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        독도·울릉도 ‘가지’(강치)에 대한 인식의 변화와 그 의미

        한철호(Han Cheol-ho) 고려사학회 2012 한국사학보 Vol.- No.49

        Gaji(可之), which is sea lion, was one of the specialties in Ulleungdo(Ulleung Island) and Dokdo and is now widely called ‘Gangchi’. Japan illegally occupied Dokdo in order to secure the exclusive fishing righls there. Thus the stludy about Gaji provides important clues for refuting Japan’s claim on Dokdo and also helps to prove thal Dokdo is Korean territory. This paper analyzes the change of views on ‘Gaji’ in Ulleungdo and Dokdo from lhe early Chosun Dynasty to 1905, when Japan seized Dokdo, and the implication of lhe change. The first official record of Gaji in the early Chosun Dynasty shows that Kim In-woo dedicated its leather in 1416. With the increasing interests on Ulleungdo and Dokdo. Inspectors were dispatched regularly to the islands. Inspector Jang Han-sang, who recognized the existence of Dokdo and witnessed Gaji, dedicated its leather when his returned. Thereafter it was regularized that the Inspectors who visited Ulleungdo dedicate Gaji leather as tribute. Gaji was recognized as a symbol of Ulleungdo’s typical souvenirs and this customary practice lasted until December 1894. when Government Patrol and Inspection System (sutoje) was abolished. Ulleungdo Inspector Yi Gyu-won left valuable records of Gaji in 1882 with mentions on its habitat, capture, use, and the fishing activities of the captors. With the accumulation of information about Gaji by Inspectlors. it was mentioned in several writings including Yi Ik’s Seonghosaseol, Sin Gyeong-jun’s Ganggyego and Dongguk-munheonbigo. Yeojigo, and Yi Gyu-gyeong’s Ojuyeonmunjangjeon-sango. Especially it attracts our attention thal Yi Gyu-gyeong recordro the sea lion as ‘Gaji’ referring to the writings of Sin Gyeong-jun. He also comparro and analyzed the origins of the names and the characleristics of sea lion, sea horse and other sea creatures in order to identify Gaji clearly. Thus, the current word Dokdo ‘Gangchi’ should be replaced with ‘Gaji’ or ‘Gaje’, a dialect in Ulleungdo. In this context, it is very significanl lhat Sin Gyeong-jun reconfirmed Woosan and Ulleungdo as wwo different islands belonging to Chosun in Ganggyego and Dongguk-munheonbigo. With regular dispatch of Inspectors, Woosan(Dokdo) was recognized as our territory and it was important to have precise knowledge on the geography, topography, and local products of Ulleungdo and Dokdo like Gaji. After lhe opening of ports, both the government and media shared the information that Gaji was a local product of Ulleungdo and Dokdo. Especially Hwangseong-sinmun made strong claims on Dokdo’s dominium as Korean territory, indicating Yu Deuk-gong’s poem which suggested Gaji and Imperial Edict No. 41 as the supporting evidence for il even after the Japanese seizure of the island. These records show that Gaji was widely recognized as the symbol of the evidence for Dokdo’s dominium as Korean territory.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 수신사(1876) 김기수의 일본인식과 그 의의

        韓哲昊(Han Cheol-Ho) 한국사학회 2006 史學硏究 Vol.- No.84

        제1차 수신사 김기수는 『일동기유』에 놀라울만큼 자세하고도 정확하게 명치일본의 실상을 기록하였으며, 되도록 주관적 판단을 자제하면서도 은근히 자신의 소감을 적어놓았다. 그럼에도 불구하고 기존 연구의 대부분은 위정척사상상이 지배적인 당시의 역사적 상황을 고려하지 않은 채 김기수가 근대적 제도와 문물에 대한 지식이 적었다는 점을 강조하면서 『일동기유』의 내용을 액면 그대로 해석하는 경향이 강하였다. 이에 본고에서는 『일동기유』를 토대로 김기수의 일본인식과 그 의의를 새롭게 평가해보았다. 김기수는 만국공법 체제를 기반으로 전개되고 있는 근대적 국제질서와 외교관상주제도를 알고 있었지만, 이에 입각해서 조일수호조규 후속 조약을 신속하게 처리하자는 일본의 요구를 전통적인 외교관행을 내세워 우회적으로 거부하였다. 당시 개국 논리로 제시되었던 구호회복론과 왜양분리론은 어디까지나 전통적인 중화질서체제의 온존을 전제로 한 것이었지 서구에 대한 문호개방이나 서구적 만국공법체제의 수용을 의미한 것은 아니었기 때문이다. 또한 그는 일본정부가 권고했던 러시아견제책의 필요성을 조금이나마 인정하면서도 절실히 받아들이지는 않은 것 같다. 그리고 일본이 조선에 대한 청국의 영향력을 약화시키기 위해 양국의 관계 개선 및 강화를 역설했던 반면 김기수는 구호회복론의 시각에서 일본과 우호를 돈독히 한다는 입장을 견지함으로써 조일연대론에 대해 원론적으로 동조하지 않았다. 그러나 그가 일본을 이적시하는 관념에서 벗어나 우호적으로 바라보기 시작한 점은 주목할 만하다. 한편 그는 서양의 기술과 기계를 직접 목격하면서도 가능한 한 자세히 묘사하고 원리를 캐내려고 노력하면서도, 일본의 부국강병 추진에 대해 왕도론적 교화관에 입각해서 비판함과 동시에 조선의 수용 역시 부정적으로 인식하였다. 하지만 당시 조선 정계에 반일적 분위기가 여전히 압도적이었던 점, 공개를 전제로 집필했던 『일동기유』에서 자신의 본심을 확실하게 털어놓을 수 없었다는 점 등을 고려하면, 서양의 제도가 기술을 상세하게 묘사한 자체만으로도 그 실체를 조선의 위정자들에게 정확히 알리고 수용해야 할 필요성과 당위성을 역설한 것으로 파악할 수 있다. 나아가 김기수는 서양의 기술과 제도를 수용하기 위해 조일수호조규체결 당시 고종을 비롯한 일부 위정자들에 의해 제시되었던 왜양분리론을 적극 활용하였다. 일본이 서양의 제도와 문물을 받아들이고 있는 실질상 목적을 서양의 침략에 대항하는 데 있다고 파악함으로써 왜양일체론을 부정하였고, 이를 토대로 ‘왜’가 ‘양’과 일체되지 않고서 ‘양’의 제도와 문물을 받아들일 수 있듯이 조선도 간접적으로 ‘왜’를 통해 ‘양’의 근대적 기술 등을 수용할 수 있다는 논리이다. 이러한 논리의 배경에는 일본이 서양식 부국강병을 추지한 결과 몇몇 분야에서 중국보다 낫다는 그의 인식도 크게 작용했다고 추측된다. 이처럼 김기수가 112년만에 일본의 본토를 방문하여 명치일본의 변화된 실상을 최초로 견문한 뒤 집필했던 『일동기유』는 동아시아의 국제정세와 일본에 대한 가장 최신의 지식과 정보를 수록한 책이었다. 따라서 『일동기유』는 유교적 관념론에 집착했던 정계 내 위정자들에게 명치일본의 실상을 올바로 파악하는 계기를 마련해주었으며, 1880년대 개화자강정책을 추진하는 데에도 적지 않은 영향을 미쳤다고 평가할 수 있다. Kim Gi-soo concretely wrote the real condition of Meiji Japan and expressed his own view point courteously in Ildonggiyu. Studies until now, emphasizing Kim Gi-soo's little knowledge about modern system and institution, didn't considered the historic condition on those day when Wijeongcheoksanon was pervasive. So, I re-estimate his view of Japan and its meaning on the basis of Ildonggiyu. Though Kim Gi-soo knew the System of Modern International Law, he indirectly rejected Japan's demand on dealing with the Additional Articles and Trade Regulations of Kanghwa Treaty promptly based on that Law by advocating the traditional diplomatic practice. He also slightly agreed on the necessity of restraining Russia which Japan recommended but didn't accepted it seriously. Though Japan emphasized improving and reinforcing the relationship between two countries, however, Kim Gi-soo fundamentally didn't sympathize with the Korean and Japanese Solidarity on the viewpoint of Kuhohoibokron. In addition, he directly saw western technology and machinery and described them as specifically as he can, and criticized Japan's plan to increasing national wealth and strengthening army with Confucianism. However, considering the purpose of writing Ildonggiyu was to open to the public, his detail description itself about western system and culture was to notices the fact to the Korea's politicians precisely and to emphasize the necessity and validity of accepting those. For this, Kim Gi-soo positively used Waeyangbulliron. Comprehending that Japan's object of accepting western culture and system was to oppose against the invasion of western society, also Korea, like Japan, could introduce western system and culture into their country. At these logical backgrounds, his recognition that Japan surpassed China in some fields had a great effect. Ildonggiyu is the book which Kim Gi-soo wrote the changed situation of Meiji Japan for the first time, in 112 years after the Tongsinsa's last visit to Japan. It recorded the international situation of Eastern-Asia and the latest knowledge and information of Japan. Therefore, Ildonggiyu made an opportunity for politicians to grasp the situation of Meiji Japan, also had a huge influence on promoting the Enlightenment Movement in the 1880's.

      • KCI등재

        조일수호조규 체결 후 일본 군함 호쇼(鳳翔)의 조선 해안 최초 측량과 그 의의

        韓哲昊(Han, Cheol-Ho) 고려사학회 2021 한국사학보 Vol.- No.83

        일본이 조일수호조규에서 획득한 조선 해안 측량권은 향후 조선을 침략하는 중요한 발판이 되었다. 이는 서양 열강이 중국 · 일본과 맺은 조약에서도 규정되지 않은 매우 불평등한 독소 조항이었다. 일본은 1875년 운요호사건을 일으킨 후, 부산 왜관과 거류민의 보호라는 명분으로 군함을 부산에 파견하였다. 호쇼함은 그해 12월에 부산에 도착한 이래 무력시위를 벌였으며, 기관 고장으로 예정대로 강화도로 떠나지 못하고 부산에 머물러 있다가 1876년 2월 남해안을 측량하였다. 이러한 호쇼함의 측량은 강화도조약의 체결 사실을 통보받지 않은 상황에서 단행된 불법 행위였지만, 조일수호조규는 체결 당일부터 시행되었기 때문에 형식상 최초의 합법적인 조선 해안 측량이 되었다. 호쇼함은 영국 해도 제104호에 정보가 가장 미흡하게 기재된 지역인 부산에서 남해도까지를 대상으로 삼아 해안과 섬들의 수심 · 지형 · 지명 · 정박지 등을 측량하였다. 또 호쇼함이 육지에 올라가 측량하는 과정에서 조선인들이 총을 쏘고 돌을 던지며 격렬하게 방해하는 사건도 벌어졌다. 호쇼함은 측량 상황을 자세하게 기록한 「朝鮮南岸航行日記拔抄」를 보고서로 제출하였다. 이를 토대로 수로부는 4개의 해도를 제작했으며, 수로지를 편찬하는 근거 자료로 활용하였다. 이처럼 호쇼함의 측량, 그 결과인 보고서 작성, 그리고 해도와 수로지의 편찬으로 이어지는 유기적인 과정은 향후 일본 군함의 조선해안 측량에 대한 전형적인 모습을 보여준다는 점에서 주목할 만하다. The right to survey the coasts of Korea Japan acquired through the Korea-Japan Treaty of 1876(the Treaty of Kanghwa) became an important stepping-stone for Japan’s future invasions of Korea. This clause was particularly unequal and thus poisonous in that no such clause was found in treaties Western powers concluded with China and Japan. This essay sheds light on how Japan surveyed the Korean coasts and the significance of the surveying activities by examining the movements of the Japanese warship Hosho that surveyed the coasts for the first time and how the information thereby gathered came to be used in the making of nautical charts and sea directories. After the Kanghwa Island incident in September 1875, Japan dispatched warships to Busan under the pretense of protecting Japanese diplomats and citizens residing in the city. Upon arriving in Busan by December of that year, Hosho staged armed protests, and then was sent to Shimonoseki, where she was tasked with urging the Japanese government to authorize the deployment of additional forces. The vessel, due to an engine breakdown on the way to Busan, was forced to stay in that city instead of sailing for Kanghwa Island as she was scheduled to and then proceeded to survey the southern coasts. While being problematic given that the ship’s crew was not notified of the signing of the Treaty at that time, the act was, technically speaking, the first survey of the Korean coasts legally conducted because the Treaty went into effect upon signature. From February 29 to March 10, 1876, the warship Hosho, traveling between Busan and Namhae Island, collected information on the depths, currents, geographical features, and names of the southern coastal areas and islands. There, the focus lay in locating places where ships, both military and civilian, could be safely anchored. When the sailors came ashore and conducted their survey, Koreans violently interrupted them firing guns and throwing stones. Hosho submitted the report detailing its surveying activities. Japanese Hydrographic Office(JHO) published four nautical charts with the information collected by the ship, which later furnished a basis for the compilation of sea directorys. It is noteworthy that the steps taken by the Japanese-the military vessel Hosho’s survey, the submission of the survey report, and the publication of nautical charts and sea directorys-set a pattern for subsequent surveys of the Korean coasts by Japanese warships.

      • KCI등재

        『독립신문』(1896~1899)의 치외법권 인식 ―일본인 관련 범죄를 중심으로―

        한철호 ( Cheol Ho Han ) 고려대학교 역사연구소(구 역사학연구회) 2012 사총 Vol.77 No.-

        Extraterritoriality (consular jurisdiction), one of the unequal treaties that was contracted between Korea and other imperial nations like Japan and western imperialistic countries, was the poisonous pill that exerted an evil influence on Korea, So research of imperialistic nations` exercise of extraterritoriality and Korea`s response gives us an important clue to inquire into process and character of invasion, and futhermore the character of Korea modern history. This article is studying The Independent`s view of extraterritoriality and Japanese crime, 1896~1899. The Independent criticized English consular jurisdiction about Chinese because Korea severed diplomatic relations with China after the Sino-Japanese War. The Independent pointed out that extraterritoriality is unequal treaty, Japan and other powers misuse extraterritoriality for invasion of Korea. Nevertheless The Independent measured that it`s impossible to abolish extraterritoriality, emphasized the protection of the people`s right by showing the abuse of extraterritoriality. But The Independent insisted equal treaty without extraterritoriality after the negotiations for Treaty of Commerce between Korea and China in October 1989. By using this chance, The Independent claimed equal relation between Korea and China. And The Independent criticized that western powers demand extraterritoriality to eastern and needed to revise it by plan to enhance national prosperity and military power like Japan, Futhermore The Independent paid attention to the case of Transvaal which resisted against English imperialism and claimed planning to enhance military power and reacting the harmful effects of extraterritoriality, The Independent`s recognition was revealed in reporting Japanese crime. The Independent criticized Japanese crime which abused extraterritoriality during King Kogong`s flight to the Russian legation. After that, however, The Independent insisted that Korean government have to prevent Japanese crime by modifying law and punish the Japanese criminals through fair judgement. Although The Independent recognized the unfairness and bad effects of extraterritoriality, couldn`t demand the revision or abolition of it. However it doesn`t mean that The Independent was pro-Japanese or pro-imperialism. The Independent recognized that it is impossible to abolish extraterritoriality because of the weakness of the national power. So The Independent developed the strategy that Korea and Japan must observe the rule which didn`t act well practically. This means that The Independent appreciated that if conditions are satisfied, extraterritoriality could be abolished.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
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