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        식민과 제국의 교차로, ‘역(驛)’의 문학사 : 20세기 전반의 대전역을 중심으로

        한상철(Han Sang-chul) 어문연구학회 2021 어문연구 Vol.107 No.-

        1900년대 초반 철도 개통과 함께 세워진 대전(大田)은 이주민이었던 일본인들의 기득권이 구현된 ‘신흥 도시’였다. 기차역을 사이에 두고, 일본인 상점가와 ‘신사(神社)’가 마주 보는 형국으로 시가지가 구축되었기 때문이다. ‘유곽’으로 대표되는 향락과 ‘신사’로 상징되는 망향의 공간 구축은 제국 일본의 식민지 도시화 과정이 반영된 결과다. 이런 의미에서 20세기 전반 대전역의 변모는 일본이 만들어낸 ‘식민 도시’의 폭력성을 압축해 놓은 축도(縮圖)라 할 수 있다. 이 글의 목적은 강점기 대전의 지정학적 구도를 전제하면서, 1920년 전후 대전의 명암을 재현한 한국과 일본의 텍스트를 검토하려는 데 있다. 1917년 다나카 레이스이(田中麗水)가 간행한 『大田發展誌』에 묘사된 대전의 발전상은, 1920년대 초반 염상섭이나 우치노 겐지 같은 식민지 문학장의 작가들이 재현해 놓은 대전의 타락상과 명백하게 대비된다. 제국의 변경에 세워진 ‘신흥 도시’를 바라보는 상반된 입장과 그 문맥을 검토하는 일은 대전의 초기 도시사(都市史)를 재구성하는 토대가 될 것이다. ‘구더기가 끓는 무덤’(염상섭)으로 묘사되었다가, ‘흙담’으로 둘러싸인 미개척지(우치노 겐지,內野建児)로 재현된 대전은, 다나카 레이스이와 같은 일본인 정착민들이 외면했던 ‘식민 도시’의 민낯을 전형적으로 보여준다. 시기를 달리하여 해방 이듬해의 대전역을 불러낸 채만식은 대전이라는 도시에 새겨진 식민의 상처가 사라지지 않았음을 예리하게 묘파한다. 일본인들은 떠나갔지만, 그 자리에 드리워진 냉전의 그림자 속에서 대전역은 여전히 제국주의의 굴레에 갇힌 ‘음산한 정거장’으로 남게 된 것이다. Daejeon, established with the opening of the railroad in the early 1900s, was a ‘emerging city’ in which the vested rights of Japanese migrants were thoroughly embodied. This is because the city was built in the form of a Japanese shopping street and ‘shinsa’ each other with a train station in between. The establishment of a space of enjoyment represented by ‘Yugwak’ and of mangyang, symbolized by ‘shinsa’, reflects the process of colonial urbanization in Imperial Japan. In this sense, the transformation of Daejeon Station in the first half of the 20th century can be regarded as a condensation of the violence of the ‘colonial city’ created by Japan. The primary intention of this article is to review Korean and Japanese texts that reproduced the contrast of Daejeon around 1920, presuming the geopolitical composition of Daejeon during the period of the occupation. The development of Daejeon, described in 『Daejeonbaljeonji』 published in 1917 by Reisui Tanaka, clearly contrasts with the corruption of Daejeon, which colonial writers such as Yeom Sang-seop and Uchino Genji reproduced through literary works in the early 1920s. do. By examining the contradictory position and context of looking at the ‘emerging city’ established by the imperial change, we attempt to reconstruct the early city history of Daejeon. Daejeon, depicted as a ‘tomb of boiling maggots’ (Yom Sang-seop), and recreated as an unexplored land surrounded by ‘soil walls,’ (Uchino Genji, 內野建児), is a ‘colonial city’ that Japanese settlers such as Reisi Tanaka turned away from. It was a place that typically embraces the naked face. Chae Man-sik, who called Daejeon Station in the year following liberation at different times, sharply culminates in the wounds of colonists in the city of Daejeon. The Japanese have left, but in the shadows of the Cold War over there, Daejeon Station remains a ‘dark station’ trapped in the bonds of imperialism.

      • KCI등재

        정지용 시의 ‘나븨’와 죽음 의식

        한상철(Han, Sang-chul) 한국비평문학회 2014 批評文學 Vol.- No.52

        이 논문의 목적은 정지용 시의 ‘나븨’ 표상에 주목하여 그의 시에 나타난 죽음 의식의 특성을 고찰하려는 것이다. 9편에 이르는 지용의 ‘나븨’ 관련 시 중 다수가 1927년과 1941년에 집중적으로 발표되었다는 사실을 고려할 때, ‘나븨’ 표상의 활용은 시인의 의도와 직접적으로 연동되었을 가능성이 크기 때문이다. 이러한 맥락에 주목하여 이루어진 본론의 논지는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지용 시 전반에 걸쳐 등장하는 ‘나븨’ 표상은 죽음과 관련된 시적화자의 정서를 반영한다. 전기와 후기를 불문하고, 대부분의 시에서 시적화자의 비극적 현실 인식과 죽음 의식이 직간접적으로 드러나고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 지용 시의 ‘나븨’ 표상에 대한 가장 강력한 대응점은 신산스러운 삶의 고통과 그것을 벗어나는 행위로서의 ‘죽음’이라고 말할 수 있다. 둘째, 비교적 초기에 해당하는 1927년과 후기시의 특징이 전형적으로 드러난 1941년의 ‘나븨’ 표상에는 분명한 차이가 존재한다. 주로 자식의 죽음과 관련된 전자의 ‘나븨’ 표상이 슬픔과 애상의 정조를 바탕으로 한계 상황에 놓인 존재의 절박한 심경과 맞닿아 있다면, 1941년의 시에 보이는 ‘나븨’들은 죽음에 대한 비애 자체에 머물지 않고 외려 삶의 이면을 성찰하게 만드는 관조적 태도를 보여주고 있다. 셋째, 지용의 죽음 의식이 변모하는 중요한 분기점은 1930년대 중반에 발표된 카톨릭 종교시라고 말할 수 있다. 카톨리시즘에 대한 천착 과정을 거치며 현실의 삶과 초월적 삶의 경계에 선 시적 화자의 태도가 형성되었다고 보이기 때문이다. 이처럼 죽음의 비극과 그것으로부터의 초월이 동시적으로 공존하는 세계에 대한 체험은 후기 지용 시의 관조적 세계 인식을 만들어낸 중요한 계기가 된다. The purpose of this article is to bring light on the meaning of the death consciousness in Jiyong’s poetry by focusing on the representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’. Relating to the representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’, the death consciousness in Jiyong’s poetry has three characteristics mainly. First, the representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’ in his poems connotes a painful life and the meaning of the ‘death’ as the act of seeking relief from suffering. second, there are marked differences in the representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’ in Jiyong’s poems which were published in 1927 and 1941. The representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’ was based on sentiment of sadness and sorrow in his 1923 poem, while it showed a contemplative attitude to introspect the hidden side of life in his 1941 poem. Third, Jiyong published religious poetry influenced by Catholicism in the mid 1930s. This was a important turning point which the death consciousness of Jiyong was transfigured. In the process of digging into Catholicism, it is shown that the narrator’s attitude is formed from the boundaries between practical life and transcendental life.

      • KCI등재

        류마티스 관절염에 대한 한약의 면역학적 연구동향

        최도영,이재동,백용현,이송실,유명철,한정수,양형인,박상도,유미현,박은경,박동석,Choi, Do-young,Lee, Jae-dong,Back, Yong-hyeon,Lee, Song-shil,Yoo, Myung-chul,Han, Chung-soo,Yang, Hyung-in,Park, Sang-do,Ryu, Mi-hyun,Park, Eun-kyung,Park, 대한침구의학회 2004 대한침구의학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Objective : Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that pathogenesis is not fully understood and one of the most intractable musculoskeletal diseases. The concern in the immunopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis has been increased since 1980's and many immunotherapeutic agents including disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) were developed and became the mainstay of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the cure of the disease has hardly been achieved. In oriental medicine, rheumatoid arthritis is related to Bi-Zheng(痺證), that presents pain, swelling, andlor loss of joint function as major clinical manifestations, and also known to be deeply involved in suppression of immune function related to weakness of Jung-Ki(正氣). The herbal medicine, empirically used, could be a potential resource of development of new immunotherapeutic agents for rheumatoid arthritis. Methods : We developed a search strategy using terms to include "rheumatoid arthritis and herbal medicine" combined with "Chinese medicine" and/or "Oriental medicine". The search was focused on experimental studies of herbal medicine (January 1999 to May 2004), which is known to have effects on immune function of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Computerized search used Internet databases including KISS and RISS4U (Korea), CNKI (China), MOMJ (Main Oriental Medicine Journal, Japan), and PubMed. The articles were selected from journals of universities or major research institutes. Results : The literature search for experimental studies on effects of herbal medicine on immunity of rheumatoid arthritis retrieved a total of 21 articles (Korea; 8, China ; 12, Japan ; 1). Of 21 articles, 10 were related to single-drug formula, 2 to drug interaction, and 9 to multi-drug formula. Single-drug formula was mainly used for aqua-acupuncture and researches on active components. Studies of drug interaction emphasized harmony of Ki-Hyul(氣血) and balance of Han-Yeul(寒熱). Multi-drug regimen was mainly found among formulas for Bo-Ki-Hyul(補氣血) and Bo-Sin(補腎). Conclusion : Studies on rheumatoid arthritis were performed both in vitro and in vivo in vitro study, LPS-stimulated splenocytes and synoviocytes were treated with herbal medicine, resulting in proliferation and activation of immune cells and suppression of cytokine activities in vivo study CIA animal model demonstrated that herbal medicine decreased antibody production and improved function of immune cells. In cellular and molecular study herbal medicine showed profound effects on the level of mRNA expression of certain cytokines related to immune function. This study revealed that herbal medicine has significant immune modulatory action and could be used for recovery of immune dysfunction of rheumatoid arthritis patients.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Various Salts on the Reheating Behavior of Retrograded Rice Starch and Cooked Rice

        Sung-Hee Han,Bo-Reum Kim,Seog-Won Lee,Chul Rhee 한국식품영양과학회 2011 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Vol.16 No.2

        The influence of sodium salts and chlorides at various concentrations (0.05, 0.10, 0.50, and 1.00%) on the reheating behavior of retrograded rice starch and cooked rice was investigated. The degree of gelatinization of the all retrograded rice starch gels and the cooked rice containing sodium salts and chlorides increased after reheating compared to the starches without salt. Gelatinization also showed an increasing trend as the concentration of sodium salts and chlorides increased. The increase of gelatinization after reheating the samples containing sodium salts and chlorides was greater than 38.0%. The reheated retrograded rice starch and cooked rice containing Na₃PO₄ showed the lowest set back value and retrogradation rate constant. Among all the samples, the cooked sample containing Na₃PO₄ showed the highest increment of gelatinization after reheating. Also, this same sample showed the lowest retrogradation degree.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Apoptosis in CHSE-214 Chinook Salmon Embryo Cells Infected with Hirame Rhabdovirus(HIRRV)

        Sung, Han-Gi,Kim, Yeong-Jin,Jung, Sung-Ju,Choi, Won-Chul,Jung, Tae-Sung,Choi, Tae-Jin,Oh, Myung-Joo 한국수산학회 2002 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.5 No.1

        In this study, we investigated the mechanism of cell death in rhabdovirus-infected cells, chinook salmon embryonic cell line (CHSE-214) infected with hirame rhabdovirus (HIRRV). Studies using light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, TUNEL method, electron microscopy, and agarose gel electrophoresis revealed changes in the cell morphology and DNA fragmentation indicative of apoptosis in early infection. It was observed that HIRRV induced apoptosis as well as necrosis in infected cells.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Gastrointestinal hemangioma in childhood: a rare cause of gastrointestinal bleeding

        Han, Eon Chul,Kim, Soo-Hong,Kim, Hyun-Young,Jung, Sung-Eun,Park, Kwi-Won The Korean Pediatric Society 2014 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.57 No.5

        Gastrointestinal (GI) hemangiomas are relatively rare benign vascular tumors. The choice of an appropriate diagnostic method depends on patient age, anatomic location, and presenting symptoms. However, GI hemangiomas are not a common suspected cause of GI bleeding in children because of their rarity. Based on medical history, laboratory results, and imaging study findings, the patient could be treated with either medication or surgery. Herein, we report 3 cases of GI hemangioma found in the small bowel, rectum, and GI tract (multiple hemangiomas). Better knowledge and understanding of GI hemangioma could help reduce the delayed diagnosis rate and prevent inappropriate management. Although rare, GI hemangiomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of GI bleeding.


        RNA editing in <i>RHOQ</i> promotes invasion potential in colorectal cancer

        Han, Sae-Won,Kim, Hwang-Phill,Shin, Jong-Yeon,Jeong, Eun-Goo,Lee, Won-Chul,Kim, Keon Young,Park, Sang Youn,Lee, Dae-Won,Won, Jae-Kyung,Jeong, Seung-Yong,Park, Kyu Joo,Park, Jae-Gahb,Kang, Gyeong Hoon The Rockefeller University Press 2014 The Journal of experimental medicine Vol.211 No.4

        <P>RNA editing can increase RNA sequence variation without altering the DNA sequence. By comparing whole-genome and transcriptome sequence data of a rectal cancer, we found novel tumor-associated increase of RNA editing in <I>ras homologue family member Q</I> (<I>RHOQ</I>) transcripts. The adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) editing results in substitution of asparagine with serine at residue 136. We observed a higher level of the <I>RHOQ</I> RNA editing in tumor compared with normal tissue in colorectal cancer (CRC). The degree of RNA editing was associated with RhoQ protein activity in CRC cancer cell lines. RhoQ N136S amino acid substitution increased RhoQ activity, actin cytoskeletal reorganization, and invasion potential. <I>KRAS</I> mutation further increased the invasion potential of RhoQ N136S in vitro. Among CRC patients, recurrence was more frequently observed in patients with tumors having edited <I>RHOQ</I> transcripts and mutations in the <I>KRAS</I> gene. In summary, we show that RNA editing is another mechanism of sequence alteration that contributes to CRC progression.</P>

      • A Novel Hepatic Anti-Fibrotic Strategy Utilizing the Secretome Released from Etanercept-Synthesizing Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

        Han, Jae Hyun,Kim, Ok-Hee,Lee, Sang Chul,Kim, Kee-Hwan,Park, Jung Hyun,Lee, Jae Im,Lee, Kyung Hee,Hong, Ha-Eun,Seo, Haeyeon,Choi, Ho Joong,Ju, Ji Hyeon,Kim, Say-June MDPI AG 2019 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.20 No.24

        <P>Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-driven inflammatory reaction plays a crucial role in the initiation of liver fibrosis. We herein attempted to design genetically engineered adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) producing etanercept (a potent TNF-α inhibitor), and to determine the anti-fibrotic potential of the secretome released from the etanercept-synthesizing ASCs (etanercept-secretome). First, we generated the etanercept-synthesizing ASCs by transfecting the ASCs with mini-circle plasmids containing the gene insert encoding for etanercept. We subsequently collected the secretory material released from the etanercept-synthesizing ASCs and determined its anti-fibrotic effects both in vitro (in thioacetamide [TAA]-treated AML12 and LX2 cells) and in vivo (in TAA-treated mice) models of liver fibrosis. We observed that while etanercept-secretome increased the viability of the TAA-treated AML12 hepatocytes (p = 0.021), it significantly decreased the viability of the TAA-treated LX2 HSCs (p = 0.021). In the liver of mice with liver fibrosis, intravenous administration of the etanercept-secretome induced significant reduction in the expression of both fibrosis-related and inflammation-related markers compared to the control group (all Ps < 0.05). The etanercept-secretome group also showed significantly lower serum levels of liver enzymes as well as pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α (p = 0.020) and IL-6 (p = 0.021). Histological examination of the liver showed the highest reduction in the degree of fibrosis in the entanercept-secretome group (p = 0.006). Our results suggest that the administration of etanercept-secretome improves liver fibrosis by inhibiting TNF-α-driven inflammation in the mice with liver fibrosis. Thus, blocking TNF-α-driven inflammation at the appropriate stage of liver fibrosis could be an efficient strategy to prevent fibrosis.</P>

      • Medicinal Chemistry : Memory Impairment in Estrogen Receptor α Knockout Mice Through Accumulation of Amyloid-β Peptides

        ( Chul Ju Hwang ),( Hyung Mun Yun ),( Kyung Ran Park ),( Ju Kyung Song ),( Hyun Ok Seo ),( Byung Kook Hyun ),( Dong Young Choi ),( Hwan Soo Yoo ),( Ki Wan Oh ),( Dae Yeun Hwang ),( Sang Bae Han ),( Ji 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2015 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.25 No.-

        Estrogen has been known to reduce the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, exact mechanisms are not clear. We investigated whether estrogen can increase amyloid-beta (Aβ) degradation and affects Aβ- induced memory impairment in an estrogen deficiency model. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) knockout mice and wild-type mice were intracerebroventricular (ICV) infused with Aβ (300 pmol) for 2 weeks. Cognitive function was then assessed by the Morris water maze test and passive avoidance test. In addition, Western blot analysis, immunostaining, immunofluorescence staining, ELISA, and enzyme activity assays were used to examine the degree of Aβ deposition in the brains of ERα knockout mice. In our present study, Aβ was accumulated more in the ERα knockout mice brain and greatly worsened memory impairment and glial activation as well as neurogenic inflammation. These results suggest that estrogen may protect memory impairment by stimulating the degradation of Aβ and down-regulate neurogenic inflammation as well as amyloidogenesis.

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