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      • KCI등재

        일본 강점기 일본인 교사 야스다 야스노리(安田保則)의 교육저술과 교육활동

        한예원 조선대학교 인문학연구원 2019 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.58

        This study examined educational writings and activity of Yasda Yasnori a Japanese teacher in Gwagju during the Japanese colonial rule(安田保則, 1885〜?). He was born in Nomi-gun, Isikawa, Japan and was graduated from a teacher school in Isikawa. He came to Korea and worked as a teacher of a public school in 1915 and from 1918, he was engaged in diverse educational activities in Jeonnam and Gwangju for about 30 years. He published 『Working for Education in Korea(朝鮮敎育に安住して)』(1927) which recorded the status of education in Korea at that time while working as a teacher of an elementary school and a middle school. Then he published 『Construction of Factitive Education and Consequence(作爲敎育の建設と歸趨)』(1931) about trend of all-round education for ‘Gwangju-style Factitive Education.’ He compiled 『(Gwangju)Hyangtodokbon(鄕土讀本)』(1937) which explained the necessity of education on the conditions of Korea at that time while teaching Japanese people at Gwangju Simsang Public School. This study examined two writings mentioned above and his educational activities and perspectives. ‘Factitive Education’ accepted work, labor and feasance of children as educational methods to remove disadvantages of nobility education for intellectualist and realize harmony between body and mind, which was influenced by Arbeitsschule of Germany. He wrote about educational theories including specific educational methods and activities while working as a teacher in Gwangju. It was hard to understand Gwagnju- style factitive education as there were only a few studies on it, but this study has meaning in that it presented an outline of it. 이 글은 일본 강점기 광주(光州)지역의 일본인 교육자 야스다 야스노리(安田保則, 1885〜?)의 교육저술과 교육활동을 살펴본 것이다. 야스다는 일본의 이시카와현(石川縣)의 노미군(能美郡)에서 출생하였고, 이시카와현 사범(師範)학교를 졸업한 뒤, 1915년 조선총독부의 공립학교 훈도(訓導)가 되어서 조선으로 건너와 경성에서 활동하다가, 1918년부터 30여년간 전남과 광주의 교육기관에 근무하였다. 주로 현재의 초등학교에 해당하는 ‘보통학교’, ‘심상초등학교’와 중학교에 해당하는 ‘실업학교’ 등에서 근무하면서 조선교육의 현황을 『조선교육에 안주하여(朝鮮敎育に安住して)』(1927년)로 출간하였고, 이어서 당시에 주목받던 심신(心身)의 전인교육을 수용하여 ‘광주식 작위교육’이라고 이름 붙이고, 『작위교육의 건설과 귀추(作爲敎育の建設と歸趨)』(1931년)로 출간하였다. 뿐 만 아니라 조선의 현지 사정을 교과내용으로 삼은 『(광주)향토독본(鄕土讀本)』(1937년)이라는 교재를 편집하였고, 또한 자신이 교장으로 있던 광주중앙심상고등소학교에서 실제로 시행하였던 교육과정을 『우리 학교 체육에 관한 종합연구(我が校体育の総合研究)』(1938년)라는 서명으로 발간하였다. 본고는 이러한 4권의 저술 중, 앞의 두 권을 발굴하고 그 내용을 소개하고자 하였다. 특히 야스다가 ‘광주식 작위교육’이라는 이름으로 정리한 교육내용을 개략적이나마 소개하여, 차후 일본 강점기 재조 일본인 교육자들의 교육활동이 본격적으로 조명되기를 기대한다. 이러한 일본인 교육자들의 조선에서의 교육활동을 고찰함은, 우리 근대교육 시발점의 교육 활동을 이해하는 데 크게 도움이 된다. 또한 국권 회복 이후의 초기 한국교육을 이해함에 있어서도 없어서는 안 될 작업이라고 생각된다. 나아가 일제 강점기의 교육관련 저술에 대한 종합적인 분석은 한반도 미래교육의 방향잡기에 좋은 가이드라인 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        二曲 李顒의 學問觀

        한예원 한국한자한문교육학회 2011 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.26 No.-

        LiErQu(1627~1705)`s name is Ong or Yong and his pen name is Chung-bu. He was called Mr. ErQu usually. He was born in Sumsu and never taken the gawgeo. He was recommended for official job because he was very famous scholar. ErQu made his own new theory, its inclination was neither Song dynasty's Chu Hsi nor Myung dynasty's Wang Yangming but a neutral attitude because there was a historical event that Manchuria built Chung dynasty. His important words are 'HweGwaJaSin' and 'MyungCheChuckYong'. 'HweGwaJaSin' means that person acknowledge their fault oneself and be a new person. 'MyungCheChuckYong' is same that person must conserve own body and use in actually. ErQu direction is not only theoretical suggestion but also constant action. He thought that practice is worth a pound of theory. Conclusively, He insisted people acknowledge their fault oneself and practice actually. 李二曲(1627~1705)의 이름은 顒, 또는 容이라고 하고, 字는 中孚이지만, 보통 二曲先生이라고 불려졌다. 陝西省 出身으로 평생 과거에는 응시하지 않았다. 학문으로 이름이 알려지면서 여러 번 仕宦을 推薦 받았지만, 응하지 않고 평생 빈한함 속에서 학문에 매진하였다. 明代(1368∼1644)가 끝나고 滿洲族에 의해 淸朝가 세워지는 역사상황 속에서 학문을 하였던 二曲이기 때문에 그의 학문적 특색은 宋代 朱子나 明代의 王陽明중 그 어느 쪽으로도 치우치지 않는 자세로 자신만의 새로운 學術을 이루었다. 이러한 二曲의 학문적 특징을 단적으로 드러나는 말이 바로 ‘悔過自新’과 ‘明體適用’이다. ‘悔過自新’이란 말 그대로 학문을 하면서 자신의 過誤를 깨닫고 스스로 새롭게 고친다는 의미이고, ‘明體適用’이란 태어날 때부터 갖고 태어나는 本體를 잘 보전하여 현실에 적용하여 경세치용을 이룬다는 의미라고 할 수 있다. 二曲이 志向하였던 學問은 理論적 糾明에 滿足하지 않고, 끊임없는 實踐을 摸索하였던 儒學이다. 이런 그의 實踐重視 思想이 그의 학문관의 바탕을 이루고 있기 때문에 實踐에 어긋나는 경우는 果敢하게 학문이 아니라고 비평하였다. 즉 內容도 없이 章句에만 얽매이는 學問을 俗學이라고 보았던 二曲이었기 때문에 學問은 悔過自新하여 明體를 밝히고 適用하는 實踐의 學問이어야 한다는 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        16세기 사화기에 있어서 호남학문의 형성과 전개양상

        韓睿嫄 한국고시가문학회 2004 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.14

        Under the assumption that 'Honam Saryu' has a distinctive nature, which differs from that of Yeongnam Sarim(groups of Confucian scholars) or Kiho Sarim in their formation and development, this study aims to demonstrate validity of the independence of Honam Sarim from Kiho Sarim. First, noticing that the academic vein led by Kim Gweng-Pil and Jo Gwang-Jo played an important role in formation of the Sarim(groups of Confucian scholars), this study examines their academic characteristics and academic relations between Youngnam Sarim and Honam Sarim. Kim Gweng-Pil inherited moral philosophy to the Honam Saryu in Suncheon, his exiled place. Choi San-du and Yu Gye-rin who had been educated by Kim Gweng Pil educated Kim In-who and Yu Hee-chun, main members of Honam Sarim, and then Ki Dae-Seung followed them. Though the scholars of Honam Sarim were suffered in the Sahwa(massacre of scholars) period, they actively participated in the reformative politics led by Jo Gwang-Jo, which resulted in their exile or retirement. However, they participated in enlightenment of country people actively, proposing realization of principles presented in Sohak. And they made a great contribution to improvement in the Confucianism through hard study of the Confucian theories. Therefore, this study suggests their practice of village education and serious consideration of Sohak as characteristics of Honam study.

      • KCI등재후보

        三國遺事 所載 讚詩를 통해 본 一然의 文學에 관한 연구

        韓睿嫄 한국고시가문학회 2004 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.13

        In the later Period of Koryo(高麗) regime which is under the control of Won(元) empire, Ilyon(一然, 1206~1289) appreciated the history of his own country subjectively, and consequently wrote the Samguk Yusa(三國遺事). It is a sort of complication literature which contains diverse, precisely selected, affairs of politics, society, and it as Ilyon's own literature. But we can appreciate the Ilyon's literature accurately only through the Song of Praise of the Samguk Yusa, Which is a sort of concise verse 7 chinese characters. The Song of praise shows the Ilyon's critics the importance of it. Samguk Yusa contains 48 Song's of praise in all. In spite of it's diversity of inhalt. It is based on the reflection and affection of humanity, His the song of prise shows divers descriptive characterastics, and he make it more impressional by virtue of this descriptive beauty. The Ilyon's literature is very important in the Buddhist literature, and liyon is, as a poet of koryo, an eminent author in the history of Literature of chinese.

      • KCI등재후보

        Clinical Study of Porokeratosis Associated with Immunosuppressive Therapy in Renal Transplant Recipients

        한예원,김연정,김형옥,박영민 대한피부과학회 2008 Annals of Dermatology Vol.20 No.4

        Background: The etiology of porokeratosis (PK) remains unknown, but immunosuppression is known to be a factor in the pathogenesis of PK and it may also exacerbate PK. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the clinical characteristics of PK associated with immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplant recipients. Methods: A total of 9 renal transplant patients diagnosed with biopsy-proven PK from January 2001 to December 2006 were enrolled. The authors analyzed the patient and medication histories, clinical characteristics, and associated diseases. Results: The ages of the 9 patients ranged from 38 to 67 years (mean 52 years). All received multi-drug regimens comprised of two or three immunosuppressive agents (steroids, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine and/or tacrolimus). Times between transplantation and the onset of PK ranged from 2 to 9 years (mean 4.1 years). No family history of PK or a history of intense sun-exposure was elicited. The number of the lesions was less than ten in 8 of the 9. Lesions were mainly located in the extremities, though some affected the trunk or neck (3). Three patients had disseminated superficial actinic PK (DSAP), PK Mibelli, or both types. Associated diseases included verruca (4), recurrent herpes simplex (1), actinic keratosis (1), and cutaneous B cell lymphoma (1). Conclusion: The three clinical patterns of PK occurred equally in our patients, namely, coexistent PK Mibelli and DSAP, or the DSAP and Mibelli types as independent forms. Our findings support the notion that the different variants of PK be viewed as parts of a heterogeneous clinical spectrum. Further studies are needed in order to establish the clinical patterns of PK in immunosuppressed patients. Background: The etiology of porokeratosis (PK) remains unknown, but immunosuppression is known to be a factor in the pathogenesis of PK and it may also exacerbate PK. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the clinical characteristics of PK associated with immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplant recipients. Methods: A total of 9 renal transplant patients diagnosed with biopsy-proven PK from January 2001 to December 2006 were enrolled. The authors analyzed the patient and medication histories, clinical characteristics, and associated diseases. Results: The ages of the 9 patients ranged from 38 to 67 years (mean 52 years). All received multi-drug regimens comprised of two or three immunosuppressive agents (steroids, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine and/or tacrolimus). Times between transplantation and the onset of PK ranged from 2 to 9 years (mean 4.1 years). No family history of PK or a history of intense sun-exposure was elicited. The number of the lesions was less than ten in 8 of the 9. Lesions were mainly located in the extremities, though some affected the trunk or neck (3). Three patients had disseminated superficial actinic PK (DSAP), PK Mibelli, or both types. Associated diseases included verruca (4), recurrent herpes simplex (1), actinic keratosis (1), and cutaneous B cell lymphoma (1). Conclusion: The three clinical patterns of PK occurred equally in our patients, namely, coexistent PK Mibelli and DSAP, or the DSAP and Mibelli types as independent forms. Our findings support the notion that the different variants of PK be viewed as parts of a heterogeneous clinical spectrum. Further studies are needed in order to establish the clinical patterns of PK in immunosuppressed patients.

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