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        김완섭 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 2005 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.10 No.3

        Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit dem Hausfriedensbruch. Der Begriff des Hausrechts ist zwar jedem Juristen geläufig, und auch der juristische Laie verbindet bestimmte Vorstellungen mit diesem Ausdruck. Rechtsprechung und Lehre haben sich lange Zeit nur oberflächlich mit der Vorschrift des §319 StGB befaßt, was zum Teil darauf zurückzuführen ist, daß der Hausfriedensbruch häufig im Zusammenhang mit anderen Delikten begangen und bei der Straffestsetzung von diesen Delikten konsumiert wird. Heute ist die Zahl der Fälle des Hausfriedensbruchs angestiegen, in denen allein oder hauptasächlich die Strafbarkeit des Verhaltens nach §319 in Betracht kommt. Aber sind die Auffassungen über Wesen und Bedeutung des Hausfriedensbruchs gegensätzlich. Was den Gang der Arbeit betrifft, so gliedert sich die Untersuchung in 4 Abschnitte. 1. Problemstellung 2. Geschütztes Rechtsgut 3. Auslegung des Tatbestand 4. Schlußbemerkung

      • 개괄적 고의에 관한 고찰

        김완섭 순천향대학교사회과학연구소 2003 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        Mit dem Begriff des dolus generalis bezeichnet man seit langem zweiaktige Geschehensverlaufe, bei denen der Tater den Erfolg mit dem ersten Handlungsakt vollbracht zu haben glaubt, während der Erflog in Wirklichkeit erst durch den zweiten Handlungsakt eintritt, der nach der Vorstellung des Täters nur zur Verdeckung der bereits früher vollendeten Tat dienen soll. Der klassische Fall ist der, daß A den B mit Tötungsvorsatz verletzt, das bewußtlose Opfer irrig für tot hält und die vermeintliche Leiche zur Verdeckung der Straftat ins Wasser wirft, wo nunmehr der Tod durch Ertrinken eintritt. Ⅰ. Der Terminus dolus generalis wird heute nur noch aus traditionellen Gründen zur Kennzeichung der Fallgrupe, nicht aber ihrer rechtlichen Beurteilung, verwendet. Ⅱ. Ob darin rechtlich eine vollendete vorsätzliche Totung zu erblicken ist oder nur ein Tötungsversuch, an den sich möglicherweise eine fahrlässig Tötung anschließt, das ist die seit jeher heftig umstrittene Frage. 1. Die neuere Rspr. kommt zur Bejahung einer vollendeten Tötung. Dem folgt die herrschende Lehre. Hier handelt es sich um eine unwesentliche Abweichung des wirklichen von dem vorgestellten Kausalverlauf, dabereits die erste vom Tötungvorsatz des Täters veherrschte Handlung eine Ursache fur den Todeseintritt schafft und der wirkliche Kausalverlauf durchaus noch im Rahmen des objektiv Zurechenbaren liegh. 2. Demgegenuber will die sog. Versuchslosung ausnahmslos nur einen Versuch und ggf. eine fährlassige Tat annehmen. In diesem Falle ging der Tater beim zweiten Akt von der sicheren Annahme aus, daß die Tat bereits vollendet war, so ist schon begrifflich ein auf den zweiten Akt bezogener Vorsatz nicht denkbar. Dem Täter wird also ein schon erloschener Vorsatz unterstellt. 3. Nach der im Vordringen befindlichen Auffassung sind allein die jeweils für die objektive Zurechnung maßgeblichen Umstände Vorsatzgegenstand, nicht dagegen der Bedingungszusammenhang selbst. Die Fragen der wesentlichen Abweichung vom Kausalverlauf betreffen folglich schon die objektive Zurechenbarkeit. 4. Gleichwohl kann selbst bei adäquaten kausalverlaufen der Vorsatz wegen bestimmter Verlaufsaweichungen noch zu verneinen sein, während es bei indäquaten Kausalverlaufen schon am objektiven Tatbestand fehlt. So wird im Rahmen der subjektiven Zurechnung bei Auseinanderfallen von objektiv verwirklichten und vom Täter angenommenen Risikomerkmalen noch zusätzlich wertend gefragt, wie es bei Roxin den Begriff der Tatplanverwirklichung aufgreift, ob und inwieweit der eingetretene Verlauf vom subjektiv gesehenen Risiko umfaßt ist. Dieser Auffassung ist zuzustimmen.

      • 시신경 유두를 침범한 급성 임파구성 백혈병 : 1예 보고 Report of One Case

        김태운,이건수,이철민,심완섭 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1981 충남의대잡지 Vol.8 No.1

        A ten-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, probably T-cell type, who had received intrathecal methotrexate for theprophylaxis of meningeal leukemia, acquired impaired vision during maintenance chemotherapy. Ophthalmologic examinations disclosed a leukemic infiltration of right optic disc. It was followed by meningeal leukemia and systemic relapse successively within 2 months. The response of the ocular lesion to systemic chemotherapy was good.

      • 건설업 근로자의 스트레스 실태에 관한 조사연구

        이영섭,엄정현,김완진 서울産業大學校 2005 논문집 Vol.54 No.1

        In the modern society, job stresses are the one of the causes of diseases related to the job, such as the cardiovascular diseases, the musculoskeletal diseases and so on. An investigation study of job stresses in the construction industry has not been conducted yet in Korea, even though job stresses are the causes of significant job-related diseases. An investigation study in the job stresses are carried out through questionaire and analyzed statistically with being Appeared by Stress Index. The Stress level is calculated by statistical analysis of each stressor through interrelationship between variables, The result of this study could be contributed to the control management of job stresses of construction industry with basic data for job stresses of work-related diseases.

      • KCI등재후보

        골수구성 백혈병 환자에게 발생한 결핵성 림프절염

        이창섭,송진수,최평균,조재현,방지환,박경화,박완범,김홍빈,김남중,윤성수,박선양,김병국,오명돈,최강원 대한감염학회 2006 감염과 화학요법 Vol.38 No.5

        혈액질환 가운데 결핵 발생이 증가한다고 알려진 것은 호지킨 림프종을 포함한 림프증식성질환 그리고 모양세포성 백혈병 등이 있다. 또한 동종 골수이식을 받은 환자에서도 결핵은 증가한다고 알려져있다. Kaplan 등은 골수구성 백혈병 환자에서 결핵 발생이 증가한다고 보고하였다. 그러나 골수구성 백혈병 환자에서 결핵의 발생이 증가하는 이유에 대해서는 아직까지 정확하게 밝혀지지 않았다. 저자들이 2년 동안 후향적으로 조사한 180명의 성인 골수구성 백혈병 환자들 가운데 결핵이 발생한 환자는 4명이었고, 발생 부위는 모두 림프절이었다. 결핵은 골수구성 백혈병의 특정 아형에만 국한되어 발생하지 않았지만, 50%에서 FAB 분류에 의한 M4였다. 림프절이 종대된 골수구성 백혈병 환자에서 특히, 결핵의 유병율이 높은 나라에서는 결핵성 림프절염도 감별진단에 포함시켜야 한다. During the neutropenic phase, leukemia patients receiving chemotherapy are prone to bacterial and, fungal infections; occasionally mycobacterial, viral and protozoal organisms may also cause infections. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection was reported very rarely in these patients. This report describes four patients with M. tuberculosis infection identified from 185 adult patients who were diagnosed myelogenous leukemia between January 2003, and December 2004. There was no patient with M. tuberculosis infection from 44 lymphoid leukemia and 11 acute biphenotypic leukemia patients. Sites of infection were all lymph nodes. Three among four patients were presented with lymphadenopathy at initial diagnosis of leukemia, and the other one presented with lymphadenopathy after induction chemotherapy. There was no patient presented with lymphadenopathy during the neutropenic phase. Tuberculous lymphadenitis was presented in a patient with three acute myelogenous leukemia (FAB class 2 M4, 1 M2) and a chronic myelogenous leukemia, accelerated phase. An acute myelogenous leukemia patient had a leukemic cell and tubercle bacilli in the same lymph node. Tuberculosis should also be included as a differential diagnosis in myelogenous leukemia patient with lymphadenopathy, especially in the countries in which the disease is endemic.

      • 정치적 합리성, 실질적 합리성과 정책의 기본적인 개념

        제갈욱,김완섭 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 2005 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.10 No.3

        근본적으로 합리성 개념은 사회학적인 측면에서 기술적, 경제적, 사회적, 법적, 그리고 정치적인 합리성으로 구분된다. 정책학적인 측면에서는 실제적 또는 종합적 합리성의 개념을 추가하고 있다. 정책선택의 저변에는 다양한 합리성의 기초가 자리잡고 있다. 본 연구는 정책선택의 기본적인 개념이 되는 합리성의 개념과 합리성과 정책의 연계성에 관해 설명하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        인간 면역부전 바이러스(HIV) 감염자 사이에서의 1기 및 2기 매독의 유행

        장희창,조재현,박완범,이기덕,이창섭,김홍빈,오명돈,최강원 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.6

        목적 : 국내 HIV 감염자 사이에서 발생한 매독의 유행을 보고하고, 그 역학적 특성을 규명하고자 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 1999년 7월부터 2003년 9월까지 서울대학교 병원에서 추적 관찰을 받아온 HIV 감염자를 대상으로 하여 1기 및 2기 매독의 발생을 조사하였다. 발생률을 정확히 구하기 위해 추적 관찰을 받은 모든 HIV 감염자의 인년을 6개월 간격으로 구하였다. 결과 : 51개월 동안, 465명의 HIV 감염자가 서울대학교 병원에서 추적 관찰을 받았다. 이중 38명이 1기 및 2기 매독으로 진단되었다. 1기 및 2기 매독의 발생률은 이기간 동안 100인년 당 4.1명이었다. 1999년 7월부터 2001년 12월 사이에는 발생자가 없었으나, 이후 발생률은 꾸준히 증가하여 2003년 9월에는 100인년 당 18.8명이 되었다. 1기 및 2기 매독의 발생률은 동성애자 및 양성애자에서 이성애자에서보다 4.3배 높았고, HAART로 치료를 받지 않은 환자에서 HAART로 치료를 받고 있던 환자에서 보다 10.9배 높았다. 결론 : 2002년부터 국내 HIV 감염자 사이에서 1기 및 2기 매독이 유행하기 시작하였고, 이러한 유행은 동성애자와 양성애자 및 HAART로 치료를 받고 있지 않던 사람 사이에서 발생하였다. Background : This study was performed to characterize the epidemiologic and clinical features of outbreak of syphilis among HIV sero-positive patients in Korea. Materials and Methods : A retrospective case review of patients diagnosed with primary and secondary syphilis from July 1999 to September 2003 was carried out at Seoul National University Hospital in Korea. To estimate the incidence, person-years (PYs) of all HIV sero-positive patients, who visited the hospital in the same period, were calculated every 6 months. Results : In a 51 month period, 465 HIV-positive patients were followed up at Seoul National University Hospital. 38 cases of primary and secondary syphilis were diagnosed. The incidence of primary and secondary syphilis was 4.1 per 100 PYs during the study period. There was no case from July 1999 to December 2001, and then the incidence rose until September 2003 from 5.5 per 100 PYs in 1999 to 18.8 per 100 PYs in 2003. The rate of primary and secondary syphilis was 4.3 times higher among homosexual and bisexual men than heterosexual men (95% CI 1.87 to 11.17), and 10.9 times higher among patients who did not receive HAART than patients who were receiving HAART (95% CI 5.47 to 21.79). Conclusion : The outbreak of primary and secondary syphilis among HIV-positive patients started in 2002 and has been escalating, especially among homosexual/bisexual men and in patients who did not receive HAART.

      • KCI등재

        X-선 회절법에 의한 소결광내의 칼슘페라이트 생성에 미치는 Al_2O_3, SiO_2 및 MgO의 영향

        朴埈賢,趙兪貞,尹晟燮,許完旭,金亨順 대한금속재료학회 2002 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.40 No.7

        In order to elucidate the fundamental aspects of the minerals formation processes during sintering, the Fe_2O_3-CaO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2 system and the effect of MgO on synthesized iron ore sinter were studied by image analysis and X-ray diffraction method. Most existed calcium ferrite was identified to be a solid solution of CaO·2Fe_2O_3 with a small amount of solubility of Al_2O_3 and SiO_2. With an increase of the content of Al_2O_3 in the system, the amount of calcium ferrite was increased. On the other hand, the amount of calcium ferrite was decreased, and the amount of hematite was increased with increasing the content of SiO_2. Crystal structure of calcium ferrite with Al_2O_3 and SiO_2 was changed from monoclinic to triclinic as well as the unit cell volume shrank with fixing Al_2O_3 and increasing SiO_2. With increasing the content of MgO(1∼3 wt%), the amount of magnetite was increased and hematite was decreased but calcium ferrite was not changed.

      • KCI등재SCISCIE
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        기능성 소화불량증에서 Helicobacter pylori 감염이 위근위부 운동기능에 미치는 영향

        김영호,박정미,손희정,최준영,김재준,최규완,백승운,고광철,이풍렬,이종철,김병태,심상군,김창섭 대한소화기학회 1999 대한소화기학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        Background/Aims: Little is known about the effect of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection on proximal gastric motor function in functional dyspepsia (FD). We evaluated total gastric emptying, initial proximal gastric distribution of meal (IPGD), proximal gastric emptying, basal tone, compliance and postprandial accommodation in the patients with FD relating to HP status. Methods: Of 25 subjects, 18 were HP positive and 7 were HP negative by the result of 13C urea breath test. A solid-phase scintigraphic gastric emptying and gastric barostat were performed. Results: In both HP-positive and HP-negative patients, sex, age, symptom score and body mass index were not different. Total gastric half-emptying time (101±13.9 min vs. 107±25.9 min), retention rate at 30 min (80.4±1.2% vs. 81.6±3.2%) and at 120 min (47.3±4.1% vs. 49.9±7.7%) were similar between the two groups. IPGD (69.4±4.1% vs. 64.6±11.1%) and proximal half-emptying time (37.9±5.2 min vs. 48.4±13.2 min) were not different between the two groups. basal tone (60.8±3.4 ml vs. 65.0±7.0 ml), compliance (49.2±2.4 ml/mmHg vs. 37.6±5.7 ml/mmHg), and accommodation (207±46% vs. 137±75%) were not different between the two groups. Conclusions: There was no association between HP infection and proximal gastric motor function in FD.

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