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        체육 교육 연구 동향

        김문규(Moon Kyou Kim),윤명희(Myung Hee Yoon) 한국스포츠교육학회 2001 한국스포츠교육학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 체육교육 연구 중 교수(teaching)와 교육과정(curriculum) 연구의 동향을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 1981∼1999년 사이에 국내 ·외에서 출판된 연구들을 대상으로 cumputer DB와 정기간행 학술지, 학술발표 proceeding 및 박사학위 논문을 수집하였다. 외국의 자료는 주로 ERIC, Educational Abstracts, Sport Discus 및 Paper first에서 `Physical education 또는 + teaching(or curriculum)`을 abstract key word로 검색하였으며 JTPE 와 RQES 및 기타 저널에서 수집된 자료는 총 4012편이었다. 국내의 자료는 한국스포츠교육학회지와 한국체육학회지에서 수집하고 자료가 부족하여 석, 박사학위 논문도 수집하였으며 수집된 자료는 141편이었다. 국내·외의 모든 자료(4153편)는 1차적으로 자료의 중복성과 연구목적과의 적합성을 검토한 후 총 556편이 선정되었으며, 체육교수 연구가 398편(국내-81, 외국-317), 체육교육과정 연구가 158편(국내-34, 외국-124) 이었다. 자료 분류의 신뢰도를 검증하기 위하여 전체의 11% 이상(65편)을 수집하여 재검토한 결과 98% 이상 일치되었다. 수집된 자료 556편의 원문을 수집하여 분석도구에 맞춰 심층 분석한 결과, 최종적으로 분석틀에 적합한 체육교수 연구는 273편(국내-55, 외국-218), 체육교육과정 연구는 127편(국내-26, 외국-101)이었다. 자료분석 도구는 Silverman과 Skonie(1997) 연구와 King과 Baker(1981) 연구에서 논리적으로 도출한 분석 틀을 일부 수정하여 재 정의하였다. 모든 자료들은 이 분석 틀에 맞춰 체육교수 연구(RT-PE)와 체육교육과정 연구(RC-PE)로 분석되었으며, 최근의 연구동향을 파악하기 최근 5년(1995∼1999)간의 연구도 분석하였다. 외국의 연구는 충분하였으나, 국내의 연구가 적어 경향성을 확인하는데 한계가 있었지만, 연구 결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 국내 외의 지난 20년간의 체육교수 연구와 체육교육과정 연구의 동향은 최근 5년간의 그것들과 유사하였다. 둘째, 국내 외의 체육교수 연구는 교수효율성(teaching effectiveness)에 판한 연구 유형이 대다수이었으며, 최근 5년 간의 연구도 같은 경향이었다. 셋 째, 국내·외 교수효율성 연구들은 주로 교수방법 연구, 기술분석 연구, 교사행동 연구 및 교사들간의 효과 비교 연구가 주류를 이루었으며, 최근 5년간에는 기술분석 연구와 과정-결과 연구가 증가되는 경향이 있었다. 넷 째, 국내·외의 체육교수 연구의 초점은 대부분 운동기능(motor skill), 교수-학습 과정(process)에 두었으며, 최근에는 교수-학습과정 연구가 증가하고 있다. 다섯째, 국내·외의 체육교수 연구에서 학습자의 준거변인을 측정하지 않았거나 운동기능을 측정한 경우가 대부분이었으며, 다른 변인을 측정한 연구는 적었다. 여섯째, 국내 연구는 주로 교육현장의 초·중학생과 대학생을 대상으로 하고, 외국에서는 초·중·고·대학생을 대상으로 고루 연구되었으며, 최근의 외국 연구는 중학생을 대상으로 한 연구가 증가하였다. 일곱째, 연구에 참여한 교사들은 국내·외 연구에서 현직 교사가 주류를 이루고 대학교원도 상당수 포함되었으며, 최근의 연구에서도 그 경향은 동일하였다. 여덟째, 국내·외 연구에서 체계적인 관찰도구를 이용하여 자료를 수집하는 경우가 가장 많았고, 현장기록을 이용하는 경우도 상당하였다. 최근의 연구에서도 체계적인 관찰도구와 현장기록 이용 방법이 크게 증가하였다. 아홉째, 체육교수 연구의 인구 방법은 국내·외 공히 양적 연구가 75% 이상으로 가장 많았으며, 질적 연구는 적었다. 그러나 최근 5년간의 연구에서는 질적 연구나 질적 연구와 양적 연구를 결합한 연구들이 현저하게 증가하였으며, 이러한 경향은 연구초점 및 자료수집 방법등의 변화와 밀접한 관련이 있다. 열 째, 대다수의 체육교수 연구들은 국내·외 공히 정기 간행물에 82% 이상 게재되어 있고, 특히 체육교육 전문학술지인 JTPE와 한국스포츠교육학회지에 50%이상 게재되어 출판형식을 주도하였으며, 또 최근에는 이러한 경향이 더욱 높아지고 있었다. 열한째, 체육교수 연구는 외국의 경우 꾸준하게 10년 이상씩 발표되는 연도가 대부분이었으나, 국내의 경우에는 1994년 이후에 급격하게 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 열두째, 체육교육과정 연구는 국내·외 공히 학습자 특성 연구, 교과효과 연구, 프로그램 평가 연구, 교육과정 목표 연구 및 교육과정 개발 연구 등에 집중되어 왔으며, 최근의 국내 연구에서 교과효과 연구, 학습자 특성 연구 및 프로그램 평가 연구가 증가하였다. 열세째, 대다수의 체육교육과정 연구들은 국내·외 공히 정기 간행물에 87% 이상 게재되었으며, 체육교육 전문학술지인 JTPE와 한국스포츠교육학회지에 43%이상 발표되어 출판형식을 주도하였다. 그러나 외국의 논문이 여러 학술지에 발표되는 경향이 있으나, 국내에서는 하나뿐인 한국체육학회지에 46% 이상 발표되고 있다. The purpose of this study was to identify, categorize, and analyze published research on teaching and curriculum in physical education. Research on teaching in physical education(RT-PE) was operationally defined as research on the processes, social dynamics, and outcomes(motor skill, attitude, knowledge, and fitness) of physical education. And research on curriculum in physical education(RC-PE) was operationally defined as research on curriculum objective, content, development, organization, effect, and evaluation in physical education. But research related to teacher education was not included and research with no focuce on defined subcategories were excluded. Coding categories <each tables> on the both RT-PE and RC-PE were developed based on the research of Silverman and Skonie(1997) and King and Baker(1981). And the subcategories were operationally definded. An exhaustive search was completed to identify research published in journal and in conference proceedings from January 1981 to December 1999, according to foreign(English-speaking world) and domestic(Korea). In order to make certain that other papers were not missed, we undertook a literature search. First, four computerized databases(ERIC, Education Abstracts, Sport Discus, Paperfirst) were used to identify those studies that focused on RT-PE and RC-PE. The initial search used key words( physical education, physical education + teaching, physical education + curriculum) so that may possible RT-PE and RC-PE studies would be identified. Second, paper titles and abstracts from the computerzed searches were reviewed. Any study that met the criteria or appeared that it might meet the criteria of focusing on RT-PE and RC-PE. After over 4,153 abstracts were reviwed. 398 papers(foreign; 317, Korea; 81) on the RT-PE and 158 papers(foreign; 124, Korea; 34) on the RC-PE were examined in grater depth. The details of each study were considered from reading the 558 original papers. In order to assess reliability of the original papers included in the study, over 11% of the original papers identified by the computer and by us were re-reviewed. The calculated percentage of agreement for the two sets of decisions was above 98%. Finally, we found out 273 papers that just meet the critera on the RT-PE and 127 papers on the RC-PE, The results of this study were belows ; 1. Most of the RT-PE studies(foreign; 86.7%, Korea; 91%) in the last 20 years were categorized as effectiveness studies. And the tendency of research type on the RT-PE studies in the last 5 years was the same as the last 20 years. 2. The subcategories of effectiveness studies were mainly teaching methods, description, teacher behaviors, and teachers comparision both in foreign and in Korea. But the descriptive study and the process-product study were increased in the last 5 years. 3. Most of the RT-PE studies were focused on motor skill acquisition and teaching-learning process. And the RT-PE studies focused on teaching-learning process were increased both in foreign and in Korea in the last 5 years. 4. In about one half(foreign, 47.2%) or one third(30.9%) of the RT-PE studies, students were not measured on any criteria variables. And in foreign(30.7%) and in Korea(40.0%), motor skill was measured in the last 20 years. The tendency of the student variable measured was the same as the last 5 years both in foreign and in Korea. 5. Most of research(foreign; 87.1%, Korea; 70.7%) occurred with school-aged children and most of that in elementary schools(40.4%, 32.8%) and middle schools(19.2%, 34.5%) in the last 20 years. In the recent 5 years, the subjects of the RT-PE studies were increased in middle schools. 6. In-service teachers were the most often(foreign; 64.2%, Korea; 74.5%) the subjects of study. And the trends of that in the last 5 years were the same. 7. Most of the studies(foreign; 67.9%, Korea; 45.5%) used an observation instrument to collect data on class process. But one fifth(foreign; 23.8%, Korea; 21

      • KCI등재

        초등 체육수업에서 적극적인 장학과 학생의 신체활동 참여수준

        김문규(Moon Kyou Kim),문부환(Bu Whan Moon) 한국스포츠교육학회 2004 한국스포츠교육학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 초등학교 체육수업에서 적극적 장학전략이 학생의 활동참여 수준(MVPA)에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 참여자는 초등학교 6학년 학생 8명과 이들을 가르치는 교사 1명이었다. 학생들은 각 반에서 비활동적인 학생들이었고, 참여교시는 경력 14년의 교사로 교육대학원에서 초등체육교육전공 석사학위를 받았다. 학교의 체육시설은 체조수업에 비교적 적절하였으며, 학생들의 사회경제적 수준은 중하정도였으나 2명의 고도비만 학생이 있었다. 연구는 반전설계에 따라 체육수업에서 적극적 장학과 소극적 장학이 번갈아 적용되었으며 자료의 변화는 SOFIT으로 관찰 기록하였다. 연구결과에서 실험통제는 분명하고 통일성 있게 적용되었음이 확인되었으며, 교사가 학생들의 활동지역을 자주 이동하며 격려하는 등의 적극적 장학행동은 학생의 MVPA수준에 직접적이며 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 장학의 순서는 MVPA수준에 영향을 미치지 않았다. 교사의 적극적 장학에서 잦은 위치이동과 언어적 상호작용은 필연적으로 기능적 상관이 있었다. 적극적 장학은 학습과정에서 학생의 비공식적 책무성을 유도하고 장기적으로 신체활동 습관 형성에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. This study examined the effects of active supervision on the moderate to vigorous physical activity(MVPA) levels of elementary school students during stunts instruction. Students from two separate lasses, characterized as "low activity students", and their teacher participated in the study. Student`s MVPA levels during stunts instruction served as the target behavior. Two supervisory conditions were contrasted using a reversal design and the target behavior was observed by the SOFTT. Passive supervision was characterized by low rates of teacher interaction,. such as prompting, encouragement, feedback, and movement. Active supervision consisted of teaching patterns that included higher rates of interactions with students and movement. Mean MVPA levels during passive condition were 193% while mean MVPA levels during active supervision were 34.7%. Findings point to a functional relationship between specific components of teachers` supervisory efforts and students` MVPA levels during stunts instruction. The importance of active supervision, within the context of holding students accountable for engaging in physical activity, is underscored by this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        hESC로부터 유래된 혈관내피전구세포를 위한 최적의 배양조건 확립

        김주미 ( Ju Mi Kim ),문성환 ( Sung Hwan Moon ),이민지 ( Min Ji Lee ),오인록 ( In Rok Oh ),신정민 ( Jeong Min Shin ),박순정 ( Soon Jung Park ),정선화 ( Sun Hwa Chung ),김문규 ( Mun Kyou Kim ),이경일 ( Kyung Il Lee ),정형민 ( Hyung 한국조직공학과 재생의학회 2008 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.5 No.3

        Human embryonic stem cell(hESC) can be very valuable source for the cell therapy due to their pluripotency when they differentiated into specialized cell types. Conventionally, differentiated cell population were obtained from spontaneously formed embryoid body(EB) which could contain various cell types. In this study, we described the optimization of culture condition for endothelial precursor cells derived from human embryonic stem cells(hESC-EPCs). First, we compared the expression of endothelial precursor cell markers such as CD133, CD34 and KDR in day 7 hEBs and isolated CD133 and KDR double positive population as hESC-EPCs. Second, we compared the culture medium and ECM coating to optimize culture condition for hESC-EPCs. As the result, we could confirm EGM-2 and collagen coating were optimized condition to culture of hESC-EPCs. After conducting optimized culture condition for hESC-EPCs, we examined the maintenance of characteristics of hESC-EPCs cultured in optimized culture condition as vascular cells. Finally, we could confirm the characteristics of hESC-EPCs cultured in optimized condition as vascular cells were maintained in developed optimized culture condition. Furthermore, the optimized culture condition developed in this study will be useful to culture of other vascular lineage cells derived from hESCs.

      • KCI등재후보

        국민학교 예·체능 교과 전담제의 문제점과 개선 방안 : Physical Education, Music Education, and Art Education

        김문규,박종원,양철모 부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 1992 초등교육연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems and to make a solution for the management of subject teacher system (particularly, physical education, music education, and art education) in elementary school. The subjects were 980 elementary school teachers who were randomized by researchers. They reported their perceptions and opinions with a questionaire that was developed by researchers and some other teachers were interviewed on the problems and means of sattling that of the management of subject teacher system in elementary schools. The results of this study were as follows. 1. School Principals should be have a new understanding about the purpose of subject teacher system that could be devote to improve the quality of subject-matter education and the effectiveness of instruction. 2. Subject teacher system have to be applied in 4-6 grade in elementary school. 3. Preferentially, subject teacher system should be applied for physical education, music education, and art education. 4. The references of selection for subject teacher should be restricted within volunteers and effective teacher on the selected subjects. 5. The school hours of subject teacher should be limitted to under 22 hours per week, and in the case of physical education, music education, and art education teachers should be limitted to below 18 hours. It is necessary that educational facilities, materials, and rest space for subject teachers should be expanded. 7. To attract physical education, music education, and art education teachers, new incentive system should be adopted. 8. To improve human relationship between subject teachers and class teachers, cooperative program should be developed. 9. It is necessary for subject teachers that the opportunity involved solf-improvement and self-realization should be offered. 10. In the last analysis, physical education teacher, music education teacher, 문 art education teacher should be educated in the major courses at the teachers college.

      • 體育敎師 敎育의 質管理 方案 硏究

        姜信福,金文圭 師範大學 體育硏究所 1982 서울大學校 體育硏究所論集 Vol.3 No.1

        Various factors interrelate in determining the direction of future change for professional preparation. To meet the challenges of a new era, the future school teachers of the emerging post-modern society must receive an education commensurate with the dynamics of a rapidly changing environment. One of the major objectives of teacher education at colleges and universities is to produce good teachers in terms of high standards needed to teaching environment. The professional undergraduate program in physical education is constantly being examined and evaluated in order to determine whether or not it is adequately preparing prospective physical education teachers with respect to the major objectives of the profession. Efforts are being made to improve the nature and quality of professional education. The increasing demand for well-trained school teachers will lead to the expansion of opportunities for teacher education at the institutions of higher education. However, the quantitative change in higher education for teachers will affect on the development of teacher education and its quality. Some of the critical factors determining the quality of teacher education are students, faculty members, and curriculum. Establishing long and short term guidelines for quality control for teacher education makes the basic purpose of the study. Specifically, this study seeks: (1) to determine the present problems of teacher education for physical education in terms of the quantity and quality of the program; (2) to review the various theories related to the quality control of the program; and (3) to develop a practical guidelines of the quality control for the program. The principal methods used in this study include. (1) analyzing the related references, research reports, and statistical data, and (2) develop suggested guidelines for further development of the program for physical education. The contents of the study include selecting of students, recruiting, selecting, and training of faculty members, and curriculum offered for the program. On the basis of the literature and data related to the study, a suggested guideline of teacher education for physical education was developed.

      • KCI등재후보

        움직임 교육(Movement Education)의 현장 적용 문제점과 대안 연구

        김문규 부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 1997 초등교육연구 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore the problem and suggest, reform measure of Movement Education in elementary school physical education. Total subjects participated in this study were 8 elmentary school teachers in Pusan. They have performed 47 classes of movement education in elementary school<Table 1>. And They have immediatly described their feeling after class on the instrution analysis rating scale designed by researchers. The rating scale 〔Appemedix Ⅰ〕 is composed of 14 items for the movement education. To analysis the teacher's perception and need for movement education. A questionair composed 6 items was developed 〔Appendix Ⅲ〕. The Questionaires were distributed to 1000 elementary school teachers and collected 639 data by mail. The raw data of 628 were useful and was analysised in percentage and frequency. The problems which appeared in real movement education classes and the solutions are described here : 1. Most of elementary school teachers didn't teach movement education. It is necessary that president and planner have to plan the annual physical educatiuon curriculum systematically and the teachers who teach movement education to learners have to perform according to the annual program. 2. Most of elementary school teachers didn't know the concept and teaching method of movement education. Teacher's retraining center should be held to retrain teachers for movement education program continuously and the teachers have to paticipate the program actively. 3. Most of facilities and instruments were not proper to teach movement education. To perchase, design, develop the facilities and instruments, presidents have to support administratively and financially and every schools have to try to ready a gymnasium. 4. Learners didn't know how to explore the movement creatively. Teachers have to teach to learners how to learn when the teachers meet learners first or when the semaster would be started.

      • 精神練習(Mental Practice)이 뜀틀의 다리벌려뛰기에 미치는 效果

        金文圭 釜山敎育大學 1985 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        This study was to investigate the effect of mental practice for the straddle vault. All subjects (446) who could not execute the straddle vault, were randomly assigned into four different groups. The first group assigned as a non-practice group, the second for mental, the third for physical, and the fourth group was treated mental and physical practice. Experimental group practiced no more two weeks in a day's interval. The instruction was standardized by video and cassette tape. After two weeks, the learning of the straddle vault to a pass-or-fail criterion was measured in four groups. Results indicated that mental practice had much effect and so do physical practice for the straddle vault. And the best method was that of combined practice. But subjects receiving no practice showed no significant.

      • 覺醒/不安과 運動遂行理論의 考察

        金文圭 釜山敎育大學 1990 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        This study is to investigate the limitations of the theory on the aroual/anxiety performance relationship through analysis of the conducted studies. The researches on the drive theory, the inverted-U hypothesis, the othogonal theory and ie reversal theory were reviewed. The results were as below; As the research findins on the drive theory and inverted-U hypothesis were prefered by the experimental research with animals. They were practically difficult to test and to measure. From a human right standpoint, there are limitations to amount of arousal/anxiety the researchers can induce. .The research supporting these concepts of the theories is very weak. Since the findings of the related researches were not consistant, the theories were not strongly supported. .The concept of the drive theory and the inverted-U hypothesis could not explain how two mutually incompatible states can occur under conditions of high or low arousal. .WE know that the high arousal in particular situations produces feelings of anxiety, in other occasions it produces sensations of excitment or perhaps exhilaration. .The arousal/anxiety level of individual was occasionally varied and reversed with the situation and the performance was influenced by it. But the above two theories could not explain how different arousal/anxiety level was appeared to the learning step and task difficulty. .Ultimately, as the performance of individual was not reliably explained by only arousal/anxiety, It needed multidimensional approach to explain and to predict human behavior.

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