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      • KCI등재

        일본 오이타현 우스키 마애불상군의 환경변화와 염풍화 특성

        조지현,이찬희,Cho, Ji Hyun,Lee, Chan Hee 대한자원환경지질학회 2020 자원환경지질 Vol.53 No.6

        우스키 마애불상군의 모암은 아소-4 화산쇄설암층군에 속하는 암회색 응회암이다. 이 불상군은 상부에서 유입되는 강수와 지반에서 상승하는 지하수로 인한 백화현상과 암반의 토양화가 상당히 진행되어 보존대책이 시급한 상태였다. 불상군 표면 염풍화의 주요 원인인 백색오염물에서는 세나다이트, 석고, 백운석이 동정되었다. 이들의 용출실험 결과, 세나다이트는 교반초기에 용해되었다가 4시간 이후 재용출되고, 석고는 2시간 교반까지 검출되다가 4시간 교반 후 용해되는 특성을 보였다. 백색오염물의 재결정 환경을 파악하기 위해 11개월간 미기후 환경을 모니터링한 결과, 봄철에는 세나다이트와 미라빌라이트의 상전이가 넓게 나타나고, 여름과 가을철에는 고온으로 인해 수용액 상태로 유지된다. 겨울철에는 온도가 하강하면서 미라빌라이트의 분포대가 가장 넓게 도시된다. 따라서 석불군 일대의 수분 이동통로를 차단하고 보호각 내에서 유지되는 다습한 환경을 제어하기 위한 초정밀 관측이 요구된다. The host rock of the Usuki Stone Buddha Statues is dark gray welded tuff involved the Aso-4 pyroclastic flow sediments. This Buddha Statues are processing chlorosis from rainfall flowing above and underground water which were urgently needed for conservation measurement. White precipitates, the main source of salt weathering, on the surface of the Buddha Statues are mainly consisted of thenardite, gypsum and dolomite. Extraction experiment result shows that thenardite was dissolved at the beginning of stirring and then redissolved after 4 hours, and gypsum was detected until stirring for 2 hours, and then dissolved after stirring for 4 hours. As a result of monitoring the microclimate environment for 11 months to determine the recrystallization environment of white precipitates, the phase transition between thenadite and mirabilite appears widely in spring, and is maintained in an aqueous solution due to high temperatures in summer and fall. In winter, mirabilite is shown the widest by decreasing temperature. Therefore we requires details monitoring for blocking water transfer port and solved humidity environment in shelter.

      • KCI등재

        마이크로금형 구배각 제어를 위한 절삭가공조건 예측모델에 관한 연구

        조지현(Ji-Hyun Cho),송병욱(Byeong-Uk Song),서태일(Tae-il Seo) 한국생산제조학회 2012 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        It is very difficult to determine suitable cutting conditions in order to obtain accurate cutting profiles because machining errors caused by tool deflection depend upon cutting conditions. In this study the relationship between real cutting profiles (inclined shapes and machining errors) and cutting conditions was modeled in order to fabricate draft angle on micro molds. CCD (Central Composite Design) of DOE (Design Of Experiment) and RSM (Response Surface Method) were applied in order to model the relationship between cutting conditions and machining errors. In order to use CCD the range of radial depth of cut was chosen by 10-90㎛ and the range of feedrate was chosen by 200-300mm/min, and 9 points of cutting conditions were chosen inside determined ranges. Then, actual cutting processes were carried out as respect to 9 points of cutting conditions, draft angles and real cutting profiles were measured on cutting profiles, each response surface function was determined by conducting response surface analysis and the functions were represented by 3-dimensional graphs, contour lines and 101×101 matrices. Consequently it is possible to determine suitable cutting conditions in order to obtain arbitrary given draft angles and cutting profiles by using modeling. To validate proposed approach in this study suitable cutting conditions were determined by modeling in order to obtain arbitrary given draft angle and cutting profile, and actual cutting processes were carried out. About 95% of good agreement between predicted and measured values was obtained.

      • KCI등재

        독일 주식법상 지휘기관에 대한 주주의 책임추궁방안 연구 - 소송강제와 주주대표소송

        조지현 ( Ji Hyun Cho ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2014 법학논총 Vol.31 No.3

        Wenn der Aktiengesellschaft durch Pflichtverstoßen der Verwaltungsorgane ein Schaden entstanden ist, sind die Organmitglieder der Gesellschaft zum Ersatz verpflichtet. Grundsatzlich hat die Gesellschaft selbst die Befugnis, ihre ErsatzansprUche gegen die Pflichten verletzten Organmitglieder geltend zu machen. Wenn die zustandigen Organe der Gesellschaft aber aus Solidaritat oder aus Furcht vor Aufdeckung eigener Versaumnisse ihre ErsatzansprUche nicht ausUben, konnen die Minderheitsaktionare fUr ihre Gesellschaft die Klage erheben. Das deutsche Aktienrecht enthielt nur Regelungen Uber die Klageerzwingung, nach denen Minderheitsaktionare die Gesellschaft zur Geltendmachung von ErsatzansprUchen verpflichten konnten. Seit dem Inkrafttreten des UMAG vom Jahr 2005 sind den Minderheitsaktionaren das Recht, die Aktionarsklage zu erheben, gewahrt worden. Beschließt die Hauptversammlung mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit die Geltendmachung der ErsatzansprUche, ist die Gesellschaft dazu verpflichtet. Der Begriff der Geltendmachung umfasst sowohl die Durchsetzung auf gerichtlichem, als auch auf außergerichtlichem Wege. Man benutzt aber in der Regel einen Ausdruck von Klageerzwingung, weil die gerichtliche Geltendmachung gewohnlich ist. Die Hauptversammlung kann die Geltendmachung der ErsatzansprUche auf besonderen Vertreter Ubertragen. DarUber hinaus konnen die Minderheitsaktionare beim Gericht auf Bestellung eines besonderen Vertreters antragen. Aber die Klageerzwingung ist kein vollstandiges System, weil ein Mehrheitsaktionar den Beschluss verhindern kann. Deswegen ist die ein Zulassung des Gerichtes voraussetzende Aktionarsklage eingefUhrt. Aktionare, deren Anteile zusammen den ein- hundertsten Teil des Grundkapitals oder einen anteiligen Betrag von 100.000 Euro erreichen, konnen die Klagezulassung beantragen. Die Voraussetzungen der Klagezulassung sind 1) Vorbesitz der Aktien, 2) Vergebliche Aufforderung zur Klageerhebung, 3) Verdacht der Schadensverursachung durch rechtswidrige oder unredliche Verhalten, 4) Keine Uberwiegenden GrUnde des Gesellschaftswohls. Die Klage ist nur dann zuzulassen, wenn die Voraussetzungen kumulativ vorliegen. Hat das Gericht die Klage zugelassen, kann jeder antragstellende Aktionar die Aktionarsklage erheben. Die Klage richtet auf Leistung an die Gesellschaft. Das deutsche Aktienrecht hat nur die einfache reprasentative Aktionarsklage eingefUhrt, Uber die mehrfache reprasentative Aktionarsklage gibt es keine Diskussion. Denn sind die Minderheitsaktionare und Glaubiger der abhangigen und herrschenden Gesellschaft durch Konzernrecht und Judikaturrecht genUglich beschUtzt. In der letzten Zeit ist im unseren Land die EinfUhrung der mehrfachen reprasentatven Aktionaraklage befUrwortende Meinung herrschend. Aber sind der Minderheitenschutz und die Verantwortung von herrschenden Aktionaren und Verwaltungsorganen der herrschenden Gesellschaft zuerst zu berUcksichtigen. Man muss Durchgriffshaftung, Aktionarsklage und die Haftung von tatsachlichen Vorstanden zur nUtzlichen Anwendung bringen. Außerdem ist die EinfUhrung der Konzernregelungen positiv in Betracht zu ziehen.

      • KCI등재

        수동적 답변의무로서의 고지의무

        조지현 ( Ji Hyun Cho ) 한국상사판례학회 2013 상사판례연구 Vol.26 No.3

        Die deutsche VVG-Reform zum 1.1.2008 hat auch eine grundlegende Anderung der Vorschriften uber die vorvertragliche Anzeigepflicht mit sich gebracht. Nach der Gesetzesbegrundung zur Reform sollte die wichtigste Neuerung in § 19 Abs. 1 VVG darin liegen, dass der Versicherungsnehmer grundsatzlich nur solche ihm bekannten Umstande anzeigen muss, nach denen der Versicherer in Textform gefragt hat. Das Risiko einer Fehleinschatzung, ob ein Umstand gefahrrelevant ist, liegt also nicht mehr beim Versicherungsnehmer. Zusatzlich muss der nachgefragte Umstand auch objektiv erheblich sein. Also entfallt im geltenden Recht die sog. spontane Anzeigepflicht, die den Vertragsnehmer veranlasste, auch ungefragte Umstande, die fur die Ubernahme der Gefahr erheblich sein konnten, anzuzeigen. Geandert wurde auch der Zeitpunkt fur die Erfullung der Anzeigepflicht. § 19 Abs. 1 Satz. 1 stellt auf die auf den Vertragsschluss gerichtete Willenserklarung des Vertrags- nehmers und nicht mehr auf den Vertragsschluss ab. Nach alte Fassung war der Vertragsnehmer gehalten, gefahrerhebliche Umstande, die zwischen der Stellung seines Antrages und der Annahme eintraten, anzuzeigen, und zwar auch ohne entsprechende Fragen des Versicherers. Nach dem neuen Recht besteht gemaß § 19 Abs. 1 Satz 2 eine Nachmeldepflicht, nur wenn der Versicherer nach der Vertragserklarung des Vertragsnehmers, aber vor der Vertragsannahme entsprechende Fragen in Textform stellt. Zum Versicherungsverbraucherschutz musste § 651 des koreanischen Handelsgesetzbuchs wie die deutsche VVG-Reform verbessert werden.

      • KCI등재

        한국사회와 엘리트스포츠

        조지현(Ji Hyun Cho) 한국체육교육학회 2013 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 1988년 서울올림픽 유치를 통한 한국사회에서의 엘리트스포츠 현상 및 문제점 등 을 분석한 다. 특히, 엘리트스포츠와 정치, 경제, 그리고 사회와의 관계 및 스포츠정책의 현실과 문제점을 알아보는데 목적을 갖고 있다. 연구방법으로는 질적 연구를 통한 인터뷰 및 자료를 수집하여 실시하였고, 인터뷰대상자 들은 한국사회에 대한 이해도가 높고 영향력을 갖고 있는 정치가, 문화체육관광부 장관, 스포츠 정책가, 저널리스트 그리고 대학교수들을 중심으로 심층면담을 (구조화, 반구조화) 실시하였다. 연구결과로는 1980년대 서울올림픽을 기점으로 현재까지 한국 엘리트스포츠는 매가스포츠 이벤트 유치 및 정부의 전폭적 지원 아래 지속적으로 발전해왔으나, 스포츠정책 시스템 문제 및 선수들이 직면하고 있는 다양한 문제점들이 나타났다. 이에 따라 본 연구결과는 미래 한국엘리트스포츠 발전을 위한 새로운 정책시스템 필요성 및 운동선수 들에게 현실적으로 활용될 수 있는 교육과 진로대책마련의 중요성을 시사하고 있다. This study aims to investigate the consequences of hosting the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games on the provision of elite sport in South Korea which, during the past twenty-five years since the Games, has developed significantly. The project adopted qualitative methods, drawing on interview data with a number of prominent South Korean politicians, diplomats, journalists, and academics, illuminating several important aspects of South Korea`s sport policy, elite sport development, and related problems. In addition, the study emphasises that South Korea`s elite sport system needs to develop and be re-evaluated in order to identify a clear path for the South Korean sporting future.

      • 컬러스케이프와 사운드스케이프의 상관관계 연구 - 종로구를 대상으로 -

        조지현 ( Ji Hyun Cho ) 중앙대학교 예술문화연구원 2021 예술문화융합연구 Vol.14 No.-

        A landscape is a complex organic body composed of not only complex elements as visual environment, sound environment, heat environment and air environment, but also the perception and activities of humans living within. As such, for complex organic landscape which cannot be defined by any one element alone, there are needs to investigate new methods of mutually organic planning through defining the correlation between various pertaining elements. Therefore, this study attempted to realize a comprehensive understanding and plan by dealing with perception experiment analysis of cognition as well as physical analysis through literature research and site surveys to investigate the correlation between colorscape and soundscape in the landscape. Site color, cognitive color, harmonious color, and field sound, cognitive sound, and harmonious sound in each landscape showed almost similar natural green landscape, waterside landscape, and urban landscape, and the analysis of spatial images through adjective vocabulary of each image was also evaluated as similar. Natural green landscapes were almost similar in the evaluation of cognitive color, harmonious color, harmonious sound, and adjective vocabulary, but car sounds did not match and caused discomfort, indicating that colors and sounds that match each type of landscape exist and need to be managed. By type of landscape, urban landscape > waterside landscape > natural green landscape was recognized as strong and high sounds, and compared to colorless images, colored images were evaluated as strong and high sounds regardless of landscape type.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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