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        The East-West Collaboration across the Iron Curtain against Polio Epidemics: Soviet Engagement with Global Health and Poliomyelitis Vaccine Development in 1956-1964

        Shin Boram 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2023 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.14 No.1

        The eradication of polio has often been portrayed as an “American story” since the heroes who invented the first polio vaccines, the primary weapon against the disease, were American medical scientists and health administrators. The main protagonists of the story are Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin, the developers of the IPV and oral poliovirus vaccine. This paper revisits the story of polio vaccine development from a Soviet perspective, focusing on an international collaboration initiated by Soviet scientists who crossed the Iron Curtain and visited the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1955, Mikhail Chumakov, the head of the newly established Soviet Institute of Poliomyelitis, led a small group of Soviet medical scientists to the United States to learn about the Salk polio vaccine. The delegation gained more than just knowledge about American polio vaccine development, but they also established a regular channel for communication and collaboration between Soviet and American medical scientists that led to the national immunization program against polio in the USSR. The vaccine used for the Soviet mass immunization campaign was the Sabin live-attenuated polio vaccine that would ultimately be chosen as the weapon for global polio eradication. This paper suggests that the Soviet science diplomacy in the field of global medicine was shaped by the Soviet scientists’ experience of cooperating with their American counterparts for the Soviet polio vaccination campaign. In other words, the experience of international collaboration on the polio vaccination campaign influenced Soviet science diplomacy in the Cold War era.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 우울과 전위공격성의 관계에서 우울반응양식의 매개 효과

        신보람 ( Boram Shin ),권해수 ( Haesoo Kweon ) 한국심리유형학회 2016 심리유형과 인간발달 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 공격의 직접적인 대상이 아닌 무고한 다른 대상에게 공격성을 표출하는 경향인 전위공격성을 보이는 사람의 내적 특성으로서 우울을 상정하여 우울과 전위공격성의 관계를 탐색하고, 우울이 전위공격성에 이르는 과정을 우울 반응양식을 통해 살펴보았다. 이를 위하여 K광역시 소재 대학생 410명을 대상으로 한국판 전위공격성 질문지, 우울척도, 우울 반응양식 척도를 측정하였으며, Baron과 Kenny의 매개 효과 검증 절차를 따랐다. 나타난 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 우울, 전위공격성, 우울 반응양식의 상관관계를 살펴본 결과, 우울과 전위공격성은 유의한 정적 상관관계를 보였으며, 반추적 반응양식만이 전위공격성과 정적 상관을 보였다. 둘째, 우울과 전위공격성의 관계에서 반추적 반응양식 및 반성적 반응양식에서는 부분매개효과가 검증되었으나 주의전환적 반응양식은 매개하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 본 연구 결과가 상담 실제에 미치는 시사점과 연구 한계점을 제언하였다. This study examined mediating effects of depressive response styles on the relation between depression and displaced aggressin. For this study, a sample of 364 university students completed self-report measures of depression, displaced aggression, depressive response styles, in Gwang-ju. As a result, depression has a positive relation with displaced aggression. Depression has a positive relation with Ruminative and reflective response style, and negative relation with distractive response style. Ruminative and reflective response style has a positive relation with displaced aggression, but distractive response style has no relationship with displaced aggression. The result from multiple analysis suggested that ruminative response style and reflective response style mediated the effect of depression on displaced aggression. This study ends with implications limitations, and suggestion for future studies.

      • KCI등재

        『안채』에서 나온 『굴사라』

        신보람(Shin, Boram) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2016 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.63

        중앙아시아 무슬림 여성들이 가부장적 전통을 거부하고 그 상징적인 행위로 공공장소에서 베일을 벗어던졌던 후줌운동 hujum을 배경으로 한 코밀 야신 Komil Yashin의 1932년 연극 안채 Ichkarida가 1935년에 오페라 『굴사라 Gulsara』로 각색되었다. 우즈벡 문화 근대화의 성과라고 평가받았던 이 오페라는 1937년에 모스크바에서 개최된 우즈벡 문화 축제(데카다 декада)의 주요행사로 당시 최고의 권위를 자랑했던 볼쇼이 극장에서 공연되었다. 본 논문은 오페라 『굴사라』의 주인공인 중앙아시아의 신여성 굴사라가 우즈벡 민족을 대표하는 상징적 인물로 무대에 서게 된 배경과 그 의미를 되짚어 보고자 한다. 1932년에 쓰여진 원작 『안채 Ichkarida』에서는 아버지 손에 잔인하게 살해당했던 굴사라가 1935년에 와서는 사회주의 여성으로 부활하게 된 그 역사적 배경에는 소비에트 중앙아시아 여성 정체성의 재정립 그리고 문학의 사회적 사명과 창작활동에 대한 의미의 변화가 있었다. 이러한 변화들이 1910년대 후기부터 자디드 Jadid라고 불렸던 무슬림 근대화 사상가들과 우즈벡 볼셰비키 문인들을 중심으로 우즈베키스탄 문학 속에서 진행되었던 근대와 여성에 관련한 논의에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지 살펴보고자 한다. During the 1937 Uzbek dekada or ten-day festival of national culture, celebrated in Moscow, the story of Gulsara, an Uzbek woman who unveiled herself and thus transformed into a new Soviet woman, was brought to the prestigious Bolshoi Theatre stage. The opera Gulsara (1935), originally written as a play titled Ichkarida (Inside the Women’s Quarters, 1932), was set around the 1927 hujum (‘attack’ in Uzbek) or the public burning of veils transitionally worn by Muslim women of Central Asian sedentary population. Despite the fact that the hujum, in reality caused much outrage and violence among local traditionalists against unveiled women, the opera portrayed unveiling as a heroic liberation that marked the ultimate victory of the new socialist order over old religious values. Such triumphalism, however, was lacking in the original play, Ichkarida, in which Gulsara fell victim to a familicide. This paper traces the socio-political and cultural context which led to this revision. In so doing, it uncovers the literary devices and modernist rhetorics that the Soviet Uzbek writers appropriated from their predecessors, the Jadids or Muslim modernist intellectuals, who first engaged with the question of women’s liberation from the 1910s to the 1920s. 중앙아시아 무슬림 여성들이 가부장적 전통을 거부하고 그 상징적인 행위로 공공장소에서 베일을 벗어던졌던 후줌운동 hujum을 배경으로 한 코밀 야신 Komil Yashin의 1932년 연극 안채 Ichkarida가 1935년에 오페라 『굴사라 Gulsara』로 각색되었다. 우즈벡 문화 근대화의 성과라고 평가받았던 이 오페라는 1937년에 모스크바에서 개최된 우즈벡 문화 축제(데카다 декада)의 주요행사로 당시 최고의 권위를 자랑했던 볼쇼이 극장에서 공연되었다. 본 논문은 오페라 『굴사라』의 주인공인 중앙아시아의 신여성 굴사라가 우즈벡 민족을 대표하는 상징적 인물로 무대에 서게 된 배경과 그 의미를 되짚어 보고자 한다. 1932년에 쓰여진 원작 『안채 Ichkarida』에서는 아버지 손에 잔인하게 살해당했던 굴사라가 1935년에 와서는 사회주의 여성으로 부활하게 된 그 역사적 배경에는 소비에트 중앙아시아 여성 정체성의 재정립 그리고 문학의 사회적 사명과 창작활동에 대한 의미의 변화가 있었다. 이러한 변화들이 1910년대 후기부터 자디드 Jadid라고 불렸던 무슬림 근대화 사상가들과 우즈벡 볼셰비키 문인들을 중심으로 우즈베키스탄 문학 속에서 진행되었던 근대와 여성에 관련한 논의에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지 살펴보고자 한다. During the 1937 Uzbek dekada or ten-day festival of national culture, celebrated in Moscow, the story of Gulsara, an Uzbek woman who unveiled herself and thus transformed into a new Soviet woman, was brought to the prestigious Bolshoi Theatre stage. The opera Gulsara (1935), originally written as a play titled Ichkarida (Inside the Women’s Quarters, 1932), was set around the 1927 hujum (‘attack’ in Uzbek) or the public burning of veils transitionally worn by Muslim women of Central Asian sedentary population. Despite the fact that the hujum, in reality caused much outrage and violence among local traditionalists against unveiled women, the opera portrayed unveiling as a heroic liberation that marked the ultimate victory of the new socialist order over old religious values. Such triumphalism, however, was lacking in the original play, Ichkarida, in which Gulsara fell victim to a familicide. This paper traces the socio-political and cultural context which led to this revision. In so doing, it uncovers the literary devices and modernist rhetorics that the Soviet Uzbek writers appropriated from their predecessors, the Jadids or Muslim modernist intellectuals, who first engaged with the question of women’s liberation from the 1910s to the 1920s.

      • KCI등재

        1920년부터 1980년대까지 한국 언론에 비친 중앙아시아

        신보람(Boram Shin) 충북대학교 러시아 알타이지역 연구소 2023 러시아학 Vol.- No.27

        이 글은 한국의 중앙아시아와의 관계에 대한 인식과 서술의 역사적, 문화적 기반을 탐구한다. 1920년부터 1989년까지의 신문 보도를 분석하여 한국 언론이 중앙아시아를 어떻게 묘사했는지, 그리고 이러한 묘사가 한국 대중의 중앙아시아에 대한 인식에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 디지털 신문 아카이브 네이버 뉴스 라이브러리를 활용하여 1920년 1월 1일부터 1989년 12월 31일까지 발행된 한국 신문 기사에서 “중앙아시아”와 “실크로드”라는 키워드를 언급한 기사를 추출하여, 기사의 관련 내용을 분석하여 중앙아시아에 대한 언론의 시각과 대중의 이해가 형성되고 변화하는 과정을 살펴보았다. 이미 1920년대부터 한국에는 소비에트 이주민과 “실크로드”라는 키워드를 중심으로 형성된 중앙아시아에 대한 이해가 존재했다. 그리고 1970년대 이후 한국 언론의 중앙아시아에 대한 관심이 증가하기 시작했으며, 1980년대 초반부터 소련과의 관계가 완화되면서 고려인 디아스포라, 실크로드 등 한국과 중앙아시아의 역사적 교류의 흔적들이 새롭게 부각되기 시작했다. 이처럼 1920년대부터 형성된 중앙아시아에 대한 인식이 한-중앙아 수교 30주년을 기념하는 오늘날에도 한국의 중앙아시아에 대한 이해 형성에 영향을 미쳐치고 있음을 알 수 있다. This paper explores the historical and cultural bases of South Korea's perceptions and narratives concerning its relationship with Central Asia. The study focuses on South Korea's initial engagement with Central Asia, analyzing newspaper coverage from 1920 to 1989 to examine how media portrayals Central Asia and how this portrayal may have influenced South Korean public perceptions of the region. The paper utilizes qualitative textual analysis to examine South Korean newspaper articles referencing “Central Asia” and the “Silk Road” published between 1920 and 1989. This methodology identifies evolving trends and patterns in media perspectives and public understanding of Central Asia. Data was sourced from digital newspaper archives Naver News Library. The study includes articles in the categories of “Politics: Diplomacy”, “Culture”, and “International”, providing a concentrated exploration of South Korean-Central Asian cultural and public diplomacy engagements. The paper reveals that narratives established during the early years of South Korean-Central Asian interactions significantly influence contemporary perceptions. The increased media focus on Central Asia post-1970s, the portrayal of the Korean diaspora, and the prominence of the Silk Road narrative underscore the significance of historical and cultural factors in shaping South Korea's understanding of Central Asia.

      • KCI등재

        소비에트 러시아 공공외교의 기원 : 1921~1922년 러시아 대기근과 소연방대외문화교류협회의 탄생

        신보람(Boram Shin) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2021 슬라브학보 Vol.36 No.3

        This paper examines the historical context in which the Bolshevik government established the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (VOKS) in 1925. In so doing this paper traces the origin of Soviet public diplomacy. From the mid-1920s to the 1930s, Soviet diplomacy was led by three different organizations each with own aim and strategy—the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs that focused on ensuring the newly-found socialist regime’s security and normalizing relations with foreign countries; Comintern which was devoted to spreading socialist revolutionary ideology globally; and lastly, VOKS that complemented the work of these organizations by constructing cultural ties with foreign intellectuals and workers organizations. Soviet Russia was thus one of the early pioneers who simultaneously pursued traditional ‘official diplomacy’ with what could be described as ‘public diplomacy.’ The origin of Soviet public diplomacy however dates back to the immediate aftermath of the Russian Revolution to 1921-1922 when a devastating famine that struck the Southern part of Russia put pressure on the Bolshevik state to learn to engage with the foreign public. This paper first explores collaboration between the All-Russian Central Commission for Famine Relief and the Workers International Relief, a Berlin-based NGO created by the Comintern, to show how Soviet overseas propaganda emerged from the organizations’ collaborative efforts to win the hearts of the foreign public and to encourage active participation in relief work. Then the paper explores Russia’s diplomatic successes from the 1922 Berlin Russian Art Exhibition, the first-ever international exhibition of Soviet art co-organized by the Bolshevik government and the Workers International Relief. In the conclusion, the paper demonstrates how the two organizations’ collaborative efforts during the 1921-1922 Russian Famine built the foundation for Soviet cultural diplomacy and the creation of VOKS.


        Insomnia in Emotional Labor: Its Role in Autonomic Nervous System Regulation

        Boram Chae,June Kang,Cheolmin Shin,Young-Hoon Ko,Ho-Kyoung Yoon 대한신경정신의학회 2021 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.18 No.9

        Objective The relation between female emotional laborers’ sleep quality and autonomic nervous system activity was investigated.Methods Thirty-three subjects’ heart rate variability (HRV) data and results of self-reported scale on sleep, depression, anxiety and suicidality, were collected. Subjects were classified into good sleeper (GS) and poor sleeper (PS) groups relying on sleep quality. Changes of HRV between working time and resting time in each group were compared.Results The PS group showed significantly lower difference in root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD), percentage of successive normal-to-normal intervals that differ by more than 50 ms (pNN50), and natural logarithm high-frequency (LnHF) when they were working as compared to when they were resting, which means decreased function of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). Repeated measures analysis of covariance showed that the group effect was significant only for LnHF, with score of depression scale as a covariate.Conclusion Female emotional laborers who complain of sleep difficulty may have decreased function of the PNS. Therefore, good sleep quality is essential for maintaining and promoting mental and physical health of women engage in emotional labor.

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