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        17세기 후반 金萬重의 現實認識에 관한 고찰

        조광국 韓國古典文學會 2001 古典文學硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        This paper aims at percepting the Kim-Manjung's logical recognition of reality in 17th century. Kim-Manjung(1637-1692) was as not only the politician but also the writter. Kim-Manjung wrot《Guunmong(九雲夢)》and《Sasinamjeangki(謝氏南征記)》which, compared with other korean classical novels, had special aspects. His political thoughts are as followings. First, the thought about a true gentleman and a mean fello(君子小人論). He thought that a true gentleman (君子) and a mean fellow(小人) were existing together, but he thought that a true gentleman(君子) must .eject a men fellow(小人) for the realization of a just society. Second, the thought about moral culture of the king(君主修己論). He thought that two party opinions can be clearly distinguished as white and black, and a monarch or a king must choose a political part of true gentlemen. He thought, therefore, that a king and a political part of true gentlemen together can realize a just society. Third, the thought about a duty or a obligation. He thought that a man must keep faith among human beings, and among the nations. He made great efforts to keep faith with a man of his political part during his political part was taking power as well as getting out of power. And He persisted in keeping faith With the Ming(明) dynasty after the Ming(明) dynasty had perished, and assumed a challenging attitude toward the Cheng(淸) dynasty. His three thoughts are related together. And his opinion is that the people become wealthy and prosperous at last, when these thoughts are gained. His political thoughts were incarnated in his novels; 《Guunmong》and《Sasinamjeangki》.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 고소설에 구현된 정치이념의 성향 : <玉樓夢>, <玉樹記>, <鸞鶴夢>을 중심으로

        조광국 한국고소설학회 2003 古小說 硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        본고에서는 19세기에 출현한 작품들 중에서 <玉樓夢> <王樹記> <鸞鶴夢>을 대상으로 이들 작품에 구현된 조선후기의 정치이념들을 확인하고 이들 정치이념의 성향을 밝히고자 하였다. <玉樓夢>에는 王조竝用論, 王權의 公權論, 蕩平論과 같은 정치적 사상이 구현되어 있다. 이러한 정치이념은 당시 소론과 남인의 사고를 일정하게 반영하고 있는 바, 脫朱子主義的 성향을 담아내고 있다. <王樹記>에는 朱子主義와 脫朱子主義가 混在하여 있다. 帝位正統論, 中華主義를 그려냄으로써 주자주의를 보여주고 있음과 동시에 司馬遷ㆍ筍子ㆍ柳宗元에 대한 긍정적인 재평가, 그리고 封建論郡 ??論의 암시 등의 脫朱子主義的 성향을 보여주고 있다. <鸞鶴夢>은 宋의 新法黨과 舊法黨의 역사적 쟁투를 배경으로 하되, 形政에 의지하는 왕안석 무리의 신법당의 노선에 반대하여, 修身을 강조하는 구법당을 그려내고 있다. 이는 조선후기 왕안석 긍정론과는 거리르 두는 것인 바, 朱子主義로의 회귀 성향에 해당한다. This paper aims at understanding the relations between the Political Thoughts and the Korean Classic Novels, especially <Oknumong>, <Oksuki>, and <Nanhakmong> in 19Century. The Conclusion is as following. In 19century colourful Thoughts were rising up in Y-dynasty <Oknumong>, <Oksuki>, and <Nanhakmong> were the works that revealed the Political Thoughts each other. The Writer was the week Yangban in country. In <Nanhakmong> Writer accepted New Rule of Wang-An-Suk, and showed the Political Thoughts of Juja(朱子) especially. And in <Oklumong> and <Oksuki> escaped from Juja(朱子). The Writers of <Oknumong> and <Oksuki> were all among the Bullyal-Yangban, the high rank family that were high and noble class. And they tried escaping the pre-modern image. From now on, We will study on the relations between the structure and the features of works, love, combinated families, Aspects of Political Thoughts in Korean Classic Novels in 19Century.

      • KCI등재

        위험사회에서의 형사소송법의 변화에 대한 검토

        조광훈 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2014 法學論集 Vol.18 No.4

        위험사회에서의 인간의 생명과 재산권을 위협하는 위험원은 계속 출현하고 있다. 이에 위험형법의 역할과 범위가 계속 확장되고 있지만, 그에 따라 선량한 국민들의 인권이 제약되고 기존의 전통적인 법치국가의 틀이 위협을 받은 상황을 초래하고 있다. 위험사회에서 인간을 위협하는 위험원들을 국가형벌권의 확장과 엄격한 법집행으로 이를 적극적으로 예방하고 다스려 안전을 도모하는 것도 중요하지만, 과도한 국가형벌권의 행사로 억울하게 인권을 침해당하는 현상이 발생하지 않도록 예방하는 것도 중요하다. 위험사회에서 위험형법의 문제점이 계속 드러나고 있는 상황에서 이를 시정하기 보다는 안전사회를 구현한다는 미명 아래 형사소송법의 적극적인 기능의 확대는 순기능 보다는 역기능이 더욱 드러나는 현상을 초래할 것이다. 위험형법의 기능이 다하지 못한다고 하여 적극적인 불심검문, 과학적 수사기법의 확장, 전자감시제도의 확대, 공소시효의 배제 및 연장, 내사의 확대, 디지털 증거에 대한 적극적인 압수수색, 유죄협상제도, 사법방해죄 제도, 중요 참고인의 출석제도, 면책조건부 증언제도의 도입하자는 주장은 수사기관을 비롯한 형사사법기관의 권한을 강조하는 제도들이다. 이와 같은 제도들은 수사기관의 권한을 강조하여 실체적 진실발견을 촉진하여 형사소송절차의 효율성을 도모할 수 있으나 기존의 형사소송제도의 탈정형화를 지향하게 되어 적지 않은 문제점을 야기할 뿐이다. 오히려 위험사회에서의 형사소송법의 기능과 역할의 확대는 피의자에 대한 인권침해의 위험성과 실체적 진실주의 이념, 적정절차의 이념을 훼손시키고, 민사사건의 형사사건화 심화의 위험성을 높이는 부작용을 초래하고 있다. 따라서 위험사회에서의 형사소송법의 운용은 그 기능을 무작정 확대하고 강조하기 보다는 인권국가에 부합하는 국가형벌권을 행사하고 사회통합을 위한 형사소송법의 정책을 수립하고 실현하는 것이 필요하다. 그리고 위험사회에서 발생하는 위험원은 형사법의 선제적인 투입보다는 법치국가의 기본원칙에 충실하는 법 운영과 적용이 우선되어야 한다. 그것이 인권국가에서 올바른 형사소송법의 올바른 운용의 모습이자, 선량한 국민들의 인권과 기본권을 보호하는 국가적 책무를 다하는 길이기 때문이다. In risk society, risk sources that threaten the live and property of people continuously appear. The role and scope of risk criminal law is continuously expanding; however, it also results in the situation, in which the human right of good people is restricted and the frame of traditional law-governed state is being threatened. In risk society, it is important to actively prevent risk sources that threaten people and secure the safety of society by expanding the state punishment right and strictly enforcing law; however, it is more important to prevent unfair infringement of human right by excessive exercise of state punishment right. In the situation, in which such problematic issues of risk criminal law continuously appear in risk society, the active function expansion of criminal procedure law under the guise of realizing safe society will result in the increase of adverse function in criminal procedure law instead of increase of positive function. There are opinions suggesting to introduce active police questioning, expansion of scientific investigative techniques, expansion of electronic watch system, statute of limitations exclusion/extension, expansion of internal investigation, active seizure and search of digital evidence, plea bargaining system, obstruction of justice offense system, key testifier attendance system and witness immunity from prosecution system; however, these systems all reinforce the authority of criminal justice agencies including investigation agencies. These systems emphasize the authority of investigative agencies, promote the finding of substantive truth and enhance the efficiency of criminal case procedure; however, they also cause many problems by departing from the standards in existing criminal procedure system. On the contrary, the expansion of criminal procedure law function and role in risk society has the infringement risk of suspect human right, damages the principle of substantive truth and the due process idea and causes the adverse effect of increasing the risk of making a civil case into a criminal case. Therefore, the application of criminal procedure law in risk society should not expand and emphasize the function of it. Instead, establishing and realizing criminal procedure law policies, which would enable the exercise of state punishment right in human right state and integrate society, is required. The risk sources occurring in risk society should be dealt by application of law faithful to the basic principle of law-governed state; instead of anticipative application of criminal procedure law. This is the right application of criminal procedure law in a human right state and this is the way to fulfill the duty of state, which is protecting the human right and basic right of good people.

      • Azathioprine에 반응을 보인 류마티양 관절염에 의한 경막염(Pachymeningitis)1예

        배광봉,이정호,이정찬,곽상혁,강정현,김철희,김현수,김종숙,조덕연,김삼용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1999 충남의대잡지 Vol.26 No.1

        Rheumatoid arthritis frequently involves the cervical spine and may lead to neurologic impairement. However, direct involvement of CNS structures by inflammatory cells has been reported infrequently. The prevalence of this complication of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. Inflammatory CNS involvement in rheumatoid arthritis reportedly occurs in the setting of longstanding, active, erosive articular disease and is accompanied by extracranial and extraspinal nodules and vasculitis. This is diagnosed by radiologic finding of CNS nodules or meningeal thickening and by biopsy or autopsy. Treatment with corticosteroid, cytotoxic agent or surgical decompression is helpful. But the majority of patients die within several months of onset of neurologic symptom. Recently, we experienced a case of pachymeningitis caused by rheumatoid arthritis, which resolved repeatedly with azathioprine treatment.

      • 혈우병 환자에 동반된 자발성 후복막강 출혈

        김광일,김동호,우상민,이석주,김홍성,조인성,윤환중,조덕연,김삼용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        Spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage due to hemophilia A with impaired coagulopathy is very rare. Spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage has been recorded as having originated from many retroperitoneal organs and blood vessels, and it may be due to local and/or systemic factors. In the majority of the patients, kidney and adrenal gland were the major site of hemorrhage. The systemic causes of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage are anticoagulation therapy and chronic hemodialysis. During the course of these treatments, hemorrhagic complications may occur at many site, including the retroperitoneal space. Blood dyscrasias including leukemia, polycythemia, sickle cell trait and hemophilia have been reported associated with spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage. We report a case of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage occurred in a gemophilia A patient with brief review of literature

      • KCI등재
      • 냉동 제대혈 세포의 체외 증폭

        김삼용,김철희,배광봉,김현수,박상준,김종숙,윤환중,조덕연 충남대학교 암연구소 1998 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.2 No.1

        Background : Cord blood(CB), which has no HLA restriction, is an alternative to bone marrow for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The use of cord blood, however, is limited by the number of progenitor/stem cells necessary to reconstitute the older child or adult. Therefore, ex vivo expansion of CB could have tremendous impact on diverse clinical settings. We studied the ex vivo expansion of isolated population of CD34_(+) cells from cryopreserved CB cells. Methods : CD34 cells were isolated from cryopreserved CB mononuclear cells. Purified cells were cultured with various combinations of hematopoietic growth factors including erythropoietin(EPO), stem cell factor(SCF), granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF), gra-nulocyte, macrophage-colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF), interleukin-1β(IL-1β), 1L-3, and IL-6. After 7, 10 or 14 days of culture, the fold increases of colony-forming unit- granu-locyte, macrophage(CFU-GM), burst-forming unit-erythroid(BFU-E), colony-forming unit-mix (CFU-Mix), and high proliferative potential colony-forming cell(HPP-CFC) were evaluated. Results : Ten-day culture with the combination of EPO, SCF, G-CSF, IL-1β, and IL-3 resulted in a median of 60-fold increase of CFU-GM, which was greater than those with the combinations of less than 5 growth factors. The addition of IL-6 or GM-CSF to this combination did not enhance CFU-GM expansion. Ten-day culture was significantly superior to 7-day culture for CFU-GM expansion. Prolongation of culture to 14 days, however, revealed decreased expansion of CFU-GM compared to 10 days. BFU-E and CFU-Mix were expanded to 2~5 folds in 7-day culture with the combination of EPO, SCF, and G-CSF. Further expansion was not achieved in 10-day culture and colonies disappeared in 14-day culture. HPP-CFC was expanded to a median of 7.5 folds in 7-day culture with the combination of EPO, SCF, G-CSF, IL-1β, IL-3, and IL-6. Neither 10-day or 14 day-culture enhanced expansion of HPP-CFU. Conclusion : Cryopreserved cord blood cells maintain ex vivo expansion potential. In our system, 10-day culture with the combination consisting of EPO, SCF, G-CSF, IL-1β, and IL-3 seems to be adequate for hematopoietic progenitor/stem cell expansion from cryopreserved cord blood cells.

      • 초등 사회과 3학년 지역화 교수·학습자료개발 연구

        홍기대,손정선,김언식,김용조,이광성,김경운 光州敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2002 初等敎育硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this study is in developing locally-oriented teaching-learning materials to motivate students to effectively take part in activities using map and in improving the field work of social studies to plan a map learning and to give them the ability of practice. It represents the right order involved in teaching the activities using map after doing preceding learning : classroom, playground, and the environs of the school including to some learning methods such as a puzzle map, a correlative of learning. Field trip study planning and lesson-plan are designed in case of Sewage disposal plant, Duknam filtration plant, Bonchon industrial complex relating to field trip study. There are some effects expected which follow through this study. First, teachers are able to draw learner's interest in finding learning sources directly through the community where they live. Second, learners have active participation in class, motivation, drawing their interests through map learning by doing preceding study of learner-centered. Third, teachers can make use of it as useful tools to get high achievement goal with self-direct learning.

      • 중증 재생불량성 빈혈 환자에서 신우신염에 대한 광범위항생제치료 중에 속발한 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 진균감염 1예

        김철희,이정호,이정찬,강정현,곽상혁,배광봉,김현수,김종숙,조덕연,김삼용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1999 충남의대잡지 Vol.26 No.1

        Most patients with aplastic anemia who do not respond to immunosuppressive treatment or are not candidates for bone marrow transplantation die of infection or bleeding. The neutropenia in acute leukemia, aplastic anemia, or occurring subsequently to chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation increases susceptibility to infection. In general, the number of infectious episodes correlate with the degree and duration of neutropenia. Global immunosuppression produced by conditioning for bone marrow transplantation or graft-versus-host disease, is associated with unusual bacterial and fungal pathogens, or serious viral and protozoan infections. In addition, repeated treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is associated with the emergence of resistant organisms and fungal diseases because of the altered microbial microenvironment of the host. The incidence of invasive fungal infection caused by Saccharomycetes eerevisiae in immunosuppressed patients is very rare, compared with that of infection by candida or aspcrgillus species. Cases of Saccharomycetes cerevisiae fungemia occurring in the course of treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics are reported in patients with extensive burn or with prosthetic valve endocarditis. We experienced a case of urinary tract infection by Saccharomycetes cerevisiae in a 27-year old female patient with severe aplastic anemia. We report the case with a review of relevant literatures.

      • 단기간의 저용량 Cytosine arabinoside 치료에 반응하였던 Down 증후군에 병발한 급성골수성백혈병 1례

        김현수,이정호,이정찬,강정현,곽상혁,김철희,배광봉,김종숙,조덕연,김삼용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        The incidence of hematologic disorders in patients with Down's syndrome is significantly increased, about 14∼30 - fold higher than in general population and includes neonatal transient abnormal myelopoieis and acute leukemias. The age of onset of leukemia in Down's syndrome is peaking first in the newborn period and then under 4 years of age. Down's syndrome with acute leukemia above the age of 20 is very rare and it's treatment oucome is unclear. The treatment of Down's syndrome with leukemia has been controversial because of toxicity and associated congenital cardiac and other abnormalities. But if treated adequately, children with Down's syndrome show a favorable response to anti-leukemia therapy. A 24-year-old man with Down's syndrome was first seen for the evaluation of anemia and thrombocytopenia. The peripheral blood morphology and bone marrow study revealed acute myelogenous leukemia, cytogenetic study of bone marrow showed trisomy 21. Beacuse of his sicioeconomic condition and medical abnormalities including deafness, visual loss, he was treated with low dose subcutaneous cytosine arabinoside(Ara-C) for 11 days. Complete remission was obtained after 37 days. The complete remission lasted for 5 months. He subsequently relapsed, and died 6 months later.

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