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      • 장기미집행 공원 부지를 활용한 주거 개발 방안

        박현정(Park, Hyun-Jung),양우현(Yang, Woo-Hyun) 한국주거학회 2018 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        The purpose of this investigation is to propose a planning method for the possibility of accepting a housing as a utilization plan of a long term unexecuted park site. Currently, the park has been neglected due to lack of financial resources of the local government. In 2009, It is possible to develop a certain area as a non-park facility under condition that the park is built and donated. In the several cities, various projects for development of parks are being carried out, so the standard for securing the publicness of the park is needed. So, I would like to solve the problems such as social conflict with existing residents due to privatization of the park site and formation of park without considering the conditions of the park, and to study how to effectively utilize the park. To do this, we examine the conditions such as location condition, proximity to public transportation, site size, topography, and contact conditions. And we will present realization methods such as land use, development density, appropriate development method considering landscape, efficient housing type, and type of community facility.

      • KCI등재

        부산광역시 도시공원의 관리운영 실태 분석에 관한 연구 - 관리주체측면을 중심으로 -

        김영하,안양욱,박승범,Kim, Yeong-Ha,An, Yang-Wook,Park, Seung-Burm 한국조경학회 2012 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.40 No.6

        본 연구는 부산광역시 조성 완료된 근린공원 69개소를 대상으로 관리하는 운영주체에 대한 파악과 그 실태를 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 공원녹지 관련 업무자료 및 담당자와 면담, 그리고 도시공원의 예산편성 자료를 바탕으로 관리주체를 조사하였으며, 위탁관리 및 별도의 기관에서 관리되는 경우는 홈페이지 및 직접방문을 통한 자료 수집을 통해 연구를 진행했다. 공원의 관리방식은 자치단체의 본청과 사업소에서 직영관리가 48개소(69.6%), 공단 및 민간단체에 위탁관리가 18개소(26.1%), 직영관리와 위탁관리를 병행하는 혼합관리가 3개소(4.3%)로 파악되었다. 그리고 도시공원의 관리 실태를 종합분석한 결과, 위탁관리하고 있는 공원은 공원의 총괄 관리가 미약하며, 공원관리가 조경 및 청소 등의 유지관리 위주로 관리되어 이용자를 위한 프로그램 운영이 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 기초자치단체에서 관리되고 있는 총 46개소의 공원은 대부분 규모가 작은 근린공원이며, 공원의 유지관리를 위해 무기계약직 근로자 및 기간제근로자를 고용하여 관리하고 있어, 공원 관리운영을 위한 전문 인력 및 조직체계가 개선이 시급한 것으로 분석되었다. 또한, 공원 내 교양시설은 별도의 기관에서 관리하고 있어, 공원 내 공원시설이 아닌 독립된 교양시설로서 공원관리와 분리된 형태로 관리되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과의 해결 방안으로는 공원의 적정인원 고용에 대한 법제화 및 제도적 개선, 시민단체와의 협력적 네트워크 구축, 시대변화에 따른 이용프로그램 기획 및 개발과 더불어 이용객 위주의 프로그램 관리를 지속적으로 실시하여야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study aims to figure out the main agent of management in the 69 recently constructed neighborhood parks in Busan, and to analyze the present status of the main agents. For this purpose, the work resources on park and landscape management, interview to related staff, and the budget on urban parks were found as the main agents of management. In case the parks were managed by consignment or by other separate organization, this study collected resources through the homepage or personal visits. As a result for the management method on parks, about 48 parks(69.6%) were under direct management by the local governments' main office and its business offices. Eighteen parks(26.1%) were commissioned to corporation or private organizations and three parks(4.3%) were operated by both direct and commissioned management. Because of the overall management result on urban parks, the company under outsourced management is not sufficient for a comprehensive management. Such is mainly focused on the maintenance like landscape or cleaning, but have fewer programs for the users. Forty-six parks cared by the local governments are mainly small sized neighborhood parks. For the management, contract workers or short-term workers are hired. It demonstrates an urgent need to improve professional personnel and organizational system for park management. In addition, any educational or cultural facility in the park is managed by separate institutions. Thus, it is not controlled as a park facility but an independent facility with separate controls. Moreover, to solve such problems, it needs legalization on the proper employment for parks, institutional improvement, cooperative network with NGO, planning and development of the program used according to the change of time, and customer oriented program management.

      • KCI등재후보

        테마파크 에버랜드의 수명주기 특성

        박양춘(Yang Choon Park),최정수(Jeong Su Choi) 한국지역지리학회 2002 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 우리나라의 대표적인 테마파크인 에버랜드를 사례로 급격한 관광수요 및 환경 변화에 대응하는 과정에서의 관광목적지 수명주기별 특성을 분석하였다. 에버랜드의 수명주기 단계는 일반적 지표(이용객수와 매출액)와 보조 지표(이용객수 속성과 이용객 유형)를 기준으로, 농원에서 위락공원으로의 변화가 진행된 초기개발기(1976년∼1980년대 중반까지), 위락공원적 성격의 강화와 함께 테마파크로의 변화가 시작된 성장기(1980년대 중반∼1990년대 초반), 테마파크의 기반을 다졌으나 자원의 진부화가 진행되어 복합테마파크화로의 변화를 계획한 성숙기(1990년대 초반∼1990년대 중반), 복합테마파크화의 실천 및 테마리조트파트로의 도약을 지향하는 재활성기(1990년대 중반이후)로 구분된다. 에버랜드는 새로운 시설 및 이벤트의 도입 또는 개선을 통하여 끊임없이 혁신을 행함으로써 현재 시장권도 서울중심에서 경기, 인천, 충북, 대전 등 전국으로 확대되고 외국방문객도 급증하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of a life cycle of a theme park through looking at Everland in Yongin, Korea. The life cycle of Everland is divided into four stages. In "initial development" stage(1976 ― the mid-80`s), Everland become inclined the characteristics of an amusement park by construction the amusement facilities in the Flower Center(botanical garden). In "growth" stage(the mid-80`s ― the early 90`s), Everland had full grown to the amusement park and inclined to a theme park. In "maturity" stage(the early 90`s ― the mid-90`s), many visitors were not motivated to re-visit Everland because the facilities and events did not change often. Therefore, Everland makes plans for multiple theme park. In "rejuvenation" stage(after the mid-90`s), Everland has practiced the plans for multiple theme park and has become the family and accommodating-oriented theme resort park. Since 1976 when Everland was opened, it has evolved from an amusement park to a theme park by creating various and continuous innovations in facilities and events.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회의 동물복지문화 증진을 위한 도그파크 계획 모형

        임수희,이관규,양병이,박종화,신남식,Lim Soo-Hee,Lee Gwan-Gyu,Yang Byoung-E,Park Jong-Hwa,Sin Nam-Sik 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.4

        Korea's pet-related society has been fast growing without the base and preparations of socio-cultural animal welfare. For the most part, Korea's current public parks, in particular, have a space structure in which a lot of friction between the general public who are not fond of dogs and dog owners in public places has been happening unavoidably. A lot of countries that are taking a lead role in animal welfare have built dog parte that the general public and dogs can enjoy together. This research starts with the realization that the concept of 'dog park' needs to be introduced in Korea as more and more Koreans own dogs and other pets. This research aims to provide guidance for dog park planning by drawing a dog park planning model and to promote basics for co-existence of dogs and people in a park and set in place animal welfare early and raise the level of awareness. Total 7 types of dog put 56 planning items including dog zone, dog playground, and agility, and a selective matrix by which it is possible to select essential recommendatory optional items by each type of dog park were drawn in this research. Overall there were the highest needs in separated area for dogs in park. A dog park planning model is designed as follows. 1) To select a dog park type that was introduced. 2) To set up facilities applicable in common and planning items desired in advance by each type. 3) To zone dog park areas by the priority order of planning items that were introduced and to position necessary facilities. 4) To plan program that should be were introduced. A dog park was expected to take some positive roles such as providing opportunities to socialize dogs, activating social communities, more effective park management by participating local community members and so on.

      • 방문 지역에 따른 역사 테마파크 방문특징에 관한 분석 : 중국 개봉 청명상하원<清明上河園> 중심으로

        유양, 박준용 培材大學校 社會科學硏究所 2016 사회과학연구 Vol.38 No.1

        최근 글로벌 역사와 관련된 기념관 및 유적지 등의 문화, 역사 테마파크의 방문수요가 증가하고 있다. 중국, 한국, 일본 등 아시아권에서도 역사 테마파크에 방문 수요가 증가하므로, 특히 중국 역사 테마파크가 일본이나 한국과 다르게 고유한 역사 문화를 재현하므로, 이러한 역사 테마파크 방문객의 수요 측정을 시도하고자 한다. 특히 개봉시 청명상하원(清明上河園)은 일반적인 역사 테마파크와 달리 송나라(북송) 화가인 장택단(張擇端)의 청명상하도(清明上河圖)를 그대로 재현한 역사 테마파크이다. 역사를 주제로 한 테마파크들은 방문 지역에 따라 방문동기와 방문 후의 만족도 등 특징이 다를 경우가 있다. 그러므로 본 연구에서 문헌 연구를 통하여 청명상하원에 찾아오는 방문객의 지역에 따라 개봉시, 하남성 내부, 하남성 외부 총 3 지역 그룹으로 구분하며 방문동기, 만족도 등에 관한 차이에 대해 이론적 검증과 조사분석을 통한 실증연구를 병행한다.실증 분석을 통해 본 연구에서 연구 문제를 검증한 결과는 다음과 같다. 본 연구의 연구모형에서는 개봉시, 하남성 내부, 또는 하남성 외부의 방문객간의 차이를 파악하기 위하여 설문지의 문항과 일치하게 작성한다. 첫째, 방문특징(동행자, 방문 횟수, 체류 시간, 방문인원, 지출), 둘째, 방문동기, 셋째, 서비스와 시설 만족도, 넷째, 전체 만족도 및 재방문, 다섯째, 인구통계 특성을 분산분석을 실시하여 그들간의 관련성을 파악하기 위해 상관분석 및 회귀분석을 실행하였다. Recently, the visit demand for cultural and historical theme park is increasing, such as the memorial hall and historic site relate to the global history. In China, South Korea, Japan and other Asian countries, the historical theme park's visit demand is growing, too. Especially, Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden which is a historical and cultural theme park of Kaifeng, China. It is different from general historical and cultural theme park because it was designed reproducing accurately the painting of a Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan 'Qingming Festival'. There are cases in which the characteristic of historical theme park's visitors' motivation, and post-visit satisfaction are difference by region. Therefore, based on the research of literature, the visitors of the Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden were divided in 3 groups: Kaifeng, Inside of Henan, Outside of Henan. This paper assets the 3 groups' differences through theoretical investigation, and the analysis of a survey.

      • KCI등재

        한의학(韓醫學)의 좌우리론(左右理論)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

        박승미 ( Seung Mi Park ),박히준 ( Hi Joon Park ),이향숙 ( Hyang Sook Lee ),손양선 ( Yang Sun Son ),임사비나 ( Sabina Lim ),이혜정 ( Hye Jung Lee ) 대한경락경혈학회 2001 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.18 No.1

        We could summerize the concept of the right and left mentioned in Nai-Gyung and some literature of oriental medicine as follow At first the right and left is a directional right and left which implys left-liver-right-lung(左肝右肺), left-yang-right-eum(左陽右陰), secondly it is also the road of eumyang which implys man-left-woman-right (男左女右), left-blood-right-ki(左血右氣), left-sinsu-right-myungmon(左腎水右命門), and left-right of pulse. left-liver-right-lung(左肝右肺), left-yang-right-eum(左陽右陰) and man-left-woman-right(男左女右) are expressions of the movement of yang which is a core of chang, at the same time, left-blood-right-ki(左血右氣), left-sinsu-right-myungmon(左腎水右命門), and left-right of pulse are expressions of the eum in response to the movement of yang. (go up and down of water and fire) Finally, both a directional right and left and a road of eumyang mean a road of going up and down of eumyang so, this is very important index in circulation and keeping ballance of eumyang (ki-Hyul: 氣血) in the human body therefore, we can treat a disease with acupuncture in the use of this charater, for example when a disease occurs in the left side, we can treat it with acupuncture in the right side, the same applys to right.

      • KCI등재

        유도전동기의 고정자 권선고장 진단을 위한 팍스벡터 패턴의 왜곡률 연산에 대한 연구

        양철오(Chul-Oh Yang),박규남(Kyu-Nam Park),송명현(Myung-Hyun Song) 대한전기학회 2012 전기학회논문지 Vol.61 No.4

        The diagnosis technique of stator winding faults based on Motor Current Signature Analysis(MCSA) was suggested. Park"s vector pattern, the circle that is drawn by d-q transformed currents(i<sub>d</sub>, i<sub>q</sub>), is widely used for stator winding faults detection. The current Distortion Ratio(DR), defined by the ratio of max?axis and min?axis of ellipse of Park"s vector"s pattern, was more simple and powerful method than the Park’s vector pattern. In this study, a calculation method of distortion ratio of Park"s vector pattern was suggested for auto diagnosis of stator winding short fault and usefulness of suggested calculation method of distortion ratio was verified through simulation using LabVIEW program.

      • KCI등재

        Park's 벡터 패턴의 왜곡률을 이용한 고정자 권선 고장 자동진단

        宋明現(Myung-Hyun Song),朴奎南(Kyu-Nam Park),韓東奇(Dong-Gi Han),梁哲午(Chul-Oh Yang) 대한전기학회 2008 전기학회논문지 P Vol.57 No.2

        In this paper, an auto-diagnosis method of the stator winding fault for small induction motor is suggested. 3-phase stator currents are sampled, filtered, and transformed with Park's vector transformation. After then Park's vector patterns are obtained. To detect the stator winding fault automatically, a distortion ratio is newly defined and compared with the one of healthy motor, and the threshold levels of distortion ratio are suggested. The 2-turn, 4-tum, 8-turn winding fault are tested with no load, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% rated load. The distortion ratio of the Park's vector patterns are increased as the increase of the faulted turns. but are same as the increase of the load.

      • KCI등재

        자판기 시스템 운영문제의 휴리스틱 해법 개발과 평가

        박양병(Yang Byung Park),장원준(Won Jun Jang),박해수(Hae Soo Park) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2011 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        The operation of vending machine system presents a decision-making problem which consists of determining the product allocation to vending-machine storage compartments, replenishment intervals of vending machines, and vehicle routes, all of which have critical effects on system profit. Especially, it becomes more difficult to determine the operation variables optimally when demand for a product that is out-of-stock spills over to another product or is lost. In this paper, we propose a heuristic for solving the operation problem of the vending machine system and evaluate it by comparing with Yang’s algorithm on various test problems with respect to system profit via a computer simulation. The results of computational experiments show a substantial profit increase of the proposed heuristic over Yang’s algorithm. Sensitivity analysis indicates that some input variables impact the profit increase significantly.

      • Blockade of RAGE ameliorates elastase-induced emphysema development and progression <i>via</i> RAGE-DAMP signaling

        Lee, Hanbyeol,Park, Jeong-Ran,Kim, Woo Jin,Sundar, Isaac K.,Rahman, Irfan,Park, Sung-Min,Yang, Se-Ran The Federation of American Societies for Experimen 2017 The FASEB Journal Vol.31 No.5

        <P>The receptor for advanced glycan end products (RAGE) has been identified as a susceptibility gene for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in genome-wide association studies (GWASs). However, less is known about how RAGE is involved in the pathogenesis of COPD. To determine the molecular mechanism by which RAGE influences COPD in experimental COPD models, we investigated the efficacy of the RAGE-specific antagonist FPS-ZM1 administration in in vivo and in vitro COPD models. We injected elastase intratracheally and the RAGE antagonist FPS-ZM1 in mice, and the infiltrated inflammatory cells and cytokines were assessed by ELISA. Cellular expression of RAGE was determined in protein, serum, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of mice and lungs and serum of human donors and patients with COPD. Downstream damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) pathway activation in vivo and in vitro and in patients with COPD was assessed by immunofluorescence staining, Western blot analysis, and ELISA. The expression of membrane RAGE in initiating the inflammatory response and of soluble RAGE acting as a decoy were associated with up-regulation of the DAMP-related signaling pathway via Nrf2. FPS-ZM1 administration significantly reversed emphysema in the lung of mice. Moreover, FPS-ZM1 treatment significantly reduced lung inflammation in Nrf2(+/+) , but not in Nrf2(-/-) mice. Thus, our data indicate for the first time that RAGE inhibition has an essential protective role in COPD. Our observation of RAGE inhibition provided novel insight into its potential as a therapeutic target in emphysema/COPD.-Lee, H., Park, J.-R., Kim, W. J., Sundar, I. K., Rahman, I., Park, S.-M., Yang. S.-R. Blockade of RAGE ameliorates elastase-induced emphysema development and progression via RAGE-DAMP signaling.</P>

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