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      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 퇴계의 유산(遊山)과 그 의미

        이학준(HaklJunLee) 한국체육학회 2011 한국체육학회지 Vol.50 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 퇴계 이황의 유산(遊山)과 그 의미를 탐구하는데 있다. 연구방법은 퇴계가 1549년 4월에 소백산을 등산하고 기록한 ‘유소백산록(遊小白山錄)’을 분석하였다. 그 결과 퇴계는 등산을 산에 들어가는 입산(入山)과 산에 오르는 등산(登山) 그리고 등산하여 경승을 보고 노는 유산(遊山)으로 구분하였다. 퇴계에게 등산의 목적은 산속의 경치를 보고 즐기는 것이며 물을 보는 것에 있다. 대부분의 등산객들은 정상에 오르는 것을 등산의 목적으로 삼는다. 그러나 이러한 목적은 단순한 기계적인 운동에 불과하며 헬스장에서 걷는 것과 크게 다르지 않다. 전문 산악인이 아닌 이상 너무 정상등반에 대한 강박관념과 억압을 받을 필요는 없다. 정상을 오르지 못해도 산이 주는 아름다움과 경관을 즐기는 것이 등산이 우리에게 주는 고마움이며 혜택이다. 퇴계에 있어서 유산(遊山)의 의미는 양생과 성리탐구이다. 시사점은 오늘날 운동을 하는 사람들에게 타자를 인식하지 않고 운동 그 자체를 즐길 수 있어야 한다는 것이다. 타자를 인식하고, 완벽한 자세를 추구하고, 최고의 장비를 구비하는 데 온 힘을 쏟다 보면 정작 운동하는 목적을 상실할 수 있다. 그러므로 유산(遊山)은 등산뿐만 아니라 일상의 운동하는 목적에도 해당되는 말이다. The purpose of this study is to explore three meaning of mountaineering in Toegye(退溪)who had lived a practical life with self-discipline through scholastic pursuit and Kyeong(敬)aims at contemplating his educational thought and interpreting it in educational significance. Toegye(退溪), Lee Hwang(1501-1570) was the greatest thinker during the middle period of Chosun. His ultimate goal through the understanding and practice of Tao(道) was to become a sage. To inquiry it's three meaning of mountaineering. I analyze his literature(遊小白山錄) concerning with mountaineering philosophy of Toegye. As a result, The meaning of mountaineering in Toegye is divided into three meaning: entering mountain area(入山), mountain climbing(登山), seeing and playing mountain( 遊山). entering mountain means to enter the mountains, climbing mountain means climbing into the mountains and playing mountain(enjoy mountains) mean seeing and playing the beauty and nature with mountains. He argues that the best state in mountaineering is enjoy, seeing and playing the mountain itself. It is not mean that enjoy the singing, dancing, alcohol drinking in the mountains. we knows how to playing mountain(遊山), enjoy the mountains without Sing out loud and alcohol drinking in mountain. . In conclusion, Toegye is like to mountaineering in his life history. The goal of mountaineering in Toegye was to see the mountains and enjoy the scenery(遊山), to enjoy the water in valley(觀水).

      • KCI등재

        여가적 등산에서의 전문화 활동 추구에 따른 등산복 불만족과 선호 디자인

        한희정 ( Hee Jung Han ),김미숙 ( Mi Sook Kim ) 복식문화학회 2014 服飾文化硏究 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the dissatisfaction with and design preferences for mountain gear among the segments divided by specialization activity-pursued for recreational mountaineering. Data were collected by questionnaire survey from 900 subjects with the experiences of mountaineering and purchasing mountain gear in the past year, and 891 were used for the data analysis. The results of the study were as follows: Three factors were formulated based on mountaineering specialization activity-pursued: expertise-pursued mountaineering, mountaineering with psychological attachment and activity-oriented mountaineering. Four segments were identified based on the specialization activity-pursued: the emotionally-committed, the continuously-participated, the expertise-pursued, and the passively-participated. Significant differences were found in dissatisfaction with and design preference for mountain gear among the segments. The expertise-pursued tended to be more dissatisfied with color and fabric than the others, and preferred various mountain gear design of shape, color combination and construction line. On the other hand, the passively-participated tended to prefer simple and comfortable style with solid color and simple color combination.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 국제질서와 영국인의 백두산 등반 -영국인의 백두산 여행기를 중심으로-

        우명길 고려대학교 한국언어문화학술확산연구소 2023 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.60 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to broaden the horizons of researches on Mt. Baekdu, by investigating the backgrounds and aspects of the British’s Mt. Baekdu climbing in the 19th century. Mt. Baekdu, the highest mountain on the Korean Peninsula, has been recognized as the most important mountain. It is the northernmost mountain that forms the border between Korea and China, along with the Yalu River to the west and the Tuman River to the east. It also has been worshipped as the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty. In the late Joseon Dynasty, Mt. Baekdu was not climbed only by Koreans, but also by Chinese, British, Russians and Japanese, who climbed Mt. Baekdu in different eras. Foreigners climbed Mt. Baekdu a total of 20 times, exceeding the 15 times that Koreans climbed Mt. Baekdu. Mt. Baekdu is the only mountain on the Korean Peninsula that has been climbed by foreigners more than once. In 1886, when Henry James and his party climbed Mt. Baekdu on their way to Manchuria, British people started climbing Mt. Baekdu. In 1889, Charles Campbell's team climbed Mt. Baekdu but failed, and in 1891, Goold Adams, a member of John Cavendish' team, succeeded. At the end of the 19th century, Russians followed the British who competed in the Great Game to climb Mt. Baekdu, and in the 20th century, during the last five years of the Joseon Dynasty, the Japanese, who won the war against Russia, took the lead, ending the climbing of Mt. Baekdu by foreigners in the late Joseon Dynasty. The first Westerner to climb Mt. Baekdu by an Englishman was made possible thanks to the British policy to advance to the Far East and the British post-Alps movement. The Britain entered Far East Asia and explored Manchuria and Joseon. Just in time, British mountaineers got out of the Alps and focused on climbing high mountains on other continents, such as the Himalia, but military officers and civil servants who worked in India, China, and Joseon began climbing Mt. Baekdu. The British climb of Mt. Baekdu seems to have been done as a part of The Great Game between the Britain and the Russia over Asia. After winning the two Opium Wars, Britain paid attention to the Manchuria region and worked hard to collect geographical and industrial information. The fact that the British climbed Mt. Baekdu in the 19th century is meaningful in that it was the first Western mountain climbing in Korea and the first modern mountaineering combined with academic exploration. They attempted to climb Mt. Baekdu three times and succeeded in reaching the summit twice. Each time, they carried measuring instruments such as barometers and thermometers, and measured time, distance, temperature, weather, altitude, latitude, and longitude at each destination, including Mt. Baekdu. The British perceived the Chinese and Koreans negatively, saying that they were lazy and dirty. Modern mountaineering initiated by the British was succeeded by Choi Namseon and others who climbed Mt. Baekdu in the 1920s during the Japanese colonial period. 본고는 19세기에 영국인들이 백두산을 등반한 배경과 양상을 구명해 백두산 연구의 지평을 넓히는 데 목적이 있다. 백두산은 한반도에서 가장 높은 산으로 예부터 조종산(祖宗山)으로 인식되어 왔다. 백두산은 서쪽의 압록강 및 동쪽의 두만강과 더불어 한국과 중국의 국경선을 이루고 있는 최북방의 산이다. 조선의 조종산인 백두산은 청나라의 발상지로 숭앙받고 있다. 조선 후기에 들어 백두산은 조선인만 오른 것이 아니다. 청국인, 영국인, 러시아인과 일본인들이 연대를 달리하며 백두산을 올랐다. 외국인의 백두산 등반은 총 20회 실시되어 조선인의 백두산 등반 15회를 상회한다. 한반도에서 두 번 이상 외국인이 오른 산은 백두산이 유일하다. 1886년 헨리 제임스 일행이 만주 지역 여행길에 백두산을 등정하는 것으로써 영국인의 백두산 등반이 시작되었다. 1889년 찰스 캠벨이 백두산을 등반했으나 등정에 실패했고, 1891년 존 캐번디시 팀의 일원인 굿 애덤스가 등정에 성공했다. 19세기 종반에 들어 러시아인들은 그레이트 게임에서 경쟁한 영국인들을 이어 백두산을 등반했고, 20세기 들어 조선 왕조의 마지막 5년 동안은 러일전쟁에서 승리한 일본인들이 주도하는 것으로써 조선 후기 외국인들의 백두산 등반은 종료되었다. 서구인 최초로 영국인이 백두산을 등반한 데는 영국의 극동 진출 정책과 영국인의 탈(脫) 알프스 운동에 힘입어 이루어졌다. 가장 먼저 산업혁명에 성공한 극동아시아에 진출하면서 만주와 조선 지역을 탐사했다. 때마침 영국의 산악인들은 알프스에서 벗어나 히말라야 등 다른 대륙의 고산 등반에 주력했는데 인도, 중국과 조선에 근무한 군 장교와 공무원들이 백두산 등반에 나섰다. 영국인의 백두산 등반은 영국과 러시아가 아시아를 두고 벌여온 그레이트 게임(The Great Game)의 일환으로 이루어졌다. 두 차례의 아편전쟁에서 승리한 영국은 만주 지역에 관심을 두고 지리정보와 산업정보 수집에 힘썼다. 19세기 영국인들이 백두산을 등반한 것이 의미를 갖는 것은 서구인 최초의 국내 산 등반으로, 학술탐사를 병행한 최초의 근대등산이라는 것이다. 영국인들은 3차례 백두산 등반을 시도해 두 차례 정상 등정에 성공했다. 그때마다 기압계와 온도계 등 측정 기구를 가지고 다니면서 백두산을 비롯한 여행지마다 시간, 거리, 기온, 날씨, 고도, 위도, 경도 등을 측정했다. 백두산 여행기에 나타난 청국인과 조선인들에 대한 영국인들의 인식은 게으르고 불결하다며 대체로 부정적이었다.

      • KCI등재

        구도로서의 산행: 게리 스나이더와 범대순의 비교연구

        박연성 한국문학과종교학회 2023 문학과종교 Vol.28 No.4

        This paper aims to compare the poems of Gary Snyder (1930 ∼) and Dae-soon Bom (1930∼2014) with a focus on their mountain-related verses. The lives and poetry of the two poets are closely related to mountains. The research question started from a motivation to know what led the two poets to have a fascination with mountains. Restorative effects of forest according to Kaplan were easily identifiable in both poets’ works. However, their mountaineering delve deeper into finding the wild of the mountains. For Snyder, the concept of the wild is associated with Dharma in Buddhism or Dao in Taoism. The wild signifies the way of nature, organized chaos, fluidity and impermanence. For Bom the wild implies the primitive life force and Dionysian chaos. Their love for mountains can serve as a counter example to redress an inclination toward unsustainable development of civilization.

      • KCI등재

        등산 참여자의 행복을 위한 과시적 여가소비의 역할: 여가만족의 조절효과

        이유진,황선환 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2022 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.46 No.1

        This study was conducted to find out which level of conspicuous leisure consumption and leisure satisfaction was the highest and lowest in the group participating in mountaineering. The purpose of this was to guide hikers on the path to happiness by increasing their understanding of desirable leisure participation and wise leisure consumption. In this study, a survey was conducted using the objective sampling method among the participants of the mountaineering competitions with at least one year of climbing experience, and 443 copies of valid data were used for empirical analysis. Using SPSS 27.0 version, frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, curve estimation analysis, process macro 3.4 ver. Model 1 was executed. The research results are as follows: First, the optimal model for the relationship between conspicuous leisure consumption and leisure satisfaction of hikers was identified as a cubic nonlinear model from the viewpoint of simplicity. Second, conspicuous leisure consumption of hikers did not directly affect happiness, but leisure satisfaction was found to have a moderating effect in the relationship between conspicuous leisure consumption and happiness. In conclusion, an appropriate level of conspicuous consumption increases leisure satisfaction, but an excessive level of conspicuous consumption does not satisfy leisure satisfaction as much as an appropriate level of conspicuous consumption. In addition, excessive conspicuous consumption at a high leisure satisfaction level does not significantly increase happiness, and conspicuous leisure consumption at a low leisure satisfaction level has a negative effect on happiness.

      • KCI등재

        등산 후 발생한 장골근과 대둔근 손상

        전호승 ( Ho Seung Jeon ),우영균 ( Young Kyun Woo ),황석하 ( Suk Ha Hwang ),서승표 ( Seung Pyo Suh ),이준경 ( Joon Kyung Lee ) 대한스포츠의학회 2014 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        Iliacus muscle is the strongest hip flexor of gluteal region that acts with psoas muscle, whereas gluteus maximus muscle is the largest muscle engaged in extension and external rotation of the hip. Mountaineering requires strong contractile force of both flexor and extensor around the hip. A 57-year-old man presented to our hospital with severe pain in left groin after mountaineering for 5 hours without a break. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed incomplete rupture of iliacus muscle and strain of gluteus maximus muscle. Conservative treatment was done. At 3 months of follow-up, he returned to normal life. If we are going to climb mountain, it is important to start warming up with some stretches, take a break while climbing, and use climbing sticks. There have been no report about athletic injury of both iliacus and gluteus maximus after mountaineering. So we report this case with a review of the literature.

      • KCI등재

        ‘헬기 이송환자 진료체계’를 이용하여 응급진료센터로 내원한 산악 사고 환자에대한 전향적 관찰 연구

        나준호,좌민홍,정성필,박인철 대한응급의학회 2007 대한응급의학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        Purpose: Geographic problems can make it difficult for rescue teams to access emergency patients in the mountains. We developed the aeromedical relief program in conjunction with fire department helicopter EMS teams. This study describes the clinical experience of patients transported from the mountains in this program. Methods: We reviewed the employed protocols and the medical records of patients transported to our hospital from the mountains by the aeromedical transport system from June 2006 to June 2007. Results: Thirty-one patients were transported by helicopter during the study period, most of them (84%) from Mt. Bukhan. The time interval from call for help to hospital arrival was 80±56 min, and rescue time alone was 30±24 min. Eleven patients (36%) were pronounced dead on arrival, and 11 patients were admitted for management. The number of trauma patients were 24 (77%), who had an average RTS score (excluding the 11 patients who expired before arrival) of 11.7±0.6. When the ground team and the aeromedical team were dispatched at the same time, the total transport time was 54.0±22.8 min, compared to 133.0 ±75.7 min when the aeromedical team was dispatched only upon the request of the ground team, a large and statistically significant difference. Conclusion: This study suggests that the helicopter transport system can be successfully employed to achieve early access to patients in the mountains. To optimize the current program, cooperation between hospital and the regional helicopter EMS is required.

      • KCI우수등재

        여성 산악인의 고산등반 체험에 관한 자문화기술지

        오은선,박정호 한국체육학회 2022 한국체육학회지 Vol.61 No.3

        This study is an autoethnography of a woman alpinist, aimed to describe the value of mountaineering that altered the formation of her identity. For this, we collected various literature materials; 37 notes and memos, interviews, alpine publication, newspaper articles. In addition, we analyzed them using the content analysis, structural analysis of Ellis(2004). The result were divided into 3 areas, while focusing on the maturational process of an ordinary person becoming an professional alpinist. First, the journey of searching identity showed her identity shift as public employee to an professional alpinist. Second, self discovery revealed her identity formation as a exclusive alpinist being the first Korean women to climb the seven summits. Third. beyond ones limits portrayed her identity expansion being the first to climb the eight thousanders as a woman. In conclusion, she went through an alteration, formation, expansion in her identity while she undergoes life and death experience in severe mountaineering.

      • KCI등재

        히말라야 등반에 투영된 의미 체계

        오영훈 ( Young Hoon Oh ) 한국문화인류학회 2008 韓國文化人類學 Vol.41 No.2

        본 논문은 히말라야 등반이라는 극한 스포츠를 인류학적 관점으로 분석한 것이다. 세계 최고봉 에베레스트에 도전하는 한 원정대를 참여관찰 하여 등반의 준비부터 후속처리에 이르기까지 대원들 사이에서 벌어지는 다양한 일화들을 자료로 사용했다. 이를 통해 히말라야 등반을 현대사회의 `연행적 은유`로 인식하여 의미의 분화가 이루어지는 지점을 사회적 관계의 연장선에서 분석하였다. 히말라야 등반은 단순히 소수 등반가들의 노력의 결집체라고 말할 수 없다. 등반이 성립하기까지에는 등반가들뿐만 아니라 여러 협찬사 및 대중들의 인식이 주요한 요소로서 작동하고 있었다. 협찬사와 대중매체들의 전유, 일반 대중들의 시선, 그리고 대원들의 개인적 배경에 이르기까지 각각 상이한 관점들은 서로 다른 방식으로 히말라야 등반이라는 하나의 문화를 구성하는 요소로서 작용한다. 여기에 더하여 대원들이 가지게 된 공동체 의식은 개인적인 의미들을 은폐시키고 집단기억을 지배담론화함으로써 의미가 변형되는 상징적 실천 과정을 유도한다. 특정 스포츠에 반영된 복잡한 의미 부여의 구조를 분석하기 위해서는 사회성원들의 가치관념과 사회적 환경 사이의 역사적 상호작용 속에서 의미의 체계가 구성된다는 입장을 가져야 하는 것이다. Symbols are ambiguous, so it is a difficult matter to analyze the contents of a symbol invariably. Pointing the characteristic of symbolic ambiguity, I have scrutinized and described Himalayan mountaineering as an extreme sport by attending and being a participant-observer as well as a member in the expedition, 2008 Park`s Trans-Everest Expedition. First of all, Himalayan mountaineering is not only a subject of fervor for a few mountaineers, but an assemblage of manifold insights. The understandings of others such as sponsors and ordinary people who are spectators of the activities of mountaineers play a key role in the practical formulation of the expedition. The event produces many differentiated understandings such as an exclusive bestowal of sponsors and public media, gazes of the members of the public, and each member`s viewpoint vis-a-vis one`s historical background, all of which take part as factors consisting of the specific culture. Moreover, the meanings invested by each member to the expedition contribute to altering and be altered thoroughly the process of the expedition. Collective experiences and memories have constructed the expedition as a community, therefore the communality has concealed the diverse meanings invested by each member and the collective memories have been converted to dominant discourses. In conclusion, in the analysis of the structured process of the investment of complex meaning system reflected in such an extreme sport, it is necessary to call for a viewpoint that a meaning system is constructed through the historical interaction between the values of agents and the social circumstances of the society.

      • The Suggestion of a Mountaineering and Trekking Convergence Education Course Using AI

        Jae-Beom, CHOI,Chan-Woo, YOO Korea Fourth Industrial Association 2023 Fourth industrial review Vol.3 No.1

        Purpose - In Korea, where 64% of the land is forested, mountaineering is a leisure activity enjoyed by the majority of the people. As new technologies named the 4th industrial revolution spread more after the Covid-19 pandemic, we propose a human and technology convergence curriculum for mountaineering and trekking education to enjoy safety in the field of mountaineering and trekking using cutting-edge technology. Research design, data, and methodology - After examining the current state of the mountaineering industry and preceding studies on mountaineering and camping, and learning about BAC the 100 famous mountains, mountaineering gamification, and Gamification We designed an AI convergence curriculum using. Result - Understanding the topography and characteristics of mountains in Korea, acquiring mountaineering information through AI convergence, selecting mountaineering equipment suitable for the season, terrain, and weather, setting educational goals to safely climb, and deriving term project results. A total of 15 A curricula for teaching was proposed. Conclusion - Artificial intelligence technology is applied to the field of mountaineering and trekking and used as a tool, and it is expected that the base of mountaineering will be expanded through safe, efficient, fun, and sustainable education. Through this study, it is expected that the AI convergence education curriculum for mountaineering and trekking will be developed and advanced through several studies.

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