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        탄소세와 탄소배출권 거래를 고려한 그린 공급망 계획 모델

        정호상(Hosang Jung),정석재(Suk-Jae Jeong) 한국SCM학회 2010 한국SCM학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Environmentally conscious management has become a critical issue in most of companies since lots of countries adopted the environmental restrictions such as carbon taxation. In a supply chain, because the most of CO₂ emissions are monitored from both production and distribution processes, minimization of not only total operating costs but also CO₂ emissions needs to be considered in supply chain planning. In this paper, we newly propose a green supply chain planning model considering both the carbon tax and the CO₂ emission trading that are likely to be adopted in Korea in the near future. A numerical example based on a virtual supply chain is presented to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed model. Using the proposed model, the decision-maker can estimate the total amounts of CO₂ emissions and can generate the green supply chain plan under an environment where both the carbon tax and CO₂ emission trading system exist.

      • KCI등재

        Kano 모델과 Timko의 고객만족계수를 이용한 택배서비스 차별화에 대한 고객 인식 분석 -온라인 쇼핑고객을 중심으로

        김명기 ( Myeongki Kim ),정호상 ( Hosang Jung ) 한국로지스틱스학회 2016 로지스틱스연구 Vol.24 No.2

        최근 국내외 유통업체들이 고객이 구매한 물품을 직접 배송하기 위한 물류 네트워크를 갖추는 등 유통업체의 물류시장 진출 움직임이 가시화되고 있다. 특히 기존 택배업체와의 차별화를 위해 ‘로켓배송’, ‘드론배송’ 등 다양한 물류 서비스를 고안하여 실행하고 있다. 이러한 움직임 속에서 유통 및 택배 업체 모두 기존의 택배서비스를 차별화하는 시도들을 계속할 것으로 전망된다. 본 연구에서는 택배서비스 차별화를 신뢰성, 편리성, 공감성, 부가가치성 등의 차원에서 구체화하고, Kano 모델과 Timko의 고객만족계수를 이용하여 택배서비스 차별화에 대한 고객인식을 분석하였다. 특히 온라인 쇼핑고객을 중심으로 설문 및 분석을 진행하였고, 분석 결과를 토대로 유통 및 택배업체들이 향후 택배서비스 차별화를 위해 우선적으로 관리해야 할 품질요인들과 관련 서비스항목들을 도출하였다. 연구결과는 향후 택배서비스를 차별화하고자 하는 유통 및 택배업체들의 투자관련 의사결정에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. In recent years, some online retailers such as Amazon have been trying to enter the logistics market by means of constructing their own distribution network and vehicles. Especially, they pursued the differentiated delivery service such as rocket delivery and drone based delivery. In line with this trend, more and more online retailers and existing logistics providers will focus on the increase of competitiveness by adopting various differentiated delivery services. In this paper, we defined the differentiated delivery service considering four categories of the SERVQUAL model, and analyzed the customer perception on it using Kano model and Timko’s customer satisfaction coefficient. For analysis, we focused on the online shopping customers, and generated a guideline showing which category and which activity should be managed by the firms. The research results will be helpful for the firms that consider starting the differentiated delivery service.

      • KCI등재

        국방IT융합 추진방법론 및 사례 연구

        심승배(Seungbae Sim),정호상(Hosang Jung),유천수(Cheonsoo Yoo),정봉주(Bongju Jeong) 한국IT서비스학회 2012 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.11 No.S

        Information technology convergence has been recognized one of the key drivers in the industry perspective. Korea government established IT convergence policy in 2008 and has been implementing it to the core industry such as automotive, shipbuilding and defense industries. This research analyzes various IT convergence issues based on an operation of defense IT convergence center, one of the industry IT convergence centers. Defense IT convergence issues are as follows : the methods for introducing rapid changing IT to military area. rapid deployment procedures of verified commercial technologies and products, regulations for using of domestic software promotion and so on. We define the concept of defense IT convergence and propose the framework and processes for applying IT to our defense sector as one of industries. Also, we establish various business models in the military perspective using defense IT convergence framework. In this paper, we focus the development of defense IT convergence through the alignment of national IT convergence policy and propose various business models established through operating a defense IT convergence center.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 면세점에서 연관규칙기법을 이용한 고객 프로파일 기반의 상품 추천에 관한 연구

        오승식 ( Seungsik Oh ),정호상 ( Hosang Jung ),이제용 ( Jeyong Lee ) 한국로지스틱스학회 2019 로지스틱스연구 Vol.27 No.2

        해외 여행객의 증가에 따라 대표적인 관광 관련 산업 중 하나인 면세점 시장은 고속 성장하고 있다. 특히 인터넷 면세점은 시공간의 제약 없이 손쉽게 이용 가능하다는 점에서 오프라인 면세점과 비교하여 더욱 빠르게 성장하고 있다. 인터넷 면세점의 급성장 요인은 뛰어난 가격 경쟁력과 오프라인에서는 갖출 수 없는 상품구색을 꼽을 수 있다. 하지만, 상품 종류가 수만 개로 많고, 여행 목적지가 매우 다양하기에 고객의 취향에 맞춰 적절한 상품을 추천하는 것이 인터넷 면세점 입장에서는 중요한 과제로 떠오르고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대표적인 추천기법의 하나인 연관규칙기법을 이용하여, 상품 추천 규칙을 도출하고 도출된 규칙을 성별, 연령, 국적, 여행 목적지 정보 등의 고객 관련 정보를 활용하여 분석하였다. 특히 인터넷 면세점 A사의 과거 6개월간의 실제 판매데이터를 활용하여 연구를 진행하였고, 분석 결과를 토대로 유의미한 상품 간 연관규칙 및 이를 활용할 수 있는 방안을 도출하였다. 분석 결과는 A사의 실무 담당자로부터 의미 있는 결과라는 평가를 받았으며, 본 연구에서 제안하는 인터넷 면세점을 위한 추천시스템 개발 및 결과 분석방안은 향후 국내외 인터넷 면세점들의 관련 시스템 도입 검토 등에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. In recent years, the duty-free industry is growing at a rapid pace with the popularization of international traveling. Especially, online duty-free stores are growing fast because there are no restrictions on time and space in comparison with offline duty-free stores. Also, they have a competitive price and a lots of various items. However, too many goods on the online duty-free stores have trouble in connecting customer needs to purchase. In this paper, we analyzed performance of recommendation system by using association rules analysis. For analysis, we focused on online duty free shopping customers, and generated the association rules analysis result which can be used for the item recommendation system. The analysis of this paper was also validated by the practitioners working for one of the Korean duty free stores, and was well received. The research results will be helpful for the online duty free stores that consider developing recommendation system to strengthen competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        LCA기법을 활용한 폐기물의 소각 및 재활용 대안의 처리비용분석

        정석재(Suk-Jae Jeong),정호상(Hosang Jung) 한국SCM학회 2010 한국SCM학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        As the production and consumption of waste plastic become frequent, waste treatment has been regarded as the serious environmental and social problems. The existing waste treatment mainly depends on the landfill after incineration. However, due to the lack of landfill space, recycling could be the alternative of environment-friendly waste treatment instead of the landfill and incineration. This paper focuses on the LCA(Life cycle assessment), which is a popular tool used to evaluate the economic and environmental performances of industrial solid waste, of four waste treatment strategies: RPF-only boiler, RPF cement kiln, cement kiln after crushing of waste, and paper incineration after crushing of waste. By comparing with incineration in terms of economic and environmental costs, we derive the effective waste treatment policy among four recycling alternatives.

      • KCI등재

        국방분야 지식관리시스템의 활용도와 만족도에 관한 연구

        정다은(Daeun Chung),심승배(Seungbae Sim),정호상(Hosang Jung) 한국IT서비스학회 2013 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        The aim of this study is to analyze how both the quality of KMS (Knowledge Management System) and its organizational factors have effect on the utilization and user satisfaction in the defense sector. This study has verified the effects and identified the main factors affecting KMS performance measures. The nature of KMS quality and its organizational characteristics were deduced from previous research results, and a questionnaire survey was conducted on 250 KMS users in the defense sector on the performance of KMS based on the time spent on KMS and the overall satisfaction through which the hypothesis was verified. This study has made several contributions in the fact that it had provided the opportunity to analyze which factors have impact on knowledge management performance in the defense sector and the utilization and users' satisfaction of KMS reflecting the viewpoint of the organizational characteristics of the military, while studying the factors which can affect the performance for knowledge management.

      • KCI등재

        재난물류 관련 문헌고찰 및 연구동향 분석

        원성현(Seonghyeon Won),전동규(Donggyu Jeon),하언근(Yanjin He),임진우(Jinwoo Lim),정호상(Hosang Jung) 한국SCM학회 2017 한국SCM학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        As disasters increase worldwide, more and more researchers are getting interested in disaster logistics focusing on when and how to allocate the relief products to the disaster areas via distribution networks. In this paper, we analyze the related research papers on disaster logistics published from 2002 to 2016, and investigate the research trends related to disaster logistics. To analyze the research trends, we used four different criteria: disaster types, corresponding author areas, management timing, and the type of research papers. The results show that 1) the related papers continuously increased; 2) lots of the past researches have focused on earthquake; 3) disaster logistics for post-disaster situations have gained much attention in comparison with pre-disaster situations; and 4) Most of the past researches are categorized into ‘optimization’and ‘concept study’in terms of the type of research papers. The analysis results provide the future research direction on the disaster logistics, and will be helpful to those who have an interest in this research area.

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