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      • KCI등재

        李白〈贈〉詩 譯解(3)

        趙成千(조성),趙得昌(조득창) 중국문화연구학회 2015 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.29

        This study is a set of translations and annotationsin a consecutive order on poem 11 to 16, from the 8th volume ‘Presented Poems(贈詩)’ of Libai(李白)’s 『a collection of Litaibo(李太白)´s works』, which specifically covers 6 poems. The original text is given for each of the subject poems, which are translated, commented in a consecutive manner. Compare, comparison and correction on the given texts, detailed explanations follows. The 11th poem is the poem written by Li Bai after meeting Di Botong(狄博通), and explains the deep relationship with Di Botong in much detail. The poem is full of the poet’s concerns, worries, and prayers for the poet’s friend. In the 12th poem, Li Bai has been exiled from position, and coincidently met Wei Canjun(韋參軍), who has been pardoned to weep at his hardships and feel heartbroken at his state. In the 13th poem, the region where Wei Canjun is pardoned and starts to work at has magnificent view that they console him not to be saddened, and to enjoy at a place with a great view if they have the opportunity. In the The 14th poem, Li Bai meets Zhou Chushi(周處士) to describe the view where Zhou Chushi lives, and also the life and the hearts of Zhou Chushi, to depict his wishes to be a Taoist hermit with miraculous powers with Zhou Chushi. In the The 15th poem, where the fall grows on and the rainy season rains on, the anguish and the depression accumulated from not achieving the goals in Changan(長安) and also the hardships of life are depicted. The 16th poem depicts the depressing political reality and his own poor situations, and expresses his will and hope even within the agony and the disappointments of the reality.

      • KCI등재

        王夫之⋅≪薑齋文集章靈賦≫ 역해(1)

        조성 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2022 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.77

        JiangZhaiWenJi(薑齋文集)⋅ZhangLingFu(章靈賦) was written in 1652. At that time, Sun KeWang(孫可望) captured GuiWang(桂王) and entered the Zhen(滇)⋅Qian(黔) area. His general manager, Li JeongGuk(李定國), came to Hengyang through Guangdong and invited Wang FuZhi to be unorthodox government official. Wang was wandered in the advancing and retreating. In the decision to advance and retreat, so he practice the divination of The Classic of Change(周易) twice. When the same Guimei(歸妹) in The Classic of Change appeared twice, he regarded it as a revelation from the Spirit and decided his own will. This work is very important to take a look at the internal conflict process of Wang Fu-ji, the process of concluding to the retreat, his intrinsic spirit, and the peculiarities of his life. This work is also important to take a look at his inner conflict, the process of his going into seclusion and and the peculiarity of his literature, Fu(賦). ZhangLingFu consist of 22 clauses, including the first Xiaoxu(小序) and the last Luan yue(亂曰). This article is a translation and annotation from the Xiaoxu to the 5 clause. The Xiaoxu explained the reason for writing this work. The 2 and 3 clauses describe the beginning of the Wang's family, the meritorious service of the ancestors, the crisis and anxiety of the family and the situation of the father's retreat. The 4, 5 and 6 clauses are his autobiographical description: it describes the date, time, scene of his birth and the aura born. Also, it depicts the feeling of despair of having to return to the sourth country due to the postponement of the Huishi(會試), even though he was accepted as a Juren(擧人) in the Xiangshi(鄕試) and refusal to become the unorthodox official of ZhangXianZhong(張獻忠). The 7, 8 and 9 clauses describe the worry about the national crisis, the anguish about his going into seclusion, the loyalty and will to the Namming regime and the situation in which it is impossible to serve the official position of Xing ren(行人) due to the slander of the subordinates. In particular, Wang expressed his opinion by quoting The Classic of Change and interpreted the occurrence of tribulation with with the five elements.

      • KCI등재

        주석(註釋) 및 자료(資料) : 왕부지(王夫之) ≪강재문집(薑齋文集)≫의 묘지명표(墓誌銘表) 사수(四首) 전석(詮釋)

        조성 중국어문연구회 2012 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.55

        墓志銘是一種悼念性的文體,一般由志和銘兩部分組成。志多用散文撰寫,敍述逝者的姓名、籍貫、生平事略;銘則用韻文槪括全篇,主要是對逝者一生的評價,表示對死者的悼念和讚頌。本稿對於王夫之≪薑齎文集≫卷四的<墓誌銘表>進行了詮釋,通過本稿了解王夫之“墓誌銘”的內容、特點及體制樣式。他在“志”的部分用散文,說明撰寫墓表的緣起、敍述逝者的姓名、籍貫、生平事略以外,還歌?表現不屑功名富貴的精神,批判當世用“?麗”寫作的虛華文風,還枰擊當世所謂功名,乃是전(?)弱民、媚上官來獵取的富貴功名。 他著重發洩了作者對當世士風的不滿憤激。王夫之借“墓誌銘”發揮對當世文風、士風的批判精神,此是他的“墓誌銘”的特點。他的“墓誌銘”是在寫作上通過敍事槪要,語言溫和,文字簡約?到以小總多的表現效果。在“銘的部分”,用 “u”及 “e” 兩個韻尾造成韻文槪括全篇,表現對逝者的悼念和讚頌的感情。王夫之<墓誌銘表>四首是作者的對死者的敍事與抒情交融的,??者感到無?的感?。其分段、標點、字句校勘部分是參考嶽麓書社出版的≪薑齋文集≫,至於本稿的不足之處,今後將進行更深入細致的硏究和修改。

      • KCI등재

        王夫之의 詩道性情論

        趙成千 中國語文硏究會 2002 中國語文論叢 Vol.22 No.-

        王夫之的詩道性情論是强調時的固有機能的時論命題.他認爲詩的固有機能是引導性情或表達感情.他嚴格區分詩和其他文體及學術的固有機能,更具體强調他的詩道性情論.比如說他以爲'詩'是詩人面臨各種自然社會現象而觸發感情來用語言描寫사的形象,'史'是以客觀技術歷史現象,正確敍述歷史事實爲사的固有生命,因此兩者的固有機能彼此不能代替. 王夫之環嚴格比較'詩理'和'非藝術的理'來强調詩的固有機能.他强調詩有詩本身的藝術的,審美的認識理論,經學和論理學上環有經學的,理論的認識論理,以經學和論理學上的認識論理決不能了解,欣賞時歌. 王夫之强調時歌領域該有詩歌本身的審美的,藝術的認識理論. 王夫之還反對時歌創作上構究義論,哲學,思想的以意爲主的創作,强調抒發詩人內面的性情的以情爲主的創作.以上的內容是王夫之通過詩道性情論所提起的審美觀點.

      • KCI등재

        王夫之시론상의 '現量'에 대한 시가미학적 고찰

        趙成千 中國語文硏究會 2001 中國語文論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        '秘量'本是古印度圈明學中的漑含.王夫之借說明他的誇論思想.王夫之詩論中 '烈量' 的槪念有三層詩誠美學的意義 一是 '卽景會的創作現象; 二是詩談的創作方式: 三是狂默炭特的 '眞當'描寫.本論文將從這三懼汚來考察王夫之詩論中 '桃量'約槪含竝闡發其時歌美學的義. 從 '卽景會心'創作現象問畿縱兆 '現量' 詩歌美學的意義.卽以詩人的跳身經驗.臍察客觀景物.也就是王夫之所謂 '身之所歷.目之所見', '心目爲政.不待外物, '心目不洲離.', '於心目州戰處得業得的創州情鑛.狀鐵斯謂 '縮州憾受. 從創作方式考索諦激美學約灌義.也就是 '直覺怒的刊鑛 '直覺思表示不是從誇人卽象中考索說的感興.而是詩人以耳', 目.鼻 .舌等凉音與其眼前的客觀農端峻觸而卽刻順得的怒知.從心底湧出詩的懲興.'現量'不是 '思量計凉'.而是與此訓反的 '一儒卽覺'. 從客觀景物 '眞對'的描崙.濫討 '刻量'誇歌法學的意味.指詩人的描寫要顯示景物脚有的客觀注.不要用誇人的主槪性賤意歪曲炭物的客槪面純.此卽王夫之所謂 '駱其本榮.如所存而顯之'.脚而言之不툰的滴義. 以上所論 '桃量'槪念的三個層面.乃逢豈夫之詩論中桃爲違要的詩激炎學漑念.

      • KCI등재

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