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      • KCI등재

        청피(靑皮)의 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究) ( I )

        강성용,이원석,정현우,한종현,Kang Sung-Yong,Lee Won-Suk,Jeong Hyun-Woo,Han Jong-Hyun 대한한의학방제학회 2000 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.8 No.1

        Citri Reticulatae Viride Pericarpium(CRVP) is being used to regulate the flow of Q(氣) However, the mechanism of it's pharmacological actions is not well understood. The purpose of this research was to investigate effects of CRVP contractil response of isolated on abdominal and femoral artery in rabbits and renal artery in pigs. 1. Abdominal artery was relaxed by CRVP in a dose-dependent manner. 2. Femoral artery was relaxed by CRVP in a dose-dependent manner 3. Pretreatment with methylene blue and indomethacin did not inhibited CRVP induced relax in abdominal artery and femoral artery. 4. Renal artery was relaxed by $H_{2}O$ fraction in a dose-dependent manner, 5. Pretreatment with regitine inhibited $H_{2}O$ fraction(CRVP) induced relax in renal artery in a dose-dependent manner. 6. Renal artery was not relaxed by hexane fraction(CRVP) in a dose-dependent manner. 7. Pretreatment with regitine$(10^{-7}M)$ was relaxed by methylene chloride(MC)(CRVP) and $H_{2}O$ fraction in a $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$.

      • KCI등재

        토사자가 혈압(血壓), 국소뇌혈류량(局所腦血流量) 및 뇌연막동맥(腦軟膜動脈)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        강성용,김경수,김경요,이인,Kang Sung-Yong,Kim Kyung-Soo,Kim Kyong-Yoo,Lee In 대한한의학방제학회 1998 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.6 No.1

        The study was aimed to investigate the effect cuscutae semen(CS) on the vascular systems including changes in blood pressure (BP), regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF) and pial arteriolar diameter of male Sprague-Dawely rats. The changes in rCBF were determinated by laser-Doppler flowmetry, and the changes in diameter of pial arteriole were measured through a closed crainal window. 1. Blood pressure was not affected by CS in rats. 2. rCBF was increased by CS in a dose-dependent manner. 3. Pretreatment with methylene blue(Img/kg), and propranolol(1mg/kg) significantly inhibited CS induced increased in rCBF. 4. Pretreatment with indomethacin(1mg/kg) did not inhibited CS induced increased in rCBF. 5. Pial arterial diameter was increased by CS in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that CS causes a diverse response of blood pressure, regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF), and pial arteral diameter. The increased in rCBF is also mediated by adrenergic ${\beta}-receptor $ and guanylate cyclase.

      • KCI등재

        조각자(皂角刺)의 간암세포주(Hep G2)에 대한 세포독성, Apoptosis 및 NO에 대한 실험

        강성용,조경화,한종현,조남근,Kang, Sung-Youg,Cho, Kyoung-Wha,Han, Jong-Hyun,Cho, Nam-Geun 대한한방내과학회 1997 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.18 No.1

        In this study, antineoplastic activity against human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line(Hep G2) was tested in Gleditsiae Spina. Gleditsiae Spina was extracted with water, and the cytotoxic activity was tested using a calorimetric tetrazolium assay(MTT assay), the apoptosis was tested using a DNA electrophoresis and flow cytometry. The nitric oxide production from mouse peritoneal macrophage was tested using a Griess method. Gleditsiae Spina extracts against the proliferation of Hep G2 cells not showed cytotoxicity at the concentration of less than $100{\mu}g/ml$, and Gleditsiae Spina extracts not showed the cytotoxicity of mitomycin C and the cytotoxicity of cisplatin on Hep G2 cells. Gleditsiae Spina extracts aginist the proliperation of BALB/c 3T3 cells not showed cytotoxicity, the proliperation of mouse thymocytes and splenocytes not showed cytotoxicity at the concentration of less than $100{\mu}g/ml$. Gleditsiae Spina extracts not showed nitric oxide production from mouse peritoneal macrophage in vitro. Gleditsiae Spina was administered orally for 7 days at 300mg/kg increased nitric oxide production from mouse peritoneal macrophage.

      • KCI등재

        수사 활동 측면에서 본 수사의 주체와 권한에 대한 소고 - 미국 형사사법제도를 중심으로 -

        강성용(Kang, Sung-Yong) 경희대학교 경희법학연구소 2018 경희법학 Vol.53 No.3

        수사활동주체와권한에대한법률개정을위한청와대주도의수사권조정정부합의안이 발표되었고, 동 합의안은경찰과 검사의동등한 협력관계, 경찰의1차적 수사권과수사종결권, 검찰 내 영장심의위원회에 대한 경찰의 이의제기권을 부여하면서, 검찰에게 일부 특정 사건에 대한 직접 수사권, 송치 후 수사권, 경찰에 대한 보완수사 요청권 및 경찰의 수사권 남용시 징계 요구권을 부여하고 있다. 하지만 합의안은 정부의 안일 뿐, 이제 향후 국회에서의논의과정을통하여보다구체화되어형사소송법개정으로이어질것으로예상한다. 이러한국회수사권조정논의과정에서미국의수사활동별주체와권한에관한제도는 하나의대안으로서비판적관점과함께논의될가치가있다고생각하고, 본논문은미국제도에 대한 보다 구체적인 연구를 통하여 이러한 논의의 장을 마련하는데 기여하고자 한다. 미국은 수사 관련 형사절차법상 권한 규정과 다른 법규상 제한, 그리고 인력의 제한 등을 통해 수사를 기소권을 가진 검사로부터 실질적으로 분리함으로써, 우리나라의 수사권 조정 논의를 본격적으로 야기한 기소권 뿐 아니라 수사권까지 지배하여 결합하는 검찰의 권력독점의 폐해를 극복하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 나아가 우리 대법원과 헌재가 공판중심주의와 당사자주의를 지향을 천명해 온 만큼, 오랜 세월 공판중심주의와 당사자주의를 유지 및 발전시켜온미국의기소이전수사단계에대해서도깊이있는배움이필요하다고본다. 전통적으로대륙법계로여겨지는우리나라는형사소송법개정을통하여기소이후공판단계 절차에 있어 영미법계 공판중심주의 및 당사자주의적 요소를 계속하여 이식하여 왔으나, 공판과 긴밀하게 연결된 기소 이전의 수사 단계 절차에 대하여서는 공판과 일관성을 유지하기위해 필요로하는 형사소송법개정에 대한논의가활발히 이뤄져오지않는 것이사실이다. 본연구가바람직한수사권조정을위한향후국회의형사소송법개정논의에도움이되는 하나의 건강한 밑거름이 되었으면 하는 바램이다. The government issued its plan for restructuring criminal investigation aiming to reallocate the authorities involved with crime investigation. The plan provided the police: the equal status―instead of current hierarchy―with prosecutors; an independent authority to terminate an investigation without transferring it to the prosecutors; an authority to request a review to an independent committee if a warrant request is not processed by prosecutors without due cause. On the other hand, the plan guarantees the prosecutors: to retain its sole authority to prosecute and to apply for warrant; to be the primary investigator against certain types of crimes; to conduct its own investigation or to request further investigations by the police after a case has been transferred from the police; to request police officers to be penalized if a request for a reinvestigation is rejected without clear cause. As the plan is a mere agreement between the Korea National Police Agency and the Supreme Prosecutor s Office, for the plan to be specified as a binding law, it should be reviewed and debated by the National Assembly’s special committee for judicial reform. In this process of review and debate at the National Assembly, it worths revisiting laws of US on the subject and authority of investigation by an investigative activity with a critical view to seek an answer to the problems of our criminal justice system. The US separates an investigation authority from a prosecution authority through a limit on human resource available to prosecutors; criminal procedural law; and other laws and rules, thereby preventing the harmful effects suffered by our current criminal justice system where a prosecution authority is combined with an investigation authority by prosecutors. In addition, a profound understanding of criminal justice system, particularly on an investigative stage prior to a trial stage, of US which has maintained its court-oriented/ adversary trial for hundreds of years is requisite as the Constitutional Court of Korea and the Supreme Court of Korea promulgated that our criminal justice aims for court-oriented/ adversary trial. Although our criminal justice system traditionally classified as a continental law system has incorporated, in regards to court procedures after an indictment, a large components of court-oriented/adversary trial from a common law system, the discussion on a possible incorporation of investigative procedures before an indictment from a common law system has not been active though required to maintain a consistency between procedures before and after an indictment. This paper aims to provide a foundation for such discussions in the National Assembly to establish a proper and healthy reallocation of investigative authority by revisiting laws of US on the subject and authority of investigation.

      • KCI등재

        인도철학에서의“진리” 개념에대하여II: “satyam eva jayate”와 “satya” 개념

        강성용 ( Sung Yong Kang ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문학연구 Vol.54 No.4

        인도의 국가 슬로건은 “satyam eva jayate”인데 이것은 “진리만이 승리하리니!”라는 오역에서 비롯된 선택이었다. 이 슬로건의 원문은 『문다까-우빠이샫』에 있으며 그 정확한 의미는 “리시(rsi)가 참된 아뜨만을 얻을 것이며, 거짓된 것을 [얻지는 않는다.]”이다. 여기에서 출발해서 어떻게 인도지성사에서 일반적인 ‘진리’ 개념으로 간주되는 개념 ‘satya’가획득의 대상으로 다루어질 수 있는지를 해명하고자 한다. ‘satya’는 아주 강하게 베다적인 세계관을 배경으로 한 구체적인 맥락 안에서의 의미를 가진 개념이다. 이 개념의 의미를 밝히기 위해 『릭베다』와 후기 우빠니샫 텍스트들을 중심으로 연관된 원전 자료들을 비판적으로 분석하고, 기존의 연구들을 검토한다. 이를 통해 역사적으로 ‘satya’는 √as의 분사형과 무관한 “sm-tya”에서 나온 말이며, 『릭베다』에서 주로 형용사적으로 쓰이다가 우빠니샫 시기에는 이미 명사적으로 사용되고 있다는 사실을 제시한다. 이와 맞물려 어떻게 베다의 세계관과 우주관 안에서 ‘satya’가 “표현”의 의미로서의 ‘brahman’(n.)과 동일시될 수 있고, 나아가 ‘atman’과 동일시되는지에 대한 내용상의 해명을 줄 것이다. 이를 통해 ‘satya’ 개념은 그 문화사적 맥락때문에 결코 철학 분야에서 중립적으로 사용될 수 있을 만한 ‘진리’ 개념이 아니라는 것이 밝혀질 것이다. The examination of the usage of the term “satya”(truth) in the context of Indian history of thoughts is taken up with the clarification of the national motto of India, “satyam eva jayate”, in the context of its original source, i.e. Mundaka-Upanisad. The elucidation was given to avoid the widely known interpretation of this sentence which assumes ‘satya’ as a nominative case. Additionally, some clarifications of the political necessity to assign such significance to this sentence in the modern history of India are given. The contextually proper translation of this term will necessitate a further clarification with regard to the question of in what sense an inspired sage and poet (rsi) could win (jayate ) the satya. To disclose the religious and cultural context of the term ‘satya’, especially in the rgveda, some relevant passages are analyzed in their contents and implications. In the context of rgvedic world view, the importance of brahman (n.) in the sense of “formulation” is shown and on this background the significance of the term ‘satya’ in accordance with the etymological analysis in “sm-tya”(correspondence) is presented. Although limited in scope, a short sketch of the rgvedic world view surrounding the ritualistic activities is undertaken. Furthermore the usage of this term in the early Upanisads, Brhadaranyaka- and Chandogya-Upanisad will be touched to deal with, in advance, the textual materials from the late Upanisadic period, where the Mundaka-Upanisad should be placed properly. To keep the discussions concrete and within the frame of proper historicity, the cultural and religious contexts surrounding the late Upanisadic texts will be described according to the general knowledge achieved by recent researches in this field. The shift of the usage of the term ‘satya’ from an adjectival to a nominal in the (late) Upanisadic text reveals the features which this term will appropriate in the later development of the Indian history of thoughts. The equation of satya with the brahman (n.) and two significant word analysis attempted in the Brhadaranyaka-Upanisad are dealt with in detail to clarify the context, why the satya could be an object to win for an rsi. The whole survey will make it plausible that the term ‘satya’ was heavily burdened by connotations attributed to it in the context of the whole Vedic world view. Although the apparently strong appeal of the widely accepted etymological analysis of the term ‘satya’ in later times into ‘sat-y a’, an abstract noun made from the participle of the verbal root, √as (to be), it cannot play the major role as the term for ‘truth’ in the general history of Indian philosophy (darsana), when compared with the ‘tattva’ which was discussed in my preceding article. Though confined to the rgvedic and Upanisadic context, the demonstration of the peculiar connotations of the term ‘satya’ attempted in the present paper will make it understandable, why the historical developments placed this term on a narrow track of the semantic development revealing its potential in the term ‘saccakiriya’.

      • KCI등재

        쌍쓰끄리땀과 암벧까르(Ambedkar)의 소환 그리고 고대사 재구성과 인도 현대 정치의 규정요소로서의 언어

        강성용(Sung Yong Kang) 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2020 아시아리뷰 Vol.10 No.2

        언어에 따른 주 경계의 설정은 독립 이후 담보된 국가의 형성과 달리, 국민(nation)의 형성은 과제로 남은 채 전개된 인도 현대사의 단면을 드러내고 있다. 국가의 제도적인 틀을 규정함과 동시에, ‘상상의 공동체’를 형성하기 위한 매개체이자 최대의 장애물이 되고 있는 언어의 문제가 인도의 현대 정치를 규정하는 맥락을 밝히고자 한다. 특히 최근 일부 주의 신설과 맞물려 연관된 문제가 부상되었고, 국가 단위의 통합적 정체성을 관철시키고자 하는 힌두 국수주의 진영은 인도아리안 문화의 담지체였던 쌍쓰끄리땀을 재소환하고 있다. 이와 맞물려 힌두 전통사회의 가장 큰 악습으로 간주되는, 천민의 신분적 차별을 철폐하고자 했던 암벧까르(Ambedkar)가 허구적인 상징의 영역에서 실제 맥락과는 정반대로 재포장되어 소환되는 상황이 벌어지고 있다. 사실 왜곡과 신화의 창조가 이루어진 맥락과 내용을 밝혀내고, 문화사 및 근현대 정치사의 맥락에서 단일한 국민국가의 형성을 위한 정치적 상징조작의 맥락 안에서 그 의미를 밝히고자 한다. The state organization corresponding to linguistic states in India reveals the problematic nation-building process of Indian modern history unlike the state-formation process. In addition to defining the institutional framework of the state organization, the languages of the country play the crucial role in forming the ‘imagined community’ in India. Related to the establishment of new states, new debates have recently emerged on the language policy and the Hindu nationalist camp, which is trying to lay over an integrated national identity. In this context the linguistic and cultural medium of the Indo-Aryan traditions (i.e., Sanskrit) and Dr. Ambedkar, who was consistently devoted to the elimination of Dalit discrimination, are recalled in modern Indian political debates. In this suspicious narrative, some facts were distorted and the original contexts were presented in a contrary way. In this paper, some relevant facts will be clarified and the meaning of the intended mystification will be contextualized and explained in the context of political symbol manipulation for the nation-building procedure from the Hindu nationalist side.

      • 사업전략을 위한 BPM 구축 사례연구

        강성용 ( Sung-yong Kang ),전인오 ( In-oh Joen ),양해술 ( Hae-sool Yang ) 한국정보처리학회 2008 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 대기업을 중심으로 확산 되고 있는 BPM(Business Process Management) 분석하기 위해 BSC (Balanced Score Card)의 이론적 방법을 고찰하였으며, BPM에 대한 개요를 시작으로 BPM의 기대효과와 향후 시장동향에 대해서 발췌를 하였으며, P사의 구축방안과 추진과정에 필요한 System의 환경을 분석하였다. 대기업을 중심으로 BPM이 도입이되고 있지만 우수한 중소업체도 사장의 환경변화에 대응을 위해 도입하는 업체를 발굴하여 BPM 도입성과에 대해서 분석을 하였다.

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