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        로버트 프로스트의 자연과 인간관

        金榮滿 ( Young-man Kim ) 대한영어영문학회 1995 영어영문학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        The aim of this paper is to present Frost's View of Nature and Man. He had a warm voice and loved man's life in wild nature. Frost was a popular and pastoral poet of America in the twentieth century. He described the rural life and landscape in New England with a pure experience and in realistic style. Frost seldom described nature without man in his poems even though he was a nature poet. Frost observed nature with objective, lukewarm, and behavior attitude. He described man and nature with a contrastive attitude. Frost described the poet’s having to go some miles before sleeping because of his promise though “woods are lovely and beauteous”. In his poems, nature is the background of man and man is the center of the poem. He worked all sort of labor as a boy, therefore he described the joy of labour’s in his poems. The labour’s fact of Frost’s poems suggested the sweetest dream, peace, comfort and rest. Frost described the attitude of man. First, He, in his works, suggested courage against confusion. He seems as brave man and a bold man. What a person does - how he acts - When he is frightened tells a great about his character. In 11 Out, Out instead of pouring out their grief, the boy's family simply take up their work again. He gives us courage temper that makes the living return to our affairs. Second, he described that man's cooperative spirit and man work together, and he does not feel a love but a joy with a companion. Last, he described man’s moral sense even though he took a lukewarm attitude. Frost emphasized human ethics rather than fascination with the beauty of nature. He chose man or man's promise rather than nature or nature’s beauty.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Enhancing the Enzymatic Activity of the Multifunctional β-Glycosyl Hydrolase (Cel44C-Man26A<sub>P558</sub>) from Paenibacillus polymyxa GS01 Using DNA Shuffling

        강영민,강태호,윤한대,조계만,Kang, Young-Min,Kang, Tae-Ho,Yun, Han-Dae,Cho, Kye-Man The Microbiological Society of Korea 2012 미생물학회지 Vol.48 No.2

        본 연구자들은 이전에 cellulase, xyalnase 및 lichenase의 다기능 효소활성을 지니는 절단된 Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$의 ${\beta}$-glycosyl hydrolase를 보고하였다. 본 연구에서는 절단된 Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$ 효소의 다기능성 ${\beta}$-glycosyl hydrolase 활성을 증가시키기 위해 DNA shuffling을 시도하였다. DNA shuffling에 의해 단일변이(P438A)를 가진 M2Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$와 이중변이(A273T 및 P438A)를 가진 M21Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$를 얻었다. 이중변이를 가진 M21Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$은 단일변이를 가진 M2Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$ 보다 효소활성이 낮게 나타났으나, M2Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$와 M21Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$은 대조구인 Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$ 보다 약 1.3에서 2.2배 정도 높은 효소활성을 나타내었다. 특히, 단일변이를 가진 M2Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$는 대조구인 Cel44C-$Man26A_{P558}$보다 cellulase, xylanase 및 lichenase 효소활성이 약 1.5에서 2.2배 정도 높게 나타났다. ${\beta}$-Glycosyl hydrolase의 cellulase, linchenase 및 xylanase 최적 효소활성은 각각 pH 7.0, 7.0 및 6.0에서 이었다. 이러한 결과는, 아미노산 잔기인 Ala438이 다기능성 ${\beta}$-glycosyl hydrolase 활성을 증가시키는 중요한 역할을 한다고 추정할 수 있다.

      • 밝은社會運動의 時代的 當爲性과 基本精神

        朴淳永,申大淳,趙萬濟 慶熙大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The tasks of today's human society are 1) to preserve nature, 2) to create the sound social climate, 3) to construct human rehabitation and 4) to materialize the world peace with the human family spirit. The Bright Society Movement, acting up to such historical needs, is extending worldwidely. Following are the necessities of the times; 1) the population increase, the excessive urbanization and industrialization cause pollution to break the things of nature and to further intimidate human life. For that reason, the world-wide movement is urgently needed to protect the nature and revive her functions. 2) Materials are the necessary condition for man's life; nevertheless, the tendency spreads around the world to value more seriously materials than man. Machines and tools must be utilized for only man's convenience. It is our present mission to enhance human value and construct a society which is good to live. 3) As for human relationship, humanity and familiarity among neighbors grow more sterile. Recovering humanity in our society, we'll have to lead an intimate life with out neighbors as if a family, and all human beings ought to keep good relations one another under the awareness that we are all brothers. Since the world is becoming a global community, people in this community can not help co-operating one another. 4) The gradual increase of the number of modern people who take the passive and negative attitude in life, and antagonism between individuals, groups, races, and nations which most frequently results in war; these phenomena are typical of modern society. We should make every effort to induce people to take an active, positive attitude and cast away such antagonism. 5) Individualism and egoism for common prosperity. The solution is to place great emphasis collaboration and the basis for modern society are the main factors to destroy the social collaboration and the basis for common prosperity. The solution is to place great emphasis upon human education so as to make the habit of servicespirit. The Bright Society Movement, in accordance with these historical and social demands, takes as its motto Good will, Cooperation and Service―Contribution. 1. Good Will The spirit of Good Will is not only the native love made between friendly persons but the mental basis for human life. First, filial piety is the most important in the life of Good Will. Only a man, who is dutiful to his parents, can be a leader and do his best for society. Second, Good Will is beautiful love between husband and wife. For it is next to impossible without beautiful love to become the most intimate couple from two strangers. Third, Good Will is the love between parents and children. It is true love without any condition. Forth, Good Will is spirit of keeping friendly contact with neighbors. Such spirit is to help mutually, feel grateful, and live loving neighbors as if relatives. 2. Cooperation Cooperation is an essential principle to form human society. All beings in the universe keep inter-relation through the organic cooperative system with their environments. Man can yield greater results by mean of cooperation. A family can be happy when they collaborate one another; every member of a society is able to achieve their aims through their mutual cooperation. The Bright Society Club can construct human cooperative society as well, when it is possible to create the systematic cooperative relationship between unit clubs, federations, regional centres, national centres, and international centre. 3. Service-Contribution Service is man's natural behavior to contribute himself and the development of human beings. Everything with me is what is obtained from others, not what I produce by myself. Service means to reward everyone for what I have received. The society which consists of those who are willing to service each other; only that society can provide for proper opportunity to be compensated. Fruitful life does not lie in good health and materials. Really valuable Life is with helping others. Life, filled with Good Will, Cooperation, and Service-Contribution, must grow into a habit of everyman so as to be a guiding principle in his life. Now, the basic directions of unit club for the Bright Society Movement are as follows; 1. Leading role of unit clubs; Centering around unit clubs, Bright Society Movement is expanded. 2. Systematic relations of club structure; each unit club keeps organic relationship mutually. 3. Regional and functional unit clubs; unit clubs are formed on the basis of pecularities of regions or functions. When all human beings understand the historical and social missions and participate in the Bright Society Movement positively, we'll be able to creat earlier human cooperative society which is good to live.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        위암의 연령에 따른 차이

        김영재(Young Jae Kim),이영철(Young Chul Rhee),이만길(man Kill Lee),차호(Ho Cha),정영채(Young Chae Jung) 대한소화기학회 1987 대한소화기학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        N/A Comparative analytic review on clinical, endoscopic and histopathological findings was done in 13 cases of young age (under 29), 446 cases of mid age (30~69) and 39 cases of old age (above 70) stomach cancer who were visited Department of Internal Medicine of Masan Koryo General Hospital from March 1981 to July 1985. The following results were obtained: The peak of age incidence was the 5th decade amounting to 36.8%. The ratio between male and female was 2.6:1. The main chief complaint of each group was epigastric pain and it was followed by epigastric fullness. The most patient had the duration of symptom from 3 months to 6 months. For old-age group, mid-age group, major site of lesion in the antrum, meanwhile body for young-age group. The most frequent type of gastric cancer was type III in each group by Borrmanns classification. For each group, adenocarcinoma was major cases in the view of histopathological findings, and incidence of well differentiated type adenocarcinoma were lower in young-age group than others.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 앞굽이 몸통반대지르기를 통한 고령자의 건각도의 유효성 분석

        김기만(Ki Man Kim),배영상(Young Sang Bae) 한국발육발달학회 2009 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to identify effectiveness of Taekwondo Apkubi Momtong Bandae Jireugi (AMBJ) as diagnostic method of health related to muscle level of older men. To accomplish the purpose, relationship between a 3 stride of AMBJ distance and a cross section area of psoas major muscle were analyze. By using random sampling, 10 older men were sampled as subject who participate Gate-ball club in S-Gu, D-metropolitan city. Analysis of relation between the 3 stride of AMBJ and psoas major muscle scale recorded by MRI of older men were executed. Results of the analysis could be summarized as the following. 1) In the case of older men, the male who has much muscle weight and large thigh girth has big cross section area of psoas major muscle. 2) Relation among 3 stride of AMBJ, muscle weight(r=.822, p<.01), and thigh girth(r=.720, p<.05) especially, cross section area of psoas major muscle presented very high correlation(r=.91, p<.001). 3) Based on the analysis, measurement result of the 3 stride of Taekwondo Apkubi Momtong Bandae Jireugi was very effective diagnostic method to assume for health related to muscle strength level and all the muscular strength level of older men.

      • " The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering " 게재 논문 요약 : Processabilities & Mechanical Properties of the Biodegradable LDPE / Modified Starch Blends

        Young Jin Kim,Yong Man Lee,Hyang Mok Lee,O Ok Park 한국화학공학회 1994 NICE Vol.12 No.5

        N/A An investigation of the biodegradable polymers based on starch has been accomplished. Starch needs to be modified before blending with low density polyethylene(LDPE) because of its hydrophilicity. Three kinds of modification methods were applied to obtain the compatibility to starch-LDPE blends. The first one was the esterification of the hydroxyl group of starch with acetic anhydride. The second was the copolymerization of actylonitrile and styrene onto starch. The last was the esterification reaction of the hydroxyl group of starch with three kinds of ionomers. The tensile strength, % elongation, Young`s modulus, and shear viscosities of blends of the modified starch and LDPE were examined. Ionomer-treated starch showed better compatibility with LDPE to give better performances than other blends.

      • Processabilities & Mechanical Properties of the Biodegradable LDPE / Modified Starch Blends

        Young Jin Kim,Yong Man Lee,Hyang Mok Lee,O Ok Park 한국화학공학회 1994 화학공업과 기술 Vol.12 No.5

        N/A An investigation of the biodegradable polymers based on starch has been accomplished. Starch needs to be modified before blending with low density polyethylene(LDPE) because of its hydrophilicity. Three kinds of modification methods were applied to obtain the compatibility to starch-LDPE blends. The first one was the esterification of the hydroxyl group of starch with acetic anhydride. The second was the copolymerization of actylonitrile and styrene onto starch. The last was the esterification reaction of the hydroxyl group of starch with three kinds of ionomers. The tensile strength, % elongation, Young`s modulus, and shear viscosities of blends of the modified starch and LDPE were examined. Ionomer-treated starch showed better compatibility with LDPE to give better performances than other blends.

      • 급성 골수성 백혈병 환자에서 발생한 침습성 아스페르길루스중에 대한 수술적치료 1 예

        배영환;어원식;어상민;김승만 김태영;박수영;서영경;정은주;안효정 인제대학교 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is known to have a poor prognosis and major cause of morbidity and motality in patients with hematologic disease. Without adequate therapy, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis will almost always progress to fatal pneumonia. Early administration of antifungal agents in patient with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is most important. And surgical resection of aspergillous-infected tissue may be useful in patients with lesions that are contiguous with great vessel and lesions causing hemoptysis. We reported a rare case of surgical resection as curative treatment for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis patient in 58-year-old man who had the history of acute myeloid leukemia.

      • 청소년의 여가활동 실태 및 만족도 분석

        박용범,이재형,조병만 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for the development of the various Education policies which can improve the problems after understanding the actual situation of the leisure activities of the middle school students, surveying and diagnosing the consciousness about the leisure activities, and analyzing problems. As for the subjects of tills study, the middle students who are currently enrolled in Y middle school in Suwon, Kyung-ki-do was selected as the population, and then totally 450 students were selected as the samples after the random sampling, The research subjects were totally 434 students who answered the survey among those 450 students. The survey papers which contain the ailing or unfaithful answers and contents among the total 434 students were excluded from this study. Therefore, the actual subject people who were applied to this study were totally 420 students. The sexual composition of the subject people are 24 male students(57.6%) and 178 female students(42.4%), and the male students have the a little higher rate than the female students. For the analysis of the data, in this study the frequencies analysis, cross analysis, independent t test, and one-way ANOVA were used as the useful statistical technique, the scheffe method was executed. At this time, the meaningful standard was analyzed after setting up as α=0.5. Through the above mentioned research method and course and based upon the produced research result, the following conclusion was induced. Firstly, the result of the analysis about the time of the leisure activities of the young people showed that the 120 students(28.6%) answered average under 2 or 3 hours to the question that how long leisure time per day you have, and this is the most frequent answers, and 105 students(25%) answered under 1 or 2 hours, Thus, the leisure time of the middle school students was surveyed as average under 2 or 3 hours per day and this was over 53.6%, and it was demonstrated that the students and young people were not active and emotional, and also enjoying the inactive and monotonous leisure activities because of the burden due to the time caused by the excessive studies and preparation for the entrance examination. Secondly, when seen through the analysis result of the actual condition of the leisure activities of the young people, it was known that there is the trend that the leisure activities of the young people are made up of the individual(houses of relatives, private educational institution), and merrymaking(cafe, billiard hall, bowling hall, karaoke room, and video-watching room) events. Thirdly, in case of the place for the leisure activities, it was shown that the female students enjoyed 'Library, municipal cultural center', 'cafe', 'karaoke, video-watching room', 'window shopping, street sightseeing', 'bookshop', 'cultural enjoyment', and 'private educational institution' rather than the male students did, and there was the meaningful difference statistically(P<.05). In the other hand, the male students enjoyed 'athletic facility', 'billiard hall, bowling hall', 'juvenile group', 'amusement facility, cartoon room, PC room' rather than the female students, and there was the meaningful difference statistically(P<.05). According to each the grade, in case of the 1st grade showed that they stayed 97 minutes in the karaoke and video watching room, and 94 minutes in the window shopping and street sightseeing, and 106 minutes in the amusement facility, and 21 minutes in the bookshop, and in case of 2nd grade, they were shown that they stayed 64 minutes in the reading room, and 35 minutes in the billiard room and bowling room, and lastly in case of 3rd grade, they were shown that they stayed 51 minutes in the instant food store and 247 minutes in the private educational institution. In case of the contact time with the mass media, there was no difference in the activities such as 'printing media such as the news papers and magazines', 'watching TV, but there was the meaningful difference according to the sexual distinction in the time for 'listening the radio', and 'using computer' statistically(p<.05). When concretely examined, the female student had average 34 minutes for listening the radio, and this is over 13 minutes than the male students whereas the male students spent 129 minutes in 'computer', and this is 37 minutes more than that of the female.

      • 쥐의 성주기에 따른 자궁 비만세포와 성호르몬의 변화

        최영자,제갈승주,윤영승,김재만 木浦大學校 基礎科學硏究所 2001 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.19 No.-

        Mast cells reside in connective tissue and mucous tissue that encircle the internal environment of the body, where they mediate inflammatory response encountering foreign materials. Mast cells are also found in uterus tissue which is, in fact, exposed to external world. Because the cells are provoked by invading foreign cells to cause inflammatory response, their response in the uterus should be controled for success in fertilization and implantation, in that the foreign sperms and fertilized egg are willing to invade into the body. In order to confirm such assumption, we investigated the changes in mast cell numbers and their contents in the rat uterus during the estrus cycle and related these to the changes in sex-hormone concentration. The mean number of mast cell at the proestrus and estrus phase was 4.8±2.72 and 5.98±1.55. respectively. The number increased as much as 3 times more then previous phase at the metestrus phase and subsided to half at following the diestrus phase. Those mast cells were subdivided type. Connective tissue type was major at metestrus and diestrus phase. At the following proestrus, however, the muscous type was largely increased and major population was changed to muscous and intermediate type at estrus phase. In the immature uterus of young female, as few as 1.67±0.23 cells were detected and most of them were mucous and intermediate type. The concentration of circulating estradiol-17 β was lowest at the metestrus phase both in free and bound form. The results suggest that estrogen may be involved in inhibiting swarming of mast cells in the uterus and accumulating the contents of secretory vesicles.

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