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        일제시기 음반산업계에서 한국인 중개자의 역사적 주체성 고찰- 접촉영역에서 식민자 - 피식민자의 상호적 주체구성의 관점에서

        야마우치 후미타카(YAMAUCHI Fumitaka) 한국대중음악학회 2009 대중음악 Vol.- No.4

        이 논문은 1930년대 음반산업계에서 매개적 역할을 수행한 한국인들을 사례로 삼고 역사서술에서 피식민자의 주체성이라는 쟁점을 고찰했다. 이를 위해 접촉영역(contact zone)이라는 분석개념을 도입해 식민자와 피식민자가 비대칭적인 관계 속에서 서로 대면하고 상호작용한 제 양상을 검토하고자 했다. 특히 음반산업계에서 한국인 중개주체의 구성에 주목하며, 그와 일본인 경영주체 사이의 간주체적(inter-subjective) 상호관계가 펼치는 미시적 수준에서 한국음반 제작이라는 식민지 문화생산의 자율성/타율성 문제를 풀어나갔다. 우선 2절에서는 한국에서 민족레이블 창출이라는 활동에 관한 기존의 역사 서술을 검토했다. 오케라는 레이블을 중심으로 그것과 관련한 역사에서 한국인이 집단적 주체=주어로 서술되는 방식을 집중적으로 살펴보았다. 이 분석을 통해 기존의 역사서술이 당시 음반산업계의 거시적인 사회구조나 일본 본사의 전략 등을 극소화하거나 생략함으로써 일본인과의 제국적 연관성을 절단하고 한국인의 주체적이고 자율적인 활동을 부각시키는 경향을 지적했다. 3절에서는 거꾸로 일본 경영진 측의 역사적 주체성, 즉 그들이 한국인 중개자를 영입하게 된 경위나 전략을 분석했다. 일본 본사의 입장에서는 한국시장에서 한국음반을 만들고 팔며 이익을 얻기 위한 효율성 때문에 한국인을 중개자로 내세울 필요가 있었다. 그러나 이는 영입된 한국인들이 본사의 전략에 종속된 객체로 움직였다는 의미는 아니다. 오히려 이들은 나름의 전술이나 포부를 가지고 적극적으로 그 새로운 산업계로 뛰어들었다. 이 논문은 그러한 한국인들을 문화적 중개자로 개념화했고, 일본인 경영주체와의 상호관계 속에서 구성되면서도 핵심적인 매개행위들을 담당한 중개주체로 규정했다. 이 같이 접촉영역에서 상호적인 간주체성 구성이라는 관점을 바탕으로, 4절에서는 일본인 경영진의 필요와 한국인 기업가의 욕망이 어떤 방식으로 서로 만나고 교섭하고 맞아떨어졌는지에 대해 살펴나갔다. 우선 일본 측 자료를 분석해, 당시 일본 관계자들이 한국음반 제작에 적극적으로 관여하기보다는 오히려 식민지 음악자원 전반에 대한 구조적 무관심이라 할 의식구조를 가지고 있었음을 밝혔다. 나아가 이것이 아이러니컬하게도 한국음반 제작에서 한국인 중재자들에게 더 많은 자율공간을 허용한 것으로 논했다. 그러나 그 자율공간이란 접촉영역 속에서 어디까지나 상대적인 것, 즉 식민지 지배자와 연관된 것이었다. 이 같은 논의를 바탕으로, 마지막 절은 음반산업계 내 식민자와 피식민자의 상호적 인식과 경험을 미시적 관점에서 구체적으로 기술하고자 했다. This paper attempted to engage with the issue of subjectivity in colonial history with a focus on Korean middlemen in the recording industry in the 1930s under Japanese colonial rule. It employed the theoretical perspective of contact zone, a conceptual tool that enabled a researcher to examine the ways colonizer and colonized encountered and interacted each other in an asymmetrical yet reciprocal fashion. Special attention was paid to the construction of colonial intermediary subjects in relation to administrative subjects that were mostly monopolized by Japanese. By looking into the Korean record making at the micro level where their inter-subjective relations took various shapes, this study aimed to deepen our understanding of the historiographical issue of autonomy/heteronomy of cultural production under colonialism. The second section critically examined the existing writings about the rise and fall of the allegedly Korean-run label Okeh. It presented a detailed analysis of the ways such narratives positioned Koreans as a collective subject in historiography by way of minimizing, simplifying and obliterating descriptions about macro social structure and the Japanese headquarters’ strategies. Despite the fact that Okeh was closely related with a Japanese major label Teichiku, conventional histories often intended to disconnect their imperial association to highlight Koreans’ subjectivity and autonomy. The third section turned to the Japanese supervising subjects to see their strategies of incorporating Koreans into the relevant industry. It revealed that they needed to bring in Korean middlemen to improve their business efficiency and make constant profit in the making of Korean records aimed primarily at the Korean market. Those incorporated Koreans, however, did never work just as passive objects subjugated to the top-down decisions; rather, they jumped in the new field of commerce and creativity with their own tactics and visions. This study conferred a particular subjectivity upon such Korean entrepreneurs, regarding them as intermediary subjects who took charge of crucial activities within the industry but emerged and existed only in association with Japanese administrative subjects, and vice versa. From the perspective of reciprocal construction of intersubjectivity in contact zone, the last section tackled the question of how colonizers’ demands and colonized’ desires encountered, negotiated and compromised. By looking into colonial archive, it revealed that rather than actively involving in the Korean record making, Japanese businessmen held a particular structure of consciousness, that is, structural indifference to Korean musical resources. It went further to argue that such conscious-ness ironically allowed Korean intermediaries to secure an autonomous cultural space for making recordings for Koreans. Deeply situated in the colonial contact zone, however, the Korean sovereignty was nothing but a relative autonomy, namely a limited space structurally related to the colonizers. The last section took a micro-perspective to offer a detailed and vivid description of perceptions and experiences of both colonizers and colonized in the recording field.

      • KCI등재

        日本語学習者の内にある「多様性」 -フランス人学習者のライフストーリー·インタビューから-

        야마우치 카오리 한국일본어학회 2013 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.37

        In this research, I used lifestory interviewing as research method in order to overcome the difficulties inherent in investigations that focus on Japanese language learners overseas. Specifically, I analyzed the data of the lifestory interview with Elodie - a Japanese language learner from France - from the perspective of the way in which she experiences language learning and language using, and of the meaning she attaches to these experiences; I centered my description around the connection between Japanese language learning, language using, and motivation. Thus, it became clear that Elodie’s motivation towards learning and using the Japanese language is unstable and changes according to the way in which she perceives language learning and language using, and the link between them, and, as a consequence, according to which of the two she attaches greater importance to; moreover, the instability of Elodie’s motivation concerning Japanese language learning and using influences to a great extent the formation of her image of the future. Also, in order to overcome the problems that arise when dealing with Japanese language learners, I interpreted the data from the point of view of the learner’s inner “diversity”. As a result, it became evident that the accumulation of experiences of coming into contact with the Japanese language is crucial in forming the learner’s current inner “diversity”, and that changes in the learning environment triggered an acknowledgment of the inner “diversity” on the part of the learner herself. Based on these findings and interpretations, I suggest that it is necessary for those involved in Japanese language education overseas to look at the learners from the perspective of their inner “diversity”. 本研究では、海外の日本語学習者を対象とする調査に関する課題を乗り越えるため、調査方法として、ライフストーリー·インタビューを用いた。具体的には、フランス人日本語学習者エロディを対象に行ったライフストーリー·インタビューのデータを、当該の学習者がどのように日本語の学習及び使用を体験し、それらの体験をどのように意味づけていたかという観点で分析した上で、日本語学習、日本語使用、動機づけという三者の関係を軸に記述した。その結果、エロディの日本語学習·日本語使用に対する動機づけは、日本語学習、及び日本語使用をどのように意味づけ、関連づけ、その結果として日本語学習と日本語使用のいずれを重視するかにより、常に変容しており、不安定であること、そして、このような日本語学習·日本語使用に対する動機づけの不安定さが、エロディの将来像の形成に大きな影響を及ぼしていることがわかった。また、日本語学習者の捉え方に関する課題を乗り越えるため、得られた記述をもとに、当該の日本語学習者の内にある「多様性」に関し、考察した。その結果、学習者がこれまでに日本語と接してきた経験の積み重ねが、現在の自身の内にある「多様性」を形成すること、そして、日本語学習環境の変化が学習者に現在の自身の内にある「多様性」を認識させる契機となることがわかった。以上の記述と考察をもとに、海外で日本語教育に携わる者が日本語学習者の内にある「多様性」という観点で学習者を把握する必要性を主張した。

      • KCI등재


        山??(야마우치 카오리) 한국일본어학회 2013 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.37

        In this research, I used lifestory interviewing as research method in order to overcome the difficulties inherent in investigations that focus on Japanese language learners overseas. Specifically, I analyzed the data of the lifestory interview with Elodie - a Japanese language learner from France - from the perspective of the way in which she experiences language learning and language using, and of the meaning she attaches to these experiences; I centered my description around the connection between Japanese language learning, language using, and motivation. Thus, it became clear that Elodie’s motivation towards learning and using the Japanese language is unstable and changes according to the way in which she perceives language learning and language using, and the link between them, and, as a consequence, according to which of the two she attaches greater importance to; moreover, the instability of Elodie’s motivation concerning Japanese language learning and using influences to a great extent the formation of her image of the future. Also, in order to overcome the problems that arise when dealing with Japanese language learners, I interpreted the data from the point of view of the learner’s inner “diversity”. As a result, it became evident that the accumulation of experiences of coming into contact with the Japanese language is crucial in forming the learner’s current inner “diversity”, and that changes in the learning environment triggered an acknowledgment of the inner “diversity” on the part of the learner herself. Based on these findings and interpretations, I suggest that it is necessary for those involved in Japanese language education overseas to look at the learners from the perspective of their inner “diversity”.

      • 항균처리를 한 공조기기의 항균성능 평가방법과 평가결과

        미우라쿠니오,다까츠까다케시,야나기,야마자키쇼지,Miura, Kunio,Takatsuka, Takesi,Yanagi, U,Yamazaki, Shoji 한국공기청정협회 2009 空氣淸淨技術 Vol.22 No.2

        Aluminum thin plate coated with epoxy resin containing about 20wt% brass powder, was applied to fins of heat exchanger. We carried out a series of detailed examinations to evaluate the anti-bacterial performance of the plate and heat exchanger (fan coil unit). In the presence of water or moisture, copper ions which have an anti-bacterial ability eluted from brass powder and showed sufficient effects on many kinds of bacteria. We also evaluated the anti-bacterial performance quantitatively by use of the index API (Anti-bacterial Performance Index) which has already been proposed by authors.

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