김세훈,윤선옥,전혜민,정현주,홍순원 대한병리학회 2012 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.46 No.5

        Here, we present a case of anaplastic giant cell ependymoma (GCE) occurring in a 15-year-old woman. Squash smear slides for intraoperative frozen section diagnosis revealed oval to round cell clusters with a papillary structure in a fibrillary background. This was occasionally accompanied by the presence of bizarre pleomorphic giant cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent intranuclear inclusions. These intranuclear inclusions were a key clue to diagnosis of ependymoma. Histologic analysis revealed features of a high-grade tumor with perivascular pseudorosettes and bizarre pleomorphic giant cells, which established the diagnosis of GCE. We performed a review of literatures about the cytologic features of GCE, including our case, thus proposing that intraoperative frozen diagnosis of GCE would be established by squash smear preparations featuring the mitosis and necrosis, as well as the high cellularity, and the presence of giant cells showing hyperchromatic nuclei with eosinophilic cytoplasm and intranuclear inclusions/pseudoinclusions.

      • KCI등재

        Renal Histologic Parameters Influencing Postoperative Renal Function in Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients

        고명주,정현주,임범진,최규헌,김연희 대한병리학회 2013 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.47 No.6

        Background: Pre-existing non-neoplastic renal diseases or lesions may influence patient renal function after tumor removal. However, its description is often neglected or omitted in pathologic reports. To determine the incidence and clinical significance of non-neoplastic lesions, we retrospectively examined renal tissues obtained during 85 radical nephrectomies for renal cell carcinoma. Methods: One paraffin-embedded tissue block from each case containing a sufficient amount of non-tumorous renal parenchyma was cut and processed with hematoxylin and eosin and periodic acid-Schiff methods. Non-neoplastic lesions of each histological compartment were semi-quantitatively and quantitatively evaluated. Results: Among the various histologic lesions found, tubular atrophy, arterial intimal thickening, and glomerulosclerosis were the most common (94.1%, 91.8%, and 88.2%, respectively). Glomerulosclerosis correlated with estimated glomerular filtration rate at the time of surgery, as well as at 1- and 5-years post-surgery (p=.0071), but tubulointerstitial fibrosis or arterial fibrous intimal thickening did not. Post-hoc analysis revealed that glomerulosclerosis of more than 20% predicted post-operative renal function. However, its significance disappeared when gender and age were considered. Conclusions: In conclusion, non-neoplastic lesions, especially with regard to glomerulosclerosis percentage, should be described in pathology reports to provide additional information on renal function decline.

      • KCI등재

        김정일시대 통치이데올로기 작동기제 분석

        고명주 동국대학교 북한학연구소 2006 북한학연구 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 북한이 유일적 리더십체제를 지탱하는데 주도적 역할을 해 온 통치이데올로기가 김정일시대에 어떻게 작동되고 있는지 그 실태와 앞으로의 변화 전망을 분석・평가하는데 있다. 북한의 실상을 제대로 알기 위해서는 북한체제의 정체성을 구성하고 이를 재생산해 내고 있는 북한사회의 작동원리와 속성, 구성원들의 사유방식을 이해할 필요가 있다. 바로 그 작동원리와 속성, 사유방식의 저변에 주체사상이라는 통치이데올로기가 위치하여 추상적인 담론체계 내에서 끊임없이 직면한 현실문제를 해결하기 위한 실천적 담론으로 분화되고 변용되어가면서 존재하고 있는 것이다. 역사적 관점에서 볼 때 통치이데올로기는 북한사의 궤적 속에서 발전전략의 이론적 지침역할 및 정책적 논쟁과 권력투쟁 와중에서 유일적 지배체제를 정당화하는 기능을 수행해왔으며 북한 인민들의 일상적인 삶의 실천원리이자 행위규범으로서의 척도역할을 하고 있다. 특히 김정일정권은 통치이데올로기에 대한 실천적 변용(붉은기사상, 선군사상 등)을 통해 급변하는 대내외 정세에 부침하는 변화양상을 띠고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 김정일시대 통치이데올로기와 직・간접적으로 관련된 작동기제에 대한 개개 주제별 통치담론의 변화추세를 살펴보고 비교사회주의적 관점에서의 교차・분석 통해 통치담론 차원에서 북한 변화의 현주소를 파악하는데 중점을 두고 연구하고자 한다. When reevaluating the socialism directly and indirectly to the North Korean ideology, recognizing the position and role of party and development process of socialism, and analyzing the view, innovative and open policy and function of the capitalism and imperialism at present, North Korea maintains the route of 'our own socialism' based on subjective ideology. Also, they attempt to change the practices from system protection to system development process for accomplishing the crisis. The position and role of the party for protecting the subjective ideology and system protection have been weak when comparing with the period of Kim, Il Sung, but those are constantly changing nowadays in the period of Kim, Jung Il. Moreover, for overcoming the economic difficulties North Korean leaders recognize that it's necessary to innovate and open but determine that it's not destructive to the North Korean style socialism. As a result, they combined the actual profits and subjectivity in the ideology, and self-revival through the scientific technology and the public, and pursue the double strategy, that the centralized authoritarian rule and decentralism are unified. By the innovative and open policy for the economic take-off through the actual socialism based on the market-oriented contents and direction, it's expected that they could rationalize the reality as they reinterpret the subjectivity in the changes of internal and external environment and economy. As North Korea will consider the internal and external environment with the weakened cooperation and feeling of solidarity according to the innovative and open policy for overcoming the collapse of the socialism and economic difficulties, they will utilize the subjective ideology for rationalizing the rupture and closure in their own style of socialism for a while. Through this regulation North Korea will emphasize on the position of the subjective nation externally and secure the unitary leadership externally by regulating and controlling strictly for achieving it. However, when the general crisis is severe and the system collapses, they might change the theories by weakening the subjectivity that is the core of the subjective ideology for rationalizing their responses upon the reality aggressively. Even the subjective ideology is based on the priority of the determination, its practicality and flexible interpretation are possible, so by Kim, Jung Il it's possible to justify the changes with the ideology. Therefore, based on the subjectivity North Korea could attempt to change the subjective ideology newly and flexibly for restoring the system and survival by avoiding from the existing justifiable strategy.

      • KCI등재

        ≪鏡花緣≫에서 나타나는 중첩 공간과 그 의미 고찰 ― 唐敖와 唐小山을 중심으로

        고명주 중국어문연구회 2015 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.68

        在文學研究上, 空間不僅僅是作爲作品的背景, 而是作爲貫穿整個作品的符號體系, 影響文章的結構, 並且與人物形象結合起來, 表現出作品的主題意識。李汝珍的≪鏡花緣≫, 以仙界與人間作爲主要背景, 跳越天界與大海之間, 依靠神話傳說與作者的想象力, 設計了各種具有重要意義的空間坐標, 構建了與傳統小說空間不同的獨特空間。其中值得注意的一點是, ≪鏡花緣≫裏的主要人物的空間移動體系以垂直與水平、內與外、上與下方向明確區分。本文中追查了兩個主要人物——唐敖與唐小山的空間移動軌跡, 把水平空間分爲海與內地, 把內地空間再分成“家”與“長安”, 然後把垂直空間分爲天界(蓬萊山)、中間層(小蓬萊)、下界, 找出了各個空間的結構意義。結果兩個人物的移動路線上, 上面提到的空間中除了天界(蓬萊山)外恰好互相重疊, 其中唯一兩人同時存在的“家”空間作爲了水平空間的中心軸。總之, 小說中出現的各個重疊空間都具有雙層意義, 這表示對同一個空間每個人的感受不同, 而作者故意采用了這種空間特徵。

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 성인애착과 전문적 도움추구 태도의 관계에서 자기노출에 대한 위험기대와 유용성기대의 매개효과

        고명주,이연옥,이승미,최보영 한국교육치료학회 2019 교육치료연구 Vol.11 No.2

        This study analyzed the relationship between college students’ adult attachments and attitudes toward seeking professional help the mediating effect of anticipated risk and utility on self-disclosure. The participants were 487 college students (male: 194, female: 293). The results of the analysis showed that adult attachment had a negative correlation with attitude toward seeking professional help, and anticipated utility and attitude toward seeking professional help on self-disclosure were negatively correlated, and anticipated risk and attitude toward seeking professional help on self-disclosure were positively correlated. In addition, anticipated utility and risk on self-disclosure mediated the relationship between college students' adult attachment and attitude toward seeking professional help. This study verified the relationship between adult attachment and attitude toward seeking professional help for college students, and the role of anticipated utility and risk on self-disclosure in that relationship. Based on these results, implications and limitations were discussed. 본 연구의 목적은 대학생의 성인애착과 전문적 도움추구 태도와의 관계에서 자기노출에 대한 위험기대와 유용성기대가 매개하는지를 검증해보고자 한다. 본 연구의 참여자는 대학생 1〜4학년 487명(남: 194, 여: 293) 이었다. 수집된 자료를 바탕으로 주요 변인들 간의 관련성을 살펴보기 위해 상관관계 분석을 실시하였고, 대학생의 자기노출에 대한 위험기대와 유용성기대가 성인애착과 전문적 도움추구 태도 간의 관계에서 매개하는지를 알아보기 위하여 매개모형 검증을 실시하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 밝혀진 주요결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성인애착이 전문적 도움추구 태도와 유의한 부적 상관을 보였고, 자기노출에 대한 위험기대와 전문적 도움추구 태도는 정적 상관을 보였다. 한편, 자기노출에 대한 위험기대와 유용성기대는 성인애착이 전문적 도움추구 태도에 미치는 영향을 완전매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 후속연구에 대한 제언과 시사점을 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : ≪경화연(鏡花緣)≫에서 나타나는 중첩 공간과 그 의미 고찰 -당오(唐敖)와 당소산(唐小山)을 중심으로

        고명주 중국어문연구회 2015 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.68

        在文學硏究上, 空間不僅僅是作爲作品的背景, 而是作爲貫穿整個作品的符號體系, 影響文章的結構, 幷且與人物形象結合起來, 表現出作品的主題意識。李汝珍的≪鏡花緣≫, 以仙界與人間作爲主要背景, 跳越天界與大海之間, 依고神話傳說與作者的想象力, 設計了各種具有重要意義的空間坐標, 構建了與傳統小說空間不同的獨特空間。其中値得注意的一點是, ≪鏡花緣≫裏的主要人物的空間移動體系以垂直與水平、內與外、上與下方向明確區分。本文中追査了兩個主要人物-唐敖與唐小山的空間移動軌跡, 把水平空間分爲海與內地, 把內地空間再分成“家”與“長安”, 然後把垂直空間分爲天界(蓬萊山)、中間層(小蓬萊)、下界, 조出了各個空間的結構意義。結果兩個人物的移動路線上, 上面提到的空間中除了天界(蓬萊山)外恰好互相重疊, 其中唯一兩人同時存在的“家”空間作爲了水平空間的中心軸。總之, 小說中出現的各個重疊空間都具有雙層意義, 這表示對同一個空間每個人的感受不同, 而作者故意采用了這種空間特徵。

      • KCI등재

        Urinary Decoy Cell Grading and Its Clinical Implications

        고명주,정현주,임범진,노송미,김연희 대한병리학회 2012 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.46 No.3

        Background: Examination of urine for decoy cells (DCs) is a useful screening test for polyomavirus (PV) activation. We explored the significance of the amount of DCs in persistent shedding, PV nephropathy and acute rejection. Methods: A case-controlled study was performed in 88 renal allograft patients who had DCs detected at least once in four or more urine samples. Results: Fifty one patients were classified into the high-grade shedding group (HG) and 37 patients into the low-grade shedding group (LG) according to DC shedding (≥10 or <10 DCs/10 high power field [HPF]). DC shedding of more than three consecutive months was significantly more prevalent in the HG as compared with their LG counterparts (p<0.0001). Urinary DCs were present for more than one year in 29.4% of the HG and 8.1% of the LG. Real-time polymerase chain reaction for PV was higher in both urine (51.4% vs. 11.1%) and plasma (9.1% vs. 0%) of the HG than the LG. The prevalence of PV nephropathy was higher in the HG than the LG (p=0.019). However, there was no significant difference in the prevalence of acute rejection. Conclusions: Shedding of ≥10 DCs/10 HPF is associated with sustained shedding, polymerase chain reaction positivity and PV nephropathy, but not a predictor of acute rejection.

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