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      • 순천향대학교 사회과학대 학생의 진로인식 및 진로지도개선에 관한 연구

        심영수,차석빈,김용하,최한준 순천향대학교사회과학연구소 2003 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        This study conducted an empirical research to find ways to guide the career of college students in the social science at Soonchunhyang university. Research findings are as follows. 1) About 42% respondents answered that they did job-seeking efforts. 2) With regard to job preparing efforts, students spent their time on improving their English ability, major classes, computer ability, and license obtaining. 3) Job-related information sources in the school were not fully utilized by the students. 4) In the future, students hope that our school strengthen its PR efforts, open more English-related classes, improve its school image as a local university, and provide more job-related information The study concludes with implications of the study results and suggestions for career guidance of students.

      • 名義信託의 無效와 不當利得 : 대법원 2002. 12. 26. 선고, 2000다21123판결 Target Case :Supreme Court 2002. 12. 26. 2000다21123-

        고용철 순천향대학교사회과학연구소 2003 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The target case is that the trustor of [Myunguesintag] can return his trust goods from trustee of [Myunguesintag] because of the nullity of [Myunguesintag]contract. I think that this decision misunderstood the object of 「Act relating to registration of real estate by the name of real owner」 and its article 4. The article 4 is a enforcement law and validity provision. The nullity of [Myunguesintag]contract could not be endowed any effect of law. And it constructs the 「Grant for Illegal Cause(Article 746 of Civil Code)」 The 「illegal cause」 includes validity provisions(different from majority and case). Therefore the trustor of [Myunguesintag] has his status that he may not demand the benefits resulting thereform.

      • 취업규칙 불이익변경의 유효요건인 집단적 동의 : 대법원 2003. 4. 11 선고, 2002다71832 판결에 대한 분석과 평가를 중심으로 Focused on the critique of the Supreme Court Decision No. 2002Da71832 dated April 11, 2003

        조경배 순천향대학교사회과학연구소 2003 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        With regard to the effectiveness of the works rules amended unfavorably to the employees, the Supreme Court rendered the following decision(no. 77Da355 dated july 27, 1977). The valid consent by employees to any unfavorable amendment of the existing labor conditions shall be made througj a collective resolution of the employees, and any amendment of the works rules is null and void without obtaining such cosent. The collective resolution means consent of the union representative or more than half of the employees by way of a formal conference. In the latest case. however, the Supreme Court made a decision that the consent through the signatures of individual employees may be valid without a formal conference(No. 2002Da71832 dated April 11, 2003). But an individual consent or a consent by affixing employee's signature to a document made out by a employer may be the way to evade the law, and so these ways run counter to the spirit of procedural justice requiring a collective consent.

      • 개괄적 고의에 관한 고찰

        김완섭 순천향대학교사회과학연구소 2003 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        Mit dem Begriff des dolus generalis bezeichnet man seit langem zweiaktige Geschehensverlaufe, bei denen der Tater den Erfolg mit dem ersten Handlungsakt vollbracht zu haben glaubt, während der Erflog in Wirklichkeit erst durch den zweiten Handlungsakt eintritt, der nach der Vorstellung des Täters nur zur Verdeckung der bereits früher vollendeten Tat dienen soll. Der klassische Fall ist der, daß A den B mit Tötungsvorsatz verletzt, das bewußtlose Opfer irrig für tot hält und die vermeintliche Leiche zur Verdeckung der Straftat ins Wasser wirft, wo nunmehr der Tod durch Ertrinken eintritt. Ⅰ. Der Terminus dolus generalis wird heute nur noch aus traditionellen Gründen zur Kennzeichung der Fallgrupe, nicht aber ihrer rechtlichen Beurteilung, verwendet. Ⅱ. Ob darin rechtlich eine vollendete vorsätzliche Totung zu erblicken ist oder nur ein Tötungsversuch, an den sich möglicherweise eine fahrlässig Tötung anschließt, das ist die seit jeher heftig umstrittene Frage. 1. Die neuere Rspr. kommt zur Bejahung einer vollendeten Tötung. Dem folgt die herrschende Lehre. Hier handelt es sich um eine unwesentliche Abweichung des wirklichen von dem vorgestellten Kausalverlauf, dabereits die erste vom Tötungvorsatz des Täters veherrschte Handlung eine Ursache fur den Todeseintritt schafft und der wirkliche Kausalverlauf durchaus noch im Rahmen des objektiv Zurechenbaren liegh. 2. Demgegenuber will die sog. Versuchslosung ausnahmslos nur einen Versuch und ggf. eine fährlassige Tat annehmen. In diesem Falle ging der Tater beim zweiten Akt von der sicheren Annahme aus, daß die Tat bereits vollendet war, so ist schon begrifflich ein auf den zweiten Akt bezogener Vorsatz nicht denkbar. Dem Täter wird also ein schon erloschener Vorsatz unterstellt. 3. Nach der im Vordringen befindlichen Auffassung sind allein die jeweils für die objektive Zurechnung maßgeblichen Umstände Vorsatzgegenstand, nicht dagegen der Bedingungszusammenhang selbst. Die Fragen der wesentlichen Abweichung vom Kausalverlauf betreffen folglich schon die objektive Zurechenbarkeit. 4. Gleichwohl kann selbst bei adäquaten kausalverlaufen der Vorsatz wegen bestimmter Verlaufsaweichungen noch zu verneinen sein, während es bei indäquaten Kausalverlaufen schon am objektiven Tatbestand fehlt. So wird im Rahmen der subjektiven Zurechnung bei Auseinanderfallen von objektiv verwirklichten und vom Täter angenommenen Risikomerkmalen noch zusätzlich wertend gefragt, wie es bei Roxin den Begriff der Tatplanverwirklichung aufgreift, ob und inwieweit der eingetretene Verlauf vom subjektiv gesehenen Risiko umfaßt ist. Dieser Auffassung ist zuzustimmen.

      • 열차통학강의의 실태와 만족도조사 및 효율성제고방안

        최한준 순천향대학교사회과학연구소 2003 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        Soonchunhyang University has been running its rail class program, the country's first, since the second semester last year. Under an agreement between Soonchunhyang University and the Korean National Railroad, this project allows students to take course either on their way to Asan, where their university is located, or Seoul metropolition areas, where the students live. About 75 percent of Soonchunhyang students are from Seoul or the surrounding Gyeonggi Province. Soonchunhyang University organized this rail class program to offer practical help to students, feeling that the university needed a new concept of courses in order to allow students to efficiently utilize their commute time. There is one class per day from Monday through Friday either on the way to Asan or to Seoul. Students can get two credits per semester for the hour-long class on the train and an extra Internet class. Students who sign up for this course do not have to pay extra money for the train seats. As the lectures are conducted inside a moving train, there are inevitably a number of factors that distract the students from the class. This makes professors try hard to draw their students' attention, for example, by using many multimedia elements like computer displays and liquid crystal monitors. Soonchunhyang University is making an exemplary case of the regional university's consumer-friendly education. In this paper, we deal with the situation of Soonchunhyang Rail Class Program and the ways of improving that program in the light of the importance of Soonchunhyang Rail Class Program.

      • 국회의원선거의 1인1표제의 위헌성

        음선필 순천향대학교사회과학연구소 2003 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        On July 19. 2001, the Korean constitutional Court decided some meaningful cases on electoral system of Korea. The Court declared two provisions of the Public Election Act(the Act on the Election of Public Officials and the Prevention of Election Malpractices) unconstitutional. The above provisions allowed voters to vote only for a candidate in one-seat constituency and thereby denied them the right to vote for a party list in a national constituency. The Court held unanimously that the above provisions were unconstitutional on the ground that they violated the principle of democracy, the principle of equal and direct election, and thereby the equal right to vote and the right to vote directly etc. Though the conclusion of the decision was acceptable, its reasonoing was not clear and even ambiguous logically. Also, it made some mistakes in view of the structure of consitutional complaint. Nevertheless, the decision made a strong impact on society. It was said that the decision concretized people's sovereignty. Nowadays political parties are seeking a way to reach an agreement concerning the proportional representation system.

      • 중국 자동차산업의 성장과 전망

        현인규 순천향대학교사회과학연구소 2003 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        Globalization has directly affected the world's auto industry and has accelerated its reorganization. China is in the middle of this change. China's auto industry has been expriencing a dynamic development. Recently most foreign car giants announce aggressive production plans in China, mainly through joint ventures. China has the possibility of rapid expansion of car market with its hugs popualtion, cheap labour cost, rapid economic growth, and joining the WTO. At the same time, China has also risks mainly becuse auto supply might be overflown and there will be mounting pressure on manufactures to lower prices. According to some statistics, China's passenger car market will increase 23% CAGR in capacity during the period of 2003-08, but demand growth slow down to 15& CAGR in the same period. That means price war will bigin sooner or later in the Chiness market. The pressure on export sales will be a major concern auto makers. This paper analyzes the process of development of China's auto industry and argues that we overlook the threats and constraints that China's auto industry will face.

      • 법과학대학원 도입에 관한 연구

        유제설 ( Je Seol Yu ) 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 2010 사회과학연구 Vol.16 No.2

        과학수사는 현대 사회에서 일어나는 복잡한 양상의 범죄를 해결하는 필수적인 요소가 되었다. 법과학은 과학수사에 적용되는 모든 학문분야를 의미하는 용어이다. 공판중심주의의 강화와 국민참여재판의 시행으로 과학적 수사기법을 통한 법의 집행에 대한 사회적 요구가 증가하고 있는 시점에서 수사전문가들의 법과학적 지식은 매우 중요하다. 그러나 아직까지 우리나라에서는 법과학을 체계적으로 교육하기 위한 환경이 만들어져 있지 않다. 미국의 경우 AAFS 에서 법과학 교육의 기준을 제시하고 관리하는 등 국가가 법과학 교육의 수준을 직접 통제하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 경찰 교육기관에서 벗어나 대학 차원에서의 법과학 교육을 활성화하기 위해 국립과학수사연구원에서 법과학 교육의 기준을 만들고 스스로 인증기관이 되는 것, 국제 기준에 맞는 법과학 프로그램 구성, 연구소 및 학회의 운영 등을 제안하였다. Recently, Korean society needs more scientific methods in a crime scene investigation, because serious crimes such as serial homicide and rape increase. Furthermore, court-oriented trials are consolidated and jury system begins in a part of cases. Forensic science means scientific knowledge applied to uncover factual truth in the criminal procedure. It is involved with a lot of field such as social science, natural science, law and so on. However, we don`t have any multidisciplinary course of forensic science. Universities have an ideal condition to run this specialized course because they have infrastructure such as experts and facilities of every field. In this connection, we have to establish the standard of forensic science education like AAFS of U.S. and run a private forensic science laboratory and institute.

      • 과학과 정치, 또는 과학의 정치화

        이기홍 ( Ki Hong Lee ) 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 2008 사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.2

        흔히 정치적 논쟁의 맥락에서 과학은 최종적 심판자로 호출된다. 그러나 사회적 활동으로서 과학은 정치에 앞설 수도 없고, 정치적 이해관심과 가치에서 독립된 "객관적 사실"을 생산하는 것도 아니다. 매우 복잡한 세계의 온갖 요소들을 고려해야 하는 정치적 논쟁이나 의사결정에서 과학은 극히 제한적이고 부분적인 그리고 오류의 가능성을 가진 지식 주장만을 제공할 뿐이며 단일의 목소리를 내기도 어렵다. 대부분의 경우 정치적 논쟁의 뿌리는 과학이 다룰 수 있는 "사실"의 영역에 있는 것이 아니므로 논쟁의 상황에서 필요한 것은 과학을 앞세우는 정치적 이해관심과 가치를 토론의 전면에 끌어낼 수 있는 사회적 장치를 만드는 것이다. Science is usually appealed to give a decision in the context of political controversies. However, science is in a subtle way of social and political activity. It is not possible for science to be apolitical and to produce value-free objective facts. Science provides only insufficient and fallible knowledge-claims and rarely speaks with one voice within the context of political controversies and decision-making in which all lands of constituents should be taken into consideration. The roots of political controversies scarcely situate in the realm of `facts` to be treated by science. What is needed is not more a d o r better science but social mechanisms to bring the hidden interests and values which lie behind the science to the forefront of the controversies.

      • 맞춤형 취업지도 방안 연구 : 순천향대학교 사회과학대학 졸업생들을 중심으로

        김현철,김홍진,윤주명,김재필 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 2007 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to develop a foundation for planning a customized job guidance system for social science major students at Soonchunhyang University, In order to suggest a practical implication related to the student support system, the recent graduates of the College of Social Science at Soon chunhyang University were surveyed. A total of 110 graduates representing all majors of this college, Participated in this study. According to the empirical results, it appeared that a college-wide strong job search guidance system which are structured focusing on sharpening foreign language and interview skills should be initiated. The implications of the result are discussed to construct a customized career planning guidance svstem for social science majors at Soonchunhyang University.

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