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        충남(忠南) 금산군내(錦山郡內) 보건시범부락(保健示範部落)에 대(對)한 기초조사(基礎調査)

        고병훈,Kho, Byung-Hoon 대한예방의학회 1974 예방의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        충남(忠南) 금산군내(錦山郡內) 1,141가구(家口) 7,050 가구원(家口員)에 대(對)한 조사결과(調査結果)를 총괄(總括)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 평균(平均) 가구원수(家口員數)는 6.18명(名)(${\pm}2.17$명(名))이며 성비(性比)는 105.5로 비교적(比較的) 높은 편(便)이며, 20세미만(未滿)의 인구(人口)가 51.6%를 점(占)하고 인구증대형(人口增大型)의 구성(構成)을 가지고 있었다. 2. 문맹률(文盲率)이 12.1%이며 고교졸업이상(高校卒業以上)의 부락민(部落民)은 4.1%에 불우(不遇)했다. 주민(住民)의 79.8%가 유직(有職)이며 이 중 농업(農業)이 46.1%였다. 가옥소유형태별(家屋所有形態別)로는 자택(自宅)이 95.2%이고 무주택률(無住宅率)은 4.8%였다. 3. 보건소(保健所)나 보건지소(保健支所)를 1년간(年間)($73.4.1{\sim}74.3.31$)에 이용(利用)한 가구(家口)는 72.0%였으며, 빈도(頻度)에 있어서는 $2{\sim}4$회(回)가 26.8%로 가장 높았고 이용목적(利用目的)은 예방접종(豫防接種) 35.7%, 치료(治療) 26.7%, 가족계획(家族計劃) 24.1%, 모자보건(母子保建) 10.5%의 순(順)이었다. 4. 주민(住民)들의 보건소(保健所)및 지소(支所) 이용도(利用度)는 연간(年間) 가구당(家口當) 4.4회(回)이며 주민(住民) 1인당(人當) 0.75회(回) 이용(利用)했다. 5. 출생률(出生率)은 人口(人口) 1,000명당(名當) 19.1, 사망률(死亡率)은 7.5로 자연증가율(自然增加率)은 1.16%였다. 6. 가임여성(可妊女性)($20{\sim}40$세)의 37.7%가 미혼자(未婚者)였고, 연령별(年齡別) 출산회수(出産回數)의 총계(總計)에 있어서는 $36{\sim}40$세의 17.1%가 가장 높았다. 7. 미혼자(未婚者)가 61.4%로 연소층(年少層)이 많은 인구구성(人口構成)을 가지고 있으며 남여별(男女別)로 보면 미혼남자(未婚男子)가 67.2%, 미혼여자(未婚女子)가 57.6%이었다. 8. 기혼자(旣婚者) 2,711명중(名中) 가족계획(家族計劃) 실시자(實施者)는 612명(名)(22.57%)에 불과(不過)하였으며, 남여별(男女別)로 보면 남자(男子) 8.33%, 여자(女子) 34.82%가 실시(實施)하고 있었다. 실시자(實施者)의 16.01%만이 영구피임방법(永久避妊方法)을 사용(使用)하였고 83.98%는 일시적(一時的)인 피임방법(避妊方法)을 사용(使用)하고 있었다. 9. 예방접종(豫防接種)은 대상자(對象者)의 57.7%에서 실시(實施)되었으며 종별(種別)로는 B.C.G vaccine 82.7%, D.P.T. vaccine 76.2%, Poliovaccine 67.9%, 종두(種痘) 62.6%의 순(順)이였다. 10. 의료기관리용(醫療機關利用)에 있어서는 약국(藥局) 32.16%, 병의원(病醫院) 28.65%, 보건소(保健所) 및 지소(支所) 17.96%, 한약방(漢藥房) 7.36%, 그리고 한의원(漢醫院) 6.31%이었다. 질병(疾病)으로는 신경통(神經痛)이 가장 많았고 그 다음이 소화기계질환(消化器系疾患), 호흡기계(呼吸器系) 및 피부병(皮膚病)의 순서(順序)였다. Survey results concerning the general information on health status of 7,050 inhabitants (1,141 households) which have been selected within Keumsan Gun, Chung Choung Nam Do area are as follws: 1. The average family size is $6.18{\pm}2.17$ persons per household. Tertiary sex ratio is 105.5 population composition of Kumsan Gun shown a pyramidal form consisting of 51.6% of the inhabitants under 20 years of age. 2. Rate of illiteracy amounts to 12.1% and only 4.1% of villagers were graduated from high schools, 80% of the inhabitants have some kind of jobs: 46.1% of them are engaged in agriculture, 95.2% of villagers have their own houses, and remaining 4.8% do not have their own. 3. 72% of households made use of health services provided provided by health centre or subcentres during a period of 1 year from April 1, 1973 to March 31, 1974. 26.8% of them visited health centre of sub-centres 2-4 times annually for the following purposes: 1) Vaccination: 35.7% 2) Diagnosis or treatment: 26.7% 3) Family planning: 24.1% 4) Maternal and child health: 10.5% 4. Utilization rate of health facilities is on an average 4.4 times per household and 0.75 times per capita. 5. Birth rate in the area is 1.91% and death rate is 0.75%, indicating the natural increase rate is only 1.16% that is lower than the nationwide rate of 1.8-2.2% in 1970 and 1.5-1.9% in 1973. 6. 37.7% of fertile women (20-40 years old) in the area are still unmarried, Fertility rate is the highest in the age group of 63-40 years old showing a value of 17.1%. 7. The unmarried population in this area amounts to 61.4% : 61.4% in male and 57.6% in female. 8. Number of inhaibtants who practice family planning is 612 persons(22.6%) among the married (2.771). This value consists of 8.3% of married males and 34.8% of married females. Only 16.0% of the people who put family planning in practice undergo permanent contraceptive methods and remaining 84.0% of them do temporary measures. 9. Only 57.7% of the subjects took vaccinations as follows: 1) B.C.G. vaccination: 82.7% 2) D.P.T. vaccination: 76.2% 3) Poliomyelitis vaccination: 67.9% 4) Smallpox vaccination: 62.6% 10. In the utilization of medical facilities in case of sickness drug stores (32.15%) comes first and hospitals or clinics (28.65%), health centre of health sub-centres (17.96%), herb drug stores (7.36%) and herb gerneral practioners (6.31%), etc., in decreasing order. Sickness that people living in this area suffer from are neuralgia, disease digestive troubles, respiratory diseases and skin lesions, etc.

      • 錦山地域 分娩環境에 關한 調査硏究

        高炳勳,金聖子 고려대학교 의과대학 1977 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.14 No.3

        This study focusing on family planning, induced abortion, delivery milieu including prenatal care, places of delivery, attendants at delivery and tools used to cut umbilical cord, and registration of birth was conducted on 1,198 women aged 20-44 who had experienced deliveries and 1,138 deliveries done during the period of 5 years from 1970 to 1974. The results obtained from the study for 2 months of June and July in 1975, in Keum-San Gun, Chungeheongnam Do were abstracted as follow. 1) Of all respondents the group aged 35-39 years was the most frequent one (27.5%) and the one aged 20-24 years was the least (5.7%). 2) Regarding the respondents' and their husbands' educational back ground, the majority (62.4% and 55.8% respectively) had received primary school. The mean educational level of respondents' husbands was a little higher than that of respondents. 3) Most of the respondents' husbands (80.4%) in the study area were engaged in agriculure. 4) The ideal number of sons and daughters averaged 2.1 and 1.6 respectively. However the average number of pregnancies was 4.7. 5) The mean general fertility rate of the period of 5 years from 1970 to 1974 was 190.0. 6) The proportion approving of family planning was 84.7% and among them the current contraceptive use rate was 49.6%. 7) The largest proportion (30.5%) of respondents currently used contraception used IUDs. 8) Of all respondents who had experienced pregnancy in the past, 19.8% stated that they had experienced induced abortion. 9) The percentage of deliveries received prenatal care at medical facilities was 33.4% (16.5% at health center, 10.9% at clinics and 6.0% at midwife's home). 10) The rate of receiving prenatal care was increased in accordance with educational level of the respondents. 11) Of all deliveries, 97.3% was reported to have been delivered at home, while only 2.7% were delivered at a hospital of a midwife's home. 12) The percentage of deliveries attended by medical personnel was 9.8% (5.8% by physicians and 3.8% by midwives). 13) For severing the umbilical cord, sterilized scissors were used by 37.5% of respondents. Unsterilized sewing scissors were most frequently used (by 52.4%) as a tool for cutting umbilical cord. 14) Only 29.2% of parents registered the birth of their children within 14 days after birth and 51.3% within a month. 15) The rate of registration of birth was not correlated with the educational level of respondents and their husbands.

      • 카드미움과 鉛의 同時投與가 白鼠臟器內의 含量과 酵素活性度 變化에 미치는 影響

        高炳勳,車喆煥 고려대학교 의과대학 1981 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.18 No.3

        In order to study interaction of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) when exposed at the same time, 1㎎/㎏ body weight of Cd and/or 1㎎/㎏ body weight of Pb were simultaneously inject into 78 adult rats of Spregue-Dswley Species intraperitonially every day for 10 to 60 days and their contents in liver, kidney and bone of the rats were measured at every 10 day-interval. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Kidney and liver which were the target organs of Cd were seemed to have been damaged since from 30th day after combined injection of Cd with Pb when maximum or critical concentration was shown, whereas it was shown from 60th day after injection of Cd only. 2. In case of Cd-Pb combined administration, concentration of Cd in bone tissue started increasing from 50th after initial administration, whereas it started from 30th day after in case of injection of Cd only. It was thought that Cd contained in liver and kidney would be transported to bone tissue after decreasement of accummulation rate in the kidney & liver. 3. The similar phenomena were also shown in case Pb accummulation showing remarkable decreasement of it after 40th day of combined injection of Cd and Pb. 4. Concentration of iron in liver of rats exposed to Cd and/or Pb became lower and lower as time went by compared with that of control group. Degree of decreasement was more severe in the group exposed to both of Cd and Pb at the same time. 5. Activity of LDH decreased from 10th day after the simultaneous injection of Cd with Pb, and it increased again at 50th day of experiment. And activity of alkaline-phosphatase started decreasing from 20th day after exposure of Cd and Pb.

      • KCI등재

        전차선로 해빙시스템의 온도특성

        고병훈,박영,정호성,권삼영,박현준,Ko, Byeong-Hun,Park, Young,Jung, Ho-Sung,Kwon, Sam-Young,Park, Hyun-June 한국전기전자재료학회 2007 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.20 No.11

        The ice coats are built on 25 kV overhead contact wire when the temperature is lower than $0^{\circ}C$. It generates shockwaves at the mechanical interface of the collecting strips of the pantograph and the contact wire. The de-icing processes should be performed to avoid shockwaves which are generated by a pulsed high-voltage arc discharge. This paper presents temperature analysis of the de-icing effects which could be applied to the overhead contact wire of railways using Joule heat. The results show that 350 A is the proper current for $0^{\circ}C$ conductor according to environmental condition such as velocity of air stream, ambient temperature and moisture.

      • DSSS 시스템에서 주파수 오프셋을 이용한 리피터 재밍

        고병훈(Byung Hoon Ko),이두호(Duho Rhee),변일무(Ilmu Byun),김광순(Kwang Soon Kim) 대한전자공학회 2007 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2007 No.11

        Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) has inherent anti-jamming characteristics, so the normal jamming types such as tone jamming and partial band jamming cannot be effective jamming techniques. In this paper, the repeater jamming based on the frequency offset is proposed and the simulation result shows that the repeater jamming with the increased frequency offset is effective to degrade the bit error probability performance.

      • KCI등재
      • 임의 방전을 이용한 전차선 열화특성

        고병훈(Byeonghun Ko),박영(Young Park),권삼영(Samyoung Kwon),정호성(Hosung Jung),박현준(Hyun-June Park),김창희(Changhee Kim) 대한전기학회 2007 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.10

        This paper describes the various wavelengths of electrical arc on overhead contact line for improvement of the current collection performance. The tests are performed with the arc measuring device and a welding machine to generate electrical arc artificially. The experimental result shows the electrical arc on overhead contact line and pantograph could be analyzed by artificial discharge

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