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      • KCI등재

        인프라사운드 관측을 통한 지구물리학적 연구

        제일영,전정수,Che, Il-Young,Jeon, Jeong-Soo 대한자원환경지질학회 2006 자원환경지질 Vol.39 No.4

        인간의 가청주파수 보다 낮은 저주파수대역의 음파로 정의되는 인프라사운드는 대기압력 변화를 수반하는 다양한 자연현상이나 인간 활동에 의해 지속적으로 발생하여 대기 중으로 전파하고 있다. 인프라사운드의 장거리 전파특성은 음원에 대한 원거리 관측과 분석을 가능하게 하여 자연현상에 대한 지구물리학적인 이해와 대규모 인위적 음원에 대한 탐지기술로 응용되고 있다. 이에 최근 비밀 핵실험 감시와 순수한 지구물리학적 연구를 목적으로 진보된 관측망이 전 세계적으로 구축되는 등 인프라사운드에 대한 관심과 연구가 증가하고 있다. 국내에는 지진파와 인프라사운드를 동시에 관측할 수 있는 지진-음파 관측망이 운영되고 있으며, 이들 자료의 실시간 관측과 분석으로 한반도 및 주변지역에서 발생하는 지진 중 상당수의 인공지진을 명확히 식별하고 있다. 또한 인공지진탐지 이외에도 대규모 자연지진, 운석폭발, 화산폭발, 태풍 등의 자연현상에서 발생한 인프라사운드를 국내 관측망에서 관측하여 분석하고 있다. 지구 물리학적 관점에서 인프라사운드 관측은 상부지각과 대기권 등 지구표면에서 일어나고 있는 대규모 자연 혹은 인위적 현상을 관측할 수 있는 새로운 지구관측기술의 하나로 이용되고 있다. Atmospheric infrasound is defined as low frequency inaudible sound waves generated from natural phenomena and human activities. One property of long-distance travelling of infrasound makes it possible to detect the wave propagated from remote sound sources and to understand many geophysical phenomena generating it. Recently, advanced global infrasound sensor arrays are being deployed to monitor the clandestine nuclear test and to study geophysical phenomena in the world. In Korea, five seismo-acoustic arrays consisting of co-located seismometer and micro-barometer have been operated to discriminate the artificial explosions from the natural earthquakes in and around the Korean Peninsula. In addition to the discrimination purpose, these ways also record distinct infrasonic signals from natural phenomena on global scale such as large earthquake, bolide event, volcanic explosion, typhoon, and so on. As a new frontier in monitoring the earth, infrasound is being applied to understand various phenomena in and above the earth's surface.

      • KCI등재

        옥천대내(沃川帶內) 신당(新堂)-도전리(道田里) 지역(地域)에 대한 ELF-MT 탐사(探査) 연구(硏究)

        민경덕,전정수,정승환,Min, Kyung Duck,Jeon, Jeong Soo,Chung, Seung Hwan 대한자원환경지질학회 1988 자원환경지질 Vol.21 No.3

        The ELF-MT survey has been conducted at 9 points along the national road between the Sindangri and Dojonri area to study on the boundary between the Okchon and Choson systems, and subsurface geological structure of these two systems. Natural electromagnetic fields of 7.8, 14, and 20 Hz in the Schumann resonant frequency band were used for ELF-MT measurement. Apparent resistivity values were calculated from the measured magnetic and electric fields at each frequency, and resistivity sections were obtained by means of a trial and error method for one-dimensional analysis and finite element method for two-dimensioal analysis. The results of this study show that the resistivities of the Okchon and Choson systems are 700-3500 ohm-m and 40-5000 ohm-m, respectively. The boundary between these two systems is a fault with the width of 1 km fault zone and resistivity value of 200 ohm-m, and is located around Koburangjae. Another fault is appeared in Sindangri, and its resistivity value is 130 ohm-m. Intrusion of biotite granite is distributed in Jungchijae, and its resistivity value is 750 ohm-m. The area between Susanri and Koburangjae shows the highest resistivity value of 3500 ohm-m because metabasite and amphibolite are distributed in that area. Extremely low resistivity value of 40 ohm-m around Yongamsan is due to the Yongam formation, which is composed of graphitic black slate and overlying Choson Great Limestone group.

      • KCI등재

        심부 석탄층 탐사에 있어서 CSAMT 탐사법 적용

        정승환,김정호,전정수,Chung, Seung-Hwan,Kim, Jung-Ho,Jeon, Jeong-Soo 대한자원환경지질학회 1990 자원환경지질 Vol.23 No.1

        Controlled source audio-frequency magnetotelluric (CSAMT) has the great advantage of efficient mapping resistivity distribution and relatively deep depth of investigation. Moreover, CSAMT may be regarded more attractive than audio-frequency magnetotelluric in the sense of the strong and controllable signal. However, it has the problem such as undershoot and/or near-field effect that is hard to be interpreted if the interpretation method of MT is directly applied. The problem arises from the existance of controlled source which makes CSAMT attractive. So the characteristics of CSAMT response should be thoroughly understood prior to interpretation stage. In this study, numerical modeling program for horizontally layered earth was developped for the interpretation of CSAMT field data. CSAMT field survey was run as a follow-up to resistivity dipole-dipole study over the same survey line at Bongmyung coal mine. The survey used a grounded dipole source 2 Km in length and located 7.5Km south in this study. A good agreement between field CSAMT data and calculated data was demonstrated even in geologically complex earth situations.

      • KCI등재

        국내 지진활동 및 지각구조 연구동향

        김성균,전명순,전정수,Kim, Sung-Kyun,Jun, Myung-Soon,Jeon, Jeong-Soo 대한자원환경지질학회 2006 자원환경지질 Vol.39 No.4

        유라시아판 동남쪽에 위치한 한반도는 판경계로부터 수백 km 떨어진 판내지역에 해당하며, 판내부 지진은 판경계부에서의 지진에 비해 발생하는 지진에 비해 숫자가 상대적으로 적고 크기도 작을 뿐만 아니라 발생 위치도 매우 불규칙한 편이다. 이는 단층의 활동주기가 매우 길다는 것을 의미하므로, 약 2,000년 동안의 지진역사가 기록되어 있는 우리나라는 이들 자료를 정확히 분석하여 역사시대 동안에 발생한 지진의 활동도 및 특성 등을 규명하여야 한다. 역사지진의 자료에 의하면 지진활동은 조선 중기 즉 16-18 세기에 특히 활발했으며 높은 지진활동의 기간은 중국 북동부와 일치하고 있다. 이는 이 두지역의 지진활동이 밀접하게 연관되어 있음을 시사한다. 역사지진 및 계기지진 자료에 의하면 대체로 서해안쪽이 활발하며, 한반도 남동부에서 서북서 방향으로 활발한 양상을 보여준다. 우리나라에서의 근대적 지진관측은 1905년 최초로 인천관측소가 설치되어 광복이전 6개소의 지진관측소를 운영하였다. 그 후 지진관측 공백기를 거쳐 1963년 서울에 세계표준지진계가 설치되었으며 1990 년 초에 기상청은 중앙집중식 12개소의 관측소를 본격적으로 운영하기 시작하였다. 그 후 지속적인 확장을 통해 기상청에서는 속도계관측소 35개소, 가속도 관측소 75개소를, 한국지질자원연구원은 32개소의 속도계관측소, 16개소의 가속도 관측소를, 한국원자력안전기술원은 4개소의 속도계 및 가속도 관측소를, 한국전력연구원은 13개소의 속도계 및 기속도 관측소를 운영하고 있다..27개 지진의 발생원인을 분석한 결과 한반도 및 인접지역에서 발생한 지진의 대부분은 주향이동 단층 운동에 의한 메카니즘과 다소의 역단층 운동이 첨가된 단층운동 특성을 보여준다. 한반도 및 주변에서 단층작용을 일으킨 주응력 방향은 거의 수평한 동북동-서남서 방향으로 같은 판내 지역인 북동부 중국 지역의 주응력 방향과 매우 유사하고 동해 동부와는 상당한 차이를 보인다. 이는 한반도 및 그 주변에서 지진을 일으키는 주응력은 동쪽에서 유라시아판 밑으로 침강하는 태평양판의 영향뿐만 아니라 서남쪽에서 충돌하는 인도판의 영향도 상당히 작용하는 것으로 해석된다. 지각 속도구조는 지진이 발생한 진원의 위치와 지진규모를 정확히 알아내는데 필수적이다. 그 동안 국내 지진관측망 미비, 한반도 내부의 낮은 지진 발생 빈도 등의 이유로 양질의 지진자료를 구하기 어려워 지진자료를 이용한 지각속도 구조에 대한 연구가 극히 제한적으로 이루어질 수밖에 없었다. 그러나 최근에 국내의 여러 지친관측망에서 축적된 지진기록과 반사 및 굴절 탄성파 탐사를 수행하여 종합적으로 지각 속도구조를 규명하기 시작하였다. 이와 같은 인공발파를 이용한 지각속도구조를 규명하기 위해서는 많은 인원과 예산을 필요로 하므로 관련분야의 전문가들의 적극적인 참여가 필요한 상황이다. Korean Peninsula, located on the southeastern part of Eurasian plate, belongs to the intraplate region. The characteristics of intraplate earthquake show the low and rare seismicity and the sparse and irregular distribution of epicenters comparing to interplate earthquake. To evaluate the exact seismic activity in intraplate region, long-term seismic data including historical earthquake data should be archived. Fortunately the long-term historical earthquake records about 2,000 years are available in Korea Peninsula. By the analysis of this historical and instrumental earthquake data, seismic activity was very high in 16-18 centuries and is more active at the Yellow sea area than East sea area. Comparing to the high seismic activity of the north-eastern China in 16-18 centuries, it is inferred that seismic activity in two regions shows close relationship. Also general trend of epicenter distribution shows the SE-NW direction. In Korea Peninsula, the first seismic station was installed at Incheon in 1905 and 5 additional seismic stations were installed till 1943. There was no seismic station from 1945 to 1962, but a World Wide Standardized Seismograph was installed at Seoul in 1963. In 1990, Korean Meteorological Adminstration(KMA) had established centralized modem seismic network in real-time, consisted of 12 stations. After that time, many institutes tried to expand their own seismic networks in Korea Peninsula. Now KMA operates 35 velocity-type seismic stations and 75 accelerometers and Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources operates 32 and 16 stations, respectively. Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety and Korea Electric Power Research Institute operate 4 and 13 stations, consisted of velocity-type and accelerometer. In and around the Korean Peninsula, 27 intraplate earthquake mechanisms since 1936 were analyzed to understand the regional stress orientation and tectonics. These earthquakes are largest ones in this century and may represent the characteristics of earthquake in this region. Focal mechanism of these earthquakes show predominant strike-slip faulting with small amount of thrust components. The average P-axis is almost horizontal ENE-WSW. In north-eastern China, strike-slip faulting is dominant and nearly horizontal average P-axis in ENE-WSW is very similar with the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, in the eastern part of East Sea, thrust faulting is dominant and average P-axis is horizontal with ESE-WNW. This indicate that not only the subducting Pacific Plate in east but also the indenting Indian Plate controls earthquake mechanism in the far east of the Eurasian Plate. Crustal velocity model is very important to determine the hypocenters of the local earthquakes. But the crust model in and around Korean Peninsula is not clear till now, because the sufficient seismic data could not accumulated. To solve this problem, reflection and refraction seismic survey and seismic wave analysis method were simultaneously applied to two long cross-section traversing the southern Korean Peninsula since 2002. This survey should be continuously conducted.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한반도-일본열도 사이의 광역지진관측 및 해석 ; 포항 STS지진관측소에서의 광대역, 고감도의 지진관측

        김성균,정승환,전명순,경재복,전정수,류용규,가주오 오이케,요시오 후까오,이사오 야마다,게이꼬 이시하라,야수시 이시하라,Kim, Sung Kyun,Chung, Seung Hwan,Jun, Myung Soon,Kyung, Jai Bok,Jeon, Jeong Soo,Ryoo, Yong Gyu,Oike, Kazuo,Fukao, Yoshio,Yamada, Isao 대한자원환경지질학회 1993 자원환경지질 Vol.26 No.1

        In order to provide informations for the earth's deep interior and the earthquake mechanism, we have been operating the three components of Streckeisen Seismometers at Pohang Observatory, Korea, as a part of a long period seismic network (POSEIDON) in the northwestern Pacific now under construction. The recording system is specially designed to be able to obtain outputs of broad band and wide dynamic range; BRB (Broad Band), LP (Long Period), and VLP (Very Long Period) output. The triggered BRB and LP signals are digitized with the sampling intervals of 0.1 and 0.4 second, respectively. The lowpass filtered VLP output is digitized and recorded contineously with the sampling interval of 10 seconds. About 120 regional and teleseismic events have been successfully recorded for one and half year since late March, 1991. As a preliminary study, eight events of them are analyzed to determine Rayleigh wave dispersion curves in the period range of 20 to 300 seconds for the continental and oceanic paths. The curves are compared with the typical continental and oceanic ones to discuss the earth's deep interior.

      • KCI등재

        沃川帶內 新堂-道田里 地域에 대한 ELF-MT 探査 硏究

        Kyung Duck Min(閔庚德),Jeong Soo Jeon(田正秀),Seung Hwan Chung(鄭承桓) 대한자원환경지질학회 1988 자원환경지질 Vol.21 No.3

        The ELF-MT survey has been conducted at 9 points along the national road between the Sindangri and Dojonri area to study on the boundary between the Okchon and Choson systems, and subsurface geological structure of these two systems. Natural electromagnetic fields of 7.8, 14, and 20 Hz in the Schumann resonant frequency band were used for ELF-MT measurement. Apparent resistivity values were calculated from the measured magnetic and electric fields at each frequency, and resistivity sections were obtained by means of a trial and error method for one-dimensional analysis and finite element method for two-dimensioal analysis. The results of this study show that the resistivities of the Okchon and Choson systems are 700-3500 ohm-m and 40-5000 ohm-m, respectively. The boundary between these two systems is a fault with the width of 1 km fault zone and resistivity value of 200 ohm-m, and is located around Koburangjae. Another fault is appeared in Sindangri, and its resistivity value is 130 ohm-m. Intrusion of biotite granite is distributed in Jungchijae, and its resistivity value is 750 ohm-m. The area between Susanri and Koburangjae shows the highest resistivity value of 3500 ohm-m because metabasite and amphibolite are distributed in that area. Extremely low resistivity value of 40 ohm-m around Yongamsan is due to the Yongam formation, which is composed of graphitic black slate and overlying Choson Great Limestone group.

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