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        간경변이 동반된 임신 3례

        이기주(Ki Joo Lee),문정빈(Jeong Bin Moon),한수연(Soo Yeon Han),김미하(Mi Ha Kim),기숙현(Sook Hyeun Kee),박중신(Joong Shin Park),전종관(Jong Kwan Jun),윤보현(Bo Hyun Yoon),신희철(Hee Chul Syn) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.9

        Far Eastern countries including Korea show the high prevalence of hepatitis B virus carriers, so that the incidence of liver cirrhosis is higher than in western countries. But pregnancies with liver cirrhosis are rarely encountered in clinical settings, since liver cirrhosis usually develops after childbearing ages and often causes the disturbance of estrogen metabolism, resulting in severe menstrual irregularity and infertility. Therefore, little is known about the interactions between liver cirrhosis and pregnancy. Liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension are not contraindications to pregnancy but necessitate intensive monitoring throughout pregnancy because the complications of liver cirrhosis, which pose additional risks during pregnancy, are numerous and unpredictable. We report 3 cases of pregnancies in patients with liver cirrhosis with brief review of the literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        유치원에서의 특별활동 실시 현황 및 교사의 인식

        이기숙(Ki Sook Lee),장영희(Young Hee Chang),정미라(Mi Ra Chung),홍용희(Yong Hee Hong) 한국아동학회 2002 아동학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        In response to a growing trend toward downward escalation of public school curriculum, the present study surveyed so-called extracurricular activities in kindergartens and analyzed teacher`s perception of these activities. Questionnaires were mailed to 1300 private kindergartens and 1116 responses were received. Major findings were that over 89% of the respondents reported doing extracurricular activities in their kindergartens, mostly using 3-4 different kinds of special activities. The 3 most highly ranked lessons in order of frequency were English, art and physical activity. Whole group time was most often used for extracurricular activities. Kindergarten teachers were concerned with the qualifications of teachers for these activities. Teachers of these extra activities usually have no specialized training or supervised experience working with 3- through 5-year-old children.

      • Life-Cycle Engineering : A state-of-the-art survey

        이기숙(Lee Ki-Sook),서광규(Seo Kwang-Kyu) 한국산학기술학회 2004 한국산학기술학회 학술대회 Vol.- No.-

        Life-Cycle Engineering(LCE) is a decision-making methodology that considers environmental and cost needs during the product life-cycle. Environmental conscious design and manufacturing has become more and more important and it has been enforced by governmental regulations and used as trade restriction. LCE involves integrating environmental consideration into new product development including design, material selection, manufacturing processes and distribution of the product to the consumers, plus the end-of-life management such as disassembly, material recovery, remanufacturing of the product after discarding it. In this paper, a state-of-the-art survey of LCE is presented.

      • 기초자치단체의 여성정책 변천 소고 - 부산시 사상구를 대상으로

        이기숙(Ki-Sook Lee),박해숙(Hai-Sook Park) 신라대학교 여성문제연구소 2007 젠더와 사회 Vol.18 No.-

          부산시 사상구 관련 기초 자료 중 여성정책을 정리하여 기초자치단체의 여성정책을 구현하는 데 도움이 되고자 한다. 크게 1995년을 기준으로 나누어 살펴보았는데, 이 시기는 여성정책의 근간이 되는 여성발전기본법이 제정되었고 지방자치단체장 선거가 새롭게 실시되어 지방자치 시대를 여는 첫 해가 되었으며, 부산광역시 북구에 통합되어 있던 사상구가 단독으로 분리(분구)된 때라는 점에서 여러 가지 의미를 갖는다.<BR>  분구 이전의 여성정책은 중앙과 지역에서 모두 요보호 여성을 중심으로 한 ‘부녀행정’으로 복지 분야의 사업이 대부분이었다. 특히 이 시기는 본격적인 지방자치가 실시되지 않았기에 광역자치단체와 기초자치단체에서 독자적으로 여성정책을 실현하기 어려웠다. 그나마 1980년대 후반부터 남녀 차별에 관한 관심이 생겨나기 시작해 중앙정부에 여성정책을 총괄하는 기구가 설치되었으며, 여성정책의 근간이 되는 법령 제정, 양성평등 연구기관 설립 등이 이루어졌다. 이와 함께 차츰 요보호 중심의 여성정책에서 벗어나 모든 여성을 정책의 대상으로 하는 보편주의적 인식이 확산되었다.<BR>  ‘여성정책’으로 정책 변화가 생긴 분구 이후에도 요보호 여성에 대한 지원 사업은 꾸준히 유지되었지만 중앙정부가 주도하는 양성평등의 기조 위에 사상구에서도 몇 가지 여성정책과 사업을 실시하였다. 양성평등문화 정착 사업, 여성의 사회참여 확대와 기반 조성 사업, 폭력 방지 사업, 구청산하 각종 위원회에 여성위원 참여 확대 등 양성평등을 위한 사업이 실시되고 있다. 그러나 성별분리통계를 이용해 사상구의 여성권한 척도를 살펴본 결과 여성공무원이 낮은 직급에 편중되거나, 구의회의 여성의원이 비율이 매우 낮아 전체적으로 사상구의 여성권한 척도가 낮음을 알 수 있었다.<BR>  분구를 기준으로 ‘부녀행정’에서 ‘여성정책’으로 용어가 변화하기는 했으나 전체적인 틀에서의 변화를 추동하지 못했다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 향후 부산시 사상구의 여성정책이 여성의 지위와 권익을 향상시켜 남녀가 평등한 사회를 이룩하는 데 기여하려면 제도적 측면, 예산의 측면, 인력의 측면에서 변화가 선행되어야 할 것이다.   This study is to become helpful in implementing the policy on women in local autonomy of basic units by organizing the policy on women in Sasang-Gu, Busan. This had been examined mainly based on the year 1995 while the Basic Law for Prosperity of Women which becomes the root of policy women has been established these times, became the first year of opening up the local autonomy era as the election of local autonomy leader has newly become enforced and has many types of significance in that it was the time when Sasang-Gu which had been combined to the Buk-Gu of Busan became separated as an independent autonomy (separation of district).<BR>  The policy on women before separation of district was mostly the projects in the field of welfare by Women Administration all centered on at risk women at the center and regions. Especially, because the official local autonomy hadn"t started during these times, it was difficult to implement the policy on women independently at the local autonomy of basic units. Nevertheless, the interest toward sexual discrimination start to appear from the latter part of 1980"s so that an organization to sum up the policy on women had been installed at the central government and enactment of laws or establishment of research institutes for gender equality, etc becoming the root of policy on women was accomplished. Along with this, a universal perception setting all women as subjects of policy had expanded by gradually escaping from the policy on women which is centered on at risk women.<BR>  While the supporting projects on at risk women was maintained constantly even after the separation of district when the change of policy as the policy of women had emerged, several policy and projects on women were in operation on the top of the basic theme called equality of both genders led by the central government. Projects for equality of both genders such as gender equality settlement project, the project for extension of social participation by women and formation of basis, violence prevention project and extended participation of female committee members at various subordinate committees the district office, etc are being executed. But as a result of looking into the scale of women"s authority in Sasang-Gu using gender separation statistics, the fact that overall scale of women"s authority was low because there were many female civil officers with low level positions or the ratio of female committee members in the district assembly was very low.<BR>  Although the term has changed from women administration to policy on women during the separation of district, it could be considered as not being able to promote the change in the overall framework. Therefore, for the policy on women in Sasang-Gu, Busan to contribute in accomplishing the society in which men and women are equal by improving the status and interests of women in the future, changes in systematic aspect and budget aspect as well as in the aspect of human resources must precede.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        의미변화에서 기능하는 은유와 청자의 해석

        이기숙 ( Lee Ki-sook ) 한국독일어교육학회 2009 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.24 No.-

        Die Metapher wird gemeinhin als ein Stilmittel betrachtet, bei dem die Wörter nicht in der wörtlichen bzw. eigentlichen, sondern in übertra- gener Bedeutung verwendet werden, wobei zwischen der wörtlich bezeichneten Sache und der übertragen gemeinten eine Ähnlichkeitsbeziehung besteht. Diese traditionelle Definition geht von der Unterscheidung zwischen der wörtlichen und der übertragenen Bedeutung der Metapher aus. In der neueren pragmatischen Linguistik unterscheidet man bei der Metapher jedoch zwischen der wörtlichen Bedeutung eines Wortes und dessen Gebrauch seiten des Sprechers in einer konkreten Äußerungssituation. Die Metapher ist nicht nur eine Stilfigur, sondern ein Spezialfall des Sprechaktes. Aus diesem Grund muss sie auch in der pragmatischen Hinsicht untersucht werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit verfolge ich den Vorgang, wie der Hörer einen metaphorisch gebrauchten Ausdruck zu interpretieren. Zur Untersuchung wähle ich einige metaphorisch verwendeten Modalverben und die Konjunktion weil mit Hauptsatzwortstellung. Und zum Analysemittel dienen das Gricesche Grundmodell und die Konversationale Implikatur. Die metaphorisch gebrauchten Modalverben und die Konjunktion weil mit Hauptsatzwortstellung sind das Ergebnis der “Epistemifizierung”. Sie entstehet dadurch, daß man die Wörter, die einen konkreten Gegenstand bzw. Sachverhalt in der wirklichen Welt bezeichnen, auf einen abstrakten Gegenstand bzw. Sachverhalt in der inneren Welt, insbesondere auf die subjektive Wertschätzung des Sprechers, seinen Glauben und sein Urteil in bezug auf die im Satz ausgedrückte Proposition überträgt. Um die epistemifizierten Modalverben und die Konjunktion weil zu verstehen, muss der Hörer zuerst ihre wörtliche Bedeutung erkennen. Da die Metapher jedoch eine semantisch anomale Prädiktion ist, steht der Hörer einer widersprüchlichen Situation gegenüber, in der die wörtliche Interpretation der Modalverben bzw. der Konjunktion weil nicht ohnehin auf die Äußerungssituation anwendbar ist. Hier setzt sich die Konversationale Implikatur ein, um die Diskrepanz zwischen der wörtlichen Bedeutung des Ausdrucks und der Irrationalität der Sprecheräußerung zu beseitigen. Aus der Tatsache, daß die wörtliche Bedeutung eines Ausdrucks mit einem rational annehmbaren Ziel des Sprechers unvereinbar ist, schließt der Hörer auf eine Notwendigkeit der Reinterpretation des betreffenden Ausdrucks. Kurz gesagt, der Hörer gelangt zur Erkenntnis der Sprecherintention dank der Konversationalen Implikatur.

      • 최근 부산의 가족변동 고찰

        이기숙(Lee Ki-Sook) 신라대학교 여성문제연구소 2005 젠더와 사회 Vol.16 No.-

          본 연구는 1998년부터 2003년 사이에 부산의 인구 및 가족에 나타난 변화를 분석한 것이다. 분석 자료로는 이 기간의 자료가 게재된 통계청 및 부산광역시에서 공식적으로 발표한 통계자료를 사용하였다. 분석결과 다음과 같은 부산가족의 변동이 집약되었다.<BR>  부산의 가족생활은 1997년/98년의 외환위기를 기점으로 하여 뚜렷한 변화를 보였다. 즉 인구구조 측면에서는 노령화, 저출산 그리고 결혼연령의 상승 등이 한국 사회 전체적인 변화와 동일하게 부산인구 구조에서도 나타나고 있으며, 어느 시도보다 그 변화속도가 빠르다. 그리고 가족구조에 있어서는 소규모화, 가족의 재구조화(이혼과 재혼의 증가), 한부모 가족의 증가, 노인부양의 부담, 기혼여성 취업유무와 가사분담의 변화, 기혼여성의 남성에 비해 낮은 배우자 만족도 등이 특징으로 나타나고 있다. 결론적으로 2004년 현재, 이런 제변화가 집약적으로 이혼 증가와 결혼 및 자녀출산의 기피 현상으로 사회문제화되고 있다.<BR>  향후 정부의 인구ㆍ가족관련 정책이 더 활성화될 것으로 예측되는 바, 부산광역시도 인구ㆍ가족정책의 기본방향과 조직이 확립되어야 한다고 본다. 그리고 제 정책 수립시 반드시 ‘공공의 의무’와 ‘가족단위’로 가족생활을 지원하는 ‘공동체 문화운동’의 차원에서 다양한 정책과 사업이 수립되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        만 5세 유아의 읽기능력, 어휘력과 개인,환경 변인이 초등학교 1학년 읽기이해능력과 어휘력에 미치는 영향

        이기숙(Ki Sook Lee),김순환(Soon Hwan Kim),정종원(Jong Won Jeong) 한국아동학회 2011 아동학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        This study sought to examine the impact of reading ability and vocabulary at age 5, as well as analyzing the impact which children`s gender, parental education level and family income level has on reading comprehension ability and vocabulary at the first grade level in primary school. The study also sought to compare the characteristics of the results obtained in Korea and Japan on this particular research topic. For the Korean part of the study, 328 first grade Korean children, who had participated in the initial testing as five-year olds and agreed to participate in the longitudinal study were tested; whereas in Japan, 215 students were tested. The study results indicated that, in the case of Korea, reading comprehension ability in the first grade was affected by vocabulary and reading abilities at age 5, gender, as well as the mother`s education level, in that order. In Japan, it was affected in the order of vocabulary, gender, and father`s education level. In terms of first grade vocabulary, in the case of Korea, it was affected in the order of vocabulary and reading ability at age 5 and father`s education level; whereas in Japan, it was affected in the order of vocabulary, gender, and reading ability. In both Korea and Japan, at age 5, vocabulary was shown to have a more significant impact than reading ability on both of language ability and vocabulary in the subsequent primary school period. As such, it can be seen that more interest should be shown not only in the ability to read at age 5 but also in expanding the vocabulary of children at this age through appropriate interaction and support.

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