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        제주해협 동쪽 입구에 출현하는 설상의 난수

        노홍길,평야해행 한국수산학회 1983 한국수산과학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        A tongue-like warm water which is a part of the Tsusima Warm Current appears whole year around in the east entrance of the Jeju Strait. Because of this warm water, the current direction flowing into the Jeju Strait from its west area seems to be changed in the Jeju Strait. Therefore the intermediate and bottom water of the Jeju Strait may greatly influence the formation of the coastal water in the South Coast of Korea. Since this tongue-like warm water is stronger in winter than in summer in its formation, Tsushima Warm Current comes closer to the South Coast of Korea in winter and its north boundary frequently approaches close to the Coast of Geomun Island and Sori Island.

      • 용치놀래기, Halicoeres poesilopterus(Temmink et Schlegel) 生殖生態

        李榮敦,李澤烈,盧洪吉 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1991 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        1990년 10월부터 1991년 9월까지 제주도 북방함덕연안에서 채집된 용치놀래기, Halicoeres poecilopterus를 대상으로 生殖生態를 파악하기 위하여 生殖巢熟度指數(GSI)와 生殖巢의 組織學的 방법에 의한 生殖週期와 性轉換 과정 등을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 生殖巢熟度指數(GSI)는 암 수 다같이 6월에 급겨히 상승하여 7월에 최대치를 나타내고 있으며, 8월에 접어들면서 하강하기 시작하여 9월부터 낮은 값을 나타내고 있다. GSI최대값은 암컷 6.35 수컷 1.01을 나타냈다. 2. 生殖週期는 성장기(5∼6월), 성숙기(6∼7월), 완숙 및 산란기(7∼8), 회복 및 휴지기(8∼4월)등의 연속적인 주기를 나타냈다. 3. 체장 13.0∼15.0㎝되는 개체들에서 雌性에서 雄性으로 性轉換現像이나타났다. 4. 본종은 一次精巢와 二次精巢가 혼합되어 나타나는 複雄性(diandry)의 雌性先熟魚에 속하는 것으로 나타났다. 5. 암컷에서 수컷으로 性轉換함에 따라 적색에서 청색으로 채색변화가 나타나고 있다. Reproductive ecology of the Wrasse, Halicoeres poecilopterus was investigated histologically on the gonadal development, sex reversal and studied by gonadosomatic index(GSI), color patterns. Samples were collected at the costal area of Ham duck, Cheju-do, Korea from October, 1990 to September, 1991. In male and female, GSI began to increase from june when the water temperature began to increase and the reached maximum value in July, respectively. It began to decrease from August. Thereafter, maintained relatively low value until May of next year. The annual reproductive cycle of this species could be classified into four sucessive developmental stage : growing stage(May), mature stage(June-july), ripe and spent stage(July-August), degenerative and resting stage(August-April). In H.poecilopterus, individuals with hermaphroditic gonad were observed in 13.0-15.0㎝ in standard length. sex reversal of this species could be oceured from 13.0㎝ to 15.0㎝ in standard length. A(red) and B(blue) types of color patterns were observes in this species. The individuals in plain A type coloration are mainly females and hermaphroditic individuals, but few primary and secondary males are included. The individuals in gaudy B type coloration are mostly secondary and primary males.

      • 濟州道 沿岸海域에 出現하는 赤潮生物

        尹良湖,金暎起,盧洪吉 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1991 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        The red tide organisms were collected twice a month during the period from June to October 1989 at 14 stations in the coastal waters of Cheju Island, southern Korea. Cell density of mainly species were usually less than 10??cells/ℓwith maximum cell density of 1.2×10??cell/ℓby the blooming of diatoms. Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetum in Hallim harbour, western part of Island. Occurred red tide organisms in Cheju Island were more than 17 species, that is, 1 species of blue-green algae, Trichodesmium erythraeum 9 species of dinoflagellates, Ceratium kofoidii, Gymnodinium sp., Gyrodinium dominans, Noctiluca scintilans, Prorocentrum dentatum, P. micans, P. sigmoides, P. triestinum, Scrippsiella trochoidea, 1 species of silicoflagellate, Dictyocha fibula, 3 species of diatoma, Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetum, Ch. debile, Skeletonema costatum, 1 species of chloromonad, Heterosigma akashiwo, 1 species of euglenoid, Eutreptilla sp. and 1 species of photosymthetic cillate, Mesodinium rubrum.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 , 주변해역에 출현하는 중국대륙연안수에 관한 연구

        노홍길,김인옥 한국수산학회 1994 한국수산과학회지 Vol.27 No.5

        제주도 주변해역에 출현하는 중국대륙연안수의 특성을 여러자료를 근거로 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 제주도 주변해역에 출현하는 여러 水塊中 32.20‰ 이하의 저염분수는 중국대륙연안수로 해석 된다. 2. 본 연구기간중, 제주해헙 표층에는 1월∼5월 중순까지는 34.00‰ 이상의 고염분수가 출현했고, 5월 하순부터 점차적으로 염분이 低下하여 32.20‰ 이하의 중국대륙연안수는 7월초에 출현하여 10월 중에 소멸했다. 3. 제주해협에서 중국대륙연안수의 두께는 평균 25m이고, 대체로 50m 정도의 깊이까지 영향을 주고 있다. 그러므로 동 해협의 夏季 成層構造는 0∼50m까지는 심한 염분약층이 형성되며 50m以深은 冬季와 같이 均質鹽分層에 가까운 成層이 된다. 4. 夏季에는 제주도 주변표층 대부분의 해역에 중국대륙연안수가 출현하지만 그 중 최저염분을 갖는 이 연안수의 Core는 제주도 서방해역에서 제주해협 서쪽 입구로 流入되어 동 해협 중앙부를 통해 해협 동쪽으로 流出되며, 해협을 통과한 후에는 渦流의 형태로 이동되는 것 같다. China Coastal Water(CCW) appeared in the neighbouring seas of Cheju Island has been analyzed and the results are as follows: The water with salinity below 32.20‰ in the neighbouring seas of Cheju Island in summer is thought CCW. During the period from April 1985 to August 1986, salinity of more than 34.00‰ was appeared in the Cheju Strait during January to mid May, but it decreased gradually from late May. CCW with salinity below 32.20‰ appeared in the Cheju Strait in early July and disappeared in October. The mean thickness of CCW in the Cheju Strait was about 25m and CCW had an influence of up to about 50m depth. And stratification structure of the Cheju Strait in summer was halocline between the surface and 50m depth and homogeneous salinity layer below 50m depth. It seems that although CCW appears in the wide area of neighbouring seas surface of Cheju Island in summer, the core of this CCW which has the lowest salinity flows into the Cheju Strait from the western seas of Cheju Island. This CCW flows out the east through the central part of the Cheju Strait and then seems to be transported further in the form of eddy.

      • 濟州北方,成德沿岸海域에 있어서 植物플랑크톤 群集의 季節變動 特性

        尹良湖,金暎起,盧洪吉 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1992 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        Fieldsurvey for oceanographic conditions and the seasonal succession of phytoplankton were carried out in the Hamdok port from April 1989 to February 1990. Water temperature ranged between 11.4℃ in January and 27.3℃ in August, and salinity fluctuated greatly, with a maximum of 35.6 in August and minimun of 21.8‰ in April. A total of 120 species of phytoplankton belonging to 69 genera were observed in which, at least, 8 genera, Oxyphysis, Amphidinium, Cochlodinium, Torodinium, Nematodinium, Katodinium, Ebria and Streptotheca are first records in the Cheju coastal waters. The predominant species are centric diatoms, Skeletonema costatum, Chaetoceros opp. through the year, while they are unarmoured phytoflagellates, Heterosigma akashiwo, Gymnodinium sp., Gyrodinium sp. in warmer seasons. And phytoplankton cell number fluctuated between 4.1×10³cells/1 in winter and 2.4×10 cells/1 in spring blooms, and it was under the control of centric diatoms for a year. On the other hand, it is occupied by phytoflagellates including some unarmoured dinoflagellates in summer season.

      • 濟主道 北方,咸德沿岸海域에 있어서 春ㆍ夏季 植物性 無殼鞭毛藻類의 動態

        尹良湖,金暎起,盧洪吉 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1990 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.14 No.-

        咸德 沿岸海域에서 1989년 4월부터 同年 8월까지, 採水를 實施하여 基本環境要因의 調査와 더불어, 植物性 鞭毛藻類의 出現 變化의 樣相을 考察 하였다. 結果, 水溫은 13.4℃에서 27.3℃, 鹽分은 21.8‰에서 35.4‰, 溶在초소의 飽和度는 80%에서 150%로 變化하고 있고, 특히 5∼6월에 걸쳐서 急激한 環境要因이 變化를 보이고 있었다. 植物플랑크톤 出現細胞數의 變化는 8.8×10³cells/1 에서 2.4×10?? cell/1 의 매우 넓은 範圍로 높은 出現量을 나타내고 있었다. 高水溫期에 있어서 全植物플랑크톤이 出現量은 珪藻類보다도 植物性 鞭毛藻類의 出現變化에 의해 支配되고 있었다. 植物性 鞭毛藻類의 組成 중 67.1%에서 95.1%는 無殼의 鞭毛藻類에 의해 占有되고 있었다. Observatons were carried out on oceanographic conditions and phytoplankton species composition in the coastal water of Hamdok from April to August 1989. Water temperature ranged between 27.3℃ and 13.4℃, and salinity fluctuated greatly, with a maximum of 35.6‰ in August and two minimum of 21.8‰ in April. Cell number of Phytoplankton fluctuated between 8.8×10³cells/1 and 2.4×10?? cell/1 with Skeletonema costatum in 1 June, and it was under the control of diatoms in spring season. On the other hand, it consisted of phytoflagellates in summer season. And its occurrence rate between 67.1 and 95.1% was took possession of the nake phytoflagellates.

      • 西歸浦 앞바다 海水의 化學成分量 分布에 關하여

        朴吉淳,盧洪吉 濟州大學 海洋資源硏究所 1980 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        1979年 11月 初旬에 西歸浦 앞바다 海水의 營養鹽類 濃度分布를 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 蚊島와 森島를 연결하는 곳을 境界로 沿岸쪽은 各種 營養鹽類의 含量이 높고 鹽分이 낮은 沿岸水가 5m이내의 表層에 한해서 存在하고있다. 2. 沿岸水와 外海水가 만나는 境界域 에서는 강한 鉛直 混合이 이루어지고 있다. 3. 西歸浦 앞 바다의 營養鹽類의 濃度는 他지방 海域에 비하여 별다른 差가 없다. 끝으로 本 硏究調査를 하는데 實驗을 도와 준 硏究室의 黃善建, 康京壽, 李景燦君 기타 여러분께 감사를 드립니다. The concentrations of chemical conostituents of seawater at Seogwipo area were determined in early November 1979. The coastal seawater which has high concentration of nutrients and low salinity were found in the depth between surface and 5 m layer. This water mass were distributed from the coast line to the line connected MunDo and Sam Do. Vigorous vertical mixing of water could be observed in this boundary area that the coastal seawater and open seawater were met.

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