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      • 지역 식품산업 개발전략

        최병익 公州大學校 地域開發硏究所 1996 地域開發硏究論叢 Vol.4 No.1

        이 연구는 지역식품산업의 개발전략의 준거틀을 구상한 것이다. 먼저 해방이후 현재까지 농촌 개발의 흐름과 지역식품산업의 환경변화를 개관하였다. 그리고 지역식품산업개발의 전략적 개념 모형으로 ① 주민주도 즉, 생산자 주도 ② 창조적 아이디어의 개발 ③ 협동의 유인 ④ 독창적 상품의 개발 ⑤ 지역사회문화로 승화 ⑥ 경쟁력 증대 ⑦ 상품을 포함한 지역문화의 정보화 ⑧ 궁극적으로 이상적 지역사회건설 등 CI운동 모형을 제시하였다. 또한 예산군을 대상으로 지역 식품 산업개발에 대한 제언을 포함한 지역식품산업 육성의 방향을 모색하였다.

      • 農村地域 綜合開發事業의 課題와 展望

        崔秉翼,尹畯相,安相根 公州大學校 地域開發硏究所 1995 地域開發硏究論叢 Vol.3 No.1

        SummaryThis study was carried out to review the development polices implied to Korean rural area since the late 1940s. Policies such as Community Development(C. D), Pilot Village Construction Project, Saemaul Projects, Integrated Rural Development planning, and Village Reconstruction Project, and so on. Cases were also reviewed in several areas through literatures. Problems found and alternatives recommended are as follows: 1. Not enough time(several months ∼ a year) is spent for to set up master plans. 2. Little cooperation system is established among relevant organizations. 3. A pilot project with long time(3 ∼ 5 years) in planning is needed for theoretical and practical advancement of the study field.

      • 地域社會開發의 社會敎育的 接近

        裵聖義 公州大學校 地域開發硏究所 1992 地域開發硏究論叢 Vol.1 No.1

        It is clear that adult education was the great force in the success of community development. Adult education is bing carried out as means to train individual and group capacities necessary to community development, a movent to acieve better living. Its aims are to solve problems which have been confronted or seem to be conforted by villages and communities, to help villagers meet thier needs, and then to realize high income through achieving the maximal development of communities. The fact that adult education has been largely performed on the spot through field practice has accelerated the will to participate, and nourished the values, attitudes and work ethics necessary to development. These common concerns of adult education are expected to give valuable suggestion not only for 'educationalization of society' and 'socialization of education' as well as for the improvement of education. In spite its vital contributions to the implementation to the community development and spiritual enlightenment, there have been insistent requests for its modification. When anticipating future society and its conditions and considering its educational aims and objectives, it is also necessary to make a new design for the future. It is principle that any kind of community development programme should be planned and implemented for and by the people themselves who live in the community; thus will community participation be automatically achived. The attempt to encourage a community to recognize, and then work towards a resolution of a problem is a theme of major necessity and urgency which recurs in the literature of community action and community development. The process of learning in adult is therefore a complex interaction between external factors of public roles and social networks and internal psychological factors of attitudes and perjudices. Attitudes, perjudices and a tendency to social conformity have a relative permanence in adult. Adult educaton has virtually ignored the significance of neighbourhood and remained task-oriented whether the focus has been on subjects or social and life skills. The knowlege and skill is not just for community education workers but for all adult educators whatever their subject expertise.

      • Studies on Japanese Official Development Assistance and Non-government Organizations Activities

        Choe, Pyoung-Ik 公州大學校 地域開發硏究所 1994 地域開發硏究論叢 Vol.2 No.1

        요약이 연구는 점증하고 있는 한국의 개발협력의 효율화를 위한 준거틀을 마련하기 위한 목적으로 약 1년간에 걸쳐 수행한 것이다.개발협력 관련이론 및 동향에 대한 관련분야의 문헌을 고찰하였다. 그리고, 1994년 6월하순에서 8월 하순에 걸쳐 일본과 한국의 개발협력 관련 정부기관 및 민간단체의 방문과 면담등을 통하여 2차 자료를 수집 분석하였다. 개발협력관련이론의 고찰, 세계적인 개발협력개황, 일본의 개발협력과 민간조직 활동실태, 한일간 국제협력의 비교, 지바 현의 국제협력실태, 한국의 개발협력을 위한 제언등이 연구의 주요 내용이다.연구결과, 선진국에서 정부원조에 대한 회의적 시각과 아울러 정부의 개발협력(ODA)과 민간조직(NGOs)활동의 연계가 강조되고 있고, 일본도 최근 NGOs와 시정촌까지 국제협력조직을 활성화하고 있는 등의 사실에 비추어 한국도 우선 NGOs의 실태파악과 아울러 NGOs 와 ODA의 연계를 강화하고 개발협력 볼룬티어의 육성과 지방정부의 국제화 및 지방대학 국제화 지원 방안등이 모색되어야 하겠다.

      • 農工團地의 開發實態와 發展方向

        申尹澈 公州大學校 地域開發硏究所 1992 地域開發硏究論叢 Vol.1 No.1

        The objectives of the study were 1) to review the present situation and problems and 2) to search further development directions in the development work of Rural-industrial district. This study was carried out through literature review. The major findings of this study were as follows; 1) In order to develop and activate continually the Rural-industrial district, the manpower supply-demand relaction and the rural manpower utilization must be achived. In point of the rural manpower utilization, it is important not only growing the factory working ratio for the enterprises in rural-industrial district but also growing technical skilled manpower for the qualitive supplement of rural manpower. 2) Rural-industrial district development work must be carried out in terms of a link a chain of intergrated community development programs. So, rural area can be activated a settlement living area and a base of economic activity. And the shortage of manpower of rural-industrial enterprises can be solved basically. 3) In order to cope with the radical changes of industrial environment by the open-door policy and internationalization, rural-industrial district development stratigies must be changed. In the beginning, rural-industrial district development work was set out from farming income increasing. Now we must have aims to leaving out from petty farming and employment promoting of rural living. And rural-industrial district must be become a main location source of small and medium enterprises in rural-industrial district. So, we can achived macro goals by means of a balanced community development.

      • 農村地域 開發을 위한 基礎硏究 : Central Place Facilities of Myons at Kongju County 公州郡 面中心地의 機能體調査를 中心으로

        李文鍾 公州大學校 地域開發硏究所 1992 地域開發硏究論叢 Vol.1 No.1

        This study aims to understand the conditions of central place facilities of myons at Kongju county through field surveys and to find out the problems of the facilities. Hence the purpose of this study is to provide a basic material which can be used for rural development. Field Surveys were done at 11 myon's central places at Kongiu County for 2 years from 1989 to 1990 about 183 categories of business and 1,185 facilities. According to the analysis of the research materials, the problems of the rural areas and ways of resolution of the problems are shown as follows. 1)The central places of myons at Kongju County has a small population. Because a small population of a myon means that its potentiality of development is weak, it has to have more people. 2)The central places of myons are lacking in the number and function of facilities. So that they do not provide enough goods and servies for rural residents. Thus, it is necessary to develop facilities of the central places. 3)We have to increase the number of facilities which are directly related to farming such as farming appliance shops, farming appliance repair shops, and agricultural medicine drug store. And other facilities such as tea rooms, billiard rooms and coin machine rooms which are not related to farming, have to be regulated. 4)Some facilities at central places of the rural areas have to have a small threshold size population and other facilities need big population. When we plan the development of rural areas, we have to take this into consideration.

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