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      • KCI등재

        TEPS 개인별 수험 결과 추이 분석 : Trend Analysis

        최인철,이혜옥 서울대학교 어학연구소 2001 語學硏究 Vol.37 No.3

        1999년부터 2년 이상 시행된 TEPS의 시험 방식의 타당도에 대한 수험자의 의견은 전문 설문조사 기관에 의한 설문조사 결과(1999)에 의하면, 매우 고무적이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나, "TEPS 점수는 들쑥날쑥"이라는 무책임한 일부 사람들이 퍼뜨리는 소문이 과연 사실에 근거한 것인지를 알아보기 위해서 본 연구에서는 2회 이상 중복 응시한 수험자의 수험결과의 개인별 변화 추이를 다음과 같은 점을 고려하여 체계적으로 분석하였다. 우선, 성별, 연령(학력), 점수 등급별로 수험자 집단 성격을 파악하였다. 또한, 응시 회수와 간격에 따라 각 변인별로 어떤 형태의 변화추이가 나타나며, 등급이 변화 폭이 얼마나 되는지 분석하고, 점수 변화 정도는 통계적으로 유의한 정도인지를 알아보았다. 연구 결과, TEPS는 3급이하 집단에서는 6회 이상(1년기간) 시험 치뤘을 때에 100점 정도의 상승 효과가 있었지만, 2급 이상의 상위권 집단에서는 6회 이상 시험을 치루었어도 상승 효과가 50점 미만(한등급의 반수준내)에 그쳤다. 모든 등급 수준의 응시자들에게 응시회수에 따른 점수 상승의 패턴이 있으나, 이처럼 등급수준이 높아지면서 그 상승 폭이 줄어든다는 것은 응시회수나 응시간격에 따라 변화되지 않는 안정적인 능력 수준으로 해석될 수 있다. 이로써, 특히 상위권 수험자들은 잘 변별하고, 요령이 통하지 않는 시험임이 입증되었다. 결론적으로, 본 연구를 통해 TEPS 점수의 신뢰성이 밝혀졌으며, 공신력 있는 시험으로서의 타당성이 검증되었다고 볼 수 있다. A survey was conducted by Korean Gallup and Marketing Research Korea on the test takers who took the first TEPS exam administered on January 31, 1999. The results indicated a strong consensus among English teachers and test-takers as to the validity of the test method facets of the TEPS exam. There are, however, some who feel that the TEPS exam does not yield reliable results. In order to investigate the extent to which such claims hold true, the present study attempts to conduct a systematic trend analysis based on the test-takers' performances. The study identifies those test-takers who took the TEPS more than twice within a two hear period (1999-2000), and explored the fluctuation pattern, if any, of the test-takers' performances while taking into account their ability level, gender, and age. The results show that those test-takers below TEPS Level 3 obtained about 100 points (which is equal to the difference between each level) taking the TEPS six times over a one year period, and that those above TEPS Level 2 obtained no more than 50 points (which is equal to half of the difference between each level) taking the TEPS six times over one year period. Given the fact that test scores among all test-takers of all levels showed a rising pattern, but that the trend of rising patterns diminished as the TEPS level increases, the belief that the TEPS exam is not reliable is unwarranted The overall findings of the present study reveal that the TEPS exam succeeds in producing reliable test results with high discriminability, especially among those test-takers of above average ability.

      • KCI등재

        기관지 천식환자들의 주거환경과 집먼지 진드기 항원량

        이인숙,문정순 대한보건협회 2002 대한보건연구 Vol.28 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of the dwelling environment of bronchial asthmatic patients and the amount of house dust mite allergens. The data was collected from patients receiving treatment at the allergy clinics of three university affiliated hospitals in Seoul from October 2000 to January 2001, using a self-administered questionnaire. Forty-two patients commonly showed bronchial asthma caused by house dust mites, revealing strong positive points (more than 3 points) at skin prick test(Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus), positive response in fluoroallergosorbent test (FAST), and also positive response at PC_20 methacholine test. The results were as follows ; 1. Among the respondents, 54.8% were men and 45.2% were women, 57.1% were over thirty years old. 35.7% have a positive family history of asthma and 59.5% were under three years in the sick period. 2. As for in the characteristics of dwelling environment, 52.4% of respondents lived at the apartment, 54.8% was over ten years in age of home, 57.1% was over 99.2m^2 in magnitude of home, 76.2% was over 10m^2 in magnitude of bedroom, 66.7% was under 50% in the bedroom humidity, 85.7% was over 20℃ in the bedroom temperature, 78.6% was over three in the family number, 66.7% was over two in the bedroom occupant number, 73.8% owned bed, 45.2% was under two weeks in the washing interval of top bedding cover, 61.9% used disinfectant and bleach when washing bedding, 16.7% disinfected bedding by sunlight, 35.7% beat the bedding to remove the dust regularly, 14.3% cleaned bedding by vacuum cleaner. 40.5% deposited bedding in the closet, 33.3% placed dehumidifying material in the bedding closet, 88.1% cleaned bedroom by vacuum cleaner, 52.4% used wet cleaning, 66.7% had a dog in the home. 3. The amount of house dust mite allergens in the bedroom was 14792.5ng/g. The amount of house dust mite allergens in bedding was higher than that of the bedroom floors. 4. There was no significant difference in the amount of house dust mite allergens according to the general characteristics(gender, age, family history of asthma, and sick period). 5. There was significant difference in the amount of house dust mite allergens according to the number of families in the home(p=0.014) and the number of occupants in the bedroom(p=0.025). In this study, there are many differences to the results of preceding studies. Therefore, we increase the number of subjects and we must study on the amount. of house dust mite allergens according to more specific dwelling environment.

      • 초·중등교육에서의 학습객체 개념 활용 가능성 고찰

        박인우,임진호 한국컴퓨터교육학회 2003 컴퓨터교육학회 논문지 Vol.6 No.2

        현재 많은 기업 및 사이버대학에서는 표준화된 컨텐츠의 개발에 많은 시간과 자본을 투자하고 있다. 특히 SCORM(Sharable Content Object Reference Model)표준을 적용한 콘텐츠개발은 물론, 표준에 맞는 LCMS(Learning Content Management System)의 도입을 적극 추진하고 있다. 그러나, 성인학습 대상의 e-Learning 분야에서의 기대와 관심과는 다르게 초·중등교육 부문에서의 SCORM의 활용에 대한 견해는 대체로 부정적이며, 그 실효성에 의문이 제기되고 있기도 하다. 이에 SCORM의 핵심적인 개념인 학습객체 개념에 대해 조사하고 이러한 학습객체 개념이 초·중등 교육에 활용될 수 있는지에 대한 한계점과 가능성을 살펴봄으로써 SCORM에서의 학습객체가 갖는 교육학적 시사점을 모색해 보았다. Currently many companies and cyber-universities are investing large amount of time and efforts to develop a standard for Web-based learning contents. Among various standards proposed, SCORM(Sharable Content Object Reference Model) has been especially interested regarding web contents and LCMS(Learning Content Management System), In contrast with corporate and adult education, many seem to be skeptical that SCORM could be applied to K-12 education. In the study, opportunities and limitations of the concept for the learning object in 'SCORM' are examined through analyzing relevant studies and cases. In addition, this study examines the learning object in the pedagogical Perspective, and derives suggestions for applying them to K-12 education.

      • KCI등재

        Insulin 투여후 정신분열병환자의 혈장 Growth Hormone 및 Homovanillic Acid 농도의 변화

        이인상,한규희 大韓神經精神醫學會 1996 신경정신의학 Vol.35 No.1

        정상대조군과 정신분열병환자를 대상으로, insulin을 투여하여 저혈당으로 인한 자극을 유도하고, 이러한 자극이 DA계에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 본 연구를 시도하였다. Insulin주입후의 자극 섭동에 따른 DA계의 변동을 알아보기 위해 혈장 GH와 PHVA 농도의 변동을 살펴 보았다. 정신분열병환자와 정상대조군에 있어서의 대사적 섭동에 따른 DA계의 변동의 정도를 비교하였다. 정신분열병환자군내에서 임상변인에 따른 차이가 있는지를 알아 보아 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) Insulin투여후 정상대조군, 정신분열병환자군 모두에서 유의한 GH농도의 증가가 나타났으나 투여전, 투여후 60분, 90분후의 GH농도의 진단별 차이는 볼 수 없었다. 정신분열병환자군내에서 투여 90분후의 농도는 발병연령에 따라 차이를 보여, 26세 이상의 발병연령을 가진군은 25세이하의 발병연령군에 비해 유의하게 낮은 농도를 보였다. 투여 90분후의 농도는 bimodal 분포를 보였으며 20ng/ml을 기준으로 2군으로 구분할 수 있었다. 연령, 가족력의 유뮤, 음상-양성군 등의 다른 임상변인들 사이에는 유의한 차이를 볼 수 없었다. 2) 정상대조군의 insulin투여전 pHVA농도는 정신분열병환자군에 비해 높게 나타났다. Insulin투여후 60분, 90분의 pHVA농도는 양군사이에 유의한 차이점을 볼 수 없었다. Insulin투여후의 시간별 pHVA의 농도의 변화를 보니 정상대조군, 정신분열병환자 모두에서 유의하게 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 정신분열병환자군내에서 임상변인과의 관련성을 살펴 보았던 바, 가족력의 유무, 발병연령, 이병기간 등과는 관련성을 찾을 수 없었고, 음성-양성군사이에 차이가 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. Insulin투여전 pHVA농도는 양성군이 음성군에 비해 높게 나타났다. Insulin투여후의 시간별 pHVA의 농도의 변화를 보니 정상대조군, 정신분열병 양성군에서 의미있는 변동이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 음성군에서는 변동이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 미루어 insulin투여에 의한 자극 섭동 후의 GH, pHVA농도의 변동은 DA계의 변동을 시사하며, 정신분열병의 임상증상의 발현을 생물학적으로 해석할 수 있는 지표로서의 가능성을 제시하는 것으로 생각된다. The authors examined the changes of plasma level of growth hormone(GH) and homovanillic acid(HVA) after insulin administration in schizophrenic patients and control subjects. Fifteen neuroleptics-taking patients and eight healthy control subjects participated in a study of insulin-induced dopaminergic perturbation, with multiple samples for plasma HVA and GH at baseline, 60min and 90min after insulin administration. Regular insulin(0.1 unit/kg) caused a significant decrease of glucose level and increase of GH level after 60min in both normal controls and schizophrenic patients. We did not find significant difference of GH concentrations at baseline, 60min and 90min between normal subjects and patients with schizophrenia. In schizophrenic subjects there was an inverse relationship between age of onset and GH level at 90min point. The GH level of patients whose first age of onset was more than 26 years was quitely low. There appeared a bimodal distribution of GH level at 90min in schizophrenic patients. The clinical characteristics of the patients with higher GH level(more than 20ng/ml) were long duration of illness(more than 12years) and old age(more than 37 years old). There was a significant difference of HVA level at baseline between normal control subject and schizophrenic patients. This pattern was not associated with clinical variables, such as age, age of onset, duration of illness and presence of family history. Schizophrenic patients were grouped by the positive and negative syndrome scale. The positive group had higher HVA level at baseline than negative group. The HVA concentrations of normal control subjects and positive group decreased significantly after insulin administration, but there was no decrease in negative group. These results suggest that plasma HVA concentration may be associated with the different dopaminergic alterations of heterogeneous schizophrenia. The GH and HVA level after insulin administration could be used as indices for the delineation of complex clinical manifestations of schizophrenia.

      • KCI등재

        광중합 복합레진의 색안정성 및 투명도 변화에 관한 가속시험

        황인남,오원만 大韓齒科保存學會 1993 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.18 No.1

        AbstractColor stability of tooth colored restorative resins is an important factor, particularly in anterior teeth restoration.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability and opacity change of several light curing composite resins. Specimens of eight composite resins(Prisma AP. H., Brilliant Enamel, Charisma, Durafil, Helio Progress, Herculite XR, P-50 and Silux Plus) were divided into two groups '?In Group 1, the specimens were polymerized by visible light curing unit for 60 seconds on both sides and in Group 2, the post-cured specimens were heat tempered by light/heat curing unit for 45 units(about 18 min.). All specimens were stored in distilled water at 60? for 30 days.The color characteristics(L*, a*, b*) and opacity of the specimens before and after immersion were measured by spectrocolorimetry and the total color difference (AE*) and opacity change (AY%) were computed.The results obtained were as follows : 1. SP and APH in both groups, DF, HP and HXR in Group 1 showed AE*-value above 2.0. 2. DF, HP, SP and HXR in Group 1 showed higher AE*-value than in Group 2, but the others had no significant difference. 3. The opacity of CH and HXR in Group 1, and of CH and BE in Group 2 decreased after immersion, while that of the others increased. 4. Opacity change of BE, P50 and HXR was significantly different between Group 1 and 2. These results suggest that color change in the post-cure heat tempered specimens by li- ght/heat curing unit was smaller than that of the specimens polymerized by visible light curing unit. No clinically detectable opacity changes were noted for any materials in either goup.

      • KCI등재
      • 생체적합성과 생분해성을 갖는 Polypeptide Copolymers의 합성과 물성에 관한 연구(Ⅲ): Polypeptide Hydrogels의 약물조절방출

        강인규,권대룡,성용길 동국대학교 자연과학연구소 1991 자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        Poly(γ-benzyl L-glutamate) (PBLG)의 측쇄에 polyethylene glycol(PEG) 또는 ethanolamie(EA)을 반응시켜 적심성이 서로 다른 몇가지 폴리펩티드 공중합체를 합성하였고, 이들 공중함체의 약물방출특성을 살펴보았다. 합성된 폴리펩티드공중합체의 수분흡수율은 공중합체 중의 PEG 또는 EA 함량이 높아짐에 따라 증가하였다. PEG-PBLG-EA 공중합체로부터의 5-fluorouracil의 방출속도는 PEG-PBLG 공중합체로부터의 방출속도보다 크게 나타났으며, 이러한 결과는 팽윤성의 폴리펩티드를 합성하고자 할 때 사용되는 치환제로서는 PEG보다도 EA가 더욱 효과적이라는 것이 나타났다. 한편, PEG를 가교시킨 PBLG 공중합체막상에서는 5-fluorouracil의 방출에 기인하여 작은 pores를 명료하게 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. Several copolypeptides having different swellabilities are are synthesized by introducing polyethylene glycol(PEG) or ethanolamine(EA) to the side chains of poly(γ-benzyl L-glutamate) (PBLG) and their drug release characteristics are examined. The degree of swelling of copolypeptide is increased by increasing PEG or EA content in the polymer. The release rate of 5-fluorouracil from the PEG-PBLG-EA copolymers was higher than that of the PEG-PBLG copolymers. This results indicated that EA is more effective than PEG for the preparation of the swellable polypeptides. It was observed, from the morphological study by scanning electron microscope, the pores are generated on the PEG-crosslinked PBLG, but not on the PEG-grafted-PBLG.

      • 리프팅 구조를 경유한 고속의 DCT 계산 알고리즘에 관한 연구

        池仁鎬,張仙奉 弘益大學校 産業技術硏究所 2004 産業技術 Vol.14 No.-

        In this paper, we show the design of fast invertible block transforms that can replace the DCT in future wireless and portable computing application. This is called binDCT. In binDCT, both the forward and the inverse transforms can be implemented using only binary shift and addition operation. And the binDCT inherits all desirable DCT characteristics such as high coding gain, no DC leakage, symmetric basis functions, and recursive construction. The binDCT also inherits all lifting properties such as fast implementations, invertible integer-to-integer mapping, in-place computation. In this paper, we present computation costs and performance analysis between DCT and binDCT using Shapiro's EZW.

      • Samarium Lutidinate 착물형성에 관한 열역학적 연구

        김인회 建陽大學校 1994 建陽論叢 Vol.- No.3

        The thermodynamic parameters of formation of the 1:1 complex between samarium cation and lutidinate have been measured using potentiometric and calorimetric techniques in aqueous solution of 0.50M (NaClO₄) ionic strength at 25℃. The results have been compared with those for the other analogous heterocyclic carboxylate ligands. From the comparison of the thermodynamic data, it was found that the lutidinate ligand was coordinated to the samarium cation by forming the chelate through the ring nitrogen atom at position 1 and the carboxylate group at position 2 of the pyridine ring.

      • KCI등재

        내분비교란 물질에 노출된 C.plumosus(장수깔따구)의 하순기절 기형성

        곽인실,이원철 한국육수학회 2005 생태와 환경 Vol.38 No.1

        야외에서 채집한 C. plumosus를 대상으로 잠재적 내분비계 교란물질인 DEHP, BPA 및 Tebufenozide를 처리 물질로 하여 형태적인 교란 효과를 살펴보았다. 약제에 노출된 개체의 하순기절은 부드러워지거나(smooth) 손실(loss)이 가장 많았으며 엷은 갈색을 보였다. 처리 물질에 따른 기형의 정도를 살펴보면, DEHP는 46.2~85.7%, BPA는 73.7 ~90.9% 그리고 tebufenozide는 57.6~78.9%가 기형을 입어 BPA>tebufenozide>DEHP순으로 기형이 크게 나타났다. 처리 물질별 기형 부위를 살펴보면, MIX(32~46%)>MLT(25~34%)>LT(3~7%)로 두 부분이 함께 기형을 입는 형태가 가장 많았으며 LT단독의 기형이 가장 적었다 MIX형태로 기형이 가장 높은 물질은 BPA (46%) > DEHP(33%) > tebufenozide (32%)이고, MLT에 가장 높은 기형을 보인 것은 DEHP(34%) > tebufenozide (31%)>BPA(25%)로 나타났다. Tebufenozide처리에 따른 하순기절의 색은 처리 농도가 높아지면 엷은 갈색 하순기절의 발생 빈도가 증가되었다(27.8~84.2%). 반면, BPA(8.7%)와 DEHP (18.2%)는 1 ㎍L^(-1)에서 가장 낮은 엷은 갈색의 하순기절의 발생 빈도를 보였으나 0.3㎍L^(-1)처리에서는 매우 높은 엷은 갈색의 하순기절이 다수 발생하였다(BPA 52.6%; DEHP 30.8%). Egg masses of C. plumosus were collected from Jungnang Stream in Seoul and reared in an incubator chamber. The larvae of C. plumosus were treated with potential endocrine disruption chemicals (EDCs) such as Diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), Bisphenol A (BPA) and Tebufenozide, and the effects of morphological abnormalities were observed. The deformities of the mentum following exposure to EDCs showed the smooth/round tooth, the loss of 1 tooth, reduced median lateral teeth (MLT) and light brown color. The incidence rates of the mentum deformity were associated with chemicals: BPA (73.7~90.9%)>tebufenozide (57.6~78.9%) > DEHP (46.2~85.7%). The deformity type of the mentum showed MIX (MLT+LT, 32 46%) > MLT (25~34%) > LT (lateral teeth, 3~7%). Also, the incidence of MIX type was in the order of BPA (46%) > DEHP (33%) > tebufenozide (32%), and that of MLT type showed DEHP (34%) > tebufenozide (31%) > BPA (25%). As the concentration of Tebufenozide increased, the incidence of light brown mentum was dose dependent. While the incidences of light brown mentum following exposure to BPA and DEHP were not associated with their concentrations.

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