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      • 병원조직구성원들의 갈등원인과 해결방법 사례연구

        정용모,이형찬,이용철,Jung, Yong-Mo,Lee, Hyoung-Chan,Lee, Yong-Chul 보건의료산업학회 2009 보건의료산업학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        This study tried to examine the conflict relationships and solutions among the members of a hospital structure, a structure composed of various experts and professionals. As the situations causing conflicts are very different depending on the sizes or structural types of hospitals, the samples were collected from total 235 people of 17 medical specialists, 46 residents, 74 nurses and 74 medical technicians, 40 administrators in a university hospital for clearing conflict relationships. The result showed that a hospital had separately different the conflict causes according to all types of occupations. That is, there were various conflict relationships such as the conflict with the medical specialists, with residents, with nurses, and with administrators, and resulted in respectively different causes from those conflict relationships. In addition to, looking into the top of conflict causes, the respondents in all occupations attributed the conflict with medical specialists to "authoritative attitude" of medical specialists, and attributed the rest types of conflict relationships to "lack knowledge of the work". And then, in terms of the top of conflict solutions according to the occupational types in the hospital structure, medical specialists and administrators chose competition & cooperation, and the way for residents, nurses and medical technicians was situation-avoidance. The competition & cooperation type, negotiation type and situation-avoidance type, among solution types, were little difference regardless of occupations, but in case of work-avoidance type, there were significant differences according to residents, nurses, medical technicians, administrators, and medical specialists in the order.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        정신병원의 비용투입 대비 의료수익산출 DEA 효율성, 부가가치생산성, 경영성과 간의 관계

        정용모,하오현 보건의료산업학회 2015 보건의료산업학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Objectives : This study has analyzed the relationship between DEA efficiency of costs-patient revenues, productivity per value added and management performance in mental hospitals. Methods : The relationship between DEA efficiency of costs-patient revenues, the productivity per value added and management performance were conducted with correlation analysis and logistic regression. Results : The DEA efficiency of costs-patient revenues had a significant causal relationship with the value added ratio to gross revenue indexing productivity per value added. On the other hand, it was revealed that the operating margin indexing management performance had a slightly significant causal relation with DEA efficiency of costs-patient revenues. Conclusions : The material costs should be focused on the management stability of mental hospitals, and known to the desirable management orientation for the higher efficiency of costs-patient revenues.

      • KCI등재

        흰제비꽃 배양세포에 있어서 분화세포와 미분화세포 조직의 비교 관찰

        정용모,손병구,이재헌,서정해,정정한,권오창 한국식물생명공학회 2000 식물생명공학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        야생 흰제비꽃의 엽병 유래 callus를 장기 계대배양하는 과정 중에 발생하는 순화된 friable callus와 분화능이 높은 compact callus를 비교 관찰한 바, friable callus는 연초록색으로 부서지기 쉬운 부드러운 callus이고, compact callus는 진녹색으로 단단한 callus였다. 동결처리 한 시료를 주사전자 현미경에서 동일하게 200배로 관찰하여 보면, friable callus 는 작은 세포집단으로 이루어진 세포군의 주변부에 고도로 액포화된 세포가 광범위하게 분포되어 있는 반면, compact callus는 거의 균일한 세포들로 구성되어 세포구성이 치밀한 것으로 관찰되었다. 또한 friable callus와 compact callus로 부터의 체세포배형성은 배양세포에서 배가 발생하여 배양기간이 지남에 따라 식물체로 분화하였다. 이와 같은 과정은 배양세포의 세포질이 보다 충만한 부위에서 배유사체 (embryo like body)의 발생이 이루어지는 것으로 관찰되었다. To obtain a basic information of the development of Genus Viola, morphological and histological observation of in vitro calli and cells in Viola culture cells were investigated. There were two callus types obtained by long term subculture of wild viola (Viola partrinii DC. ) petiole callus. One was friable callus - soft and pale green in color and small cells in size, and the other was compact callus - compact and deep bluish green in color, large cells in size. In scanning electron microscopic observation, friable callus was composed of voculated cell around small. cell clump, while compact callus was composed of cells filled with protoplasm Somatic embryogenesis was observed from suspension culture of the compact callus.

      • KCI등재

        배지종류, 셀크기 및 비료종류가 호접란 플러그묘 생장에 미치는 영향

        정용모,빈철구,김진기,진영돈,정순재,권오창 한국생명과학회 1999 생명과학회지 Vol.9 No.6

        The effects of media, cell sizes and fertilizers on the early growth of Phalaenopsis plug plants were investigate. The sphagnum moss was more effective than other media in pink and white color cultivars. In comparison of different plug cell size, 50 cell size was more effective then 72 and 128 cell size in pink and white cultivar. In comparison of different fertilizer, margamf K in pink, and nutrient solution II(one time drenching with NHRI standard solution for three times irrigation) in white color cultivars was more effective then others, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        지방의료원의 경영활동 운영자금 조달방법과 경영성과에 미치는 영향

        정용모,하오현,Jung, Yong-Mo,Ha, Au-Hyun 중소기업융합학회 2020 융합정보논문지 Vol.10 No.11

        본 연구는 의료기관 회계정보 공시시스템에 등록된 29개 지방의료원의 재무정보를 이용하여 지방의료원들이 경영활동 운영자금 조달방법별 조달비율과 이들이 당기순이익에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 분석하였다. 연구결과, 지방의료원들의 경영활동 운영자금 조달비율은 의료수익 83.50%, 의료부대수익9.53%, 기부금수익 4.54%, 기타 의료외 수익 4.42%, 감가상각비 1.21%, 고유목적사업준비금 전입액 0.73%이었다. 지방의료원들의 경영활동 운영자금 조달방법들이 당기순이익에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과 의료수익, 의료부대수익, 기부금수익, 기타 의료외수익에 의한 운영자금 조달비율이 당기순이익에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 고유목적사업준비금 전입액에 의한 조달비율이 당기순이익에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서 지방의료원들이 바람직한 경영활동을 위해서는 비용관리에 있어서 자체발생수익, 내부에 유보할 수 있는 자금 등을 고려할 필요성이 제기된다. This study used the financial information of 29 Regional public hospitals registered in the HASPA. Regional public hospitals analyzed the ratio of operating financing by management activities and how they affect net profit. The results of the study, Regional Public Hospitals ratio of fund financing for management activities was 83.50 percent for medical revenues, 9.53 percent for Incidental Revenue of Medical, 4.54 percent for Contribution Revenue, 4.42 percent for Other non-medical profits, 1.21 percent for depreciation Expense and 0.73 percent for Amount of reserve for unique purpose project. As a result of examining the effect of financing by management operation on net profit, the ratio of operating funds by medical revenue, by incidental revenue of medical, by contribution revenue and by other non-medical profits had a positive impact on net profit of Regional public hospitals. And It has been confirmed that the ratio of amount of reserve for unique purpose project has a negative impact on net profit. Therefore, it is necessary for Regional public hospitals to manage costs in consideration of revenues and internal reserves.

      • KCI등재

        황색 대륜 절화용 다수성 거베라 신품종 "골든타임" 육성

        정용모,이병정,황주천,진영돈,김수경,노치웅,권오창 한국육종학회 2009 한국육종학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        국내 재배환경에 적합한 다수성인 거베라의 우수 신품종 육성을 위하여 경남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2000년부터 교배조합 육성을 위하여 국내의 재배농가와 종묘업체로부터 품종을 수집한 후, 2002년 3월에 황색 대륜계의 '99-가-2'를 모본, 핑크색 대륜계의 '99-나-7-6'을 부본으로 인공교배를 실시하여 교배조합으로부터 8475개의 종자를 획득하였다. 교배 후 결실이 된 조합은 채종 즉시 파종 하였으며, 파종 1개월 후 발아된 807개의 유묘는 본엽 A new yellow gerbera (Gerbera hybrida Hort.) cultivar "Golden Time" was developed from a cross between '99-ga-2' and '99-na-7-6', followed by seedling and line selections at the Flower Research Institute, Gyeongnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services (ARES) in 2007. Detailed characteristics of the new cultivar were evaluated from 2004 to 2007. "Golden Time" has semi-double type large flowers in a good harmony with yellow (RHS, 17-B) ray floret and brown center. It has good, stable flower shape and strong peduncles, and its vase life was 12.3 days. The average flower yield of "Golden Time" was about 49.5 stems per plant/year in greenhouse trails during 2004 and 2007. This cultivar was registered to the Korea Seed and Variety Service (KSVS) for commercialization in 2009. Year-round production of this cultivar is possible in the greenhouse condition throughout the Korean climate.

      • KCI등재

        황색 대륜 갈색화심의 다수성 절화용 거베라 ‘드래곤스타’ 육성

        정용모,황주천,진영돈,이병정,이영병,권오창 한국화훼산업육성협회 2014 화훼연구 Vol.22 No.3

        경남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2005년 적색 대륜계의‘Misty Red’을 모본, 황색 대륜계 ‘Focus’를 부본으로 인공교배하여 계통 육성 후, 2007년부터 2009년까지 3회의 특성검정을 거친 후 2010년 황색 대륜계 거베라 신품종 ‘Dragon Star’를 육성하였다. ‘Dragon Star’는 황색(RHS 14-A)과 갈색(RHS 183-B)의 화심의 조화가 우수한 반겹꽃이며 화폭이 12.1cm 정도인 대륜화이다. 또한‘Dragon Star’는 화형이 안정되고 화경이 강건하며, 개화소요일수는 8.6일 정도이고 평균 절화수명은 12.9일 정도이다. 주당 연간 평균수량은 2007년부터 2009년까지3회 수량조사 결과 평균 48.5본 정도이다. ‘Dragon Star’품종은 2011년 국립종자원에 품종보호권등록(품종보호 제3738) 되었다. A new yellow large gerbera (Gerbera hybridHort.) cv ‘Dragon Star’ was developed by the FlowerResearch Institute of Gyeong-Nam Agricultural Researchand Extension Services (GNARES) in 2010. The crosseswere made between ‘Misty Red’ with red and large flowerand ‘Focus’ with yellow color and large flower, followed byseedling and line selection. Detail characteristics of the newcultivar were evaluated from 2007 to 2009. The newlydeveloped cv ‘Dragon Star’ had semi-double type largeflower in a good harmony with yellow (RHS 14-A) ray floretsand brown (RHS 183-B) disk florets. It had attractive andstable flower shape with strong peduncles. Number ofleaves at first flowering of ‘Dragon Star’ were 8.6 and itsvase life was 12.9 days. The yield trials carried out ingreenhouse during 2007 to 2009 revealed the averageyield of ‘Dragon Star’ as about 48.5 flowers per plant ayear. ‘Dragon Star’ (Grant No. 3738) was registered to theKorea Seed and Variety Service (KSVS) for new plantprotection rights in 2011.

      • KCI등재

        오렌지색 절화용 다수성 거베라 신품종 " 송송이 "

        정용모,김정부,권오창 한국육종학회 2002 한국육종학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        A new reddish yellow gerbera (Gerbera hybrida Hort.) cultivar ‘Songsongee’ was developed from a cross ‘Princessa’ and ‘Beauty’ followed by seedling and line selections at the Floricultural Experiment Station, Gyeongnam Agricultural Research and Extension

      • KCI등재후보

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