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      • KCI등재

        균형코퍼스를 이용한 유의어 분석

        강경완 일본어문학회 2014 일본어문학 Vol.65 No.-

        「取り消し」「キャンセル」「解約」を例に類義語記述において均衡コーパスを用いることが効果的であるということを母語話者の使用意識と辞書的意味との比較を通して検討した。BCCWJに現れた使用頻度、コロケーションとテクストの種類に注目した用例調査の結果、次のような類義語間の違いが分かった。 (1)母語話者の使用意向においては、「キャンセル」が「取り消し」「解約」に比べて使いたいという意識が最も高く、「取り消し」と「解約」の間には明確な差がなかった。しかし、頻度においては「取り消し」> 「キャンセル」>「解約」の結果になり、使用実態は使用意向と一致しなかった。これに対して理解用意性においては、「取り消し」> 「キャンセル」> 「解約」の順番で意識(使用意向)と頻度(使用実態)が一致した。 (2)使用テクストにおいては、「取り消し」の場合、法律(>ウェブ>書籍)で「キャンセル」「解約」はウェブ(>書籍>雑誌>広報誌)で最も良く使われる。意味においては、「取り消し」の場合、典型的には「指定」「登録」などの法律行為を対象にしており、周辺的には「入札」「出品」などの競売行為を対象にする。辞書的意味の「過去に言及したこと」は用例が非常に少ない。「キャンセル」は「取引」「入札」等の商行為を対象にするのが目立っており、「予定や約束」を対象にすることもある。「解約」は辞書的意味の契約(「契約」「保険」「預金」)と賃貸借(「賃貸借」)が対象のほとんどを占めている。

      • KCI등재

        コーパスベースの意味分析の一例 -「体験」と「経験」の違い -

        강경완 한국일본어학회 2022 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.73

        In this paper, as an example of corpus-based semantic analysis, we analyzed the differences between synonyms TAIKEN and KEIKEN from three perspectives, which were semantic characteristics, frequency, and genre of the use of collocations. The typical grammatical patterns of TAIKEN and KEIKEN were taken out, and a list of collocations in each pattern was extracted. By classifying the semantic characteristics of the collocations, the current study clarifies the daily use of KEIKEN and the specialty of TAIKEN. It also details the specific perceptual action of TAIKEN and the experience that has become established as a memory of KEIKEN. The criteria for the proper use of TAIKEN and KEIKEN were also clearly shown while supplementing the insufficiency of previous research. Further, by examining the frequency information and confirming that the generality of KEIKEN was slightly higher than that of TAIKEN, we also discussed in detail the differences between these two synonyms in genres, scenes, and sentences. Based on the achievements in the current study, in future, I would like to study a concrete teaching method of how to teach the criteria for the proper use of synonyms, such as collocation, frequency, and genre, in an actual Japanese language class.

      • KCI등재

        類義語の意味用法記述の事例 ─「危険」「リスク」を例に─

        강경완 한국언어연구학회 2023 언어학연구 Vol.28 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to describe the difference between the meaning and usage of the synonyms KIKEN and RISUKU through a survey using corpus. 1.KIKEN and RISUKU have a common meaning of 'the possibility of undesirable events or negative consequences'. 2.In the case of complex nouns KIKEN represents prediction and prevention of dangerous areas, places, substances, people, actions, or risks, whereas RISUKU represents management and evaluation of risks. 3.In the case of receiving the formula of a NO noun, KIKEN represents a risk of body, life, or disaster, whereas RISUKU related to economic activities. 4.In the case of receiving a basic verb modification, KIKEN indicates the risk of making a mistake, an incident, an accident, etc., whereas RISUKU economic loss. 5.RISUKU tends to represent a risk to be borne, suppressed, managed, whereas KIKEN is detected, predicted, avoided.

      • KCI등재

        데이터를 이용한 유의어 분석의 사례 - 「特別」 「特殊」를 예로 -

        강경완 한양대학교(ERICA캠퍼스) 일본학국제비교연구소 2022 비교일본학 Vol.56 No.-

        In this paper, using TOKUBETSU and TOKUSHU as examples, I examined how to analyze the differences in synonyms through close observation of the actual state of usage shown in the corpus, which is large-scale linguistic data. The criteria for distinguishing between TOKUBETSU and TOKUSHU are presented in detail from three perspectives: frequency, context, and genre. First, in terms of frequency ratio, 73% of TOKUBETSU>24% of TOKUSHU(BCCWJ), 70.5% of TOKUBETSU>26.8% of TOKUSHU (NLT), indicating the same trend regardless of data. From this, the superiority of TOKUBETSU in both general usage and the order of introduction in vocabulary education was confirmed. Second, the discriminative criterion was extracted through the semantic tendency of the trailing noun in the context of use. TOKUBETSU indicates that “the speaker's subjective judgment should distinguish it from the ordinary” or “the objective content or intensity itself is not ordinary and therefore distinguished,” while TOKUSHU indicates “something that is different from the average in quality.”Third, in terms of the genre of use, TOKUBETSU is more often used in public documents and scenes such as laws, parliamentary minutes, publicity papers, textbooks, and white papers than TOKUSHU, and is also used more frequently in everyday scenes such as web blogs. 본고에서는 「特別」 「特殊」를 예로 대규모 언어데이터인 코퍼스에 나타난 사용실태의 면밀한 관찰을 통해 유의어의 차이를 분석하는 방법에 관하여 검토하였다. 「特別」 「特殊」를 구분하는 변별적 기준을 빈도, 문맥, 장르의 세 관점에서 구체적으로 제시하였다. 첫째, 빈도비율에 있어서 「特別」 73%>「特殊」 24%(BCCWJ), 「特別」 70.5%>「特殊」 26.8%(NLT)를 나타내어 자료에 관계없이 동일한 경향을 나타낸다. 이로부터 일반적인 사용도와 어휘지도에 있어서의 도입순서 모두 「特別」의 우위가 확인되었다. 둘째, 사용문맥에 있어서 후행명사의 의미경향을 통해 변별적 기준을 추출하였다. 「特別」는 ‘화자의 주관적인 판단에 의해 평범한 것과 구별해야 함’ 또는 ‘객관적인 내용이나 강도 자체가 일반적이지 않아 구별됨’을 나타내는 데 반해 「特殊」는 ‘질적인 면에서 보통과 다른 수준의 것’을 나타낸다. 셋째, 사용 장르에 있어서 「特別」는 「特殊」에 비해 법률, 국회회의록, 홍보지, 교과서, 백서 등의 공적인 문서나 장면에서 많이 사용되며 知恵袋, 블로그 등의 일상적인 장면에서도 사용빈도가 높다.

      • KCI등재

        単語の社会的コノテーション - 新聞コーパスを用いた「現代人」の計量的分析 -

        강경완 일본어문학회 2009 일본어문학 Vol.45 No.-

        単語のコノテーションの一種である「社会的コノテーション」を、コー パス意味論の方法を参考にしつつ、より客観的に抽出․記述するために、新聞コーパスを用いた計量的な分析方法を独自に提案する。社会的コノテーションとは、その単語の表す対象の、社会におけるあり方․ものの見方を反映した言語使用が繰り返されることによって、その単語に付加される暗示的意味である。本稿では、「現代人」という単語を例に、言説の集合としての新聞コーパスからその社会的コノテーションを抽出する方法を、言説的意味のとりだし→言説的意味傾向のとりだし→社会的コノテーションのとりだしの3段階にわたって具体的に説明し、「現代人」に<本来の人間性を失った存在><過去から切り離された存在>という二つの社会的コノテーションがとりだせることを論じる。その上で、本稿の抽出法を用いることによって可能となる、新たな社会的コノテーション研究の可能性を示す。

      • KCI등재

        코퍼스 기반 의미기술 방법에 관한 연구 -유의어 ‘怖い’ ‘恐ろしい’의 경우-

        강경완 국제언어문학회 2021 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.50

        본고에서는 유의어 ‘怖い’ ‘恐ろしい’의 구별을 예로 코퍼스에 나타난 대규모의 용례와 문맥을 기반으로 한 의미기술 방법에 관해 특히 연어적 패턴에 주목하여 검토했다. ‘怖い/恐ろしい+名詞’의 연체수식과 ‘名詞が+怖い’ ‘名詞 の+恐ろしい’의 술어형식을 중심으로 ‘副詞+怖い/恐ろしい’ ‘怖くて/恐ろ しくて+動詞’의 부사수식 절, 동사를 수식하는 연용형식이 ‘怖い’ ‘恐ろしい’ 의 주요 문법패턴임을 밝히고 패턴별 의미특징의 차이를 다음과 같이 추출했다. 1) ‘怖い/恐ろしい+名詞’의 경우, ‘怖い’가 人物, ストーリ, 容貌, イメー ジ, 病気, 乗り物 등의 성격이나 성질, 내용이나 분위기가 초래하는 공포감을나타내는 데 반해 ‘恐ろしい’는 魔物, 結末, 真実, 事件, 災害, 苦痛, 行為, 物 質, 制度, 唸り声, 叫び声 등의 힘이나 위세, 위력으로부터 느끼는 공포감을나타낸다. 2) ‘名詞が+怖い’‘名詞の+恐ろしい’의 경우 ‘怖い’가 力, 勢い, 威力, 性格, 性質, 内容, 雰囲気 등 상대적으로 넓은 영역의 공포감을 나타내는 데 반해‘恐ろしい’는 災難, 災害로부터 오는 제한된 공포감을 나타낸다. 3) 술어동사를 수식하는 ‘怖くて/恐ろしくて+動詞’의 경우, ‘怖くて+可 能動詞の否定形’‘恐ろしくて+~できない’등의 패턴으로 두려움이나 공포감에 의한 불가능함과 한계를 나타낸다. 4)부사의 수식을 받는 ‘副詞+怖い/恐ろしい’의 경우, ‘怖い’가 공포감의정도나 변화를 평가하는 데 반해 ‘恐ろしい’는 위압감과 경외감의 크기로부터느끼는 감탄의 심경을 표현한다. In this paper, the distinction between synonyms KOWAI, OSOROSII was examined as an example of the method of semantic description based on the corpus. In the case of ‘KOWAI/OSOROSII+NOUN’, whereas KOWAI expresses the fear evoked by the character, nature, content, or atmosphere of a person, story, appearance, image, illness, vehicle, etc, OSOROSII refers to monsters, endings, truths, events, disasters, etc. It represents the power and momentum of pain, action, material, institution, roar, and scream, and fear that comes from power. In the case of ‘NOUN+GA+KOWAI’ ‘NOUN+NO+OSOROSII’, while KOWAI expresses fear in a relatively wide range such as strength, momentum, power, personality, temperament, content, and atmosphere, OSOROSII indicates a limited sense of fear of disasters and disasters. In the case of ‘KOWAKUTE/OSOROSIKUTE+VERB’ which modifies predicate verbs, it is in the form of ‘KOWAKUTE + indefinite form of possible verbs’ and ‘OSOROSIKUTE+^^DEKINAI’ to express the impossibility and limitations caused by fear or fear. In the case of ‘ADVERB+KOWAI/OSOROSII’ which is modified by an adverb, KOWAI evaluates the degree or change of the feeling of fear, while OSOROSII expresses the feeling of admiration that comes from the magnitude of the feeling of intimidation and awe.

      • KCI등재

        사회⋅문화적 의미의 통시적 변화 -명치⋅대정(明治⋅大正)시대와 현대의 「日本人」「現代人」「普通の人」비교를 통해-

        강경완 한국일본언어문화학회 2013 일본언어문화 Vol.24 No.-

        This paper is trying to quantitatively prove Diachronic change of socioculturalmeaning-through comparing Meiji⋅Taisho era using corpus of individual word. Thisis the summary of investigation. (1) Negative discoursive meaning tendency hold a large majority in NIHONJIN(“Japanese”)of Meiji⋅Taisho era and positive meaning tendency is extremely rare. I could suppose from discursive meaning tendency of “having bad habit”, “not equalto Europe and the United States”, “do not coexist with others”, “incompetent⋅ignorant”, etc vesting in NIHONJIN(“Japanese”) of Meiji⋅Taisho era, there issociocultural meaning of “being inferior”. This reflect of Japanese, which wasgrowing a modern nation, longing for and inferiority to the West. (2) GENDAIJIN(“contemporary man”) of Meiji⋅Taisho era has a very negativesociocultural meaning, “being who has lost original humanity”, like modern times. but on the one hand has a positive sociocultural meaning, “new”, which is nonexistentin modern times. and this means that social value of positive looking at contemporaryman still existed until Meiji⋅Taisho era. (3) Sociocultural meaning of FUTSU NO HITO(“ordinary man”), “being ordinarycould be sympathetically accepted”, which is typical meaning of modern times, isnot exist in Meiji⋅Taisho era. Meanwhile, in proportional respect, the discursivemeaning tendency “people who do not has any special ability or experience” is high,on the other hand “people who lead steady lives” is nonexistent in Meiji⋅Taishoera. This gap reflects that social value of looking at ordinary person is changingpositively by degrees as time advanced from Meiji⋅Taisho era to modern times.

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