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        인지적 정보처리접근 중심 대학생 진로발달 증진 프로그램 개발

        이형국 한국상담학회 2010 상담학연구 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop an Career Development Program based on the Cognitive Information Processing Approach(CDP-CIP) for University Students and to investigate its effects. To achieve this purpose the sub-factors were extracted based on the university students' needs, career expert research, and literature research on the theory of career development and career-cognition. The extracted sub-factors were self exploration, job exploration, career decision making, and execution of career preparation behavior. In this study improvement of career development and dysfunctional career-cognition was operationally defined as the total scores of the four scales assessed by Career Identity Inventory(Holland et al., 1980, Kim, 1997), Career Decision Scale(Osipow et al., 1980, Ko, 1992), Career Preparation Behavior Inventory(Kim, 1997) and Career Belief Scale(Lee, 2009). The results were as follows. The comparative groupⅠ was significantly higher than the control group in the levels of overall career identity, career decision level career preparation behavior and career belief. The comparative groupⅡ wasn't significantly higher than the control group in the levels of overall career identity, career decision level and career preparation behavior. Treatment group was significantly higher than the comparative groupⅠand Ⅱ in the levels of overall career identity, career decision level and career preparation behavior. The comparative groupⅠ wasn't significantly lower than the control group in the levels of overall career belief. The comparative groupⅡ was significantly higher than the control group in the levels of overall career belief. Treatment group was significantly lower than the comparative groupⅠand Ⅱ in the levels of overall career belief and of all sub-factors such as the belief of career belief. The comparative group was significantly lower than the control group in the levels of career belief and the treatment group was significantly lower than the comparative group in the levels of career belief. In conclusion, it was shown that the Career Development Program based on the Cognitive Information Processing Approach for University students was developed properly. 본 연구에서는 개인차 변인 또는 진로-과정 변인에만 초점이 맞추어져 있어 진로-인지 변인을 간과하고 있는 기존 대학생 진로발달 증진 프로그램들이 지닌 문제점들을 보완할 수 있는 대학생 진로발달 증진 프로그램을 개발하고, 적용하여 그 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 기존 진로집단상담 프로그램 개발 과정의 문제점을 수정․보완하여 개발한 12단계의 프로그램 개발 모형에 따라 기존 진로집단상담 프로그램들과 달리 인지, 태도, 행동의 전인적 진로발달 증진을 도모하고자 Peterson과 Sampson 및 Reardon(1991)의 인지적 정보처리접근의 원리를 기초로, 대학생의 진로발달 증진과 함께 그 증진을 방해할 개연성이 높은 역기능적 진로-인지 요소를 탐색하고, 이를 기능적으로 수정하도록 조력함으로써 적절한 정서 및 행동을 형성하여 더욱 효과적인 진로발달을 증진시킬 수 있는 구성요소로 프로그램을 개발하였다. 또한 이렇게 개발된 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 비교프로그램을 선정하여, 경상북도 소재 D대학교 재학생 60명을 모집하여 실험집단(인지적 정보처리접근 중심 대학생 진로발달 증진 프로그램 집단), 비교집단Ⅰ(장기명(2003)의 대학생 진로 집단상담 프로그램 집단), 비교집단Ⅱ(김희수(2001)의 REBT를 적용한 진로집단상담 프로그램 집단), 통제집단으로 무선배정하여 프로그램 사전-사후-추후에 진로발달 증진 정도의 평가를 위한 도구로 선정한 진로정체감 척도, 진로결정 척도(고향자, 1992), 진로준비행동 척도(김봉환, 1997) 및 진로-인지의 수정 정도의 평가를 위한 도구로 선정한 대학생용 진로신념 척도(이형국, 2009)를 실시하여 프로그램의 효과를 검증하였다. 그 결과 실험집단과 비교집단Ⅰ, Ⅱ에서 진로발달 증진 및 진로-인지 수정에 대한 통계적으로 유의한 효과가 있었으나, 실험집단이 비교집단Ⅰ, Ⅱ보다 더 높은 효과와 지속성이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 참여자들의 이해와 변화를 다각적으로 평가하기 위해 실시한 내담자 만족도 평가, 목표달성도 평가, 그리고 소집단-현장 평가에서도 우수한 결과가 보고되어 경험적으로도 그 타당성이 검증되었다. 이에 본 연구에서 개발한 인지적 정보처리접근 중심 대학생 진로발달 증진 프로그램이 논리적으로 타당하게 구성된 근거와 경험적으로 타당하게 검증된 근거를 논의하여 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        고정식 자전거 운동 자세에 따른 운동부하강도와 근육 활성도 발현의 비교

        이형국 한국발육발달학회 2020 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the differences of exercise load intensity and muscle activity on erector spinae muscle(ES), rectus femoris muscle(RF), biceps femoris muscle(BF), gastrocnemius lateralis muscle(GL) according to three postures(front lean posture:FLP, standard posture:SP, erection posture:EP) during pedaling with static cycle-ergometer. For achieving this purpose, 8 active male students were performed. This experiment was carried out with three times repetition. Subjects were asked to maintain three postures in bending angles from 45 to 90 degrees, performing the exercise at a same time. For measuring the exercise load(EL), we used the HR checker(Polar RS800CX, Finland) and EMG(LXM3204, Korea) in order to earn the maximum voluntary isometric contraction(MVIC) value of 4 target muscles, subjects pedaled for 60 seconds at 70 rpm on 3 sitting posture respectively. ‘TeleScan’ software program was used to analyze the values of muscle activity for earning the MVIC. These values were calculated, analyzed using oneway analysis of variance(oneway ANOVA) to detect significant differences by SPSS/PC ver. 24.00. Statistical significance was defined as p<.05. The data of three postures suggested that only RF values in accordance with three postures showed significant differences statistically(p<.05). In case of ES, its posture more contributed to RF than the other postures did during cycling. Also, this study demonstrated that no matter what postures subjects biked in, four target muscles have significant differences in muscle activity(p<.001). As this study showed RF and GL had a main role and rest of muscles supported to main muscles. Therefore, we recommend that trainers consider this result when they train people on pedaling in the Gym.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학생 취업의식 척도 개발 및 타당도 검증에 관한 연구

        이형국 한국취업진로학회 2014 취업진로연구 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop the Employment Consciousness Scale for university students and to validate it. This study was involved fourth steps. First, the Employment Consciousness Scale consisting of 3 factors – 39 items was developed based on theoretical literatures and open-ended questions to a professional group. Second, to verify the content validity, eliminate 9 items based on the judgements of counseling psychologists and students. Third, two preliminary investigations was tested and 5 items were eliminated based on item-scale correlation. Finally, items of the scale were reduced to 3 factors – 20 items. And the 3 factors were extracted from the factor analysis, factor 1(7 items) implying ‘Employment Preparation General Consciousness’, factor 2(6 items) implying ‘Major Employ- ment Consciousness’, factor 3(7 items) implying ‘Job-Seekingr Preparation Consciousness’. Then phase two was to verify the validity of Employment Consciousness Scale. First, to examine the stability of the factor structure of the 20-item measurement model, a confirmatory factor analysis with a maximum likelihood estimation method was conducted in AMOS 7.0, and 3 factors were identified. Second, to examine internal consistency and split-half reliability, data were collected from samples of 1322 university students, and to verity 3-week test-retest reliability, data were collected from samples of 182 university students. The internal consistency reliability of Employment Consciousness Scale total score was excellent (Cronbach’s α .890) and the internal consistency reliability of sub-factors were acceptable(Cronbach’s α .750~.867). The test-retest reliability of Employment Consciousness Scale total score was .833 and the test-retest reliability of sub-factors were .807~866. The split-half reliability of the Employment Consciousness Scale total score was .742 and split-half reliability of sub-factors were .755~850. To verify the construct validity of the developed Scale. and the Career preparation Scale were administered. The result of the study indicated that the Employment Consciousness Scale total scores and each sub-factors scores were significantly correlated with the Career preparation Scale. Thus Employment Consciousness Scale demonstrated satisfactory construct validity. In addition, the limitation of study and the practical use of the Employment Consciousness Scale was discussed. 본 연구는 직업세계로의 이행이라는 과업을 수행해야 하는 대학생 수준에서 요구되는 핵심적 취업 관련 의식을 탐색, 확인함으로써 후행될 취업준비와 역량개발 행동들에 대한 예측 가능한 상담 및 지도의 기초자료로서의 그 활용성과 간명성을 갖춘 측정도구를 개발하고자 대학생 취업의식 척도(Employment Consciousness Scale)를 개발하고, 그 척도의 요인구조와 타당도 및 신뢰도를 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 선행연구와 기존 척도의 고찰을 통한 연역적 구인과정과 대학 내 취업 관련 전문가 집단 대상 개방형 질문지를 통한 귀납적 구인과정을 근거로 취업의식의 개념을 확립하고 3개 하위요인으로 잠정적 가설을 세워 각 영역별 13개 문항의 총 39문항으로 구성된 예비 척도를 구성하였다. 이를 내용타당도 검증을 위한 전문가 평정, 구인타당도 검증을 위한 활용대상 집단 검증, 수도권 및 중부권 대학(4년제, 전문대 포함)의 대학생 211~319명을 대상으로 2차례의 예비조사 및 문항분석 과정을 거쳐 총 24개 문항으로 구성된 최종 예비척도를 구성하였다. 그리고 이렇게 구성된 최종 예비척도를 전국지역의 9개 대학의 남・여 대학생 1322명을 대상으로 자료를 수집하여 요인분석 등의 방법을 통해 최종적으로 3요인 20문항 척도를 개발하였다. 각 요인은 취업준비일반의식(7문항), 전공관련취업의식(6문항), 구직준비행동의식(7문항)으로 명명하였고 확인적 요인분석으로 요인구조의 안정성을 확인하였다. 개발한 척도의 신뢰도는 전체 Cronbach의 α계수가 .890, 각 하위요인은 .750~ .867이었고, 반분 신뢰도는 전체가 .742, 각 하위요인은 .755~ .850이었으며, 3주 간격의 검사-재검사 신뢰도는 전체가 .833, 각 하위요인이 .807~ .866으로 나타났다. 개발한 척도의 타당도를 검증하기 위해 척도의 전체 및 각 하위척도 간의 Pearson의 적률상관계수를 산출한 결과 척도의 각 하위요인과 전체와의 상관계수는 .772~.815로 .01 수준에서 통계적으로 모두 유의하였으며, 대학생 취업준비행동 척도와 본 연구에서 개발된 척도와의 상관분석을 실시한 결과 적률상관계수는 .892로 통계적으로 유의한 정적 상관이 나타났다. 이로서 본 연구에서 개발한 척도가 안정된 요인구조와 함께 비교적 양호한 신뢰도와 타당도를 가진 것으로 검증되었다. 끝으로 본 연구에서 개발한 척도의 활용방안과 연구의 의의 및 추후 연구 과제를 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유산소 운동시 운동수행 방법에 따른 평균심박수와 에너지소비량 비교

        이형국 한국발육발달학회 2019 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare on energy expenditure and mean heart rate according to the exercise ways of self paced exercise, self perceived THR exercise and personal trainer helping THR exercise during bicycle aerobic exercise for 30 minutes. 10 male college students(23±1.0 year. 174±1.4 cm, 70±5.2 kg, 17.7±3.36 %BF) participated voluntarily on this experiment. They were to engage in a 30-min bout of bicycle aerobic exercise(5 min: warm-up, 20 min: main exercise, 5 min: cool down). All participants measured their heart rate reserved(HRR). And then figured target heart rate(THR) with their respective % 70 HRmax respectively. They performed with 3 exercise ways. There were the self paced exercise(SPE), the self perceived THR exercise(SPTE), and the personal trainer helping THR exercise(PTTE) methods in the same amount of time, repeatedly. Subjects were measured energy expenditure(EE) and mean heart rate(mHR) at the point of warm-up, main exercise, and cool down. We analyzed it using oneway repeated measures ANOVA with SPSS/PC ver. 24. Statistical significance was defined as p<.05. In the main exercise section, EE and mHR in PTTE method was markedly higher than SPE and SPTE. It showed significant difference(p<.001). Meanwhile, in the whole 30-min exercise, mHR in PTTE way was the highest. It demonstrated a statistically noticeable difference(p<.001). On the basis of these results, we have to be assisted with personal trainer, when aerobic exercising. These findings indicate that the exercise using the optimal THR under the personal trainer is expected to be more efficient than SPEM and SPTE.

      • KCI등재

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