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이효범(Lee Hyo-Beom),김광렬(Kim Kwang-Ryoul),황승희(Hwang Seung-Hee),민성기(Min Sung-Gi) 한국정보과학회 2007 정보과학회논문지 : 정보통신 Vol.34 No.2
OSI 참조 모델에 따라 각 계층에 여러 개의 이동성 지원 프로토콜들이 제안 되어 왔다. 각 프로토콜이 작동하는 계층의 특징은 핸드오버 지연시간에 영향을 끼친다. 본 논문은 MN의 이동 패턴에 따른 각 계층에서 작동하는 대표적인 프로토콜들(MIPv6, mSCTP, SIP)의 핸드오버 성능을 비교 분석한다. 성능 분석을 위해 Markovian 모델에 기반한 서브넷 모델과 한 세션 동안 MN의 이동 모델을 사용하였다. 분석 결과 DAD도 핸드오버에 중요한 요인이지만 프로토콜간의 차이는 보안과 움직임을 감지하기 위한 시간, 메시지의 처리 시간 등에 의해 유발됐음을 알 수 있었다. Several mobility supporting protocols have been proposed across OSI reference layers.Each protocol has similar or different characteristics based on its operating layer which affect a handover latency. In this paper, we analyze handover performance of most representative protocols in each layer. For analysis, we use SUBNET model based Markovian model and movement model. In result, difference of protocol handover latency is not occurred by DAD but also by security, movement detection, message processing time.
합천지역 하천의 유역규모별 토지이용과 수질항목 간 상관관계 분석
이효범 ( Hyo-beom Lee ),이경훈 ( Kyoung-hoon Rhee ),원광재 ( Kwang-jai Won ),문병석 ( Byoung-seok Moon ) 한국환경기술학회 2018 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.19 No.2
This study investigats the characteristics of land use and the change of water qualities about Gayacheon River and 16 small rivers located in Hapcheon. The purpose of the presents study is to provide a basic data for the decision - making process of watershed management of small and medium - sized rivers through correlation between land use and water qualities. Gayacheon River with a drainage area greater than 100 km<sup>2</sup> shows +0.8 for a correlation between different water qualities. On the other hand, the small rivers show the low correlation except for the T-N correlation based on BOD<sub>5</sub> and COD. Also, Gayacheon River represented as the large basin in the study show -0.9 with the correlation between land use and water qualities, and the river basins for the medium size present more than +0.8 for the correlation. Small river basins with a drainage area smaller than 10 km<sup>2</sup> show the low correlation and different distribution characteristics. This is because it is difficult for the small basins to control water contamination of a non-point source and to dilute contaminated water derived from different conditions including the land use and the water quality change. These differences create the various correlations.
류주현(Ju Hyun Ryu),이효범(Hyo Beom Lee),김철민(Cheol Min Kim),정현환(Hyun Hwan Jung),김기선(Ki Sun Kim) 한국원예학회 2014 원예과학기술지 Vol.32 No.5
This study was conducted to compare the cold tolerance of seven ground cover species, Orostachys japonica, Sedum oryzifolium, S. kamtschaticum ‘SG1’, S. reflexum, S. rupestre ‘Blue Spruce’, S. spurium ‘Green Mental’, and S. takesimense, which have been used for green roof and wall systems in Korea. Plants were grown in 10-cm pots and 1 g of tissues at stem-end and crown of each species were kept under either light or dark condition, respectively. For cold tolerance tests, plants were initially left at 4℃ and linearly cooled to 0, -4, -8, -12, -16, and -20℃ at -2℃ㆍh<SUP>-1</SUP> rate. Low temperature injury and regrowth rates were visually evaluated and assessed by image analysis, respectively. The lethal temperature (LT<SUB>50</SUB>) of plant species was determined using electrolyte leakage measurements. S. reflexum was the most cold tolerant, showing the most survival at -16℃, whereas S. oryzifolium and S. takesimense showed low temperature injury at -8℃. Similar results were found with electrolyte leakage measurements at the stem end. For each species, the crown (Mean LT<SUB>50</SUB>: -12.15℃) was more cold tolerant than the stem end (Mean LT<SUB>50</SUB>: -10.47℃). In conclusion, S. reflexum and S. rupestre ‘Blue Spruce’ are recommended for planting in the central region of Korea during late fall and early winter, as they were more cold tolerant and showed more vigorous regrowth than the other tested plant species.
IPv6 Multicast 네트워크에서 QoS 적용과 Security보장을 위한 최적화 연구
김영래 ( Young-rae Kim ),이효범 ( Hyo-beom Lee ),민성기 ( Sung-gi Min ) 한국정보처리학회 2008 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.15 No.1
TPS(Triple Play Service)를 통한 IP-TV, 인터넷, 전화 등이 통합되는 추세에서, IPv6 상용네트워크가 수 년 안에 구축될 필연성을 공감하고 있다. 그러나 [1] 현재 IP-TV 서비스에서 Delay, Jitter, 전송장애 등 QoS 에 대한 사용자 불만이 계속 발생하고 있다. 또한 현재 서비스중지 (DoS : Denial of Service)를 유발하는 [2] 인터넷 침해 사고가 월 평균 2157건 이상 발생하는 등, Security Issue의 증가 문제가 지속 되고 있다. IPv4/IPv6 듀얼 스택 멀티 캐스트 네트워크를 구현하여, 라우팅, 멀티캐스트 (PIM-SM), QoS, Security 이슈에 대한, 최적의 방안을 도출하여, 라우팅 구현시 IPv6 라우팅 프로토클 간에 재분배(Redistribution) 장애 해결책, IPv6 특성에 따른 멀티캐스트 그룹주소 지정시의 장애 대책을 제시하였고, QoS 에서는 기존의 QoS 정책의 문제점과 IPv6의 고유한 패킷 구조의 장점을 활용한 Adaptive QoS 방법을 제시하고, IPv6 멀티캐스트 서비스 중지 공격 유형을 정의하여, 최적화된 IPv6 멀티캐스트 구성 모델을 제시 하였다. 결론적으로 구현된 시스템에서 IPv6 패킷 분석을 통해서 최적화된 경로 통신 및 차별화된 IPv6 패킷의 QoS 방안을 제시하였으며, 서비스 중지공격을 대응하는 Security 보장성을 갖고 있음을 검증하여, 향후 상용화된 IPv4/IPv6 네트워크 구현을 위한 최적화 방안을 제시 하였다.
양측 종골 골절 환자의 치료 후 임상적 및 방사선학적 결과
이정길,김갑래,현윤석,구본재,이효범,이재희,Lee, Jeong-Gil,Kim, Gab-Lae,Hyun, Yoon-Suk,Koo, Bon-Jae,Lee, Hyo-Beom,Lee, Jae-Hee 대한족부족관절학회 2012 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.16 No.4
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out clinical and radiological outcomes in 70 patients of both calcaneal fracture. Materials and Methods: From March 1993 to March 2011, 70 patients underwent non-operative management or operative management at our hospital. Conservative management was performed in 15 cases of undisplaced fracture (Group A). Operative management was performed in 125 cases including 32 cases of undisplaced fracture (Group B), 60 cases of joint depression type fracture (Group C), 33 cases of tongue type fracture (Group D). Results were evaluated by VAS score, AOFAS score, circle draw test, Bohler angle (BA), Gissane angle, width & height of calcaneus. Results: VAS scores were 2.0 in group A, 2.0 in group B, 2.2 in group C, 2.7 in group D. AOFAS scores were 90.4 in group A, 91.9 in group B, 72.2 in group C, 79.2 in group D. Circle draw tests were 8.4 cm in group A, 10.1 cm in group B, 7.6 cm in group C, 7.9 cm in group D. Bohler angles (BA) and Gissane angles were $19.1^{\circ}$, $96.7^{\circ}$ in group A, $21.8^{\circ}$, $119.1^{\circ}$ in group B, $26.3^{\circ}$, $121.2^{\circ}$ in group C, $19.7^{\circ}$, $119.7^{\circ}$ in group D. Calcaneal widths and heights were 39.5 mm, 31.6 mm in group A, 32.7 mm, 37.0 mm in group B, 34.4 mm, 39.2 mm in group C, 35.2 mm, 38.7 mm in group D. Conclusion: The main cause of bilateral calcaneal fracture is an injury from a fall, and the cases were more frequently occurred in men than women. Also the fracture in the right side tend to occur more severely compared to the left side. The surgical treatment shows better results than conservative treatment in bilateral calcaneal fracture.