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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국만화영상사의 시대구분과 비평과제

        임재환 한국만화애니메이션학회 2019 만화애니메이션연구 Vol.- No.56

        The period classification and critique of the history of Korean Web-image is a fundamental issue on the research and development of animation & webtoon. Such research projects have never been mentioned in organizations, including related academic associations. As a fusion science and composite art that applied the human-society, science-technology, culture-arts, the need and purpose of systematically exploring the study according to academic and artistic genres has emerged. First, the history of Korean Web-image was divided into the period circle, the king's control, and the historical and educational era, and applied with the criticism tasks. It was identified as an ancient, middle-aged, modern, and modern Web-image history by integrating it with world history in the long and close relationship of the times, the ruling system of the royal ruling forces, and the history course of the education ministry. Second, the history of Korean Web-image was divided into social and scientific stages, economic development stages, and subject categories to determine critical tasks. In terms of socio-economic development, the history of the field was divided into ancient, traditional, and modern, with social, cultural, political, and economic history. Third, the history of Korean Web-image was scientifically researched into the classification of prehistoric archaeological, geology, and anthropological periods. Stoneware by archaeological remains → Bronze Age → Iron Age and Paleozoic Era → Mesozoic → Neoclassical Phase. We explored the period by dividing it into plants and animals in stratified fossils, modern humans and anthropological cultural phenomena. Fourth, the period classification and criticism tasks were applied to the history of Korean Web-image with cultural and artistic cultural contents and cultural and industrial convergence technology. We extracted content such as cultural garden-style storytelling traditional culture, historical events and mythological legends related to culture and art, reproductions of screenings, game character products, learning contents, Finally, Web-imagists sought period classification and criticism tasks in the humanities-society, science-technology, and cultural-artistic fields as a comprehensive art in all academic fields. However, the history of cartoons could not be developed in detail and analytically, so many logic was summarized by reference and diagram, but did not elaborate. It is hoped that cartoon research will be activated by presenting as a draft proposal of Korean Web-image chronology and critical research tasks. 만화영상이 인문사회, 과학기술, 문화예술 등을 응용한 융합과학과 복합예술로서 학문적 영역과 예술적 장르에 따라 세계사와 한국사와 연계하여 체계적인 시대구분의 탐구가 필요하다. 한국만화영상사의 시대구분과 비평과제는 만화영상의 연구개발에 관한 당면한 현안과제이다. 첫째, 한국만화영상사를 인문학적으로 시대원근, 왕조정권, 역사교육적 시대를 구분하고 비평과제를 준용하였다. 시대의 멀고 가까움과 왕권 지배세력의 통치체제와 교육부의 역사교과과정에 세계사와 통합하여 고대→중세→근대→현대의 일반적인 만화영상사를 규명하였다. 둘째, 한국만화영상사를 사회과학적으로 사회발전단계, 경제발전단계, 주제분류로 시대를 나누고 비평과제를 가름하였다. 사회경제 발전적 측면에서 고대적→봉건적→근대시민적 사회발전단계와 원시공산→고대노예→중세봉건→자본주의→사회주의의 경제발전단계 그리고 사회사·문화사·정치사·경제사의 특정분야적인 만화영상사를 고찰하였다. 셋째, 한국만화영상사를 과학기술적으로 선사 고고학ㆍ지질학ㆍ인류학적 시대구분을 모색하고 비평과제를 탐구하였다. 고고학적 잔존물에 의한 석기→청동기→철기의 선사시대로부터 유사시대까지와 지질학적 현생누대의 고생대→중생대→신생대 단계에 지층 화석에서의 동식물과 현생인류 그리고 인류학적 문화 현상의 만화영상사를 탐색하였다. 넷째, 한국만화영상사를 문화예술적으로 문화원형적 문화콘텐츠와 문화산업적 융합기술로 시대구분과 비평과제를 적용하였다. 문화예술과 관련한 문화원형의 스토리텔링적 전통문화, 역사사건, 신화전설 등의 콘텐츠와 상영공연물, 게임캐릭터 제품, 학습물 콘텐츠 등의 재현 그리고 문화산업적 기술을 융합한 만화영상사를 추출하였다. 끝으로, 만화영상이 모든 학문 영역의 융합과학과 다양한 예술 분야의 종합예술로서 인문사회, 과학기술, 문화예술적 영역으로 나누어 시대구분과 비평과제를 모색하였다. 그런데 만화영상사를 구체적이고 분석적으로 전개하지 못하여 많은 논리를 참고 도표로 집약하였으나, 엄밀하게 규명하지 못하였다. 앞으로 한국만화영상의 역사적 특수성과 세계만화영상사의 보편성과 통합한 만화영상사 연표와 비평적 연구과제를 시안으로 제시하여 만화영상사 연구가 활성화되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        Feasibility Study of the Northern Terengganu Rural Development Project, Phase II, Malaysia

        임재환,Lim, Jae Hwan Institute of Agricultural Science 1992 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.19 No.2

        본(本) 연구(硏究)는 1992년(年) 2월(月)부터 동년(同年) 8월(月)까지 한국(韓國)의 농어촌진흥공사(農漁村振興公社)(RDC)와 말레시아의 KTA기술용역단간(技術用役團間)의 기술제휴하(技術提携下)에 아세아개발은행(亞細亞開發銀行)의 기술협력기금(技術協力基金)에 의(依)한 말레지아북부(北部) Terengganu 농촌개발제(農村開發第)2단계사업(段階事業)의 타당성조사연구(妥當性調査硏究) 결과(結果) 중 말레시아정부(政府)의 경제정책방향(經濟政策方向), 농업개발(農業開發) 및 사업(事業)의 경제적(經濟的) 재무적(財務的) 타당성(妥當性)만을 발췌(拔萃)하여 본(本) 논문(論文)에 수록(收錄)하였다. 본(本) 농촌개발사업지구(農村開發事業地區)는 말레시아의 북동(北東)쪽에 위치(位置)하고 있는 Terengganu State의 Setiu-Besut양(兩) Distict가 포함(包含)되는데 경제적(經濟的)으로 가장 낙후(落後)된 지역(地域)으로 매년(每年) 행사(行事)처럼 찾아오는 홍수(洪水)때문에 농경지(農耕地)를 집약적(集約的)으로 경작(耕作)하지 못함으로써 지역농민(地域農民)들은 빈곤(貧困)에서 벗어나지 못하고 있고 침수기간중(浸水期間中)에는 지역(地域)의 경제활동(經濟活動)은 물론(勿論) 교통(交通)마저 불통(不通)되고 농촌하부구조(農村下部構造)의 손실(損失)은 물론(勿論) 사회경제적(社會經濟的)인 손실(損失)이 크며 Setiu River의 하구(河口)가 침전(沈澱)되어 어선(漁船)의 출입(出入)이 점점(漸漸) 곤란(困難)해지므로써 어민(漁民)들의 생계(生計)에도 위협(威脅)을 주는 지역(地域)이다. 따라서 본(本) 타당성(妥當性) 조사연구(調査硏究)의 근본적(根本的)인 목적(目的)은 농촌(農村)의 빈곤(貧困)을 타파(打破)하기 위하여 (1) 홍수(洪水)를 방지(防止)하고, 배수(排水) 및 관개개선(灌漑改善)을 하며, 하구(河口)를 개발(開發)하여 어민(漁民)들의 생산활동(生産活動)을 돕고 지역주민(地域住民) 및 농민(農民)들의 경제활동(經濟活動) 및 농업생산성(農業生産性)을 제고(提高)시키며 (2) 환경보호(環境保護) 및 관리(管理)를 통(通)하여 지역주민(地域住民)에게 쾌적(快適)한 농촌생활환경(農村生活環境)을 제공(提供)하고 생태계(生態系)의 변화(變化)를 방지(防止)하며 (3) 다각적(多角的)인 영농활동(榮農活動)을 통(通)하여 지역농민(地域農民)의 소득(所得)을 극대화(極大化) 할 수 있는 개발(開發)의 기본구상(基本構想)과 이에 대한 기술적(技術的) 경제적(經濟的) 타당성(妥當性)을 구명(究明)하는 것이다. 본(本) 사업지역(事業地域)의 총면적(總面積)은 9,500ha이며 이는 4,680ha의 기설지구(旣設地區)의 개보수관개사업(改補修灌漑事業)과 500ha의 과수단지(果樹團地), 200ha의 채소단지(菜蔬團地), 500ha의 옥수수단지(團地), 250ha의 엽연초생산단지(葉煙草生産團地), 2,760ha의 오일팜 및 고무나무단지에 소, 염소 및 양(洋)을 사육(飼育)하는 종합적(綜合的)인 농촌개발(農村開發)로서 농가(農家)의 농업소득제고(農業所得提高)에 큰 기여(寄與)를 하게 되며 Setiu강(江)의 유역(流域) 4,090ha에 대한 홍수경감대책(洪水輕減對策)으로 지역주민(地域住民)의 생활안정(生活安定) 및 교통(交通), 관광(觀光), 사회경제적(社會經濟的) 생산활동(生産活動)을 촉진(促進)하는 사업(事業)을 하게된다. 본(本) 사업(事業)의 공사기간(工事期間)은 1993년(年)부터 5개년간(個年間)이며 총사업비(總事業費)는 외화(外貨) 2천만불(千萬弗)을 포함(包含)하여 5천(千) 5백만불(百

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        귀비탕(歸脾湯)과 귀비탕가미방(歸脾湯加味方)의 항산화 효과 및 6-Hydroxydopamine에 대한 PC12 세포 보호효과 비교연구

        임재환,김종우,정선용,조성훈,오명숙,황의완 대한한방신경정신과학회 2009 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        2. Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) had concentration-dependent scavenging activities of ABTS cation. 3. Total polyphenol amount of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) was calculated 79.10±2.20 ㎍/10 ㎎and 121.03±1.11 ㎍/10 ㎎, respectively. 4. Cell viability of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) was increased in a dose dependent manner. Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) was increased at low concentrations, but decreased at high concentrations. 5. In Guibi-tang(Guipitang), cell viability of PC12 cell treated with 6-OHDA was decreased by pre-treatment, and increased by post- and co- treatment. Cell viability of Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) showed variable effects by pre-treatment, but increased by post- and co- treatment. 6. NO production rate of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) didn`t show a significant effect, but that of Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) was decreased in a dose dependent manner. 7. ROS production rate of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) was decreased at some concentrations. In Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang), ROS production rate was decreased at high concentrations. 8. Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) protected the 6-OHDA-induced GSH reduction. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that both Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and GBTGMB have antioxidative and neuroprotective effect, but Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) has more antioxidative and neuroprotective effect than Guibi-tang.

      • KCI등재

        귀비탕(歸脾湯)과 귀비탕가미방(歸脾湯加味方)의 항산화 효과 및 6-Hydroxydopamine에 대한 PC12 세포 보호효과 비교연구

        임재환,김종우,정선용,조성훈,오명숙,황의완,Lim, Jae-Whan,Kim, Jong-Woo,Chung, Sun-Yong,Cho, Sung-Hoon,Oh, Myung-Sook,Hwang, Wei-Wan 대한한방신경정신과학회 2009 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Objectives : This Study was performed to assess the antioxidative and neuroprotective effect of Guibi-tang(Guipi-tang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) on PC12 cells. Methods : The antioxidative effect was investigated through the DPPH radical and ABTS cation scavenging methods and total polyphenol amount of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang). The neuroprotective effect of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) was assessed using MTT assay in PC12 cells. The scavenging effect of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) on NO and ROS production induced by 6-OHDA in PC12 cells was evaluated, as well as the attenuating effect of Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) on GSH reduction. Results : 1. Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) had concentration-dependent scavenging activities of DPPH radical 2. Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) had concentration-dependent scavenging activities of ABTS cation. 3. Total polyphenol amount of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) was calculated 79.10${\pm}$2.20 pg/IO mg and 121.03${\pm}$1.11 pg/IO mg, respectively. 4. Cell viability of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) was increased in a dose dependent manner. Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) was increased at low concentrations, but decreased at high concentrations. 5. In Guibi-tang(Guipitang), cell viability of PC12 cell treated with 6-OHDA was decreased by pre-treatment, and increased by post- and co- treatment. Cell viability of Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) showed variable effects by pre-treatment, but increased by post- and co- treatment. 6. NO production rate of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) didn't show a significant effect, but that of Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) was decreased in a dose dependent manner. 7. ROS production rate of Guibi-tang(Guipitang) was decreased at some concentrations. In Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang), ROS production rate was decreased at high concentrations. 8. Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) protected the 6-OHDA-induced GSH reduction. Conclusions : These results demonstrate that both Guibi-tang(Guipitang) and GBTGMB have antioxidative and neuroprotective effect, but Guibi-tang gamibang(Guipitang jiaweifang) has more antioxidative and neuroprotective effect than Guibi-tang.

      • 印度 NEWASA地域의 集水井 灌漑開發의 經濟分析에 關한 硏究

        林裁煥,Raju, K. N. 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1985 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.12 No.1

        This project would benefit small farmers who are very poor to improve their production, income and employment in their own farm. This mat lead to reduction of inequalities within the project area. The gross value of production per farm would increase 465 percent after the project being implemented. The net income per farm would increase from Rs.4275 to Rs.17147 at full development period. The employ-ment opportunities would increase from 126 mandays per farm to 532 mandays at full development period. On the basis of financial rate of return and increase in employment opportunities as well as increase in net income at farm level, this project is recommended. However, the economic benefits from this project would increase if a different cropping pattern consists of Wheat, Groundnut, Jowar is adopted. Accordingly, increasing farm household income through Dug-well irrigation development would be a important countermeasures for growth of Indian economy. International transfer of Korean agricultural tech-nologies such as biological, chemical, mechanical and hidrological technology to India for modernization and productivity increase could not be precluded in the future.

      • KCI등재

        근거이론을 통한 북한이탈주민의 회심에 관한 연구

        임재환,공기인,이은성,정성준 한국복음주의선교신학회 2022 복음과 선교 Vol.57 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 근거이론을 활용하여 북한이탈주민의 회심의 요인, 회심의 과정, 회심의 유형을 발견하고 그들의 회심 여정을 총체적으로 드러내는 것이다. 북한이탈주민은 삶의 정황이 어떠하든 간에 회심의 여정에서 공통적으로 고난을 경험하였고, 그들은 ‘하나님과의 만남’을 통해서 ‘고난의 삶’을 극복하고 회심하였다. 연구참여자들은 회심한 후에 변화된 삶을 사는 것 뿐만 아니라 하나님께 헌신하는 방향으로 성장하였다. 결론적으로 북한에서 주체사상의 영향을 받고 ‘고난의 삶’을 살았던 북한이탈주민은 ‘하나님과의 만남’을 통해서 회심하는 경향이 있다. 또한 그들이 ‘하나님과 만남’을 통해서 고난을 극복한 것은 회심의 여정에서 일반적인 특징으로 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        光穀生産에 있어서 灌漑用水의 限界便益·費用分析

        林裁煥,李閔洙 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2001 농업과학연구 Vol.28 No.2

        Rice cultivation is not only the main resource of farm income and staple food but also the root of cultural life of Korean people. Korean government has carried out irrigation water development with heavy investment to cope with water shortage in rice farming as a link of the five years economic development plans. In spite of the continuous accomplishment of irrigation water development the marginal benefits - costs of irrigation water has not been studied. Owing to the government full support for the operation and maintenance of irrigation facilities, price of irrigation water as a membership fee could not be formed as the municipal and industrial water prices. Accordingly this study is aimed at identifying firstly the marginal benefits - cost of irrigation water, secondly deriving the macro-econometrics models as supply and demand functions of irrigation water and thirdly examining the marginal benefits - cost ratio. The trends of supply and demand prices of irrigation water were estimated annually. Considering the marginal benefits - cost ratio as 1.3, it was identified that additional irrigation water development projects still have an economic feasibility under the present economic situation in Korea.

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