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      • KCI등재

        사교육비 지출이 청소년 자녀의 우울과 신체증상에 미치는 영향

        이성림,김진숙,Lee, Seonglim,Kim, Jinsook 대한가정학회 2022 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.60 No.2

        This study examined the effect of private educational expenditure on adolescent depression and somatic symptoms. The sample comprised 2,589 first-grade middle-school students who completed the 2018 Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey. Data were analyzed using ANOVA (the generalized linear model), multiple regression, and quantile regression analysis. The principal results were as follows. First, 15.15% of adolescents reported depression symptoms, and 15.57% reported somatic symptoms. Second, levels of depression were significantly different among classes with a different level of private educational expenditure. Third, depression level was significantly negatively associated with private educational expenditure, in that the higher the private educational expenditure, the lower the depression level. Fourth, the effect of private educational expenditure on adolescent depression was significant at the 70~90th quantile regression, suggesting that private educational expenditure was associated with a higher level of depression symptoms. The results indicate that private education was viewed as a consumption commodity rather than a complementary educational practice or investment in human capital. Private education as a commodity might induce the highly developed and costly private education market. In turn, there is an increased financial burden for education at one end of the social-economic continuum and depression caused by relative deprivation at the other end.

      • KCI등재

        식품위해에 대한 우려와 지속가능 식품소비가 육류소비에 미치는 영향

        이성림 ( Seonglim Lee ),김진숙 ( Jinsook Kim ),김정훈 ( Junghoon Kim ) 한국소비자학회 2022 소비자학연구 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구는 식품위해에 대한 소비자 우려와 지속가능 식품소비가 육류소비에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였다. 자료 분석을 위해 2020년 식품소비행태조사를 사용하였으며, 분석방법으로는 분산분석, 카이제곱분석, 구조방정식 모형을 적용하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가축질병에 대한 우려가 증가할수록 지속가능 식품소비 수준이 유의하게 증가했다. 둘째, 지속가능 식품소비가 증가할수록 소고기와 돼지고기 구매량이 유의하게 증가했다. 셋째, 돼지고기 구매량은 항생제와 중금속 및 환경호르몬에 대해 우려할수록 증가하고, 가축질병을 우려할수록 감소하였으며, 방사능에 대한 우려는 돼지고기 구매량에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 소고기 구매량은 항생제에 대한 우려가 증가할수록 증가하고, 가축질병에 대한 우려와 방사능 우려가 증가할수록 감소하였으며, 중금속이나 환경호르몬에 대한 우려는 소고기 구매량에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 넷째, 가축질병에 대한 우려는 지속가능 식품소비를 매개로 간접적으로 소고기와 돼지고기 구매량에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 지속가능 식품소비는 소고기와 돼지고기 소비에 긍정적인 매개효과를 보임으로써 가축질병 우려에 따른 부의 직접효과를 억제하는 역할을 하였으나 부정적인 직접효과가 양의 간접효과보다 크기 때문에 가축질병의 총효과는 소고기와 돼지고기 소비를 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과는 소비자들이 가축질병과 방사능 위해에 대해 위험을 회피하고, 항생제와 중금속 및 환경호르몬 위해에 대해서는 위험을 수용하며, 가축질병에 대해 지속가능 식품소비를 통하여 위험의 일부를 감소시킴을 시사한다. 지속가능 식품소비와 육류소비 사이의 관계는 지속가능 식품소비에서 소비자의 환경의식이 미흡함을 시사한다. This study examined the effects of the consumer’s food risk more concerns and sustainable food consumption on meat consumption. The 2020 Food Consumption Behavior Survey was used for data analysis. ANOVA, chi-square analysis, and structural equation models were applied as analysis methods. The major results were as follows. First, higher concerns consumers hae about livestock disease risk, the more they consume sustainable foods. Second, a higher level of sustainable food consumption was significantly associated with more beef and pork consumption. Third, pork consumption increased with concerns about antibiotics risk, heavy metals/environmental hormones risk, and decreased with concerns about livestock diseases risk. Concerns about radioactivity risk did not significantly affect pork consumption. Beef consumption increased with concern about antibiotics risk and decreased with more concerns about livestock diseases and radioactivity risks. Concerns about heavy metals or environmental hormones risks did not significantly affect beef consumption. Fourth, the mediation effect of sustainable food consumption between meat consumption and concerns about livestock diseases risk was significant. A positive mediation effect of sustainable food consumption suppressed the direct effect of concern about livestock diseases risk on meat consumption in partial, resulting in a total negative effect. The results suggested that consumers tended to avoid livestock diseases and radioactive risks, but to accept the risks of antibiotics, heavy metals/environmental hormones. The positive relationship between sustainable food consumption and meat consumption suggests that consumers lack ecological awareness in their sustainable food consumption.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사교육비 지출이 자녀의 학업성취도에 미치는 영향: 자녀양육유형의 조절효과를 중심으로

        이성림 ( Lee Seonglim ),한윤선 ( Han Yoonsun ) 한국소비자학회 2018 소비자학연구 Vol.29 No.4

        성공적인 성인기 삶을 영위하는 토대로서 자녀를 좋은 대학에 보내기 위해 사교육에 막대한 자금을 투입하는 부모들에게 사교육비 지출이 과연 성적을 증진하는 효과가 있는가는 매우 중요한 관심사이다. 교육고용패널 4차년도 고등학생 3학년 표본을 사용하여 부모의 사교육비 지출과 자녀양육 유형이 자녀의 대학수학능력시험 성적에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 군집분석 결과, 부모의 자녀양육 유형은 간섭형, 민주형, 방관형, 권위형, 양가형의 5가지로 구분되었으며, 양육유형에 따라 사교육비 지출 수준과 자녀의 수능성적에 유의한 차이가 있다. 양가형 양육유형에서 자녀에 대한 사교육비 지출 수준이 가장 높고, 자녀의 수능성적도 가장 우수하다. 간섭형의 수능성적은 다른 양육유형에 비해 유의하게 낮다. 둘째, 분위회귀분석을 실행한 결과, 간섭형은 모든 성적분포에서 사교육비 지출이 자녀의 학업성취도에 미치는 긍정적인 효과가 민주형 보다 낮은 조절효과가 나타났고, 양가형은 60~90% 중상위 성적 분포에서 사교육비 지출이 성적을 향상시키는 효과가 민주형에 비해 낮은 부정적인 조절효과가 유의하게 나타났다. 본 연구는 사교육비 지출이 자녀의 학업성취도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치지만, 부모의 자녀양육방식에 따라서 간섭형과 양가형은 사교육비 지출이 성적을 향상시키는 효과가 민주형보다 작고, 자녀가 위치한 성적분포에 따라서도 사교육비 지출이 성적에 미치는 영향이 다름을 규명함으로써 오늘날 과열 향상을 보이는 가계의 사교육비 지출의 합리성을 점검하고, 희소한 가계 소득의 효과적인 사용을 도모하는 시사점을 제안하였다. Using a sample of third grade high school students from the 2007 forth wave of Korean Education and Employment Panel Survey, we investigated the impact of expenditure in private education and parenting style on academic performance of children. The major results were as follows. First, cluster analysis categorized parenting style into five types: Interfering, Democratic, Indulgent, Authoritative, and Ambivalent. Parents with ambivalent parenting style spent significantly more on their children’s private education, and their children showed best academic performance among the five parenting styles, while children’s academic performance was worst with the interfering parenting style. Second, the results of regression analysis showed that private educational expenditure and parenting styles were significantly associated with children’s academic performance, and the effect of private educational expenditure on children’s academic performance was moderated by parenting style. Third, the results of interaction effects between parenting styles and private educational expenditure on children’s academic performance indicated that, compared to democratic parenting, interfering parenting style lowered the regression coefficient of private educational expenditure on children’s academic performance. The quantile regression analysis of 60~90 percentiles showed that ambivalent parenting style had two opposing effects on children’s academic performance: a positive direct effect but a negative moderating effect which curtailed the marginal effect of private educational expenditure on children’s academic performance compared to those of democratic parenting. Finding the moderating role of parenting style for the effect of private educational expenditure on children’s academic performance, we provided a persuasive explanation for the inconsistent results from previous research on the impact of private education, and confirmed the importance of parenting style, noneconomic support, to children’s successful school performance.

      • KCI등재

        노인 단독가구의 소득계층별 소득구성과 소비 격차

        이성림(Seonglim Lee) 한국인구학회 2015 한국인구학 Vol.38 No.2

        통계청의 2013년 가계동향조사 자료를 사용하여 60세 이상 노인 독신가구와 부부가구의 빈곤층과 중산층 규모를 파악하고, 소득계층별 소득과 소비지출 차이와 순자산변동과 소득원이 소비지출에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 노인가구의 약 35%는 소득이 최저생계비 이하의 절대적 빈곤, 약 56%는 상대적 빈곤 상태에 놓여 있으며, 중산층은 약 41%로 나타났다. 노인가구의 소득계층 사이에 소득 차이가 크게 벌어지는 소득원은 재산소득, 근로 및 사업소득, 공적연금이며, 소득계층별로 주요 소득원은 빈곤층은 공적부조와 사적 이전소득, 중산층은 근로 및 사업소득, 상층은 근로 및 사업소득과 공적연금 소득이다. 중산층은 빈곤가구에 비하여 평균 연령이 낮고 취업한 노인의 비율이 높으며 주된 소득원은 근로소득이어서 중산층 노인의 상당수가 근로능력을 상실하게 되면 빈곤층으로 전락할 위험이 크다고 할 수 있다. 가계경제를 압박하는 주요 지출부담 요인은 빈곤층은 의료 및 건강 관련 비용, 중산층은 돌봄 및 가사서비스 비용으로 나타났다. 상층은 교통비와 사회적 지출 수준은 높지만 이외의 기본적인 생활유지 면에서는 절제된 소비생활을 하는 것으로 보인다. 노인 단독가구의 소비 증가와 관련이 있는 주요 소득원은 비경상소득과 공적연금이며, 특히 순자산의 증가가 매우 중요하게 작용하였다. Using the 2013 Household Income and Expenditure Survey collected by Statistics Korea, household income and expenditures of elderly households were investigated. Elderly household was defined as elderly singles or couples with both spouses aged 60 years or more without any other household members. About 35% of elderly households lived in absolute poverty, about 56% in relative poverty, and about 41% in middle class. The income sources which made income difference among the income classes were asset, wages/profits, and public pension. Therefore withdrawing from the labor force, currently working elderly of middle income class was at great risk of poverty. Elderly households in poverty bore higher burden of health and medical care expenses, while caring and household service expenditures were more burdensome for elderly in the middle income class compared to other income classes. Elderly households in upper income class spent higher proportion of their income on transportation and social expenditures than other income classes, but seemed to live frugally meeting the other basic living expenses. The level of consumption expenditure was positively associated with changes of net worth and particular income sources such as non-regular income and public pension.

      • KCI등재

        투자권유준칙 상의 투자자 위험수용성향 평가척도의 검토

        이성림 ( Seonglim Lee ),조유현 ( Youhyun Cho ),이영애 ( Youngae Lee ) 한국소비자학회 2014 소비자학연구 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구는 투자권유준칙에 규정된 위험수용성향 측정 평가척도의 하위차원을 파악하고 척도의 신뢰도와 타당도를 검토한 결과 다음과 같은 결과가 도출되었다. 첫째, 평가척도의 요인분석 결과 재무능력과 소득능력의 두 개의 요인으로 구분되었다. 둘째, 평가척도의 신뢰도 계수는 0.47로서 낮은 수준이나 재무능력 요인의 신뢰도계수는 0.61로 높다. 셋째, 평가척도는 투자자의 위험선호도 및 위험자산 투자경험 보다 위험수용수준을 높게 측정하는 경향이 있으며, 위험추구성향 4단계와 5단계를 효과적으로 구분하지 못했다. 넷째, 소득능력 요인은 위험선호도와 투자경험과 유의한 관계가 나타나지 않아서 위험수용성향 척도로서 타당성을 확보하지 못한 반면, 재무능력 요인은 위험선 호도 및 투자경험과 유의한 관계가 나타나 타당성이 있다. 따라서 투자경험, 투자지식, 투자비중, 손실감내수준의 4 문항 척도(재무능력요인)는 신뢰도와 타당성이 있는 것으로 보이며, 향후 심리적인 성향을 파악하는 문항이 추가될 필요가 있음을 제언하였다. This study examined the reliability and validity of the risk tolerance scale suggested by the Standardized Guidelines for the Professional Investment Advice which is effectively used in the financial institutions in Korea in the process of professional financial advice to financial consumers. Data from the 300 Korean adults whose age was between 20s and 50s were used for the analysis. The major results were as follows: First, the factor analysis on the risk tolerance scale identified the two dimensions of the risk tolerance, which were financial capability and earnings capacity. Second, the overall reliability of the risk tolerance scale was low (Cronbach α=0.47) as indicated by the Cronbach α value which was estimated by 0.47. The reliability of the financial capability sub-dimension was higher than the reliability of the whole scale, of which the Cronbach α was estimated by 0.61. Third, the results of the validity tests indicated that the financial risk tolerance scale overestimated the level of financial risk tolerance compared to the risk aversion rate and to the level of investment experience on the risky assets. Moreover the financial risk tolerance scale did not discerned the higher levels of risk tolerance by failing to distinguish between the level 4 and the level 5. However financial capability sub- dimension demonstrated a significant association with the risk aversion rate and the level of investment experience on risky assets. These results suggested that, first, excluding the earnings capacity and adding the psychological aspects of the financial risk tolerance could improve the validity and reliability of the scale; and second, earnings capacity needs to be treated as the financial risk acceptance capability rather than financial risk tolerance.

      • KCI등재

        사교육비 지출이 청소년 자녀의 우울과 신체증상에 미치는 영향

        이성림 ( Seonglim Lee ),김진숙 ( Jinsook Kim ) 대한가정학회 2022 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.60 No.2

        This study examined the effect of private educational expenditure on adolescent depression and somatic symptoms. The sample comprised 2,589 first-grade middle-school students who completed the 2018 Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey. Data were analyzed using ANOVA (the generalized linear model), multiple regression, and quantile regression analysis. The principal results were as follows. First, 15.15% of adolescents reported depression symptoms, and 15.57% reported somatic symptoms. Second, levels of depression were significantly different among classes with a different level of private educational expenditure. Third, depression level was significantly negatively associated with private educational expenditure, in that the higher the private educational expenditure, the lower the depression level. Fourth, the effect of private educational expenditure on adolescent depression was significant at the 70~90th quantile regression, suggesting that private educational expenditure was associated with a higher level of depression symptoms. The results indicate that private education was viewed as a consumption commodity rather than a complementary educational practice or investment in human capital. Private education as a commodity might induce the highly developed and costly private education market. In turn, there is an increased financial burden for education at one end of the social-economic continuum and depression caused by relative deprivation at the other end.

      • KCI등재

        소비자학 분야의 소비문화 연구에 대한 소고

        이성림(Lee Seonglim) 한국소비문화학회 2006 소비문화연구 Vol.9 No.2

          본 연구에서는 소비자학 분야의 소비문화 연구 방향을 제안하기 위해 소비문화의 개념과 소비문화의 문제점을 고찰하였다. 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소비자학의 소비문화는 바람직하고 건전한 소비가치와 소비자 복지와 행복을 증진시킬 수 있는 소비문화를 구축한다는 규범적이고 실천적인 목적을 지향한다. 둘째, 소비문화 연구는 주로 사회적으로 심각한 소비문화 문제를 진단하고 치료책을 제안하는 소극적인 방향으로 연구가 이루어져왔다. 이러한 소극적인 소비문화 연구 경향으로 인해 연구 대상과 주제가 몇 가지로 한정되는 한계점이 발견된다. 셋째, 현대 소비사회에서 소비자는 상징과 기호에 대한 욕망과 상품의 상징을 통해 자아정체성을 구성하는 특징이 있고 이로부터 왜곡되고 무한한 욕망과 자아상실이 소비사회의 문제로 대두되고 있다. 넷째, 소비사회 비판을 극복하기 위해 소비자 복지와 기업 이윤을 동시에 추구하는 소비문화 연구가 이루어져야 한다.   This study intended to define the concept of consumption culture in the context of consumer sciences and to identify the problems faced by consumers living in the society of consumption culture. The major contents of the study were as following. First, the study of consumption originally stared with the investigation of the level and standard of consumption and the major purpose of the study was enhancing economic status of the household. Second, the three different concepts of consumption culture in the fields of sociology, anthropology, and consumer sciences were identified. Third, based on Hofsted’s four elements of culture, the new concept of consumption culture was proposed. Forth, the problems faced by consumers in the consumption culture were around consumption desire, self-identification, and alienation between self and things consumed. Fifth, the future study of consumption culture in the field of consumer sciences was needed to be centered on the improvement of both comsumer welfare and firm’s profit.

      • KCI등재

        부모의 양육유형이 사교육비지출과 자녀의 학업성적에 미치는 영향: 사교육비지출의 매개효과를 중심으로

        이성림 ( Seonglim Lee ) 대한가정학회 2018 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.56 No.5

        Using a sample of third grade middle school students from the forth wave of Children and Youth Panel Survey in 2012, the mediation effects of private educational expenditure between parenting styles and children’s academic performance were investigated by applying factor, cluster, tobit, and two stage regression analysis. The major results were as follows. First, four types of parenting style were identified. The most frequent parenting style was ambivalent parenting (tiger parenting) which was followed by authoritative parenting. Second, compared to permissive parenting style, ambivalent, authoritative, and authoritarian parenting styles were significantly associated with more private educational expenditures. Third, more private educational expenditures were significantly associated with higher academic performance of children. I found both a full mediation effect of private educational expenditure for ambivalent and authoritarian parenting styles, and a partial mediation effect for authoritative parents. Authoritative parenting style has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between household income and private educational expenditure, along with a positive direct effect on the academic performance of children. The results suggested that an authoritative parenting style was related with higher academic performance of children with less private educational expenditures compared to other parenting styles. The results also implied that the public policies to enhance authoritative parenting style among parents would be effective to reduce household’s private educational expenditures.

      • KCI등재

        1인 가구의 건강한 식생활역량-식사행태와 식생활라이프 스타일을 중심으로

        이성림 ( Seonglim Lee ),최일숙 ( Ilsook Choi ),김정훈 ( Junghoon Kim ) 대한가정학회 2020 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.58 No.4

        This study examined the effects of eating alone, meal type, and dietary lifestyles on healthy eating capability of one-person households. We analyzed the mediation effects of weekly frequencies of each meal type taken by one-person households between eating habits such as eating alone and dietary lifestyles of one-person households and healthy eating capability. We also analyzed data from the 2019 Food Consumption Behavior Survey using a sample of 688 one-person households. Factor analysis, latent profile analysis, structural equation model analysis was conducted; direct and indirect effects of independent variables were tested using bootstrap method. The major results were as follows. Frequency of eating alone was about 10 times a week on average; one-person households had home-made meals about 12 times a week, for restaurant meals, 4 times, for delivered/take-out food, 0.39 times, and for other types, 0.44 times. Weekly frequencies of eating alone and meal types taken by one-person households were significantly different among the different socio-demographic groups. Dietary lifestyle was classified into four classes: traditional, health ignorant, food lifestyle ignorant, and balanced. Eating alone and dietary lifestyle had a significant effect on weekly frequency of each meal type. Frequencies of eating alone, balanced dietary lifestyle, and taking home-made meals had a positive direct effect on healthy eating capability, and frequency of taking delivered or take-out food and food consumption ignorant lifestyle had a negative direct effect. Eating alone, balanced and traditional dietary lifestyles had a positive indirect effect through the meal type; however, watching Mug-bang had a negative indirect effect.

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