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        전시컨벤션센터의 기능이 효과성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        오성환,한진오,정득,이종석 관광경영학회 2020 관광경영연구 Vol.99 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to empirically verify the effect of the function of the exhibition and convention center on the effectiveness. The main key of this study is that the exhibition and convention center positively affects various effects through the role of public function to local communities and local residents as a public facility. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 1,040 people who had experience in participating in the event held at the exhibition and convention center. As a result of this study, conventional, tourism economical, and social functions, which are the core functions of the exhibition and convention center, showed a positive effect on effectiveness. And when analyzing the effects of the exhibition and convention center's public function with the core functions, the residents support variable had a significant effect on economic effectiveness and tourism industrial effectiveness, while cultural life variable had a positive effect on sociocultural effectiveness. This means that the importance of public function of the exhibition and convention center is a major factor that positively affects effectiveness, and the exhibition and convention center should be a platform for the local community that provides education, welfare, start-up, and cultural sports as public facility.

      • 戰略的 補完性과 景氣變動의 持續性

        吳星煥 서울大學校 經濟硏究所 1991 經濟論集 Vol.30 No.4

        本橋는 경기순환에 있어 一時的 衡擊(temporary shock)이 지속적으로 거시경제변수들에 영향을 미친다는 特徵的 現象(stylized fact)에 대한 이론적 고찰을 목적으로 한다. 경제 내에 資本스톡의 조정비용 등과 같은 일말의 비신축성이 내재할 경우, 戰略的 補完性(strategic complementarity)의 존재는 일시적 충격의 효과를 보다 증폭시키고 持續的이게 한다. 구체적으로 거시경제 내에 존재하는 전략적 보완성의 정도와 일시적 충격 이후 경제의 定常狀態로의 復歸速度는 상호 陰의 관계가 있다.

      • 通貨政策에서의 信賴性과 伸縮性

        吳星煥 서울大學校經濟硏究所 1997 經濟論集 Vol.36 No.3

        본연구는 통화정책에서 발생하는 신뢰성과 신축성 문제간의 상충관계를 간단한 모형경제를 상정하여 분석한다. 신뢰성만을 고려한 통화정책에서의 제도개선은 신축성의 상실로부터 오는 비용을 지불해야 하는 반면 지나친 신축성의 부여는 통화정책의 신뢰성 상실로 인해 인플레이션 편의와 같은 비용을 초래한다. 따라서 새로운 정보와 경제적 상황에 대처할 수 있는 적절한 신축성을 부여하면서 동시에 여러 가지 유인으로 인해 발행할 수 있는 인플레이션 편의를 제거하기 위한 제도적 장치가 마련되어야 하는 것이다.

      • 表面改質에 의한 엔진오일의 극압 첨가제에 따른 트라이볼로지 特性

        李奉九,吳聖煥 圓光大學校 大學院 1996 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The tribological characteristics about friction and wear is influenced by the surface condition of material and the additives of oil. In this paper, we have studied the tribologica characteristics with ZDTP additive in engine oil by surface modification using the Falax wear test machine. The result is as follows. 1. With the status non surface modification, in the case of ZDTP additive oil more than non additing oil, the friction characteristics were excellent, and when the surfce modification is done, the excellent orders are followling; Ion plating > plasma C.V.D > non coating. 2. When the Ion plating, plating, plasma C.V.D method coating, and then ZDTP additive oil is not seen large difference the friction characteristics. But in the case of no additing oil has large an effect surface modification. 3. In the case of the Ion plating, plasma C.V.D method is a surface modification, the anti-wear property is more excellent when the ZDTP additive oil than non additing oil was using in the long time. In particular. For the Ion plating is more excellent. 4. For the surface modification non additive oil than ZDTP additive oil has stability in temperature change in the long time. In particular, it keeps excellent heat stability at high temperature. Accordinglyh, If ZDTP is additing, and the surface modification is made by the Ion plating, and plasma C.V.D coating ethod will be able to improve tribological characteristics by the excellent of the anti-friction property, the extreme pressure property, the anti-wear property and the heat stability.

      • KCI등재

        실용적 주문형 RFID 물류 정보 시스템 구축에 관한 사례연구

        오성환,양광모,박재현,Oh Sung Hwan,Yang Kwang Mo,Park Jae Hyun 대한안전경영과학회 2004 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        A company wishes to obtain a competitive edge by adopting an efficient logistics information system to control the logistics management process. The elements of the competitive edges a company targets are to maintain good quality, reduce cost and on-time delivery and those competitive edges are closely related to the cycle time of a product. The logistics information system in a company is also closely tied with other business activities than the logistics itself. Therefore it is essential to choose a system that will help rationalize the logistics but also overall business operations along the supply chain from manufacturing to distribution of the products. This paper aims to research and analyze a problem with a logistics information system through case study and to suggest a logistics information system with RFID in place adopted to eliminate problems such as damages, loss and defect rates.

      • KCI등재

        특허권에 대한 분할청구 인정 여부 - 대법원 2014. 8. 20. 선고 2013다41578 판결을 중심으로 -

        오성환 한국지식재산연구원 2015 지식재산연구 Vol.10 No.2

        Under the recent judgment, 2013Da41578 on August 20 (hereinafter referred as the judgment), 2014 from Supreme Court, it is admittable for a joint owner of patent to request for sharing the price of patent through auction without consent from other joint owners. Under Article 99 of the Korean Patent Act, it is prohibited for a joint owner of patent to assign his/her share or give a license of patent to the third party without consent from all joint owners. When a joint owner with ability of using a patent(hereinafter referred as joint owner1) and a joint owner without ability of using a patent(hereinafter referred as joint owner2) share a patent, the joint owner2 can’t use a claimed invention but he/she can only benefit from using joint share with consent from the joint owner1. However, there is no reason for the joint owner1 agree with the request of the joint owner2 since the joint owner1 may benefit more from using a claimed invention exclusively. Therefore, the joint owner2 has no way to benefit from using his/her share. The judgment is about request for sharing the price of patent right by a legal heir. It is impossible for the legal heir to benefit from the patent since the heir could not use a claimed invention due to the lack of capability to use a patent. Therefore, inherited patent right is meaningless. There was no Article of the Patent Act to prohibit the request for sharing the price. That is why the Supreme Court decided that money which was exchanged from patent right through an auction, should be given to each joint owner according to their share. On the other hand, if it is allowable to share the price under the Civil Law and then a patent right is given to the third party through an auction, the share of the other joint owners also should be sold by force. Furthermore, the other joint owners, who lose their share, should stop using the claimed invention. Even though there was a way to protect the other joint owners such as reimburse of the price, the Supreme Court decided to accept share of the price. Thus, I believe that it is necessary to review whether the judgment is appropriate or to consider interests between joint owners. 최근 대법원은 2014. 8. 20. 선고한 2013다41578 판결(이하, ‘대상판결’이라 한다)에서 공유자 일방이 다른 공유자 동의 없이도 특허권 전체를 경매에부쳐 그 대금을 지분비율에 따라 배당하는 대금분할청구를 인정하였다. 현행 특허법은 각 공유자는 다른 공유자 모두의 동의를 받아야만 자신의 지분을 양도하거나 특허권에 실시권을 설정할 수가 있도록 규정되어 있어, 실시능력이없는 공유자(대학 등)가 실시능력 있는 공유자(기업 등)와 특허를 공유하고 있는경우, 실시능력이 없는 공유자(대학 등)는 특허발명을 실시하지 못하므로 실시능력이 있는 공유자(기업 등)의 동의를 받아야만 공유지분을 이용(지분양도 및 실시권 설정)하여 이익을 창출할 수 있다. 그러나 실시능력이 있는 공유자(기업 등)의입장에서는 특허발명을 독점적으로 실시하는 것이 유리하므로 실시능력이 없는공유자(대학 등)의 지분 양도 및 실시권 설정을 위한 동의요구에 응할 이유가 없다. 따라서 실시능력이 없는 공유자는 자신의 지분을 이용하여 이익을 창출할 방법이 원천적으로 봉쇄되게 된다. 대상판결의 사실관계는 피상속인의 사망으로 피상속인의 특허 지분을 상속인이 상속받았지만1) 상속인은 실시능력이 없어 특허발명을 실시할 수 없기 때문에특허 지분으로부터 아무런 이익을 얻을 수 없으므로, 상속인이 법원에 특허권의대금분할을 청구한 것이다. 이에 대법원은 특허법상 분할청구를 금지하는 규정이없으므로 대금분할을 인정하여 특허권 전체를 경매에 부쳐 돈으로 환가한 후 그돈을 공유자들의 지분에 따라 배당하라는 판결을 하였다. 그러나 대상판결처럼 민법상 대금분할이 인정되어 경매로 특허권이 제3자에게 낙찰되면 지분처분을 원치 않는 타공유자의 지분도 강제로 처분되고, 지분을상실한 타공유자는 실시사업을 중단해야 한다. 따라서 이 사건 대상판결에서 대금분할 청구를 인정한 것이 적절한 것인지에 대하여 의문이 남는다. 또한 분할방법에는 대금분할 이외에 타공유자의 지분까지 처분하지 않는 가격배상(보상분할)이있는데도 불구하고 대금분할을 인정한 것이 공유자 간의 이해관계를 조정하기 위한 합리적 판단이었는지 검토할 필요가 있다.

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