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        열방성 액정고분자 강화 폴리부틸렌 테레프탈레이트 분자복합재료의 열적성질 및 결정화 거동

        임성택,김한상,Im, Seong-Taek,Kim, Han-Sang 한국섬유공학회 1997 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.34 No.8

        Thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer (TLCPS) based on 60 mol% hydroxybenzoic acid and 40 mol% poly(ethylene terephthalate) (HBA60/PET40) with poly(butylene torephthalate) (PBT) blends were prepared and their thermal and crystallization behaviors were investigated by changing the composition of the blends. Small addition (3~7%) of LCP into PBT resulted in an increment of melting temperature, crystallization temperature and degree of crystallinity The synergistic effect of thermal stability was observed in the blends containing 5 or 7% LCP content. Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics was investigated by applying the non-isothermal DSC using Ozawa equation, which is an extended Avrami equation. The calculated Avrami exponent reveals predetermined nucleation and three-dimensional growth of the caystallites in the PBT and PBT/LCP blends. The rate of crystallization increased at 5% and 10% LCP/PBT blends, which was attributed to the nucleation of the PBT crystallization by the LCP. The crystallization of PBT was affected by the addition of TLCP, which acts as a nucleating agent.

      • KCI등재

        장애인 생활시설에서의 인권 침해, 그 현황과 대책

        임성택(Im, Sung-Taek) 한국법학원 2012 저스티스 Vol.- No.128

        장애인 생활시설은 장애인이 거주하면서 재활, 치료 등의 복지서비스를 받는 곳이다. 장애인을 보호하기 위한 장애인 생활시설이 역설적으로 인권의 사각지대가 되어 왔다. 장애인 생활시설의 인권문제는 강제구금, 강제노역, 폭행, 성폭행, 살인 및 암매장, 외부와의 통신제한, 종교 강요, 교육의 제한, 국가의 보조비나 민간 후원금 횡령 등 다양하다. 여건이 좋은 복지시설도 지역사회와 격리되어 집단생활을 하고 있고, 장애인은 오로지 보호의 대상이 되고 있다는 점에서 가정이나 지역사회에서 자립생활을 하는 것과 비교할 때 결코 정상적이라 할 수 없다. 사회복지시설의 인권침해에 대한 사법기관의 판단사례는 많지 않다. 사회복지 수용시설에 강제로 입소당한 자들을 감금한 행위가 감금죄에 해당하지 않는다고 본 대법원 판례와 부녀보호시설에 강제수용된 것이 기본권을 침해했다고 주장하면서 제기한 헌법소원을 각하한 헌법재판소 결정례가 있다. 최근 주목할 판결례로는 시설 인권침해에 관하여 지방자치단체의 책임을 물은 대법원 판결과 장애인 생활시설에서 나와 지역사회 자립을 구한 것과 관련한 청주지방법원 및 서울행정법원의 판결이 있다. 장애인 생활시설의 인권문제를 개선하기 위해서 여러 과제와 대안이 제시되고 있다. 우선 시설을 운영하는 주체인 사회복지법인의 공공성과 투명성을 강화하여야 한다. 이를 위해 공익이사제의 도입 등이 논의되고 있다. 무엇보다 시설 중심의 보호정책을 폐기하여 장애인들이 지역사회에서 자립하면서 생활할 수 있도록 지원하는 것이 중요하다. 다음으로 사회복지서비스를 필요로 하는 장애인의 욕구와 상황에 맞게 이용자 중심의 복지서비스가 지역사회에서 제공되어야 한다. 그렇게 되면 가족의 버림을 받고 시설로 격리되는 장애인들이 줄게 될 것이다. 장애인의 특성상 자신의 권리를 옹호하기 어렵기 때문에 전문적인 권리옹호기관을 만들 필요도 있다. Residential facility of the disabled provides social welfare services including rehabilitation and medical treatment for the disabled living in the facility. However, such residential facility of the disabled has been the blind spot of human rights. Novel and movie titled "Crucial ("Dogani" in Korean)", which has created major repercussion all over the nation, vividly shows crucial state of infringement on human rights of the disabled, includingsexual abuse committed at the residential facility or special school for the disabled. Violation of human rights occurredat the residential facility of the disabled include forced detention, forced labor, assault, sexual abuse, homicide, secret burial, restriction on communication with the outside world, religious practice by compulsion, restriction on education, and embezzlement of the funds assisted and donated by the government and the private sectors, and others. Even a social welfare facility in relatively good condition is living in a group isolated from the local community, and the disabled is only recognized as the subject to be protected. Given the fact that the disabled living at its own house enjoys independent life at home and the community, the life in the residential facility of the disabled is far from normal life. It is not easy to find judgment cases made by the judicial body as tohuman right infringement committed at the social welfare facility. The Supreme Court set a precedent that act of detaining the people who are incarcerated in the social welfare institution does not fall under the illegal detention crime, and the Constitutional Court turned down the petition to the Constitution filed by people arguing compulsory imprisonment in women protection facility violates the basic human rights. However, here are a few noteworthy decision cases. Recently, the Supreme Court decided that local autonomous government shall be liable and responsible for human rights infringement committed at the facilities. The Cheongju District Court and the Seoul Administrative Court gave decisions as to the disabled who tried to live independent life after coming out of the residential facility. We are facing many challenges to be resolved inorder to improve the human rights issues at the residential facility of the disabled, and at the same time, various alternative measures are also presented. First and foremost, the "publicness" and transparency of the social welfare corporation which operates such facilities must be strengthened. To this end, introducing the public directorship is under discussion. More than anything else, deinstitutionalization may be an alternative. In other words, protection first policy centered social welfare facility must be abolished, and instead, assistance for the disabled to enjoy independent life mingled with the local community is more important. And next, user-centered social welfare services which are customized and personalized befitting to the desire and condition of the user in need must be rendered. Then, there will be less and less disabled people who are incarcerated at the facility after being abandoned by their own family. Establishment of Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency for the disabled may be another alternative. Due to physical disability, it is hard for the disabled to protect their own rights, so P&A which speaks for the disabled is needed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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