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        규범적 기대와 예언적 기대가 소비자 만족에 미치는 영향

        박도형(Do-Hyung Park),이동원(Dongwon Lee),정재권(Jaekwon Chung) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.7

        제품이나 서비스에 대한 소비자 만족은 이성적인 관점에서 어느 정도 성과를 창출하였는지와 감정적인 관점에서 어떤 느낌을 제공하는지에 따라 달라진다. 본 연구는 소비자의 이러한 두 가지 차원의 기대를 이성적 기대와 감성적 기대의 독립적인 기대들로 간주하고, 특정 제품이나 서비스에 대한 소비자 만족간의 관계를 확인하였다. 동시에 기존의 기대불일치 이론을 확장한 예언적 기대와 규범적 기대도 함께 고려하여, 소비자의 이성적인 판단과 감정적인 느낌의 기대불일치가 만족 에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 연구하였다. 연구 결과, 이성적인 관점에서는 소비자의 기대를 뛰어넘는 성능이나 경험을 했을 경 우, 만족은 증가함을 알 수 있었고, 이 효과는 예언적 기대를 충족했을 때 더 커짐을 알 수 있었다. 반면, 감성적인 관점에서는 소비자가 규범적으로 사전에 기대한 느낌보다 더 좋은 느낌을 얻을수록, 만족이 증가하지만, 자신이 실제로 일어날 것이라고 예언한 기대에 불일치하는 것은 오히려 만족을 감소시킨다는 결과를 확인하였다. 하지만 영향정도의 절대 크기 측면에서 감정적인 느낌 하에서는 규범적 기대불일치가 소비자의 만족에 미치는 영향이 예언적 기대불일치의 영향보다 더 크다는 것 을 확인하였다. Consumer expectation is divided into rational and emotional components with regard to the experience of products or services. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between these two types of expectations and consumer satisfaction. For the theoretical framework, we use the dual expectation theory with respect to the should-expectation and will-expectation, and verify their effects on consumer satisfaction. The findings of this study imply that under rational expectation, consumer satisfaction increases when the result of their experience exceeds their expectation and the impact is stronger when the will-expectation is satisfied. Under emotional expectation, consumer satisfaction increases when the should-expectation exceeds the result of the actual performance, but decreases when there is disaccord between the will-expectation and performance. For emotional-based expectation, the impact on consumer satisfaction is stronger for should-expectancy disconfirmation than for will-expectancy disconfirmation.


        Lili Zheng 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        The long-term development of a mobile gaming application (app) depends on its continued use by its users. The aim of this study is to investigate the determinants of a mobile gaming app’s continuance intention among users. The expectation-confirmation model of IS continuance was used as the basic framework, to which bi-dimensional consumption emotions were added to help better explain satisfaction judgment and continuance intention in the context of mobile gaming app use. To test the expanded IS continuance model, we conducted an online survey among mobile gaming app users; 271 valid responses were collected. The data were analyzed using structural equation models (SEM). The effects of positive emotions (PE) and negative emotions (NE) were examined, respectively, in model 1 and model 2. Competing models (models 3, 4 and 5) were also examined in order to compare the proposed models. Both positive and negative emotions have a significant effect on the satisfaction of mobile gaming app users and their continued usage intention, a finding that represents an important contribution to the extension of technology continuance theory. Comparison with the IS continuance model shows that the new model can explain significantly more variance in continuance intention. This study presents two extensions to the expectation-confirmation model of IS continuance. First, this paper presents and tests a theoretical model, derived from the IS continuance model, in which emotions play an important role in measuring customer satisfaction and subsequent long-term behavioral intention. The proposed model can be used to predict the satisfaction and continuance intention of situations in which a consumer’s emotional expectations and reactions are a core part of the consumption experience. Second, we ground the expectation-confirmation model of IS continuance in the context of mobile gaming apps, which involves both utilitarian (cognitive) and hedonic (affective) components. This study offers insight into the role of emotions in forming continuance intentions toward mobile gaming app use in China, a topic that has not previously been investigated. The findings have important implications for practice in the mobile gaming app sector. Special attention should be given to users’ consumption emotions, since emotions have been found to be strongly related to satisfaction and subsequent continued usage intention. For instance, mobile games firms should make efforts to develop strategies to enhance game players’ positive emotions (such as feeling joyful, interested, cheerful, excited, active, attentive) during the games because game players’ emotional fulfillment leads to satisfaction and minimizes negative emotions (such as feeling distressed, ashamed, afraid, nervous, upset or lonely); such negative emotions have been shown to have a direct and strong effect on satisfaction as well as an indirect effect continuance intention via satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        기대불일치 이론을 적용한 웰니스 관광상품의 경쟁력 강화방안 탐색

        안수현(Ahn, Su-Hyun),김도환(Kim, Do-Hwan),이상준(Lee, Sang-Jun) 경기연구원 2021 GRI 연구논총 Vol.23 No.1

        The interest and demand for wellness tourism are increasing domestically and internationally as people have increased desire for well-being and healing with improved quality of life. This study verified by applying the expectation disconfirmation model to investigate which causal relationships exist and how expectation before a tour, perceived performance after the tour, the expectation disconfirmation, and positive emotion affect satisfaction formation on the experience of wellness tourism. In detail, the problem of the study was established as “satisfaction is affected by expectation before a tour, perceived performance after the tour, and expectation disconfirmation comparing expectation and performance, and satisfaction affects positive emotion”. To this end, a survey was conducted to participants on Chungbuk wellness tourism programs before and after the participation. Through data cleaning, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model were done using SPSS and AMOS. Excluding the direct relationship of perceived performance→satisfaction, the study found out that the following casual relationships are significant: expectation→perceived performance, expectation→expectation disconfirmation, perceived performance→expectation disconfirmation, expectation→satisfaction, expectation disconfirmation→satisfaction, and satisfaction→positive emotion. Lastly, a summary of the study and the limitations were discussed. The study also provides directions to future studies to overcome such limitations and expand the study results.

      • KCI등재

        유튜브 활용 학습에 대한 기대일치, 인지적 태도, 정서적 태도가 유튜브 재이용 의향에 미치는 영향

        차승봉,박혜진 (사)디지털산업정보학회 2020 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to verify the effect on learning using YouTube. The relationship between expectations, cognitive attitudes, emotional attitudes, and reuse intentions was explored. The results are as follows. First, the factors affecting the intention to reuse YouTube were emotional attitude and expectation. cognitive attitude did not show any significant effect. Second, cognitive attitude and expectation agreement were significant variables in emotional attitude. cognitive attitude was identified as a major factor affecting emotional attitude. Third, expectation agreement was found to have a significant influence on cognitive attitude. Therefore, expectancy is an important factor in identifying cognitive attitudes. In particular, the satisfaction of expectations after experiencing a new technology or system, such as YouTube, affects the cognitive attitude. Finally, the main findings of this study were that cognitive attitude was not a variable affecting the intention to reuse YouTube. The reason for this is that YouTube is used as a medium of interest, and it is not used as a medium for searching the main data source for learning. Therefore, in order to activate YouTube learning, it is necessary to convert recognition into YouTube for learning rather than YouTube for play.

      • KCI등재

        영남 지역 <모심는소리>의 愛情 노랫말에 나타난 情緖와 그 의미

        정한기 한국민요학회 2011 한국민요학 Vol.31 No.-

        In this thesis, I aim at investigation at the emotion in love song of Yeongnam’s <rice-planting song> and the emotion’s mean. The result is as follows. The emotion in love song of Yeongnam’s <rice-planting song>:The speaker expresses the feeling of love in Yeongnam’s <rice-planting song> through two ways. The one is the fragmentary expression and the other is the concrete expression. The one of concrete expression is that the speaker expresses the feeling by taking dependent attitude toward lover and expecting union with parting lover. So the speaker’s expectation of union with parting lover is the emotion in love song of Yeongnam’s <rice-planting song>. In this song, the contents are developed from parting grief to expectation of union with parting lover or from expectation of union with parting lover to frustration. The emotion’s mean:The speaker express the grief on the parting with lover in love song of Chinese poem related with <rice-planting song> through one way. The way is that the speaker expresses the feeling by taking dependent attitude toward lover and expecting union with parting lover. So the speaker’s expectation of union with parting lover is the emotion in love song of Chinese poem related with <rice-planting song>. In this song, the contents are developed from expectation of union with parting lover to frustration. The grief is formed by this development. 본고의 목적은 영남 지역 <모심는소리>의 애정을 화제로 한 노랫말에 나타난 정서와 그 정서가 지닌 의미를 살펴보는 것이다. 살펴본 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 영남 지역 <모심는소리>의 애정 노랫말에 나타난 정서이다. <모심는소리>의 애정 노랫말에 나타난 감정에는 단편적으로 표출된 것과 구체적으로 표출된 것이 있다. 구체적인 표출에는 묘사를 통한 것, 주객 대응을 통한 것, 화자의 태도를 통한 것 등이 있다. 화자의 태도를 통한 표출에 情緖가 나타난다. 그 정서는 화자가 님을 위한 생각․행동에 몰두함으로써 님과의 결합이 이루어지기를 바라는 期待이다. 그 기대란 정서가 중심이 되어 노랫말은 ‘이별(배신)→기대’로 전개되거나 ‘기대(결합)→좌절’로 전개된다. ‘기대(결합)→좌절’로 전개된 노랫말은 悲哀가 형성된다. 둘째, 애정 노랫말에 나타난 정서의 의미이다. 정서의 의미를 애정을 화제로 한 <모심는소리> 관련 한시와 비교하여 살펴보았다. 애정을 화제로 한 <모심는소리> 관련 한시에 나타난 화자의 감정은 悲哀이고, 화자의 정서는 期待이며, 작품은 ‘기대(결합)→좌절’로 전개된다. <모심는소리> 관련 한시 가운데 이학규의 한시가 특히 주목된다. 이학규는 민중의 천연한 정감을 한시에 수용하려 하였다. 그의 한시에 나타난 화자의 감정은 비애이고, 그는 비애를 형상화하기 위하여 화자의 기대란 태도에 주목하였고, ‘기대(결합)→좌절’이란 전개를 하나의 작품 안에 압축하여 그 전개로 비애를 형상화하려 하였다. 이러한 사실로 보아 <모심는소리>의 애정 노랫말에 나타난 기대란 정서는 민중의 천연한 정감이란 점에 의미가 있고, ‘기대(결합)→좌절’이란 전개를 이루어 비애가 형상화된다는 점에 의미가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        직업훈련생의 진로정서조절, 결과기대, 진로통찰력에 대한 구조모형 분석

        김성우 ( Sungwoo Kim ),안윤정 ( Yoonjung An ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 직업훈련생의 진로통찰력, 진로정서조절과 결과기대 간의 구조적인 관계를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 경기도 5개 직업훈련기관 훈련생 542명을 대상으로 설문지를 이용하여 자료를 수집하고 구조모형분석을 시행하였다. 연구 결과 첫째, 연령에 따라 진로정서조절의 진로주의집중 및 실천과 회피, 진로통찰력, 결과기대 등에 유의한 차이가 검증되었다. 둘째, 진로정서조절 하위변인과 진로통찰력, 결과기대 간에 상관관계가 확인되었다. 셋째, 진로정서조절 중 인지적 수용과 자기명료화가 진로통찰력에, 인지적 수용이 결과기대에 유의한 정적 영향을 보여주었다. 넷째 직업훈련생의 진로정서조절, 진로통찰력, 결과기대 간의 구조모형은 변인 간 구조관계를 예측하기에 적합한 것으로 드러났다. 본 연구를 통해 해당 직종의 직업훈련뿐만 아니라 관련 직업상담과 프로그램의 개입의 필요성을 제언했다. This study aimed to analyze the structural relationship among career emotion regulation (CER) and outcome expectation, career insight of vocational trainees. To this end, 542 trainees from five vocational training institutions located in Gyonggi-do collected data and conducted a structural model analysis using questionnaires. The results of this study are as follows: First, there were significant differences in the concentration and practice of career and avoidance in CER, career insight, and outcome expectation according to age. Second, the correlation among sub-variables of CER, career insight, outcome expectation was confirmed. Third, CER showed a significant positive effect on career insight and career expectation. Fourth, the fitness of the structural model between CER, career insight, and outcome expectation of vocational trainees was found to be suitable for predicting the structural relationship between variables.

      • KCI등재

        정서조절곤란이 폭식행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 섭식기대의 조절효과를 중심으로

        김지수,김정규 한국청소년학회 2015 청소년학연구 Vol.22 No.11

        The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of difficulties of emotional regulation and eating expectancy on binge eating behavior focused on women students and to find out the moderating effects of eating expectancy which affects the relation between difficulties of emotional regulation and binge eating behavior. Three hundred and two university and graduated women students completed the questionnaires which were comprised of the binge eating behavior, the difficulties of emotional regulation and the eating expectancy. The results were as follows. First, the difficulties of emotional regulation and the eating expectancy influenced the binge eating behavior. Second, the results of the hierarchical regression analysis exhibited that the moderating effects of eating expectancy was not significant for the relation between the difficulties of emotional regulation and the binge eating behavior. Finally, the clinical limitations of this study and the suggestions for the future studies were also discussed. 본 연구는 여대생을 대상으로 정서조절곤란과 섭식기대가 폭식행동에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고, 정서조절곤란과 폭식행동의 관계에서 섭식기대의 조절효과를 검증하였다. 서울·경기권의 4년제 대학생과 대학원생 302명을 대상으로 폭식행동 설문지, 정서조절곤란, 섭식기대 척도 설문지를 실시하였다. 본 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정서조절곤란과 섭식기대는 폭식행동에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 위계적 회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 정서조절곤란과 폭식행동의 관계에서 섭식기대의 조절효과는 유의미하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 본 연구의 의의, 제한점 및 후속 연구방향에 관하여 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        부모양육행동이 초등학생의 사회정서역량에 미치는 영향

        김단비(Dan Bee Kim),신태섭(Tae Seob Shin) 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2018 교육과학연구 Vol.49 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among students’ perceived parenting behavior, social emotional competencies, and parental expectations. In this study, social and emotional competencies were categorized into two different dimensions: self and social. A survey was administered to 389 fifth and sixth grade students from 4 elementary schools in Seoul, Korea. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the moderating effects of perceived parental expectations. Results suggest that supportive parenting behaviors and behavioral control behaviors promote students’ social emotional competencies. On the other hand, psychological control behaviors undermine the development of social emotional competencies on self-dimension. According to analysis of moderating effects, for students with high parental expectations, it was found that the more supportive parenting behavior, the more likely the children were to cultivate self and social dimensions of social-emotional competencies. Findings from our study suggest that parents need to recognize that appropriate parenting behavior is of utmost importance in the development of children’s social-emotional competencies.

      • KCI등재

        해외골프투어 이용객들의 인지적이미지와 정서적이미지가 사전기대, 선택결정만족 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향

        임영삼,구창모 한국스포츠사회학회 2008 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 해외골프투어 참가자들의 인지적 이미지와 정서적 이미지가 사전기대, 선택결정만족 및 재방문의도에 미치는 구조적 관계를 규명하는 것이다. 연구대상으로는 2008년 1월 태국 방콕에 위치한 W, B, T C.C. 각 3 곳의 골프장을 이용한 266명이다. 이를 규명하기 위하여 SPSSWIN Ver.15.0과 Amos 7.0을 활용하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 인지적 이미지는 사전기대에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 정서적 이미지는 사전기대에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 인지적 이미지는 선택결정만족에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 정서적 이미지는 선택결정만족에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 사전기대는 선택결정만족에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 사전기대는 재방문의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 일곱째, 선택결정만족은 재방문의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The objective of this research was to look into the structural relationships in which cognitive image and emotional image might have an effect on predetermined expectations, satisfaction with their choice, and intention of re-participation. The subjects of this study were 266 adults who participant at the overseas golf tour participants in Bangkok Thailand as of 2008. To clarify this, this research used SPSSWIN Ver.15.0 and Amos 7.0 and obtained the results as follows: First, the cognitive image was revealed to have a positive effect on predetermined expectations. Second, the emotional image was also revealed to have a positive effect on predetermined expectations. Third, the cognitive image was found to have a positive effect on satisfaction with users' decision in choice. Fourth, the emotional image was found to have a positive effect on satisfaction with their decision in choice. Fifth, the predetermined expectations were found to have a positive influence on satisfaction with decision in choice. Sixth, the predetermined expectations were found to have a positive effect on their intention of re-visit. Seventh, the satisfaction with decision in choice was found to have a positive effect on their intention of re-visit.

      • KCI등재

        우슈 지도자의 전문성에 따른 수련자들의 운동정서와 운동결과기대

        최관용(Kwan Young Choi),김귀종(Kwi Jong Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2009 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.37

        This study is being done to positively prove the relationship between Wu-Shu practitioner`s exercise emotion and the expectation of the result of the exercise depend on the expertise of the Wu-Shu director. To achieve the goal, this study extracted its target interviewers Wu-Shu practitioner in their gymnasium from all over Korea by using cluster random sampling. Among them, the study excluded 31 data who regarded that they were insincere or did not fill out the form and finally took the data of 269 interviewers and progress the process. Throughout this way, the study got conclusions. Firstly, depends on the demographical features, the expectation that Wu-Shu trainees have about their Wu-Shu director`s expertise and exercise emotion has a gap. For the part of director`s expertise, the result is different from depends on gender and the experience, for the part of exercise emotion, depends on the experience, the results of achievement is different. Secondly, the expertise of the Wu Shu director that trainees recognize statically affects to the emotion of the exercise. The directors` theoretical expertise affects to fun, vitality, purification, and achievement which are the lower rank of the exercise emotion. Thirdly, the expertise of the Wu-Shu director that trainees recognize affects statical effects to the expectation of the result of the exercise. Higher the trainees recognize the directors` theoretical expertise, higher the expectation of the result of the exercise. Fourthly, the emotion of the trainees statically affects to the expectation of the result of the exercise. Fun, vitality, and achivement which are the lower rank of the exercise emotion, affect to the result of the exercise. Also when the trainees recognize those factors higher, the expectation that the results of the exercise goes higher.

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