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      • KCI등재

        현실 정치와 번역, 그 일례 : 메이지 초기 군제사와 니시 아마네

        허지향(Heo, Ji-Hyang) 일본사학회 2020 일본역사연구 Vol.53 No.-

        The purpose of this paper was to examine the overall work done by Nishi Amane (1829-1897) in the Ministry of Military Affairs, later referred to as the Department of the Army, beginning in 1870. Until now, Nishi Amane has been noted in domestic research as “a thinker representing the intellectual transformation of East Asia in the 19th century.” In particular, many studies have analyzed the aspects of Nishi s concept translation or the design of modern academic planning based on text. Meanwhile, in Japanese academia, Nishi s studies on law and political science in the Netherlands have been shown to be of great import, but still highlight the “enlightenment thinker” idea and prove his contribution to “militarism”. It was Sugawara s 2009 study that tried to overcome this simple characterization. This paper explores how Nishi Amane called himself “a person who works for the government and translates”. The author examines the relationship between the real politicians and translators through Nishi Amane. It is widely known that Nishi worked for the Army, but there has been no paper to summarize the whole situation as it played out. In addition, it is not just an outline on what Nishi did in the Ministry of Military Affairs, but also about organizing facts about the early Meiji military system from a different perspective, and reveals where Nishi Amane and the Ministry of Military Affairs occupy this part of history.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경성제국대학 ‘철학, 철학사 제1’ 강좌 교수 아베 요시시게(安倍能成)의 학문과 현실

        허지향 ( Heo Ji-hyang ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2017 大東文化硏究 Vol.100 No.-

        이 글은 1926년부터 1941년까지 경성제국대학 ‘철학, 철학사’ 강좌(1927년부터는 ‘제1’강좌)에서 서양철학사를 가르친 아베 요시시게(安倍能成)에 관해 다룬다. 먼저 문제제기에서 前 서울대학교 교수였으며, 1929년에 ‘철학, 철학사’ 전공으로 경성제대를 졸업한 김계숙에게 보이는 ‘서양근세철학사=근세문화사’라는 이해방식이 어디에서 비롯되었는가 하는 물음을 제기한다. 이 물음에 답하기 위해서 첫째, 김계숙의 선생이었던 아베 요시시게라는 인물이 어떠한 사상적 배경 속에서 서양철학을 배웠는지, 둘째, 그의 서양철학 연구의 특색은 무엇인지, 셋째, 아베가 조선에서 행한 강의의 특색은 무엇인지에 관하여 사실적 관계들을 지적한다. 그리고, 아베가 자신의 서양철학 강의를 신칸트학파 특히 서남학파의 대표자인 빈델반트의 저술을 토대로 준비했음에도 불구하고 빈델반트의 문제의식을 공유하고자 하지는 않았음을 논증한다. 특히 아베가 식민지 조선에 관하여 발화할 때 드러나는 문화주의적 관점은, 빈델반트가 가치 철학을 정립할 때 가장 경계했던 ‘문화 상대주의’와 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있음을 지적한다. This paper discusses the contents of Abe Yoshishige(安倍能成)'s lectures and the academic and ideological background of his thought during the time, when he taught the history of Western philosophy at Keijo Imperial University from 1926 to 1941. In order to do so, I analyze Abe's lecture notes from this period. The questions motivating this research are twofold. First, I ask how Western philosophy was introduced to academia in colonial Choson. Second, I intend to shed light on the main current of philosophy during the Japanese Taisho era and its academic influence on colonial Choson. This study reveals the fact that Abe, despite his focus on Neo-Kantian representative of the Baden School Wilhelm Windelband and his thought in the lectures on the history of Western philosophy, did not share Windelband's critical thinking towards 'relativism', which he had denied in his work on axiology. On the contrary, Abe regarded 'relativism' as a tool for living in colonial Choson. Essentially, this original research demonstrates how the teaching on Western philosophy of imperial Japan's academic elite in colonial Choson was pervaded by contradictions and misreadings.

      • KCI등재

        경성제국대학 법문학부 철학과 강좌 개설 상황, 강좌 담임에 관한 역사적 검토

        허지향 ( Heo Ji Hyang ) 한국철학사상연구회 2018 시대와 철학 Vol.29 No.2

        이 글은 경성제국대학(이하, 경성제대) 철학 관련 강좌에 관하여 객관적인 자료를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 경성제대 철학과에 관해서는 서양철학 수용이라는 관점에서 많은 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 그러나 당시 경성제대는 강좌제를 중심으로 하였으며, "철학과"란 교육학, 윤리학, 심리학, 철학 및 철학사, 지나철학, 사회학, 종교학 및 종교사, 미학 및 미학사 강좌를 임의로 지칭하는 명칭이었다. 이 글에서는 이러한 역사성을 중시하여 철학 관련 강좌의 부임교수와 조교수, 구체적인 개설과목을 일람한다. 그리고 이러한 구조가 어디에서 유래했는가 하는 문제를 "제국대학"이라는 관점에서 논한다. 오늘날에 이르러 각각 분과 학과목으로 독립한 위의 강좌들이, 20세기 초반 식민지 조선에 들어오게 된 배경은 무엇인가? 이 질문에 대답하기 위해서 제국대학에 철학과가 설치되는 과정과 배경을 살펴보고, 『東京帝國大學五十年史』를 토대로 제국대학의 학제가 그대로 수용되는 과정을 살펴본다. This article examines the following two points concerning the philosophy lectures at the Faculty of Law and Literature of Keijo Imperial University. First, I focus on the origin of the structural framework of said philosophy lectures. I show how the structural framework of the philosophy department at the University of Tokyo, where the main focus was on western philosophy and its concepts, was imposed to the Keijo Imperial University in colonial Korea. Secondly, I lay out the contents of the philosophy related courses, the number of lectures, the course lecturers, and the organisation. The analysis is based on the following problem awareness. One one hand, the teaching of Western philosophy within the framework of "Oriental and Chosen Studies" is peculiar in the sense that neither "Korean History", “Korean language” or “Korean literature" was taught. Another is the asymmetric relationship between imperial universities and colonial academism. In order to argue that the system of philosophy itself is historical, I will shed light on how the organizational structure of the Faculty of Law at the Imperial University was framed by the elitism in education which served as social foundation of the Taisho Democracy at the time. Further, I will show how the department of Philosophy at Keijo Imperial University as a universal discipline was established during Colonial Korea, by focussing on the characteristics and academic background of the professors teaching at the department as well as the concrete contents of the lectures.

      • KCI등재

        근대 일본의 학제 편성 양상(1868∼1877) : ‘이학’과 ‘문학’의 비대칭성에 주목하여

        허지향 ( Heo Ji-hyang ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2019 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.35

        본고는 1868년부터 1877년까지 구 동경대학의 전신 기관이었던 동경개성학교를 중심으로학제 편성이 어떻게 이루어졌는가에 관하여 검토한다. 이 때 다음 사항에 주목한다. 첫째, 현재의 ‘이학’과 ‘문학’이라는 대칭성은 언제 생겨났는가? 둘째, 근대로 넘어오면서 ‘理’라는 개념이 특히 학제를 통해서는 어떻게 변모했는가? 본고에서는 한자권에서 최초로 근대 학제를성립시킨 동경대학의 역사에 주목하여 위의 사항들을 검토하였다. 그 결과 다음 사실들이 밝혀졌다. 개성소 시기부터 학과목 규정의 표적이 된 것은 서양의 자연과학 및 기계분야 학문이었으며, 이 학문들이 최초의 근대적 학제인 대학규칙 (1870)에서 ‘이과’라는 명칭으로 묶인다는사실, 또한 이 때 ‘문과’ 또한 학과목의 상위 범주로 등장하나, 대학본교와 대학남교 각각에서그 개념이 포함하는 내용이 달랐다는 사실, 애초부터 자연과학 계열의 학제화가 목표였던 전문학교 구상에서 ‘문과’는 곧 사라진다는 사실이다. 근대학제의 정착과정을 살펴볼 때 구 동경대학의 예는, ‘대학’이 서양의 전문학을 가르치는전문기관이며, 이 때의 전문학이란 자연과학 계열 과목을 뜻한다고 규정했다는 점에서 그 역사성과 특수성을 드러낸다. 이러한 특수성이 한자어 ‘理’의 새로운 한자권으로의 편입을 가능케했다. This paper examines how the academic system was organized around Tokyo Gaesung School, which was formerly Tokyo University from 1868 to 1877. This paper examines how the academic system was organized around Tokyo Gaesung School, which was formerly Tokyo University from 1868 to 1877. At this point, note the following: First, when did the current symmetry of ‘Science’ and ‘Literature’ emerge? Second, how has the concept of ‘理’ changed, especially through the academic system? The above points were reviewed in this paper, paying attention to the history of Tokyo University, which established the first modern academic system in the Chinese character world. The following facts were revealed as a result. Since the time of Kaeseong-so(開成所), the western studies of natural science and mechanical sceince were defined as the subject of course regulation. And these studies were grouped under the name of “Science faculty” in the first modern academic system “University Federation(大学規則)”(1870). Also, the concept of ‘Literature faculty’ was included in the top category of the subject of course, but was different in terms of content between the university’s main school and the university’s south school. Lastly, the ‘Literature faculty’ was about to disappear from the professional school initiative, which was initially aimed at the natural science based system. In looking at the settlement process of the modern university system, the example of the old Tokyo University reveals its historicality and speciality in that it stipulates that the ‘university’ is a specialized institution for teaching Western specialties, and that this specialty means a subject of natural science. This speciality allowed the conversion of Chinese character ‘理’ into new Chinese character world.

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