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        Wetland Function Evaluation and Expert Assessment of Organic Rice-Fish Mixed Farming System

        남홍식,박광래,안난희,이상민,조정래,김봉래,임종악,이창원,최선우,김창현,공민재,손진관,Nam, Hongsik,Park, Kwanglai,An, Nanhee,Lee, Sangmin,Cho, Junglai,Kim, Bongrae,Lim, Jongahk,Lee, Changwon,Choi, Seonu,Kim, Changhyun,Kong, Minjae,Son, Ji Korean Wetlands Society 2018 한국습지학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        우리나라 농업 농촌은 경영 개선을 위해 유기농 쌀 생산과 더불어 담수어를 생산하는 복합영농이 시작되었다. 본 연구는 복합영농이 환경, 생태적 기능에 얼마나 가치가 있는지 알아보았다. 연구방법은 전문가 평가와 습지평가체계(RAM)를 분석하였다. 전문가 조사 결과 양서파충류 서식처(2.39), 수서곤충 서식처(2.36), 어류 서식처(2.34), 식생다양성(2.13), 조류 서식처(2.05) 등 생물다양성 분야와 체험/생태교육(2.29) 기능이 1순위로 구분되었다. Modified RAM를 통해 관행논과 복합논의 습지기능평가를 실시한 결과 복합논이 대부분의 평가기능 항목에서 기능이 향상 되는 것으로 평가되었다. 보전가치 판단기준은 관행논 향상에서 복합논 보전으로 가치가 향상 되었다. 연구결과 복합영농은 관행논에 비해 습지 기능이 탁월하게 개선되는 것을 평가를 통해 알 수 있었다. 논은 국가 생물다양성 유지에 지대한 역할을 수행하며, 기후조절, 탄소저감 등 다양한 생태계서비스를 제공하는 공간으로 평가받는다. 복합영농 실현은 논의 다양한 생태계서비스 기능을 증진시켜 줄 뿐 아니라 물고기 생산이라는 부가가치를 통한 농가의 소득증대와 그로 인한 체험, 전통계승 등의 사회적 기능 증진에도 유용 할 수 있다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 습지기능평가가 높게 개선된 항목과 전문가들로부터 높은 개선이 예상된 항목을 실재 운영 시 정량 평가 및 조사하여 생산되는 물고기과 쌀의 친환경 이미지를 제고시키고 브랜드, 음식, 체험, 논농업 직불제 등 다양한 분야로 활용하도록 연구를 추가적으로 추진해야 할 것으로 판단된다. A mixed farming system that includes organic rice production and freshwater fish farming is being called into attention in Korean agricultural industry and rural areas in order to improve farm management and environmental conservation. This study was conducted to evaluate the environmental and ecological value of such mixed farming practices. Expert assessment and rapid assessment method (RAM) of wetland evaluation were employed for this study. Experts have responded that biodiversity conservation including amphibian and reptile habitat (2.39), aquatic insect habitat (2.36), Fishery habitat (2.34), vegetation diversity (2.13), avian habitat (2.05), and experience and education were the most important function of mixed farming. The wetland function evaluation conducted using modified RAM indicated that rice-fish mixed system showed improvements in most of the evaluated functions, compared to the conventional rice paddies. The overall wetland function of rice paddies in rice-fish mixed system was greatly improved as compared with the conventional rice paddies. Rice paddies are known to play an important role in biodiversity maintenance, and provide ecosystem services such as climate modulation and carbon reduction. Rice-fish mixed system of farming may not only improve various ecosystem services of rice paddies, but may increase farm income through value added fish farming, as well as promotion of social services such as education and maintenance of tradition. Additional research is needed for quantitative analysis of the values gained from the most improved wetland function when mixed farming system is actually put into practice, and to utilize the results in advertising of the organic rice, and in various sectors such as food, education and direct payment policy.

      • 친환경 농산물 구매에 대한 가치소비의 영향

        이균식(Kyunsik Lee),안난희(Nanhee Ahn) 한국농식품정책학회 2022 한국농식품정책학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2022 No.8

        이 연구는 최근 가치소비가 새로운 트렌드로 부상하는 상황을 고려해 소비자의 친환경 농산물구매에 대한 친환경농업이 갖는 기능의 영향을 분석했다. 분석 자료는 농촌진흥청의 소비자패널을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사의 결과를 바탕으로 구축했다. 이 논문에서는 친환경 농산물의 구매를 과거의 구매경험과 미래의 구매의향으로 구분했으며, 종속변수가 이산형이므로 이에 적합한 로지스틱 회귀모형으로 영향요인을 분석했다. 로지스틱 회귀모형의 경우에는 계수값만으로 해석하기 어려우므로, 여기서는 한계효과를 산출한 후 이를 활용해 분석 결과를 해석했다. 친환경 농산물의 구매경험과 구매의향에는 공통으로 연령, 신선농산물 구매횟수, 신뢰도, 중요도(가격·양, 외관, 신선도), 온실가스 발생 저감 및 온난화 예방에 대한 공감도가 유의미한 영향을 주었다. 특히, 신뢰도는 친환경 농산물의 구매경험과 구매의향에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 요인이며, 소비자와 친환경 농산물 간 신뢰관계 형성과 유지 및 관리가 핵심으로 파악된다. 가치소비의 관점에서 살펴보면, 친환경 농업의 온실가스 발생 저감 기능만이 유의미한 영향을 주었으며, 소비자를 대상으로 한 친환경농업의 교육・홍보 시 온실가스 발생 저감 기능의 홍보는 친환경 농산물의 소비를 활성화를 도모할 것으로 판단된다. 분석 결과를 종합해볼 때, 정부는 친환경농업의 가치를 확산하기 위해서는 친환경 농산물에 대한 소비자의 신뢰도 제고와 유지·관리 전략과 친환경농업의 온실가스 발생 저감 효과의 홍보를 병행하는 전략을 수립해야 할 것이다. 이와 더불어, 친환경 농가의 경영 안정화에 기초해 생산자와 소비자가 상생하는 방안을 모색해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        KOH 농도 및 탄화온도가 왕겨 활성 바이오차의 NH<sub>4</sub>-N 흡착능 향상에 미치는 영향

        김희선 ( Huiseon Kim ),윤석인 ( Seok-in Yun ),안난희 ( Nanhee An ),신중두 ( Joungdu Shin ) 한국환경농학회 2020 한국환경농학회지 Vol.39 No.3

        BACKGROUND: Recently, biomass conversion from agricultural wastes to carbon-rich materials such as biochar has been recognized as a promising option to maintain or increase soil productivity, reduce nutrient losses, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from the agro-ecosystem. This experiment was conducted to select an optimum conditions for enhancing the NH<sub>4</sub>-N adsorption capacity of rice hull activated biochar. METHODS AND RESULTS: For deciding the proper molarity of KOH for enhancing its porosity, biochars treated with different molarity of KOH (0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8) were carbonized at 600℃ in the reactor. The maximum adsorption capacity was 1.464 mg g<sup>-1</sup>, and an optimum molarity was selected to be 6 M KOH. For the effect of adsorption capacity to different carbonized temperatures, 6 M KOH-treated biochar was carbonized at 600℃ and 800℃ under the pyrolysis system. The result has shown that the maximum adsorption capacity was 1.76 mg g<sup>-1</sup> in the rice hull activated biochar treated with 6 M KOH at 600℃ of pyrolysis temperature, while its non-treated biochar was 1.17 mg g<sup>-1</sup>. The adsorption rate in the rice hull activated biochar treated with 6 M KOH at 600℃ was increased at 62.18% compared to that of the control. Adsorption of NH<sub>4</sub>-N in the rice hull activated biochar was well suited for the Langmuir model because it was observed that dimensionless constant (R<sub>L</sub>) was 0.97 and 0.66 at 600℃ and 800℃ of pyrolysis temperatures, respectively. The maximum adsorption amount (q<sub>m</sub>) and the bond strength constants (b) were 0.092 mg g<sup>-1</sup> and 0.001 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, respectively, for the rice hull activated biochar treated with 6 M KOH at 600℃ of pyrolysis. CONCLUSION: Optimum condition of rice hull activated biochar was 6M KOH at 600℃ of pyrolysis temperature.

      • KCI등재

        도시공원의 생태기능 향상을 위한 토양 이화학적 특성 기준에 대한 연구

        공민재,권태근,김창현,김남춘,신유경,안난희,이상민,손진관,Kong, Minjae,Kwon, Taeguen,Kim, Changhyun,Kim, Namchoon,Shin, Yukyung,Ahn, Nanhee,Lee, Sangmin,Son, Jinkwan 한국환경과학회 2020 한국환경과학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the soil environment of urban neighborhood parks and to use them as basic data for evaluating the ecological functions of urban parks such as groundwater regeneration, flood control, microclimate regulation, adsorption and purification. The landscape design criteria were generally evaluated as advanced, and further monitoring and studies are needed to evaluate the various ecological functions. It is also necessary to improve the phosphoric acid and nitrogen contents, which tended to be low. In addition, continuous monitoring is needed to assess the proper soil environment according to the biological species, and to evaluate the ecological functions. The results of this study can be used to evaluate the groundwater recharge of urban parks. In particular, when the land of the neighboring park is used for various purposes, the level of access of the user may be increased. Therefore, factors that may adversely affect the user's health, such as heavy metals and organic matters, should be selected and selected as management criteria. In addition, follow-up studies considering fertilization standards suitable for trees and growth of introduced vegetation, etc. are needed urgently to improve the soil environment.

      • KCI등재

        유기자원 연용이 유기농 옥수수 밭토양의 화학성과 옥수수 수량에 미치는 영향

        공민재,안필균,정정아,이초롱,이상민,안난희,Kong, Minjae,An, Philgyun,Jung, Junga,Lee, Chorong,Lee, Sangmin,An, Nanhee 한국환경과학회 2020 한국환경과학회지 Vol.29 No.12

        This study performed to conduct a test to increase the amount of appropriate organic matter input to organic upland soil, soil fertility, and its effect on the chemical changes and yield of corn in soil due to organic use. The pH level of the T1, T5, and T6 treatment zones where livestock excreta was used was raised to 6.0-6.5, the optimal range of the soil in Korea, and it was confirmed that the pH value was appropriate. Electrical Conductivity (EC), organic content (OM), and total nitrogen (T-N) were also identified as a trend of continuous increase. The quantity of corn gradually increased from 74.1% to 96.4% over the four-year period with the use of organic materials compared to the beginning of the test, and the utilization efficiency of nitrogen has also increased. The results of the study were found to have been able to examine the increase in quantity and changes in soil chemistry through crop cultivation using organic materials such as natural materials, green manure crops, and livestock manure compost, and it is also believed that the changes due to various factors such as soil environment, soil microbes, and climate conditions need to be made through continuous research.

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