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        중원의 지각 변동에 대한 1630년 조선의 현실 대응: 선약해의 <심양사행일기>와 권칙의 <강로전>을 중심으로

        이서희(Lee, Seo-Hee) 동남어문학회 2017 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.44

        17세기 초반은 중원의 중심이었던 명나라가 후금의 잇따른 침공으로 위기를 겪게 됨에 따라 커다란 지각 변동이 발생하는 시기였다. 본 논문에 서는 격변하는 시대적 분위기 가운데 조선이 어떻게 대응하는지 살펴보기 위해 1630년에 저작된 선약해의 <심양사행일기>와 권칙의 <강로전>을 주목하 였다. 두 작품은 공통적으로 중원의 지배권을 둘러싸고 후금과 명이 대치하는 상황을 사실적으로 형상화하고 있다. 선약해는 위문사로 파견되어 사행을 다녀 왔던 자신의 체험을 바탕으로 보고 전해 들은 것을 상세하게 기록하였고, 권칙 또한 심하전투에 파견되었던 실제 경험을 토대로 작품을 창작하였다. 하지만 현실 대응의 모습은 대비되는 것으로 나타났다. 1630년은 서인 세력이 ‘숭명배호론’을 표방했던 시기였던 지라, 권칙은 후금에 투항한 강홍립을 부정적인 인물로 왜곡하여 그 이념에 충실하고자 했다. 반면 선약해는 조선을 대표하는 사신으로서 후금에 당당하게 맞서는 듯하지만, 급속도로 변화하는 중원의 질서를 목도한 후 내적인 혼란과 두려움을 시를 통해 완곡하게 표현 하였다. 결국 <강로전>은 숭명배호론의 이상을 구현하고자 했고 <심양사행일기>는 후금에 대한 위기의식 제고와 함께 현실에 중점을 두고자 했다. 이러한 현실 대응은 17세기 초반 중원의 지각 변동으로 인해 조선이 겪어야 했던 문제적 상황을 잘 보여준다고 할 수 있다. The early 17th century was a time of cataclysm as Ming Dynasty, which held the supremacy in China for a long time, underwent a crisis due to the subsequent invasions of Later Jin. In this study, Seon Yakhae s Shimyang-sahaeng-ilgo and Gwon Chik s Gangnojeon written in 1630 were examined and compared to understand how Joseon responded to the convulsing situations at the time. Both works commonly include realistic representations of the confrontation between Ming and Later Jin over the supremacy in China. Seon Yakhae made a detailed record of what he saw and heard of the situation based on his own experiences of traveling to China as a messenger of condolence dispatched by the Joseon Dynasty. Gwon Chik, on the other hand, wrote Gangnojeon based on his actual experience of being dispatched to the Battle of Sarhu. However, it was found that the representation of Joseon s response to the reality at the time differed in these two literatures. The year of 1630 was a time when the Seo-in faction in the royal court of Joseon advocated Sungmyeongbaehoron, the idea of respecting Ming and excluding the Manchurian force. Accordingly, Gwon Chik distorted the image of Gang Hongrib, who surrendered to Later Jin, and presented him as a negative figure to stand faithful to Sungmyeongbaehoron. On the other hand, Seon Yakhae, as a representative of Joseon Dynasty, appeared to have gallantly stood against Later Jin, but, in fact,expressed through a poem his internal confusion and fear after witnessing the rapid change of order in the supremacy in China. In conclusion, Gangnojeon embodied the vision of Sungmyeongbaehoron, whereas Shimyang-sahaeng-ilgi focused on the situations at the time with due consideration of the crisis awareness for Later Jin. These responses to the cataclysm of China s supremacy in the early 17th century clearly demonstrate the problematic situation Joseon had to go through due to the power struggle in China.

      • 다발성 전이가 동반된 위암 환자에서 Trastuzumab 치료로 부분 관해를 보인 1례

        이서희,정현용,문희석,성재규,강선형,김주석,Seo Hee Lee,Hyun Yong Jeong,Hee Seok Moon,Jae Kyu Sung,Sun Hyun Kang,Ju Seok Kim 대한소화기암연구학회 2017 Journal of digestive cancer reports Vol.5 No.2

        A 38-year-old man presented with abdominal discomfort and was diagnosed as type 3 advanced gastric cancer with multiple liver and lung metastases (Stage IV). Endoscopic forcep biopsy revealed moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, which stained positive HER2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor) on immunohistochemistry. We started chemotherapy with FP (5-Fluorouracil plus Cisplatin) plus trastuzumab. After 6 cycles of FP plus trastuzumab chemotherapy, there were partial response in the liver, lung and lymph nodes metastasis. Especially, metastatic lung lesions showed remarkable improvement. Chemotherapy with FP plus trastuzamab was effective for HER2 positive advanced cancer with multiple liver and lung metastases. Through active research on target therapy about advanced gastric cancer, we expect to improve the survival rate and quality of life of patients with advanced gastric cancer who can not undergo curative resection.

      • KCI등재

        TiO<sub>2</sub>/Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>/Ag/Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub> 다층구조에서 Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> 버퍼층이 투과율에 미치는 영향

        이서희,장건익,Lee, Seo-Hee,Jang, Gun-Eik 한국전기전자재료학회 2012 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.25 No.1

        The $TiO_2/Si_3N_4/Ag/Si_3N_4/TiO_2$ multi layered structure was designed for the possible application of transparent electrodes in PDP (Plasma Display Panel). Multi layered film was deposited on a glass substrate at room temperature by DC/RF magnetron sputtering system and EMP (Essential Macleod Program) was adopted to optimize the optical characteristics of film. During the deposition process, the Ag layer in $TiO_2/Ag/TiO_2$ became heavily oxidized and the filter characteristic was degraded easily. In thus study, Si3N4 layer was used as a diffusion buffer layer between $TiO_2$ and Ag. in order to prevent the oxidation of Ag layer in $TiO_2/Si_3N_4/Ag/Si_3N_4/TiO_2$ structure. It was confirmed that $Si_3N_4$ layer is one of candidate materials acting as diffusin barrier between $TiO_2/Ag/TiO_2$.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        현(現) 정부의 청년실업 대책에 관한 청년들의 주관적 인식조사

        이서희 ( Lee Seo Hee ) 단국대학교 사회과학연구소 2016 공공정책과 국정관리 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 현 정부의 청년실업 대책에 관하여 정책 대상자인 청년들이 느끼는 주관적 정책 효용에 관한 인식을 Q방법론을 통하여 분석하고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 현정부의 청년 실업대책에 있어서의 긍정 혹은 부정적 인식 및 성공요인 등에 관한 34개의 진술문을 선행연구와 심층 인터뷰를 통해 구성하였다. 34개의 질문지는 20~30대 구직자 및 대학생(구직활동 중인)들을 대상으로 배포하였다. 수거한 질문지의 분석결과 현 정부의 청년실업 대책에 관한 4가지 서로 다른 유형을 확인할 수 있었다. 구체적으로 ①기업주도·질적향상 기대형, ②정부주도 기대형, ③직업교육 강조형, ④산업구조 개혁형으로 명명할 수 있다. 실업대책의 주도 주체와 강조 대상에 따라 상이한 인식을 확인 할 수 있었는데, 인식의 차이에도 불구하고 청년들은 정부, 기업 그리고 민간이라는 세 영역의 조화와 연합을 강조하고 있으며, 이를 통해 질적인 측면에서의 청년실업 대책(예를 들어 정규직, 안정된 근로환경 등)을 펼치는 것이 중요하다고 인식한다는 공통점을 확인할 수 있었다. 정책 대상인 청년들은 청년인턴제, 청년고용의무할당제, 고졸 채용인원 증가 등 양적 측면의 일자리를 창출하는 것보다는 일자리의 질을 향상하는 접근의 정책을 더 원하는 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국제법상 식민주의와 위임통치제도

        이서희(Lee, Seo Hee) 국제법평론회 2018 국제법평론 Vol.0 No.50

        Colonialism is the policy or method whereby one state or race governs and dominates other states or races. In the process of developing international law, colonialism is involved with the domination of non-European states by European states in the first half of the twentieth century. Since colonialism was a policy of European nations, they had special rights by which they could participate in the process of making international law; today, their orders gradually developed into a universal regime of international law. The main issue is that the contemporary international law of this universal regime derives from European empires and reflects hierarchic and Eurocentric thinking. This raises the question of whether current international law has been formed only by those European nations that have policies of colonialism. The question could be answered by analyzing the mandate system under Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations. At first, the regime was designed to address the matters of the colonies and their native peoples and was organized with the legitimacy of international law. However, the Mandatory Powers utilized the mandate system to secure their control over colonial areas rather than organize them, as United States President Wilson intended. First, this paper examines the matter of the conflict between the general principle of the mandate system and Article 22, paragraph 6 of the Covenant of the League of Nations which regulates the territories of “C” mandate. Second, the reality of mandate system was that the mandatory powers of the “C” mandate committed economic and cultural exploitation under the regime similar to colonial policies. This was demonstrated by exploration of the phosphate exploitation in the Mandate over Nauru Island, the Apartheid perpetrated by South Africa against South-West Africa and the mandate system of Japan. As a result, the powers of the day utilized the regime as a method of bolstering their colonial holdings, and these colonial features were particularly apparent in “C” mandates. Indeed, by analyzing how the regime was regulated by international law and examining the two general principles from the system, the international law of the day can be traced. Since the establishment of the mandate system was about one hundred years ago, it seems that it was not relevant to the modern international law. However, as modern international law has been developed from the early twentieth century, identifying the system under international law at the time can be helpful for understanding it.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 패션에 나타난 메탈 실버컬러의 이미지

        이서희 ( Lee Seo-hee ),김완주 ( Kim Wan-joo ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2009 한국디자인포럼 Vol.25 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 실버컬러가 나타나는 시기별 특성을 살펴보고 21세기 패션디자인 작품을 중심으로 메탈 실버컬러에서 표현되고 있는 패션이미지를 분석하는데 있다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 엘레강스 이미지에서는 여성스러움을 지향하는 페미닌한 감성으로 인체곡선의 실루엣을 살리면서 어깨나 허리라인에 디테일 포인트를 주고 소재의 변화를 주어 단순함에서 세련된 여성미를 보여주고 있다. 액티브 이미지에서는 자유롭고 활동적인 감성으로 기능성 위주의 심플한 라인과 젊은 스포티한 스타일로 캐주얼웨어나 워킹웨어의 성향이 강하게 나타나고 있다. 소피스트케이트 이미지는 지적인 감성으로 심플하고 미니멀한 라인으로 메탈성향이 강한 소재나 대담한 디테일로 쉬크하고 컨템포러리한 감성을 보여주고 있다. 매니쉬 이미지는 사이버테크노의 미래주의 감성으로 밀리터리룩의 직선적이고 기능적이며 활동적인 이미지가 강하게 나타나고 있다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 21세기는 인간중심의 휴먼테크나 감성디자인의 발달을 불러일으키고 있어 미래지향적이고 테크놀로지 성향이 강한 메탈실버컬러의 영향력은 더욱더 강해질 것으로 본다. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of the silver color by period which has been applied increasingly in the fashion design and analyze the fashion image which is expressed in the metal silver color mainly based on the fashion design works of the 21st century. The results of this study are as follows; The elegance image gives the impression of sophisticated feminine beauty through simplicity, which keeps the silhouette of human curvature intact based on the feminine sensibility pursuing feminine image, makes an detailed emphasis on the shoulder or waistline, and applies the variation in the material. The active image reveals a strong tendency of casual wear or walking wear with the simple line and young sporty style based on functionality through free and active sensibility. The sophisticated image shows the chic and contemporary sensibility with strongly metallic materials or bold details through simple and minimal lines based on intelligent sensibility. The mannish image creates a strong image of straight, functional, and active image of military look based on future-oriented sensibility of cyber technology. Based on those findings, metal silver color, which is future-oriented and has a strong tendency of technology, will have even stronger impact as human-oriented human tech and sensibility design are making advances in the 21st century.

      • KCI등재

        근대 국제법상 무력사용과 병합에 관한 재검토

        이서희(Lee, Seo Hee) 국제법평론회 2021 국제법평론 Vol.- No.59

        The UN Charter of 1945 clearly banned the use of force and annexation. Recently, scholars of international law (hereafter “IL”) have questioned whether IL permitted the use of force before 1945. Reflecting such academic discussions and recognizing the differences between modern and current IL, this study reviewed the concepts of the use of force and annexation, aiming to determine whether modern IL allowed such practices. First, before the creation of the League of Nations (hereafter “LN”) in 1919, the absence of international organizations and judicial agencies made the views of IL scholars important sources of IL. In addition, IL governed European countries at the time, so it focused on the state practices and discussions of those countries. Second, after the establishment of the LN, member states intensively analyzed provisions related to the aggression in the Covenant of the LN and discussed applicable cases. Unlike current IL, which simply applies to all countries in the international community, members of the LN were able to participate in the law-making process at the time. This study found that before the LN, there was general consensus that use of force that led to invasions of other countries territories should be banned. During the 19th century, the practice of requiring nations to give just cause for starting wars was maintained, and IL scholars agreed that armed intervention should be prohibited. This is because national sovereignty began to be emphasized in the 18th and 19th centuries when only European countries were subject to IL, and they had no choice but to respect each other s sovereignty. Also, whether a state was allowed to invade another one affected the issue of annexation related to territorial acquisition. When war broke out during this period, the first step was aggression, followed by occupation and conquest, and culminating with the victorious states annexing the territories or colonies of the defeated nations through the conclusion of peace treaties. Meanwhile, this study found that treaties in the 20th century did not support annexation of invaded, occupied, or conquered territories by European countries. This non-annexation consensus resulted in the creation of a mandate system after World War I. After aggression, occupation, and conquest, the victorious nations decided to assign the territories to mandatories designated by the Paris Peace Conference, instead of annexing the defeated countries’ territories or colonies through peace treaties. Articles 10-16 in the Covenant of the LN established controls for aggression. The problem was that because these articles did not explicitly stipulate an “aggression prohibition,” they gave rise to controversy regarding whether to ban aggression. However, the fact that the LN regarded aggression as an international crime suggests that aggression for annexation was also illegal. This is evident in the case of annexation caused by the aggression of the LN Members. Japan invaded China intending to annex Manchuria and founded Manchukuo. However, the LN criticized the creation of Manchukuo and likewise condemned Italy s aggression toward and annexation of Ethiopia. It issued sanctions against Italy for this aggression, but these measures proved unsuccessful; ultimately, Japan and Italy left the LN and, along with Germany, started the Second World War. Before the LN, European countries and IL scholars agreed that the use of force against another country s territory should be prohibited. Subsequently, the members of the LN, who had mainly participated in developing IL, recognized that aggression and aggression-based annexation should be prohibited. In conclusion, this research found that pre-1945 rules and discussions sought to prevent aggression and aggression-based annexation.

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