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        유아 기본학습기능 진단검사의 성취수준 설정

        효경 ( Hyo Kyung Kwak ),이종승 ( Jong Seung Lee ) 충남대학교 교육연구소 2011 교육연구논총 Vol.32 No.1

        준거참조적 검사로 개발된 유아의 기본학습기능 진단검사가 본래의 검사목적에 알맞게 유용한 검사도구로 사용될 수 있기 위해서는 검사점수에 의하여 유아를 분류하는 준거점이 마련되어야 한다. 예컨대, ``우수`` 혹은 ``미흡``으로 유아의 기본학습기능을 분류한다면 그 분류기준이 타당하고 객관적이어야 한다는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 기본학습기능 진단검사의 성취수준을 구분하는 준거점을 설정하는 문제를 취급하였다. 연구자가 개발한 유아의 기본학습기능 진단검사를 만 3세에서 6세 전반기 유아 363명에게 실시하고, 그 검사결과를 바탕으로 기본학습기능 성취수준을 타당하게 분할하는 준거점수를 산출하고자 하였다. 성취수준의 분할점수를 산출하기 위하여 앙고프(Angoff) 방법을 활용하였다. 유아교육 및 교육측정·평가 분야 전문가 13명을 준거설정을 위한 패널로 선정해서 이들로 하여금 가상적인 최소 능력 보유자 100명의 유아가 각 검사문항에 정답을 할 확률을 추정하도록 하였다. 성취수준을 미흡, 보통, 우수의 3개 수준으로 구분하고 4회에 걸쳐 각 패널에게 성취수준별 예상정답률을 추정토록 하여, 전체 패널의 최종 예상정답률을 기초로 분할점수를 산출하였다. 기본학습기능의 하위 영역(듣기·말하기, 읽기·쓰기, 수학) 및 총점에 대한 성취수준별 분할점수를 산출해서 각 성취수준별 도달비율을 살펴보았다. 또한 유아의 연령별로 각 성취수준의 도달 비율을 비교ㆍ분석하였다. 해당 분야 전문가들의 판단과 합의 과정을 통하여 도출해 낸 분할점수에 의한 성취수준의 분류는 객관적이고 타당하다고 볼 수 있다. 앞으로 유아의 기본학습기능 진단검사가 개별 유아의 발달수준과 강약점을 타당하게 진단하고 평가하기 위한 검사도구로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. In order to use educational assessments such as the test of basic learning skills to categorize individuals, performance standards must be established along the test score range. Individuals may be classified as ``basic,`` ``proficient,`` and ``advanced`` on the basis of test scores. The purpose of this study was to establish performance standards of the basic learning skills test for young children by Angoff`s method. The basic learning skills test developed by the present researchers consisted of 4 sub-tests of listening and speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics. The basic learning skills test was administered to 363 children aged between 3 and 6 years old. The Angoff`s method requires that each of a sample of judges examine each items on a competency test and estimate the probability that the ``minimally acceptable`` person would answer each item correctly. 13 experts in early childhood education were served as a panel of judges in this study. Three levels of achievement(below basic, basic, and advanced) were set as performance standards. The judges decided for each of test items the probability that a minimally competent child would be able to answer it correctly. The probabilities proposed by each judge were summed and averaged the sums of probabilities across all judges to compute performance standards. It was found that the performance standards established in this study are generally valid and objective. The results of the study expect to provide basic information on selecting appropriate educational content and to develop basic learning skills of young children.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 감사제도에 대한 최근 동향

        이효경(Hyo-Kyung Lee) 한국기업법학회 2008 企業法硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        Under Japan's Companies Act of 2005, which consolidated corporate law regulations in Japan, a corporate auditor is a mandatory organ of a joint-stock company with two exceptional situations. A corporate auditor system took on its current form through Commercial Code amendments. All of which extensively strengthened the power and independence of a corporate auditor. These various provisions in the Commercial Code were consolidated under the Companies Act of 2005. In the change revised in relation to an audit system in Japan, the recent developments about the internal control system is considered and it's surveyed about a regulation and a standards related to an internal control by Companies Act of Japan and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law. Correspondence to the Internal control over financial reporting begun from April in 2008 is considered in relation to this. As the system of “assessment and audit of internal control over financial reporting” in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law has just been introduced and the system itself has not yet come into effect. it is difficult to establish specific guidelines regarding internal control over financial reporting. However, as a corporate auditor audit practices expressed significant interest. In the near future, when the internal control systems over financial reporting come into effect, further examination may be made as necessary. Something various to get up in Japan recently continues without the act's which deceives a consumer group and society ceasing. Through such situation it'll be a major premise to say that Compliance should be able to be accomplished with priority in business activity. “Compliance” and “prevention of corporate scandal” by which a corporate auditor will be the premise of the business activity as one a essential organ of a company which takes charge of economic activity in such situation, it has to be being a problem of top priority and be corresponding.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        시간적 구조 변화에 따른 피아니스트와 일반인의 양손 제어 형태 연구

        이효경 ( Hyo Kyung Lee ) 한국스포츠심리학회 2008 한국스포츠심리학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        양손 동시 동작 수행에서 어느 한 손에만 시간적 구조를 변화시킬 때 피아노 전공자와 비전공자의 두 손 각각에 어떠한 상호작용적 제어 특성이 나타나는지를 규명하기 위하여 본 연구를 수행하였다. 피아노 전공자와 비전공자 각 20명씩을 대상으로 하여 실시된 실험은 시간적 구조 변화를 요구하지 않는 통제조건과 한 쪽 손의 시간 구조 변화 처치 조건하에서 피험자들에게 양손 인지를 이용하여 5회의 탭핑 과제를 동시 수행하게 하여 시간적 변화를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 변화가 요구되지 않은 손의 조건(500msec)에서 피아노 전공자는 요구시간과 거의 동일한 시간으로 수행한 반면, 비전공자는 주동 손(오른손) 24.82%, 비주동 손(왼손) 27.23%가 요구시간에 비해 실제 수행시간이 더 느려짐을 보였다. 변화가 요구된 손의 조건(250msec)에서 역시 피아노 전공자는 요구시간에 거의 근접한 시간의 수행을 하였으나, 비전공자는 주동 손 34.69%, 비주동 손 31.75%가 요구시간에 비해 실제 수행시간이 증가하였다. 이러한 결과는, 두 손에 시간적 구조를 달리하여 동시에 수행할 때 피아노 비전공자는 양손 모두에 간섭이 일어나 일관되게 수행시간이 느려짐을 보여주는 것이며, 이는 어느 한 손이 다른 손의 시간적 구조에 동화되는 것과는 다르다. 또한 피아노 전공자는 각각의 손에 서로 다른 시간적 구조에도 불구하고 요구시간에 매우 일치하는 수행을 보였다. 이는 피아노 전공자들에게는 다년간의 연습을 통하여 익힌 자동운동조절프로그램이 작동하기 때문이라 할 수 있다. 하지만 피아노 학습이 되지 않은 일반인들은 이러한 프로그램이 생성, 내재되어 있지 않으므로 오류 수행과 함께 결속이 일어남으로써 독립적 협응이 이루어지지 않음을 극명하게 보여주었다. The purpose of the present study was to investigate what kind of interactional motor control characteristics appeared on pianists` and ordinary persons` left and right finger movements respectively if temporal structure of any one hand was changed when carrying out simultaneous movements with both hands. All of subjects performed five simultaneous finger tapping movements with index fingers of both hands under the control condition in which no transformation of time(500msec) in present, along with the experimental condition of decreased time interval(250msec) in any one hand. The results of experiment showed that changing the temporal structure of any one hand influenced time structures in two hands for ordinary persons and unchanging for pianists. These results for ordinary persons are apparently consistent with the findings of previous researches in which the unity of time was evidenced according to coordination of both hands at early phase of a movement in uniting type of temporal structure. But the pianists` selective activation of hand muscles to produce motion of single or multiple digits probably plays an even more important role in the dexterous control of the hand. Due to the biomechanical architecture of hand muscles, complex co-activation patterns of many muscles are required to produce individuated finger movement as well as to prevent motion at non-instructed digits.

      • KCI등재

        지급결제서비스에 관한 법규제의 현상과 과제

        이효경(Hyo Kyung Lee) 한국비교사법학회 2016 비교사법 Vol.23 No.1

        2014년 말 국내에 핀테크가 화제로 떠오른 이후, 1년여 간 IT업계와 금융업계는 시장선점을 위한 경쟁이 지속되고 있고, 특히 간편결제서비스 분야에서는 경쟁이 치열하다. 비금융기업이 IT기술을 활용하여 새로운 지급수단 또는 서비스를 도입하거나 동일한 서비스를 다수 금융기관에 제공함에 따라 기존 법체계의 사각지대가 발생할 수 있고, 최근 소액결제시장 혁신을 위해 규제완화 등을 추진하고 있으나 혁신을 뒷받침 할 수 있는 지급결제인프라 개선 방안에 대한 논의를 보완할 필요가 있다는 지적이 제기되고 있다. 일본도 2010년 자금결제법을 제정하여 송금업무와 대출업무를 은행 이외의 사업주체도 할 수 있도록 전자자금이체, 선불지급수단 발행 등 비금융기업의 지급서비스 관련 법체계를 마련하여 규제 완화를 도모해 왔다. 하지만 최근의 지급결제환경 변화를 배경으로 금융과 IT융합에 의해 다양한 지급서비스를 유연하게 전개하기 위하여 업종을 횡단하는 형식의 규제를 장래에 구축할 수 있도록 작년까지 개혁방향을 정리하고 올해 법 정비를 검토하고 있다. 본고에서는 최근 일본의 지급결제서비스에 관해 제시한 개혁의 현황과 추진과제를 검토하고 이를 참고로 하여 우리나라 지급결제서비스의 법 제도 개선방향에 대한 시사점을 얻도록 한다. In many countries, the financial sector owes its growth to financial technology, better known as FinTech. A variety of financial services are currently available including payment & remittance services through non-face-to-face methods such as e-mails and social networks, not through banks, social lending, and investment services using AI(artificial intelligence) and big data. The recent rapid advances in the field of IT innovation, perhaps best symbolized by the expansion of fintech, are having significant effects on the future of the financial service industry. With financial institutions in Europe and USA strategically addressing such changes, it is becoming crucial for Japan’s financial groups to develop and implement measures to promote innovation in various financial services including payment services. Since the rise of Fintech in Korea at the end of 2014, the IT and financial sectors have been in continual competition for market shares in the domestic market: competition is the most intense in the field of payment services. Even nonbank have employed new payment methods and services using IT technology and provided them to financial institutions, which requires revision of inadequate regulations. The spread of new types of mobile phone-based payment services also requires deregulation and consumer protection.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본의 외국상장법인의 법적이슈

        이효경 ( Hyo Kyung Lee ) 한국상사판례학회 2012 상사판례연구 Vol.25 No.3

        In the aspect of revising Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of 2008, from the perspective in which it is essential to enable a variety of asset management or provision of funding opportunities in order to make the Japanese market more appealing and competitive, the system was organized in point of diversification of financial instruments so that markets with high degree of freedom can be founded by limiting direct participants in the market to professional investors, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) that invest in financial instruments are made possible widely. In addition, the regulation on disclosure was also relaxed drastically as the form of disclosure documents, language, accounting standards, etc. are not regulated by law, but instead are determined by persons who have established the markets. On the other hand, J-Nomad system was introduced, which is based on Tokyo Alternative Investment Market (AIM). It is specified that the Nominated Adviser (Nomad), who is the designated adviser, takes responsibility for the appropriacy of the listing or the subsequent operation. In order for these markets targeted at professional investors to succeed, inducing the participation of foreign investors is as important as attracting foreign enterprises to be listed. It is a major challenge whether to be able to secure the high liquidity with the participation of many investors. In Korea, Financial Services Commision drew up a plan for founding a stock market exclusively for small and medium-sized businesses [tentatively named Korea New Exchange (KONEX)] as a measure for innovating the financial environment for newly-founded as well as small and medium-sized businesses in April this year. Japanese people`s exertion to vitalize the Japanese capital market and consequentially to scale up the investment opportunities for Japanese investors is full of suggestions for us.

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