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      • KCI등재후보

        들뢰즈에게 어떤 윤리를 기대할 수 있는가?

        신지영(Jiyoung Shin) 한국비평이론학회 2005 비평과이론 Vol.10 No.2

        The moral based on the principle or the law is fictive and repressive? The principles and the law are theoretically fictive because they suppose and require something perfect, perpetually identical such as Idea, Subject or the Nature, and they are practically repressive because they are too far and too loose to be adapted to the life or each event of each person. How can we elaborate a new ethics that is veritable and non-restricting? To accomplish this mission, we examine the philosophy of Deleuze. This philosophy, defined as that of the <Difference>, refutes the notion of principle itself. So we propose that the critics of the subject in Deleuze should discover his ethics, which leads us to ask his <subject without identity>. The moment of the subject which can catch the Difference in itself is not the consciousness, which represents and identifies it, nor the unconscious, which conserves the difference only in the condition of being saved in the identical subject. We find at Deleuze the notion of the <impersonal consciousness> as the moment of the subject without identity, which captures the Difference in itself. A new ethics with this impersonal consciousness does not suppose any principle or law, but it is more rigorous than any other ethics, in that it demands us to see the truth of each singular event and to do something that exactly corresponds to this event and its sense. Ethics at Deleuze based on the concept of the Difference in itself can be elaborate with the notion of the impersonal consciousness and the singular truth of each event.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 표준 음성 DB 구축

        신지영(Shin, Jiyoung),장혜진(Jang, Hyejin),강연민(Kang, Younmin),김경화(Kim, Kyung-Wha) 한국음성학회 2015 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.7 No.1

        The data accumulated in this database will be used to develop a speaker identification system. This may also be applied towards, but not limited to, fields of phonetic studies, sociolinguistics, and language pathology. We plan to supplement the large-scale speech corpus next year, in terms of research methodology and content, to better answer the needs of diverse fields. The purpose of this study is to develop a speech corpus for standard Korean speech. For the samples to viably represent the state of spoken Korean, demographic factors were considered to modulate a balanced spread of age, gender, and dialects. Nine separate regional dialects were categorized, and five age groups were established from individuals in their 20s to 60s. A speech-sample collection protocol was developed for the purpose of this study where each speaker performs five tasks: two reading tasks, two semi-spontaneous speech tasks, and one spontaneous speech task. This particular configuration of sample data collection accommodates gathering of rich and well-balanced speech-samples across various speech types, and is expected to improve the utility of the speech corpus developed in this study. Samples from 639 individuals were collected using the protocol. Speech samples were collected also from other sources, for a combined total of samples from 1,012 individuals.

      • KCI등재

        남성 동성사회적 욕망과 동성애 혐오 사이에서 - 크리스티안 크라흐트의 『파저란트』에 대한 퀴어연구적 접근

        신지영 ( Shin Jiyoung ) 한국독어독문학회 2021 獨逸文學 Vol.62 No.1

        2018년 5월 크라흐트의 시학강연은 크라흐트 연구에서 “문학적인 순간”으로 기록될 만하다. 크라흐트가 12세 때 학교에서 (남자)선생에게 성폭행을 당했다고 고백하며 이 사건을 그의 작품의 해석을 위한 “열쇠”로 만들고 나아가 문학의 “치유 기능”을 언급하기 때문이다. 본 연구는 크라흐트의 데뷔작이자 자전적 소설인 『파저란트』(1995)를 이런 맥락에서 해석하고자 한다. 지금까지 이 소설은 독일 팝 문학의 대표작으로 간주되어 주로 소비와 상품물신주의로 요약되는 후기자본주의 사회에서 위기에 처한 개인의 정체성 문제와 관련되어 해석되었다. 본 연구는 주인공의 정체성 가운데 성적 지향성에 초점을 맞추고 주인공의 “성적 무지향성” 내지 “성적 무능”을 퀴어연구적 맥락에서 재해석하고 자 한다. 구체적으로 쥘트에서 보덴제까지 독일을 종단하는 주인공의 여정을 “남성 동성 사회적 연대”(세지윅)에서 “이성애적 가면”(버틀러) 뒤에 가려진 동성애의 발현과 자각의 과정으로 보고자 한다. 화자의 성적 무지향성과 무능은 “남성 동성사회적 연대”에 잠재하는 동성애와 이 연대를 유지하기 위해 필요한 “동성애 혐오”의 이율배반적인 관계의 결과이다. 이때 작품에서도 암시되는 성폭행 트라우마는 동성애 혐오를 증폭시키는 기제로 이해될 수 있다. 나아가 본 논문은 주인공의 여정이 성적 지향성에 관한 자기성찰의 과정인 동시에 글쓰기를 통한 문학적 치유과정임을 입증하고자 한다. Krachts Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen im Mai 2018 werden als “ein literarhistorischer Moment” bezeichnet und makieren eine Zäsur in der Kracht-Forschung, indem der Autor in ihnen gestand, dass er als 12-jähriger Schüler von einem Lehrer sexuell missbraucht wurde, und diesen Missbrauchsfall nicht nur zum “Schlüssel zu seinem gesamten Werk” erklärt, sondern auch der Literatur eine “heilende Funktion” zusgesprochen hat. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht, dieses Bekenntnis des Autors ernst nehmend, Krachts autobiografischen Debüroman Faserland (1995) aus dieser Perspektive zu interpretieren. Es geht in dem Beitrag um die Identitätskrise der Hauptfigur, was nun keineswegs neu ist. Wurde diese aber bisher hauptsächlich im Kontext der Popliteratur auf die Konsumgesellschaft und den Warenfetischismus im Spätkapitalismus zurückgeführt, so wird hier jedoch die Identitätskrise im Kontext der Sexualität gedeutet. Die Reise der Hauptfigur quer durch Deutschland von Sylt bis zum Bodensee ist eine Suche nach der eigenen Sexualität, also ein Prozess des Erwachens und Bewusstwerdens des homosexuellen Begehrens, das im “male homosocial bond” (Sedgwick) hinter der heterosexuellen “Maskerade” (Butler) gut versteckt ist. Die sexuelle Orientierungslosigkeit oder das Unvermögen der Hauptfigur am Anfang der Geschichte ist auf die Antinomie zwischen “male homosocial desire” und “homophobia” (Sedgwick) zurückzuführen, wobei letztere samt dem heterosexuellen Begehren für den Erhalt des “male homosocial bond” unentbehrlich ist. Dabei ist das Vergewaltigungstrauma, das im Werk auch angedeutet ist, als der Mechanismus, der die Angst vor Homosexualität erhöht, zu verstehen. Schließlich versucht der Beitrag zu zeigen, dass das Schreiben, das durch die ungewöhnliche Erzählsituation - ein Ich-Erzähler, der im Präsens erzählt - gekennzeichnet ist, selbst das Verfahren der Heilung darstellt. Der Roman trägt auf diese Weise zur Destabilisierung der Herrschaft der Heterosexualität bei und ist gleichzeitig ein Bekenntnis zur Literatur als Therapie.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어 사전 표제어 발음의 음소 및 음절 빈도

        신지영(Jiyoung Shin) 한국언어청각임상학회 2010 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.15 No.1

        배경 및 목적: 이 연구의 목적은 한국어 사전에 등재된 표제어의 발음형을 대상으로 말소리 관련 빈도를 알아보는 것이다. 사전 표제어의 발음형이 보여주는 말소리 관련 빈도 정보, 즉음소 및 음절 관련 빈도 정보는 한국어에 대한 가장 기본적인 정보로서, 한국어 화자들의한국어에 대한 기본적인 언어 지식이라고 할 수 있다. 방법: 표제어 선정에 사용 빈도의 개념이반영된 「연세한국어사전」의 전체 표제어 49,553개 중 잘못된 형, 방언형, 자모, 접사(접두사와접미사) 등과 「표준국어대사전」의 표제어에서 찾을 수 없는 어휘 항목을 제외한 47,401개표제어를 연구의 대상으로 삼았다. 해당 표제어들을 대상으로 필자가 정한 원칙에 따라 사전의 발음형을 일일이 확인하고 입력하는 방법으로 자료를 완성하였다. 완성된 자료에서 음소및 음절 빈도를 얻기 위해 SynKDP 1.5.2(일명 깜짝새)가 사용되었다. 결과: 분석 대상이 된47,401개 표제어에서 관찰된 음절은 총 122,761개였고, 음소는 총 290,131개였다. 음소 중에서모음은 122,761(42.3%)개, 자음은 167370(57.7%)개로, 자음의 수가 약간 많았다. 자음 중에는초성이 110,122(65,8%)개, 종성이 57,248(34.2%)개로 초성의 빈도가 높았다. 한국어에 존재하는 36개의 음소 중에서 가장 높은 빈도를 보인 음소는 /?/였고, 가장 낮은 빈도를 보인 음소는 /?i/였다. 가장 높은 빈도를 보인 자음은 /k/였고, 이어서 /n/, /ŋ/, /l/, /?/의 순서를보였다. 가장 높은 출현 빈도를 보인 모음은 /?/였고, 이어서 /i, ?, o, u, ?, ?, j?, w?, w?,jo, ju, j?, wi, w?, j?, ?i/의 순서를 보였다. 사전의 발음형 전체에서 관찰된 음절의 유형수는 총 1,283이었다. 이 가운데 가장 출현 빈도가 높았던 음절은 5,413회를 보인 /h?/였다.이어서 /li, ?i, i, ki, s?, ??k/ 등이 그 뒤를 따랐다. /h?/가 고빈도를 보인 이유는 동사 파생접사 {-하}의 생산성과 유관한 것으로 보인다. 1,283개의 유형 중에서 고빈도 82개 유형, 즉6.4%에 불과한 음절의 유형이 전체 자료의 50.25%를 차지하는 것으로 나타났다. 논의 및결론: 한국어 사전 표제어의 음소 및 음절 관련 빈도 정보는 한국어와 관련된 기초 자료로서음성학, 음운론은 물론, 언어 병리학, 한국어 교육, 음성 공학 분야에서도 꼭 필요한 기초 자료로 활용될 것이다 Background & Objectives: The aim of the present study is to provide information on the occurrence frequencies of Korean phoneme and syllable units based on the careful analysis of entries inthe Korean Dictionary. Information on phoneme and syllable frequencies of the entries is a fundamental knowledge component of the Korean language. Methods: Using 47,401 entries from the Yonsei Korean Dictionary, the occurrence frequencies for units of Korean phonemes and syllables were analyzed. Pronunciations of all the entries were manually checked, and SynKDP 1.5.2 was used to calculate thephoneme and syllable frequencies. Results: A total of 122,761 syllables and 290,131 phonemes were observed from 47,401 entries, with 65.8% of consonants occupying the onset position in the syllable structure. Among 36 phonemes, /? showed the highest frequency, and /?/ showed the lowest frequency. Among 19 consonants, /k/ occupied the highest ranking, and /n/, /ŋ, /l/, and /? were the next rankings, in that order. Syllable frequency was also investigated. A total of 1,283 syllable types were observed. However, the most frequent 82 syllable types, i.e., 6.4% of all observed syllable types, accounted for over 50% of the data. Discussion & Conclusion: Information on the phoneme and syllable frequencies of entries in the Korean dictionary is a fundamental knowledge component of the Korean language. Therefore, this type of information is useful not only for Korean linguistics, but also speech pathology, Korean language teaching, and speech engineering

      • KCI등재

        성인 자유 발화 자료 분석을 바탕으로 한 한국어의 음소 전이 빈도

        신지영(Jiyoung Shin) 한국언어청각임상학회 2008 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.13 No.3

        배경 및 목적: 이 연구의 목적은 한국어를 정상적으로 구사하 는 성인 화자들의 자유 발화를 수집․전사하여 한국어의 자유 발화에서 관찰되는 음소 전이 빈도 (두음소 빈도) 정보를 살펴보고, 체계적으로 기술하여 한국어의 말소리 관련 기초 자료를 제공하려 는 것이다. 음소 전이 빈도에 대한 이러한 지식은 한국어 화자들이 가지고 있는 한국어의 기본적인 지식이기 때문에 이러한 지식을 체계화시키는 작업은 기초 연구로서 반드시 필요하다. 방법: 서울 방언을 구사하는 성인 57(남 28, 여 29)명의 자유 발화를 수집하고 이를 음성 전사한 후에 운율 단 위를 고려하여 음소 전이 빈도(두음소 빈도)를 추출하였다. 본 연구의 분석 대상 자료는 총 35,439 발화, 403,572음절, 858,479음소였다. 결과: 발화 자료를 분석한 결과, 모두 980,639개의 두음소가 관찰되었다. 논리적으로 연결 가능한 두음소 1,225종 중에서 1,009종의 두음소가 관찰되었고, 이중 5.5%에 해당하는 고빈도 두음소 55종의 출현 빈도 합이 50%를 넘는 것으로 나타났다. 가장 높은 출현 빈도를 보인 두음소는 #+ㄱ > ㅐ+# > ㅏ+# > ㄱ+ㅡ > ㄴ+# > ㅡ+ㄴ > ㄱ+ㅏ 등이었다. 고빈도 두음소들은 대체로 고빈도 문법 형태소의 음절형과 유관한 것으로 보였다. 논의 및 결론: 음소 전 이 빈도를 면밀히 살펴본 결과, 한 음소와 다음 음소의 전이 역시 고빈도 유형이 발화에서 반복적 으로 사용됨을 알 수 있다. 음소 전이 빈도에 대한 이러한 연구 결과는 국어학은 물론, 언어병리학, 한국어 교육, 음성 공학 분야에서도 요긴하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. Background & Objectives: The aim of the present study was to provide some information on frequencies of occurrence for units of Korean bi-phoneme based on the careful analysis of spontaneous speech spoken by adult speakers of Korean. Information on bi-phoneme frequency as well as phoneme and syllable frequencies is one of the most fundamental and basic knowledges on Korean language and is used in the segmentation of speech signal into meaningful utterance units. Methods: 57 adult (28 male and 29 female) speakers of standard Korean were employed as subjects for the present study. Spontaneous speech spoken by the subjects were recorded and phonemically transcribed. Bi-phoneme frequency was calculated from the database. The data size of the present study was as follows: 35,439 utterances, 403,572 syllables, and 858,479 phonemes. Results: 980,668 classified into 8 types (C+V, V+C, C$C, C$V, V$C, V$V, #+P, P+#) according to prosodic boundaries between phonemes, were examined. Logically possible numbers of bi-phoneme types were 1,225 types and 1,009 types of bi-phonemes were found in the data. However, only 5.5% (55 types) of bi-phoneme types covered over 50% of the speech data. Discussion & Conclusion: Information on bi-phoneme frequency of Korean is one of the most fundamental and basic data for speech pathology, Korean language teaching, and speech engineering as well as Korean linguistics.

      • KCI등재

        구어에서 운율 표지와 형태 표지의 분포와 기능

        신지영(Shin, Jiyoung) 한국어학회 2017 한국어학 Vol.77 No.-

        This paper aims at investigating the prosodic markers and morphological markers in spoken Korean. Prosody, especially intonation, has linguistic and paralinguistic meanings in spoken Korean. As is well-known, prosody plays important role in spoken language: it is hard to determine whether a word(or a eojeol) is realized at the sentence final or non-final position without consulting the prosody. Only an exception is that a word(or eojeol) ends with a typical sentence final ending such as ‘–다, -냐, -라, -자’. Therefore, we can categorize two types of endings in Korean: clause terminal endings and sentence terminal endings. A eojeol with a clause terminal ending, which is categorized as a connective ending in the previous studies, terminates a sentence only with a terminal boundary tone. It does not terminates a sentence with a non-terminal boundary tone. On the other hand, a eojeol with a sentence terminal ending, which is categorized as a terminal ending in the previous studies, always terminates a sentence with a unmarked terminal boundary tone. The unmarked terminal boundary tone depends on the ending types: H% for the interrogative ending (e.g. {-냐), L% for the rests. Marked terminal boundary tone with sentence terminal ending only changes paralinguistic modal meaning of the sentence. It does not change the linguistic category of the sentence type, which is realized with the morphological marker(i.e. sentence terminal ending type). Only paralinguistic modal meaning changes in this case. On the other hand, when a eojeol does not end with a sentence terminal ending, a sentence can close off with terminal boundary tone and cannot close off with non-terminal boundary tone. In this case, terminal boundary tone can have linguistic meaning as well as paralinguistic modal meaning.

      • KCI등재

        수용소 이후의 수용소와 인종화된 식민주의

        신지영(Jiyoung Shin) 역사비평사 2021 역사비평 Vol.- No.134

        The following paper examines the course in which the colonial hierarchy of violence is internalized as multi-layered racism through the experiences of the soldiers from Okinawa and the Korean guards at Japanese POW camps during WWII. Although the Korean guards oversaw Allied prisoners of war in Japan’s WWII camps, they were under watch themselves by their Japanese counterparts and superiors. In a somewhat similar way, the soldiers from Okinawa contributed to Japan’s colonial rule in East Asia while being subject to Japan’s “internal colonialism.” I will describe the nature of their two-sided involvement as “victimhood implicated in perpetration of violence”, and I will seek ways to liberate their experience from the relations that are colonized and institutionalized. What lies within the purview of this paper are the experiences of (1) the people from Okinawa who were gunzoku-militarized personnel of the Japanese imperial army-and (2) the Korean guards who oversaw the Allied prisoners of war in Southeast Asia between 1942 and 1945. In addition, the literary work, testimonies, and other written accounts of institutionalized life in the years that followed will also be examined. The first case to be examined is Yi Yŏngkil (李永吉), a Korean guard at the Japanese POW camp whose Japanese name was Yoshimoto Nagayoshi (慶本永吉), for which his writings as well as the testimonies of his coworkers will be analyzed. During the course of his life, Yi was taken from the POW camp to a detention center, and was eventually placed in a psychiatric ward, being faced with a number of different forms of institutionalization in conjunction with colonization. Yi’s case is followed by the analysis of the series of fictional and archival writings that reveal the course in which the Korean and Okinawan gunzokus in Southeast Asia came to participate in the independence movement in Indonesia after 1945. By comparing Okinawan writer Ōta Ryōhaku’s Black Diamond (1949) with the Korean guards’ written accounts, I attempt to question whether it is possible that decolonization of one colonized community lead to decolonization of other colonized communities. The goal of this paper is to seek how the Korean and the Okinawan people-the people who are marked by “victimhood implicated in perpetration of violence”-can truly be liberated from the post-concentration camp institutionalization and the colonization that persists even in the aftermath of colonialism through the case of what I call “concomitance of two independences.” By drawing connections among various “abjects”, my intention is neither to keep their experience as abject nor to request their inclusion in the conventional space of historiography, but to suggest a new imaginary where a series of abjected experiences become connected in unexpected ways.

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