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      • KCI등재

        디지털 시대와 시의 대응 방식 : 이원의 시를 중심으로 on the focus of poem of Lee Won

        이혜원 한국어문학회 2004 語文學 Vol.0 No.86

        Now, it comes digital age. According to the change, literature environment is changed and modern poem is affected by it. In this paper, we will study how we should confront the movement. There is two opposite views between aggressive and passive about the spreading of digital culture. The views are divided as four again according to distinction of media. Digital poem is considered as two cases; 1) to create a new style of poem based on digital media, 2) to rewrite existing poem through digital media. Among the existing poem, there are two cases; 1) poem which reflects in affect of new media aggressively, 2) poem which adhere to existing method. We pay attention to the former in this paper, particularly we study poem of Lee Won among them closely. Poem of Lee Won considers affect of digital culture as absolute one and sees through the change which affect give rise to on world-view and consciousness. A poet persists in properties of existing media, in order to penetrate into a core of the change of times in general and build it as concrete actuality. Properties of the printed media appear in the poem of Lee Won diversely, that is, the method of realistic description, the clear visual image, the consistent inner description, and the integrated perception etc. Poem of Lee Won express the diverse change of life and the problem of subject dramatically through the concrete imagenation on digital age. The poet provoke the fundermental crisis which digital culture bring about as he asks a ontological question on modern life and subject. Poem of Lee Won predicts the digital age critically by thinking the printed media linearly and integrately. We consider her poem as a useful strategy which is able to predict and control the revolutionary change that will be come in future.

      • 고양이에서 영양학적인 원인에 의해 발생한 속발성 부갑상선기능항진증 1례

        이혜원,박성준,김명철,정성목 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2009 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.16 No.1

        A 10 month-old Korean domestic shorthaired cat(male, 1.4kg)was admitted to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with the history of astasia the onest of which was 3 month ago and all-meat diets. Physical examination revealed thin, growth retarded and lying in lateral recumbency. Radiograph showed abnormally radiolucent bones, thin cortices, kyphosis and lordosis of the spine and multiple fractures of the femurs. Result of serum biochemical test revealed mild hypocarcemia. Serum parathormone and 1, 25(OH)2-vitamin D3 levels were markedly elevated, whereas 25(OH)-vitamin D3 level was in normal range. Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism was diagnosed by history taking, physical examination, laboratory examination and radiography. Calcium gluconate with balanced commercial cat food was given. On 24 days later, improvements were found in clinical signs and radiographs.

      • KCI등재
      • 혈액투석환자 배우자의 스트레스와 대응에 관한 연구

        원삼순,권혜진 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1992 中央醫大誌 Vol.17 No.4

        This descriptive study designed to identify stress factors and level and helpful coping methods of hemodialysis patient's spouse. Data were collected from 60 subjects who were spouses of hemodialysis patient of conveniently selected 4 Hemodialysis Units in the city of Seoul. The Collection of data it was carried out by the researcher from the 7th of Octobor to 20th of October, 1992. Two instruments were used to collect the data ; 1. Stress questionaire was developed by researcher which was combined review of literature and the result of interviewer, consisted 30 stress factor items and measured by five point Likert scale. The items were categorized physical, psychological and socioeconomic area. 2. Helpful coping questionaire developed by investigator through literature review and result of interviewer, included 50 items and measured by five point Likert scale. Helpful coping items were classified into two categories, the problem oriented and the affective oriented. Data was analyzed by S.A.S. computer porgram using percentile, means and standard deviation, t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of this study are summerized as follows 1. The spouses of hemodialysis patient were found to be stressful in general and the items with high stress were "To be treated indefinite period of time", "Uneasiness of trevel", "To be say with their spouse who suffer pain", "To ingest medication continuously", "Financial burden", "No treatment except kidney transplantation", "Anxious about disease transmission due to transfusion" and the highest stress category was physical. 2. The spouses of hemodialysis patient were shown to be helpful by the coping methods and the most helpful coping items "To accept as a fate" and "Self condolence comparing others who were in a more serious rather than thier sitution" and the higher helpful coping method was affective oriented. 3. The result of the analysis of the relationship between scores of stress categories and general characteristics was as follows : Spouse's sex, house shape, and occupational status before the patient got illness showed a statistically significant difference in score of stress categories(P<0.05) 4. The result of the analysis of the relationship of the relationship between helpful coping methods and general characteristics was as follows : The number of family, the state of medical insurrance, spouse's disease, the number of hemodialysis, and having or not having complication related with hemodialysis showed a statistically significant differance in helpful coping methods(P<0.05) 5. There was significant differance among stress categories and coping methods.(P<0.01)

      • KCI등재

        과학적 수사방법에 의한 증거수집 : 전자증거의 압수·수색을 중심으로

        원혜욱 한국비교형사법학회 2003 비교형사법연구 Vol.5 No.2

        Wegen der standig steigenden Computer-Kriminalitat in allen Bereichen werden die Ermittlungsbehorden immer haufiger bei Zwangsmaßnahmen damit konforntiert, daß auf seiten des Beschludigten oder Dritter die moderne Computertechnologie zum Einsatz kommt. Daher ist es wichtig, sich mit den rechtlichen Voraussetzungen der Beschlagnahme und Durchsu- chung von elektronischen Daten auseinanderzusetzen. Neben der Durchsuchung, die den Ermittlungsbehorden das Auffinden von sachlichen Beweismitteln oder die Ergreifung des Beschuldigten ermoglichen soll, damit die Sicherstelleung bzw. Beschlagnahme dazu, die staatliche Gewalt uber beweisrelevante Gegenstande herzustellen. Die Beschlagnahme ist damit eine hoheitliche Maßnahme, durch die ein Gegenstand zu proze- ssualen Zwecken der Verfugungsgewalt seines bisherigen gewharsamsin- habers oder Verfugungsberechtigten entzogen wird, um ihn fur das weitere Verfahren zu sichern. Als 'Durchschen' gilt allgemein das "zweck- und zielgerichtete Durch- suchen staatlicher Organe in einer Wohnung, um dort planmaßig etwas aufzuspuren, was der Inhaber der Wohung von sich aud nicht offenlegen will". Was bedeutet nun das Durchsuchen von elektronischen Daten? Hierzu kann gehoren, daß die EDV-Anlage im Rahmen der Suchen nach Beweis- mitteln in Gang gesetzt wird, um mit Hilfe des Rechners nach Beweisrele- vanten Daten zu suchen, nicht aber, um bloß bereits aufgefundene Daten sichtbar zu machen. Außerdem konnte Zugriff auf Datenbestande in "Inter- net" oder "Network in der Firma" zulassig sein, soweit diese Datenbestande sich auf betrffende Delikten beziehen. Die Verwertungsbeschrankung, derzufolge nur die Staatsanwaltschaft bei einer Durchsuchung gedruckter Papiere durchsuchen darf, umfaßt auch Datentrager wie Bander, Disketten und sonstige Speichermedien und sogar den Rechner selbst, in modernen Systemkonfigurationen Sever-Rechener. Um eine Beschlagnahme von elektronischen Daten durchfuhren zu konnen, muß es sich bei dem in amtliche Verwahrnung zu nehmenden Objekt um einen "Gegenstand" handeln. Dem zu beschlagnahmenden Gegenstand muß eine Beweisbedeutung zukommen. Computerprogramme und elektroniche Daren konnen grundsatzlch nicht beschlagnahmt werden. Aber sie durfen beschlagnahmt werden, wenn sie als Hilfsmittel zum Beweis der Compu- ter-Kriminalitat benotigt werden. Dei Sicherstellung einer gesamten EDV- Anlage nur zum Zwecke der Sichtbarmachung der Daten wird als unzulassig angesehen, es sie denn, daß die Anlage auf spezifische Anwen- dungsbedingungen zugeschnitten ist oder spezielle Aufzeichnungsverfahren einsetzt.

      • KCI등재
      • 청소년의 내재화 및 외현화 문제행동 관련 요인

        황혜원 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2007 한국사회과학연구 Vol.29 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate factors related to the internal and external problem behaviors of Korean youth. 1,176 middle school students of Seoul, Incheon, Cheongju, and Deagu were asked to complete sel-administering questionnaire. The focus of this study was to find out the effects of personal, familial, friend, and school relations on adolescents' problems behavior. The results indicated that the association with delinquent friends and the adolescents' perception on their schools were significant predictors of adolescents' internal and external problem behaviors. Also, self-esteem and family conflict had effects on adolescents' internal problem behavior. Key words: adjustment of adolescents, internal problem behavior, external problem behavior, eco-systems perspective 제출일 : 2007. 7. 25 심사일 : 2007. 8. 10

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of a Current‑Limiting DC Circuit Breaker with a Superconducting Coil Applied to the Commutation Circuit

        HyeWon Choi,Sang‑Yong Park,최효상 대한전기학회 2020 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.15 No.4

        We research team has proposed a current-limiting superconducting DC circuit breaker that combines a High-temperature superconducting wire (HTS) with a DC circuit breaker, and secured its operation performance in our previous study via simulation. In this paper, we designed and produced an actual current-limiting superconducting DC circuit breaker, as well as analyzed its current limiting and breaking performance. In addition, the operation characteristics at diferent lengths of the HTS with increasing voltage were analyzed. The operation reliability of the proposed DC circuit breaker was demonstrated by a simulation system that was built similar to the actual system.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 돈세탁 유형과 대처방안 : 전자화폐를 이용한 돈세탁을 중심으로

        원혜욱 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2001 法學論集 Vol.6 No.1

        Der International Monetary Fund scba"tzt, dass die ja"hrlichen Gewinne des weltweiten organisierten Verbrechen u"ber 500 Mrd. US $ betragen. Da diese Gelder aufgrund ihrer illegalen Herkunft "waschen"erden mu"ssen, besteht eine der wirksamsten Waffen im Kampf gegen kriminelle Organisationen interessanterweise nicht im direkten beho"rdlichen Eingreifen wa"hrend des deliktischen Geschehens, sondern in der Beka"mpfung der Geldwa"scherei. Viele Experten befu"rchten nun, dass neuartige Internetzahlungsmittel die diesbezu"gliche Arbeit der Strafverfolgungsbeho"rden stark erschweren ko"nnten. Dieser Beitrag mo"chte dieses Problem anhand von warenden Beispielen diskutieren und bislang vernachla"ssigte Gefahrenpotentiale aufzeigen. Unter "bermoney"ersteht man Geldzeichen, mit denen Zahlungen u"ber Computernetzwerke wie das Internet vorgenommen werden ko"nnen. Im folgenden wird von einem eigentlichen "tzgeld"usgegangen, bei dem es sich vorausbezahlte elektronische Zahlungseinheiten handelt, die von einer Bank oder Nichtbank emittiert und als Zahlungsmittel anstelle von Bargeld verwendet werden ko"nnten. Das Netzgeld wird dabei vom Benutzer auf PC-Festplatte gespeichert und zur Abwicklung von Zahlungen durch Dialog zwischen den beteiligten Rechnern verwendet, wobei kryptographische Verfahren vor Fa"lschungen Schutz bieten sollen. Die Zahlungen mil dieser Art von Cybermoney werden wie bei Bargeld anonym durchgefu"hrt. Unter Geldwa"scherei versteht man Handlungen, die dazu geeignet sind, die Ermittlung der Herkunft, die Auffindung oder die Einziehung von Vermo"genswerten zu vereiteln, die aus Verbrechen stammen. In diesem Zusammenhang ko"nnte Cybermoney eine Rolle spielen, zu geldwaschen. Obwohl viele derzeit praktizierten Strategien zur Beka"mpfung der Geldwa"sche von Handlungsabla"ufen und Modellen geleitet sind, werden neue Maβnahmen im Kampf gegen die Geldwa"sche mit Cybermoney erforderlich. Es stellt sich deshalb in diesem Aufsatz die Frage nach neuen Maβnahmen im Kampf gegen Geldwa"sche im Zeitalter von Cybermoney.

      • [논문]공동주택에서 일사(日射)가 난방에너지 소비에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이종원,황혜영,임정명 釜山大學校生産技術硏究所 2003 生産技術硏究所論文集 Vol.62 No.-

        겨울철 난방에너지 소비에 태양일사가 미치는 영향을 조사 분석하여 일사 침해를 받는 건물에 있어서 일사 에너지의 가치를 정량적으로 분석하기 위한 기초자료를 제시한다.

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