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        변성규 ( Byun Sunggyu ) 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        溫庭筠是晩唐大力作詞的第一人,他開創了五代、宋詞的盛況,后人都尊他爲花間鼻祖。 我們在讀溫庭筠的詞的時候,可以發現他的詞中大多是一些意象的羅列,他的詞在給讀者一種强烈的感官印象的同時,又能讓讀者産生豊富的聯想,體會到詞內部豊富的情感世界。之所以能有這樣的效果,槪念隱喩起了?大的作用。這些槪念隱喩讓讀者産生了豊富的聯想,而且讓詞的情感世界變得豊富,是構建溫庭筠詞的情感內容的重要手段。 槪念隱喩理論是Lakoff和Johnson提出的,該理論認爲隱喩不僅是一種普遍的語言現象,更是一種人們認知社會和世界的方式和手段,卽用一個認知域的經驗來理解?一個認知域的經驗。本文運用槪念隱喩理論,以后蜀趙崇祚編的≪花間集≫收錄的溫庭筠詞66首爲硏究對象,選取對溫庭筠詞情感內容構建有重要作用的槪念隱喩幷結合作品進行了分析。 通過分析,我們可以發現溫詞中在詞人是女子這一槪念隱喩主線下,還主要包括人的情感是自然景物,人是植物,分離和阻斷是簾,絶望是夢等基本槪念隱喩,?們共同作用,構建了溫庭筠詞的情感內容。以此爲基礎,詞人通過拓展對應關系、整合多個隱喩、增加細節描述 、質疑常規隱喩這四種方法對基本槪念隱喩進行了拓展創新,構建出詩性隱喩,從而使其詞具有了文學性。 詞人用槪念隱喩使內心的感受和抽象的槪念圖像化和具體化,從而幇助讀者更容易理解詞人在作品中要表現的深層意蘊,同時源域和目標域之間的張力使讀者産生了豊富的聯想,增强了作品的藝術感染力,使作品更具有趣味性和可讀性。 Wen Ting-Yun is a lyricist of the late Tang Dynasty, He led the development of Song and Wudai lyrics, was later revered as the originator of Huajian. Reading Wen Ting-Yun`s lyrics, we can find that most of Wen`s words are lists of images. These images give a strong impression of the senses while giving rich associations and make readers feel the rich emotional world in the work. Why it is possible to have such an effect is because Wen Ting-Yun use a lot of conceptual metaphors. And these conceptual metaphors which allow readers a wealth of association enrich emotional world of lyrics and these are an important means to build the emotional content of the lyrical poems. The conceptual metaphor theory is proposed by Lakoff and Johnson, which argues that metaphor is not only a general language phenomenon, but also a way of recognizing society and the world, that is, using an experience of one cognitive domain to understand an experience of another cognitive domain. Some characteristics of the source domain are projected to the target domain, which is partially understood by the former. This paper uses the conceptual metaphor theory to analyze 66 poems of Wen Ting-Yun collected by HouZuozhang`s “HuajianJi”. And the conceptual metaphors which has an important effect on the construction of emotional content of Wen Ting-Yun`s poems, are selected and analyzed. Through the analysis, we can find the main axis of conceptual metaphor of Wen Ting-Yun `s poems, that is to say women are poet himself. Under this big conceptual metaphor, there are some small conceptual metaphors which together build the emotional content of Wen Ting-Yun`s poems. So we can find four basic conceptual metaphors that the natural scenery is the human emotion, plants are people, the curtain is separated and blocked, the dream is despair. Based on this, the poet has expanded and innovated the basic conceptual metaphor through these four methods of expanding the corresponding relationship, elaborating description, composing multiple metaphors and questioning the conventional metaphor, and constructed the poetic metaphor, so that the work gains literary value. The conceptual metaphor of the poet makes the inner feelings and abstract concepts visualized and embodied, which helps the reader to understand the deeper implication of the poet in his works, and the tension between the source domain and the target domain enables the reader to produce rich association, and enhance the artistic appeal of the work, so that make the work more interesting and readable.

      • KCI등재

        개념적 은유를 활용한 한국어 수업 방안 연구 : [정치는 전쟁] 은유를 중심으로

        이지용(Lee,Ji-yong) 중앙어문학회 2011 語文論集 Vol.47 No.-

        A Study on Teaching Method of Korean in conceptual metaphors : focused on ‘Politics is War’ metaphor. Conceptual Metaphor Theory is the descriptive power on how a human being is understanding the meaning of things and this is being used as training tools in various subjects including the language education. Through Conceptual Metaphor, it is possible to efficiently understand idiomatic or figurative expression. However, it will be more effective in improving language abilities to applying the Conceptual Metaphor integrated in the overall language abilities rather than just applying it to partial aspects of the language elements. In other words, it is not a passive use of understanding things that have already been created through Conceptual Metaphor but the purpose of education must be in actively taking advantage of the concept of Conceptual Metaphor through understanding it and applying this concept to other domains as well. Especially, to advanced-level learners, active literacy of Conceptual Metaphor which is a social tool is needed. This is the bottom up concept from beginner to intermediate level, for the high-level Korean learners who have fit in the pieces of Korean language, it builds the cognitive systems, in other words, it provides the framework of top-down way of thinking. This study has proposed the utilization of Conceptual Metaphor based on the premise that the Conceptual Metaphor in order to improve the communication abilities in the Korean language training field targeting the foreign students. The significance of the study is found in the fact that this study has suggested the direction Korean language education mist take regarding Conceptual Metaphor and have provided the actual training plan by designing the specific teaching-learning model.

      • KCI등재

        槪念的 隱喩와 文法 範疇時間 隱喩를 중심으로

        金鎭海(Kim Jin-Hae) 중앙어문학회 2010 語文論集 Vol.43 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to point out the problem of conceptual metaphor theory. There are three questions of conceptual metaphor theory: How is conceptual metaphor related to grammatical category? What kind of connection does conceptual metaphor have with grammatical category? Can time metaphor be categorized as 'moving-time' and 'moving-ego'? Can time be cognized only through metaphor? First, when time on a conceptual level gets linguistically encoding, it shows different aspects by grammatical category. Therefore, conceptual metaphor should be explained considering the grammatical category. Second, time metaphor cannot be simply categorized as 'moving-time' and 'moving-ego'. Especially based on historical data, the fact that moving time and moving ego can be uni versal is doubtful. Third, I insisted that time as an abstract object can be linguistically encoding even without the method of using metaphor, which is a non-metaphorical way. Also the possibility was expressed that universality which can be explicable in primary metaphor may not have existed historically.

      • KCI등재

        은유의 이데올로기 분석

        김주식(Ju Shik Kim) 언어과학회 2011 언어과학연구 Vol.56 No.-

        In this paper, ideologies in various contexts, especially in politics, news, and sports, are to be analyzed based on the conceptual metaphor theory. For this purpose, in the 2nd chapter, the character of conceptual metaphor theory is identified as a theoretical background. The conceptual metaphor is not only the matter of language but also the matter of conceptualization. The point of conceptual metaphors is that we can comprehend and conceptualize the abstract and unconstructed concept in terms of on the concrete and well-structured concept. This kind of conceptual metaphor is culturally identified. In other words, when the identical abstract concept is conceptualized, concrete concepts which are different from each culture are utilized. Concrete concepts in conceptual metaphors are called the source domain, and abstract concepts are called the target domain. Conceptual metaphors are largely divided into creative metaphors and conventional metaphors, and Lakoff & Johnson(1980) divides conceptual metaphors into structural metaphors, orientational metaphors, and ontological metaphors. In the 3rd chapter, Metaphor and ideology will be intensively discussed in various contexts. Politics, news report, and sports are included among these contexts. As the arrangement in this chapter shows, this paper has no purpose in analyzing metaphor and ideology in a specific event, but has a purpose in showing how metaphor decisively function when analyzing ideology. (Dongyang University)

      • 개념적 은유에 입각한 언어적 표현에 관한 분석

        최윤영(Yoon-Young Choi) 영남신학대학교 2013 신학과 목회 Vol.39 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine if there exists the inconsistency in conceptual metaphor by analyzing the metaphorical linguistic expressions based on conceptual metaphor theory. In other words, this study aims to find apparent incoherences of conventionalized metaphorical expressions in Korean and to understand metaphorical contradiction in general conceptual metaphor. To undertake this study, three parts are examined: the inconsistency of relationship between source domain and target domain, the contradiction of the number of conceptual domains, and the inconsistency of time orientation metaphors in Korean. From this analysis, we can understand the distinctive features as well as the universal characteristics about conceptual metaphor. The findings of this study are as follows: First, the study shows that the more abstract conceptual domain, which is target domain, is conceptualized through the more concrete conceptual domain, which is source domain, and vice versa. Second, there may be more than two domains in a metaphorical linguistic expression. Third, time is located either in front or behind in Korean depending on the direction that the observer faces. To sum up, there exists the inconsistency in conceptual metaphor. This study gives two perspectives, i.e., universality and distinctiveness, about conceptual metaphor.

      • Монгол хэлний зүрх хэмээх үгний концепт болон соёл сэтгэлгээтэй холбогдох нь

        НЭРГҮЙ ӨНӨРЦЭЦЭГ 동중앙아시아경상학회 2017 한몽경상연구 Vol.28 No.1

        본 연구는 ‘마음’의 개념과 문화적 맥락에서의 적용에 대하여 연구한다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 개념적 은유 이론 (Conceptual Metaphor Theory: CMT)를 몽골의 사례에 적용하고 분석하였다. ‘마음’은 용기가 담기는 그릇이며, 마음 은 영혼의 안식처로 몸 내부에 존재하는 유기적인 존재로서 정의할 수 있다. 언어측면의 증거들은 이런 개념적 은유 가 몽골의 문화적 맥락에서도 잘 나타나고 있음을 보여준다. The paper examines the metaphorical structure of the heart in Mongolian, within the framework of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), formulated by Lakoff and Jonhson (1980). The study presents a case in which an abstract concept (courage and soul) is understood in part via a conceptual metaphor grounded in the body, but shaped by a culture-specific metaphorical understanding of an internal organ (heart) inside the body. Although the human body is a potentially universal source domain for metaphors structuring abstract concepts, cultural models set up specific perspectives from which certain aspects of bodily experience or certain parts of the body are viewed as especially salient and meaningful in the understanding of those abstract concepts. Metaphor is an essential cognitive tool in that it structures many concepts, especially abstract ones, in our conceptual systems. Metaphorical mappings from source domains to target domains emerge largely from the interplay between body and culture. Our mind is embodied in the profound sense that the very structure of our thoughts comes from the nature of our body (Lakoff & Johnson, 1999). The cultural experience and knowledge we gain while submerged in our culture inevitably shape our worldview, making our mind enculturated. The interaction between common bodily experiences and varied cultural experiences determines the extent to which conceptual metaphors are universal, widespread, or culture-specific. At the same time, the same basic embodied experiences, in which many conceptual metaphors are grounded, may be defined differently by different cultural beliefs and values (Gibbs, 1999). Also, our cultural models may be constructed metaphorically, thus framing our worldview metaphorically. As such, the relation between metaphor, body, and culture is extremely intricate, with all of them mingled together, and each of them penetrating the others, giving rise to a colorful spectrum of cognition. In this article, I attempt to present a Mongolian case of such intricate relation. The conceptual metaphor has the human body as its source domain, but the selection of this source domain depends on a culture-specific metaphorical understanding of an internal organ, the heart, inside the body, namely “HEART IS CONTAINER OF COURAGE, HEART IS CONTAINER OF SOUL” Linguistic evidence suggests that both of these conceptual metaphors exist in the core of the Mongolian cultural model for the concept of heart.

      • KCI등재

        개념적 혼성에 입각한 은유의 의미구성

        김동환(Kim Dong-Hwan) 담화·인지언어학회 2004 담화와 인지 Vol.11 No.1

        This paper examines how the conceptual blending theory deals with meaning construction of metaphors. The conceptual blending theory, developed by Fauconnier & Turner (1994, 1998, 2002) and Fauconnier (1997), posits the four-space network consisting of two input spaces, the generic space, and the blended space. Conceptual blending is a cognitive process which is the combination of input space construction, cross-space mapping, and selective projection. The meaning of language is constructed by the operation of conceptual blending. Before the conceptual blending theory turns up, metaphors have been dealt with by the conceptual metaphor theory in cognitive linguistics. But we could find some problems with the conceptual metaphor theory, so we introduce the new theory about metaphors; the conceptual blending theory. This study analyses meaning construction of two types of metaphors: everyday metaphors involving the concept of "anger" and poetic metaphors.

      • KCI등재

        A corpus-based analysis of conceptual metaphors with BITE and CHEW in English and Korean

        김정수 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2022 언어연구 Vol.39 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to examine conceptual metaphors with BITE and CHEW in two typologically different languages, English and Korean (BITE and CHEW in English and MWUL- ‘BITE’ and SSIP- ‘CHEW’ in Korean). There has been some research on conceptual metaphors with EAT and other words that depict general eating processes; however, little attention has been paid to conceptual metaphors with words that describe specific processes of eating events. This study first discusses key grammatical properties of BITE and CHEW and their conceptual metaphors in English and Korean based on an analysis of authentic corpus data. This study then shows that although the two verbs BITE and CHEW in each language can license some metaphors in common, overall they are more different than similar in terms of metaphor types, frequency distribution patterns, and preferred syntactic and semantic properties. This study further shows that although the pairs of the English verb and its Korean counterpart (i.e., BITE in English vs. MWUL- ‘BITE’ in Korean and CHEW in English vs. SSIP- ‘CHEW’ in Korean) can induce some conceptual metaphors in the same manner, their conceptual metaphors are also more different than similar with respect to metaphor types, frequency distribution patterns, and strong collocates. Taken together, the findings suggest that it is crucial to explore authentic uses of conceptual metaphors with specific verbs involved in eating processes in more detail across different languages, making use of attested corpus data, and that in this way we can make a significant contribution to the body of literature on conceptual metaphors.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Does Conceptual Metaphor Emerge from Metaphoric Language?

        ( Raymond W Gibbs Jr ) 서울대학교 인지과학연구소 2013 Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.14 No.3

        A significant claim within contemporary metaphor scholarship is that many linguistic metaphors arise from widely-held metaphors in thought, or conceptual metaphors. People speak metaphorically to the extent that they do, because they think metaphorically about many abstract ideas and events. Moreover, these metaphoric concepts emerge, primarily, from recurring aspects of bodily experience, such that metaphoric concepts and language is seen as embodied to a significant degree. Daniel Sanford offers a different perspective of where metaphoric concepts come from by suggesting how these emerge from tokens of linguistic metaphor. Verbal metaphors do not arise from metaphoric concepts, but metaphoric concepts may arise from repeated patterns of verbal metaphor use. My article acknowledges the possible importance of verbal metaphor in the creation of conceptual metaphors, but strongly argues that language along cannot explain the specifics of metaphoric thinking or why we talk about topics in the metaphoric ways we do.

      • KCI등재

        개념은유이론의 발전과 평가

        김기수 한국중앙영어영문학회 2014 영어영문학연구 Vol.56 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to discuss some claims of the earlier and later versions of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), assess two objections directed at it: (1) circularity and (2) faulty typology, and suggest, revising Ruiz de Mendoza Ibanez & Otal Campo’s taxonomic criterion, a new classification of metaphors. Unlike previous theories, Lakoff & Johnson (1980), who first proposed CMT, argued that metaphor is not primarily a matter of language but of cognition. Later Lakoff (1987) and Johnson (1987) argued that metaphor is not simply linguistic and conceptual but also bodily in nature. In recent years, Lakoff and Johnson (1999) have developed a more complex version of CMT with the introduction of primary metaphors which are considered as one important advance in it. It is also argued that the evidence for conceptual metaphors comes from cognitive linguistic analyses of conventional expressions, novel extensions, and polysemy. And it is shown that evidence abounds that makes objection (1) obsolete, but objection (2) is justified. Therefore, this paper proposes, revising Ruiz de Mendoza Ibanez & Otal Campo’s taxonomic criterion, a new classification of metaphors as shown in figure 2. The basic division is between similarity and correlation metaphors. Similarity is at work in the case of ontological, image, and situational metaphors. Orientational, image-schematic, and propositional metaphors are based upon the correlation between two experiential domains.

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