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      • 한국인에 의한 농약의 이론적 최대섭취량 및 안전지표의 산정

        이서래,이미경,김남형 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1995 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        우리나라에서 식품중 농약잔류 허용기준의 적합성을 평가하고 Codex 기준의 수용 가능성을 검토하기 위하여 허용기준치와 한국인의 식품계수 만을 적용한 농약성분의 이론적 최대섭취량을 계산한 다음 ADI 값과 비교하였다. 국내에서 혀용기준이 설정된 105개 농약성분의 ADI 대비율은 대부분이 80% 이하 수준을 유지하고 있으나 ADI를 초과하는 농약은 13개 성분이었다. 한편 Codex 기준에서 ADI를 초과하는 22개 성분에 대해서는 그 원인을 지적하였으며 안전마진 확보를 위한 대책이 마련되어야 할 것이다. In order to evaluate the acceptability of Korea and Codex maximum residue limits(MRLs), theoretical maximum daily intake (TMDI) by Korean population was calcaulated from MRL and food factor and compared with acceptable daily intake(ADI). The percent ratio of TMDI to ADI for 105 pesticides whose MRL was established in Korea was mostly below 80% and 13 pesticides exceeded the ADI. Among 82 pesticides with Codex MRL, 20 items exceeded the ADI. The main causes of exceeding the ADI according to Korea or Codex MRLs were pointed out for 22 items and it was needed to set measures to assure a safety margin.

      • 한국식품 중 잔류농약의 종양유발성 평가

        이미경,이서래 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1995 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        국내에서 소비되고 있는 농약 중 종양유발지수가 알려진 12개 성분의 식품군별 식이섭취량과 그들의 위해성을 평가하였다. 한국인에 대한 종양유발성(70년 평생을 통한 부가적 종양발생율)은 농약잔류 허용기준에 의한 경우 2.17x10^-3, 실제 잔류량 최대치에 의한 경우 4.33x10^-5, 실제 잔류량 평균치에 의한 경우 5.10x10^-6으로서 미국EPA의 무시될 수 있는 위험기준인 1x10^-6을 초과하였다. 발암성 농약의 남용에 대한 국민들의 불안을 해소하기 위해서는 종양유발성 농약에 대한 체계적인 후속연구가 추진되어야 할 것이다. Dietary intake and oncogenic risk of 12 pesticides used in Korea whose oncogenic risk od 12 pesticides used in Korea whose oncogenic potency was known were assessed from published data. Dietary oncogenic risk (excess tumor incidence for a 70year human life span) for Korean population was estimated to be 2.17×10^-3 on the basis of legal maximum residue liomit, 4.33×10^-5 on the basis of maximum practical residue level and 5.10×10^-6 on the basis of mean practical residue level of examined pesticides, all of which exceeded the negligible risk standard 1×10^-6 of US EPA. A systematic follow-up study on those oncogenic pesticides should be undertaken in order to mitigate the people's worry about the cancer risk by the abuse of pesticides in food production.

      • 한국인에 의한 유기인계 농약의 식이섭취량 추정

        이서래,이미경 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1994 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        국내에서 사용되고 있는 주요 유기인계 농약 11종에 대한 한국인의 식이섭취량을 농산물중 잔류량과 식품계수로 부터 산정한 결과 1인당 1일 31㎍ 으로 나타났다. 식품군별 섭취량 비율은 곡류 56%, 채소 23%, 과일 14%, 두류, 기타 7%이었다. ADI 값에 대한 식이섭취량 비율을 보면 diazinon 6.1%, fenthion 5.8%, fenitrothion 3.3%, EPN 1.5%로 나타났고 11종 농약의 성분별 평균은 1.7%에 불과하였으나 모든 성분에 대한 합계치는 18.7%에 이르렀다. 따라서 현재와 같은 유기인계 농약의 사용실태하에서는 농산물중의 농약잔류가 한국인의 국민건강에 손상을 줄 수 있는 수준은 아니지만 체계적인 섭취량 평가에 착수해야 될 것으로 판단되었다. Daily dietary intake of 11 organophosphorus pesticides by the Korean population was estimated to be 31㎍ per person(0.567㎍/㎏ body weight/day) from known residue data on raw agricultural products and food factor based on the Korean diet, for the period of 1986-90. Intake ratio of 11 pesticides by food group was 56% from cereals, 23% from vegetables, 14% from fruits and 7% from legumes and other food materials. The ratio of the dietary intake to the ADI was 6.1% in diazinon, 5.8% in fenthion, 3.3% in fenitrothion, 1.5% in EPN and 1.7% average for 11 individual pesticides whereas the cumulative ratio of 11 pesticides was 18.7%. It is, therefore, proposed that a s"stematic estimate for the dietary intake of organophosphorus pesticides should be undertaken, although the present intake level would not give any adverse effect to the health of the Korean population under the current situation of pesticide usage.

      • 뇌졸중 후 치매환자에서 도네피질(아리셉트^(?))이 인지기능 및 일상생활 수행능력, 삶의 질에 미치는 효과

        이상열,장혁,송재은,조성옥,류정미,이미경,조진호,신용일 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 2008 圓光醫科學 Vol.23 No.1

        Background: This study evaluated the efficacy of administering Donepezil(Aricept^(?)) for improving cognitive function, activities of daily living, and quality of life in patients with post-stroke dementia. Methods: Patients(n=99; mean age, 69.89 years; 48.5% men) with post-stroke dementia, according to criteria of the DSM-IV and MRI, were treated with donepezil 5mg/day or 10mg/day during 24 weeks. They were examined using Mini-mental Status Examination(MMSE), Chinical Dementia Rating(CDR), Barthel Activities of daily living(B-ADL), Instrumental Activities of daily living(I-ADL), Short Form 36 Health Survey-Korean(SF-36-K), and Geriatric Depression Scale(GDS) at before treatment and 24 weeks after treatment. Results: The 97 patients completed the trial. At 24 weeks, they showed significant improvement in MMSE(p<0.001), CDR(p<0.001), B-ADL(p=0.002), I-ADL(p<0.001), and SF-36-K(p=0.003) except GDS(p=0.288). Donepezil was well tolerated. There was no withdrawal due to adverse events. Conclusion: This results demonstrate that donepezil was beneficial in improving the cognitive function, activities of daily living, and quality of life in patients with post-stroke dementia and was well toleraetd.

      • 한국인을 위한 식품 평균소비량(1990년대) 자료의 최적화

        이서래,이효민,허근,이미경 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2001 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.11 No.-

        국내에서는 식품수급표와 국민영양조사가 지난 수십년에 걸쳐 두개의 중앙부처에서 각각 수행되어 왔다. 그러나 근년에 들어와 두가지 통계자료간의 격차가 수용할 수 없는 수준에 도달하고 있다. 그 이유로서는 지난 30년간 공업화 및 도시화에 따른 식습관의 급격한 변화에도 불구하고 조사방법의 개선이 뒤따르지 못했기 때문으로 추정된다. 따라서 현재 이용가능한 국민영양조사에 의한 식품소비량 데이타를 식품수급표를 감안하면서 최적화하였다. 최근 1991-95년 기간중 개별 식품항목의 조정 소비량이 곡류, 감자류, 당류제품, 두류, 견과종실류, 과일류, 채소류, 육류, 난류, 우유제품, 유지류 및 수산물에 대하여 제안되었다. 소맥제품, 두류제품, 김치류 및 우유제품을 포함하는 가공 식품에서는 그들이 원료성분으로 계산하기 위한 잠정적인 환산계수를 제안하였다. 식품들의 공급량 데이타와 섭취량 데이타 간의 큰 편차는 국민영양조사에서 계절적 차이와 아울러 가공식품 및 외식에 의한 섭취량이 무시되었기 때문으로 지적되었다. 여기에서 제안하는 조정된 식품소비량 데이타는 앞으로 새로운 절차에 의한 국민건강영양조사 결과가 나와 검증될 때까지 평균소비량을 위한 국가대표치로 활용되기를 기대한다. 1) In Korea, food balance sheet and national nutrition survey have been conducted in parallel by Central Government for several decades. However, the gap between the two statistics became larger to reach an intolerable level in recent years, likely due to the limitation of dietary survey method in spite of the drastic change in dietary habits after industrialization and urbanization during last three decades. The currently available data from national nutrition survey was optimized by taking in to account of the food balance sheet. Adjusted consumption data for individual food items during the period of 1991-95 were given in tabular forms for groups of cereals, potatoes, sugars & sweets, legumes, nuts & seeds, fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, dairy products, oils & fats and fishery foods. Conversion factors of processed foods including wheat products, soybean products, Kimchi and dairy products into their raw materials were tentatively proposed. Great differences between supply data and intake data of food commodities were pointed out to be likely due to the seasonal variation and ignorance of processed foods and dining-out in the national nutrition survey. It is recommended to utilize these optimized food intake data as the nationally-representative one until new data from the national health and nutrition survey undertaken after modified procedures since 1998 are obtained and verified in future.

      • 농작물 중 농약 잔류수준 예측을 위한 수학적 모델링

        이미경 7개 국립대학교 환경연구 논문집 공동발행 위원회 2003 공업기술연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Field residue data of pesticides on crops which were undertaken in Korea during the period of 1978-92 were employed to predict the initial deposits and disappearance rate by use of a mathematical algorithm. The initial deposits and disappearance rate in 53 fungicides/insecticides and 10 crops showed a remarkable variability depending on the ingredients and crop type. The predicted values from the proposed algorithm were compared with the practical residue data in cases of paddy rice-fenitrothion, applephenthoate, Chinese cabbage-chlorpyrifos and it was proved to give similar trends with a slight difference.

      • 한국인의 농축산식품 섭취량의 표준화(1986~90)

        이미경,이서래 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1994 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        한국인을 위한 식품중 유해성분의 기준설정 및 안정성 평가에 필요한 식품계수를 제안하기 위하여 1986~90년에 걸쳐 국민영양조사에 의한 식품섭취량과 식품수급표에 의한 공급량 자료로부터 농축산식품 원료에 대한 식품 종류별 섭취량을 최적화 하였다. 농축산물의 1인당 1일 평균 섭취량은 1.0 kg으로 조정하였으며 곡류 422g, 감자류 29g, 두류 17g, 견과종실류 5g, 과일류 97g, 채소류 300g, 육류 49g, 난류 20g, 우유류 72g 이었다. In order to provide food factors necessary for tolerance setting and risk assessment of hazardous substances in foods, dietary intake of farm produces by Korean population was optimized from national nutrition survey and food balance sheet during the period of 1986~90. Total daily intake of agricultural and livestock produces was normalized to 1.0 kg on the average, which consisted of 422 g cereals, 29 g potatoes, 17 g legumes, 5 g nuts & seeds, 97 g fruits, 300 g vegetables, 49 g meats, 20 g eggs and 72 g milks.

      • 韓國人을 위한 食品係數의 最適化

        이서래,이미경 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1993 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        한국인을 위한 식품중 유해성분의 安全性 평가 및 基準設定에 필요한 食品係數를 결정하기 위하여 국민영양조사에 의한 식품攝取量과 식품수급표에 의한 供給量 자료로부터 1인당 1일 식품종류별 消費量을 1970년대와 1980년대로 나누어 最適化하였다. 1인당 소비하는 총식품량은 1970년대에 1,104g, 1980년대에 1,240g 이었으며 식품 종류별로는 증감비율이 달리 나타났다. In order to provide food factors necessary for safety assessment and standard setting of hazardous substances in foods, per capita consumption of food items by Korean population was optimized for the periods of 1970's and 1980's from nutritional survey and food supply data. Average daily intake of total foods per person was 1,104 g in 1970's and 1,240 g and in 1980's. Much variation was observed between the two decades by food commodities.

      • KCI등재후보

        어린이 생활한복 저고리 형태의 변화양상에 관한 연구

        정혜경,이미정 服飾文化學會 2003 服飾文化硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        The objectives of this study are to consider the shape for children's Saenghwal Hanbok and to analyze the trend up to date. Conclusions are described as follows: 1. Children's Saenghwal Hanbok was found in magazine about Hanbok from 1994. The design was various, for it was influenced by adult's Saenghwal Hanbok, From 1997, design of children's Saenghwal Hanbok was come to stay in a revival mood. 2. The Jeogori shape for children's Saenghwal Hanbok was as follows: Git was used several traditional git and western color from the initial to the recent period; Dong-Jeong was not attached in the initial period, but mostly attached with its ends square from 1997; Seop was not attached or transformed in the initial period, but attached in a traditional way (trapezoid-shaped) or a new way(rectangle-shaped) from 1998. The front was fastened on the right chest; the sleeve were long or above-elbow or three quarter sleeve; Baerae was a curved shape in the initial period, but changed into a near-straight line with a slight curve; Jin-Dong line was straight for boys, but curve or not to be for girls; Pocket was attached for boys, not attached for girls.

      • KCI등재후보

        선박수리업무에 종사하는 군무원들의 작업환경에 대한 인식이 직업만족도에 미치는 영향

        오경재,모영하,윤한,김명선,이정미,권근상 한국산업위생학회 2003 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the relations among working environments, health behaviors and satisfaction with their duty in a group of 200 ship-repair workers in the ROK navy. The results were as following; Age of workers was 40 years and over(83%) and working duration was 10 years and over (71.5%). Most of them were married and had studied beyond high school. The 69.5% of workers satisfied with their job, whereas. about 59.5% of workers had satisfaction with their working condition. There were current drinkers, 78.5%, current exercising workers, 43.5%, obese workers, 28.0%, and salted food intakers, 18.5% in the workers. The major harmful environmental factors in the ship-repair workplace are noise, vibration, dust and chemicals. Most of workers are exposed to above harmful factors and complained about exposure of noise and dust. The consumption of cigarette or alcohol in people who exposed to noise was much higher than in people who did not, but the difference was not statistically significant. Prevalence of obesity and hypertension were not significantly different between the exposure with noise and dust. Noise or dust exposure was significant relation to satisfaction with their duty and working condition. The affective factors for satisfaction with their duty were people who worked for 10 years or more(OR= 4.53), exercisers(OR=4.78) and dust(OR=3.05) in Logistic regression analysis.

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