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        6종 漢譯 ≪金剛經≫에 나타난 의미의 전달과 의미의 생성

        강경 대한중국학회 2010 중국학 Vol.37 No.-

        此文探討六種漢譯≪金剛經≫所表現的諸般內容與特形式徵, 其硏究結果如何。一、鳩摩羅什譯文出於名詞形思惟方式, 與此相比玄獎譯文出於動詞形思惟方式。通過考察, 我們可以發現, 印度語與動詞形思考有密切關係, 而漢語與名詞形思考有關係。鳩摩羅什考慮中國的傳達性, 將印度的動詞形語言飜譯成中國的名詞形語言。二、鳩摩羅什等人有時爲了佛敎發揮宗敎權威, 在 飜譯過程中把原的內容縮約或變形。而過了一段時間佛敎已在中國社會確保一定的地位, 不需要有意强化佛敎的宗敎權威, 因此玄獎等人把鳩摩羅什的舊譯改譯成新譯, 此新譯回復了≪金剛經≫的原來面目。三、佛爲何佛? 是因爲做了些什麽偉大的工作? 實際上佛給我們開導了的那個新途經, 不外乎回復到現在這個位置, 時時刻刻覺悟認識‘這個’罷了。所以如果有人問佛爲什麽偉大,那我們只能用一個文章回答, 就是因爲佛無處不有。但是中國的文化環境裏,人的偉大, 決定於他所作的偉大工作。鳩摩羅什重視這種文化特徵, 就把佛從原來存在的次元移過來, 在道德主義的次元强調他的偉大性。 .

      • 직역과 의역의 대화 - 我․人․衆生․壽者相의 번역과 해석에 대한 고찰

        강경 중국인문학회 2009 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.41

        直译与意译恐怕是自有人类的翻译实践以来,便一直存在的了. 要取哪種譯法, 飜譯者根據自己的世界觀與語言觀, 採取不同的態度. 但是在讀者接受這些飜譯物時, 只能有每個人獨特的經驗形態. 因此我們應該重視異文化飜譯以後發生如何的影向, 成立如何的意義. 此文考察≪金剛經≫的四相(我相ㆍ人相ㆍ衆生相ㆍ壽者相)飜譯介紹以后有哪些意味轉換與意味生成. 考察的結果如下. 一. 根據梵本, 整理四相的文本意味. 通過考察我們可以知道, 我相指主張眞我實體的想法, 人相指主張輪回主體的看法, 衆生相是指主張有生命的根本核心的說法, 壽者相指主張靈魂實體的觀念. 二. 鳩摩羅什重視讀者接受時的效果, 玄獎重視正確傳達佛敎原來的敎理. 但是鳩摩羅什譯≪金剛經≫的盛行, 就能證明飜譯及接受過程中的互相活潑作用. 三. 各朝代有各不相同的解釋內容. 本文具體考察各朝代有什麽樣的特性. 其結果可以如下簡單整理. 1) 晉隨時期: 向印度學者, 認眞學習的階段. 2) 唐代初期: 了解世親等印度學者的觀點, 深化理解及再整理的階段. 3) 當代後期: 慧能等傑出的宗敎家在佛敎着根于中國這一側面, 已告完成的階段. 4) 宋代: 與新儒學互相交流, 經典解釋相也可以發現其深大的影向. 5) 明代: 幾個皇帝也主持≪金剛經≫的集注事業, 因此在表面上這一個時期可以說是興隆發展時代. 5) 淸代: 考證訓詁學的影向之下, ≪金剛經≫的解釋也經常出現對於個別字與個別句的考證與訓詁.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신부전 요인에 의해 유발된 닭 신장변화의 병리학적 관찰 I. 병리조직학적 및 전자현미경적 관찰

        강경일,모인필,권용국,강민수,한태욱,한정희,Kang, Kyung-il,Mo, In-pil,Kwon, Yong-kuk,Kang, Min-su,Hahn, Tae-wook,Han, Jeong-hee 대한수의학회 1999 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.39 No.6

        Renal failure is one of the main causes of economic impacts in the poultry industry and complex syndrome with different severity of clinical signs caused by multiple nephropathogenic factors such as infectious bronchitis viral infection and excess salt and calcium in diet. To evaluate the correlation between severity of renal failure and the causative nephropathogenic factors, one-day-old specific pathogen free chicks were treated with either single causative factor or multiple causative factors described as above. Each group was designed as control for non-treated control, IB for infectious bronchitis virus (IB virus) infection, IBHNa for IB virus infection with high diet salt, IBHCa for IB virus infection with high diet calcium, IBHNC for IB virus infection with high diet salt and calcium, HNa for high diet salt, HCa for high diet calcium and HNC for high diet salt and calcium. Chickens were inoculated with IB virus at 1-day-old and remained on their respective diets until 21 day of age. The high dietary salt feeding groups such as IBHNa, IBHNC, HNa, HNC increased water intake, watery diarrhea, general subcutaneous edema and the high dietary calcium feeding groups such as IBHCa and IBHNC showed severe visceral gout. Two more than treated groups caused high mortality in comparison with the single treated groups. IB virus exposure significantly increased urate deposition and lymphocytic interstitial nephritis. Especially urate deposition dramatically increased when excess diet calcium was combined together. In excess diet salt treated groups enlarged edematous kidneys were observed and hypertrophy of glomeruli were showed. These results suggest that IB virus enhanced the incidence and severity on chicken renal failure clearly related to the quantity of salt and calcium.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신부전 요인에 의해 유발된 닭 신장변화의 병리학적 관찰 II. 임상병리학적 관찰

        강경일,모인필,권용국,강민수,한태욱,한정희,Kang, Kyung-il,Mo, In-pil,Kwon, Yong-kuk,Kang, Min-su,Hahn, Tae-wook,Han, Jeong-hee 대한수의학회 1999 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.39 No.6

        Renal failure is one of the main causes of economic impacts in the poultry industry and complex syndrome with different severity of clinical signs caused by multiple nephropathogenic factors such as infectious bronchitis viral infection and excess salt and calcium in diet. To evaluate the correlation between severity of renal failure and the causative nephropathogenic factors, one-day-old specific pathogen free chickens were treated with either single causative factor or multiple causative factors described as above. Each group was designed as control for non-treated control, IB for infectious bronchitis virus (IB virus) infection, IBHNa for IB virus infection with high diet salt, IBHCa for IB virus infection with high diet calcium, IBHNC for IB virus infection with high diet salt and calcium, HNa for high diet salt, HCa for high diet calcium and HNC for high diet salt and calcium. Chickens were inoculated with IB virus at 1-day-old and remained on their respective diets until 21 day of age. Plasma $Na^+$, $Cl^-$, BUN, creatinine, calcium and uric acid values were examined. The results obtained were as follows ; IB virus and high dietary calcium combined treatment showed elevated plasma uric acid. BUN and creatinine values were not characteristic on chicken renal failure. But plasma uric acid values were increased according to renal lesion. Hypercalcemia and hyperuricemia did not induce urate deposition and mineralization in the kidney.

      • KCI등재

        『서유기』 車遲國 도술시합의 불교적 독해

        강경구(Kang, Kyong-Koo)(姜鯨求) 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.69 No.-

        『서유기』는 삼장, 孫悟空 일행이 서천여행을 하면서 겪는 81가지 고난을 주된 내용으로 하고 있다. 이 81難은 완전한 진리의 성취에 이르기까지 거치게 되는 점차적 단계를 상징하는 것으로서 각각의 에피소드는 자기완결성과 전후맥락성을 동시에 갖추고 있다. 그래서 출발에서 도착에 이르기까지의 맥락적 관점에서 보면 전체 81난은 하나의 큰 원형고리를 형성하며, 자기완결적 관점에서 보면 각 에피소드는 전체의 큰 고리에 꿰어지는 작은 원형고리들이 된다. 그것은 중국선에서 완성된 돈오선과 점수선의 도리를 하나로 통합하여 수용한 결과로 보인다. 본고에서는 각각의 에피소드가 자기완결성을 갖고 어떻게 전체적인 전후맥락성을 구성하는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 그것은 車遲國의 도술시합이 中道, 對法 등과 같은 불교적 진리와 실천을 어떻게 비유적으로 형상화하고 있는지를 해석하는 방식을 취하게 될 것이다. The Journey to the west(西遊記) mainly deals with the 81 trials, that the monk Xuanzang(玄奘) s travel group suffers from the traveling to India. These 81 trials symbolize the gradual steps that lead to the attainment of perfect truth, each episode having both self-completeness and contextuality. So from departure to arrival, the whole 81 trials form a large circular ring, and each episode becomes a small circular ring that fits into the big ring of the whole. It seems to be the result of accepting the two types of Chinese Zen: Zen of sudden-enlightenment & Zen of Gradual practices. In this paper, we will analyze the magic matches in the Che-Chi country(車遲國). It includes raining matche, meditation matche, clairvoyance matche, and the matche of dead and Resurrection. In the Che-Chi country the monk, the three taoists, and the king obsessed with me and mine and are losing their balance of midway(中道). Sun wu kong(孫悟空) breaks down their obsession through the series of matches. First, Sun Wu Kong save the monks by breaking the carts. and he throw out the Statue of god into the toilet In order to break down the error of the ultimate sublime dimension and existence. This is the way of emphasize relativity(對法) of Hui-Neng(惠能). In the raining matche it teaches the way of put down obsession of the self, in the meditation matche it teaches the way of stop the assimilation with a subject, in the clairvoyance matche it teaches that all things have no substance, and finally in the matche of dead and resurrection it teaches that life appears in various forms.

      • 유동양화사의 분포성

        강경일 진주여자전문대학 1996 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        In this paper we have examined that in English the surface-structure position of the quantifier crucially contributes to interpretative differences of the sentences in the three constructions. The interesting parallelism between Georgian on the one hand, and English on the other hand, is that the syntactic position of the distributive operator at S-structure plays a role sin guiding the semantic interpretation. We have given evidence that in English, sentences (1-3) with non-floated, floated and shifted quantifiers are not always synonymous. Different structures yield different interpretations. This supports a configurational theory of interpretation. In a configurational theory, the compositionality requirement is met through the precise properties of the structure of the language itself. In this paper, I have focussed on the role of the position of the quantifier. Further attention could be paid to the specific configuration of lexical quantifiers and to the possibility of marking definiteness in the language. The question remains open as to how we should constrain our theories of grammar. Increasing the complexity of structural representations will prove adequate only if we keep seeking a very tight relationship between syntax and semantics.

      • 한국어의 격배정

        강경일 진주여자전문대학 1992 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This study looked over previous researches on case Assignment and examined some problems in applying these case Assignment principles to Korean, and then attempted to find out proper Case Assingment Principle in Korean. First, Korean Case Assignment Principle, as a whole, is similar to English one, but nominative case is not assigned by INFL, but by predicate. Second, Korean Case Assignment has a close relation with θ-role Assignment. Subject of infinitive structure and indirect object structure are the evidence. Third, as Korean Case Assignment obeys Adjacency Condition, we can learn the place of a given NP in D-structure. Fourth, Korean multiple NP structure can be explained when one-one constraint is extended to one-one at a time constraint. Fifth, movement is highly constrained in Korean. This paper assumes Korean Passive structure is base-generated. Further study should find out a new parameter which can explain some S→O Raising sentences.

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