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        예비 초등 교사들의 역사 인물 프로젝트 후기 분석

        송인주(Song, In-Ju) 한국사회과교육연구학회 2019 사회과교육 Vol.58 No.2

        본 연구는 대구교육대학교에 재학 중인 3학년 학생들이 역사 인물 프로젝트를 수행한 이후 제출한 자전적 에세이를 연구자가 항목별로 재개념화하여 분석한 글이다. 그동안 프로젝트 학습은 교실수업에서 교사로 하여금 반성적인 실천가로서의 태도를 이끌어내는 유의미한 자기 반성적 교육활동이라는 점에 대해서는 이론의 여지가 없다. 그러나 실제 현장에서 역사교과라는 교과내용의 바탕이 되는 통사적 역사지식의 방대함과 역사교육 방법론의 적용에 따른 교사의 전문성 그리고 이를 뒷받침하는 교육상황이 부족한 관계로 그 실현성은 매우 떨어져 있다. 이를 위해 필자는 이미 종래의 한 연구를 통해 연구자의 입장에서 예비 초등 교사들이 작성한 역사 프로젝트의 다양한 양태와 문제점을 조명한 바 있다. 이번의 논고는 그 연장선상에서 역사 인물 프로젝트 수업 실행에 참여했던 예비 초등 교사들이 자신들의 시각으로 보고 듣고 느끼며 경험했던 점을 회고해 보려는 목적에 따라 기획되었다. 미래의 예비 교사들인 학생들이 역사주제를 구체적으로 어떻게 인식하고 접근하고 있는지, 그리고 프로젝트와 연계한 초등 현장 역사교실수업의 진전을 위해 필요한 것이 무엇인지 하는 점에 관한 선행 연구가 거의 없는 상황에서 본 연구는 사회과 역사영역의 수업을 담당할 예비 초등 교사들에게 하나의 길잡이 역할을 할 수 있을 것이다. 이런 점에서 본 연구는 프로젝트 학습과 관련된 사회과 역사교육의 실천성을 그려나가려는 도상계획의 일환인 셈이다. This study presents the researcher’s analysis of autobiographical essays submitted by pre-service teachers after they experienced constructing a history project. It is widely accepted that project education is a reflective education program in that it leads teachers in classrooms to become reflective practitioners. However, in the field, the immensity of historical knowledge which is the background of the curriculum content of History, and a teacher’s professionalism, which is rooted in the methodology of history education, along with the educational circumstances that back up these conditions, are not sufficient, consequently degrading feasibility. With this context, the author took the perspective of a prior researcher’s perspective to look into the diverse manifestation and problems with history projects written by pre-service teachers. This contention was designed for the purpose of retrospecting the experiences pre-service teachers had while participating in history project classes. In the existing literature, there is not much precedent research about how students, who will later on become pre-service teachers, comprehend historical topics, and what is required in the field of elementary school history classes. Taking this into account, this research will serve as a guideline for pre-service teachers who are in the fields of social science history. In short, this research is a specific plan to secure the actual practice of social science history education.

      • KCI등재

        한국 역사교육연구에 대한 비판적 성찰

        송인주(Song In-Ju) 한국사회과교육연구학회 2014 사회과교육 Vol.53 No.2

        본 연구는 ‘역사를 위한 역사’, ‘역사가를 위한 역사’가 아니라, 역사를 전공한 역사가로서 그리고 교육대학교에서 ‘역사교육을 담당하는 역사교육자’로서의 복합적 경험에 의거하여 기왕의 한국 역사교육연구에 관한 비판적 성찰을 하려는 데 있다. 그리고 그 연장선상에서 역사교육연구의 방향을 모색한 것이다. 연구자로서 현 단계 우리나라 역사교육연구 전반을 회고할 때 가장 문제가 되는 것은 무엇보다 정확한 현실인식에 입각하여 역사교육을 바라보려고 하는 교육철학의 빈곤이라고 생각된다. 따라서 역사교육에 대한 메타담론을 뿌리로 교육과정의 정체성을 확보하는 한편 그 토대위에서 역사교육과정과 역사교육연구의 이론과 좌표를 설정해야 한다고 본다. 미래를 겨냥한 한국 역사교육연구의 유용성은 교육철학과 교육과정 그리고 역사교육과정과의 유기적이며 정합적인 연계 고리를 통해 그 정당성과 타당성의 준거가 마련될 때 비로소 구축될 수 있을 것이다. This paper is to critically examine the previous research of history education in Korea not in terms of ‘history for history’ or ‘history for historians,’ but in terms of a history educator’s experiences, and suggest a better direction for Korean history education. The biggest problem at present in Korean history education in general seems to be the lack of philosophy in which history education is viewed with appropriate awareness of reality. I suggest that we establish the identity for a long standing national curriculum of history education upon the meta-discourse of this philosophy, and the discourse for history education research should start off from this meta-discourse. The value of research of history education for the future could be assumed when it acquires it’s justification and validity through organic and synthetic integration of the philosophy of education, the curriculum, and teaching practices in history classrooms.

      • KCI등재

        『皇淸職貢圖』의 ‘大一統’ 세계

        송인주(SONG, In-Ju) 한국사학사학회 2018 韓國史學史學報 Vol.0 No.38

        본 연구의 목적은 『皇淸職貢圖』를 통해, 청조가 어떠한 논리로 자신들의 ‘大一統’ 이념에 대해서 서술하고자 했는지 설명하는 것이다. 『皇淸職貢圖』는 건륭 연간 청조 황제에게 조공하러 온 外國과 夷狄들의 복식과 양태를 圖像으로 그리고, 그들의 역사와 풍속에 대한 정보를 서술한 서적이다. 『皇淸職貢圖』가 역사 사료로서 중요한 가치를 갖는 것은 청조가 中國 內地의 非漢人系의 사람들을 어떠한 논리를 가지고 통치를 했는지 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 『皇淸職貢圖』 중에서도 특히 ‘四川’ 지역의 非漢人系 사람들에 대한 묘사를 살펴보았다. 四川 지역은 청조의 영역 속에서 漢人들의 거주 지역으로 구분되었으나, 티베트 계를 비롯한 다양한 종족들이 거주하고 있는 공간이었다. 청조는 그 이전의 중화왕조들처럼 사천 지역의 다양한 非漢人系 사람들의 자치권을 박탈하고, 그들을 강하게 통제하고자 하였다. 이러한 과정 속에서 非漢人系 사람들은 漢人에게 거주지를 빼앗기거나, 동화되기도 하였다. 『皇淸職貢圖』의 四川 지역의 非漢人系 사람들에 대한 묘사를 보면, 청조는 이들을 夷狄으로 여겼으며, 교화되어야 할 대상이었다. 이러한 청조의 논리는 그 이전의 중화왕조가 夷狄들을 대한 태도를 그대로 계승한 것이었다. 청조의 황제는 만주인 군주였지만, 四川을 비롯한 中原에 거주하는 非漢人系 사람들에 대해서는 자신을 ‘中華王朝의 皇帝’로 드러낸 것이다. 이러한 『皇淸職貢圖』의 非漢人系 사람들에 대한 서술 방식은 중국 근현대의 ‘소수민족’의 역사와 문화에 대한 서술 논리로도 계승되었다 The purpose of this study is examining how Qing Empire described its ‘The Great Unity(大一統)’ world in Illustrations of Tributaries of Qing Empire(皇淸職貢圖). Illustrations of Tributaries of Qing Empire described foreigners and barbarians who paid tributes to Qing dynasty on Qianlong reign. Specially, it is important that this document explains how Qing empire recognized and ruled non-Han Chinese ethnic communities in China proper. This study focuses on the structure of description about non-Han Chinese ethnic communities of Sichuan(四川) in Illustrations of Tributaries of Qing Empire In Qing period, Sichuan was not only the habitation of Han Chinese but also diverse non-Han Chinese ethnic communities including Tibetan people. Like the majority of Chinese empires, Qing empire also strongly controlled these non-Han Chinese ethnic communities, and many of them had been acculturated to Han Chinese culture. The description about non-Han Chinese ethnic communities of Sichuan in Illustrations of Tributaries of Qing Empire presents Qing empire’s attitude about non-Han Chines people of Sichuan. Qing empire saw them as “barbarians” and “the target of edification(敎化).” This Qing attitude succeeded to that of Chinese empires including Ming empire. Qing emperors were Manchu people and also “barbarian”, non-Han Chinese people who inhabited in China proper was that of ‘the emperor of Chinese dynasty.’ This attitude and way of description in Illustrations of Tributaries of Qing Empire was succeeded to historical and cultural narrative of Chinese modern historians about non-Han Chinese ethnic communities in China proper.

      • KCI등재

        미국 초등학교 사회과 교실수업의 프로젝트 수행과정과 교육적 함의

        송인주(Song In Ju) 한국사회과교육연구학회 2009 사회과교육 Vol.48 No.2

        프로젝트 학습은 교사의 치밀한 단계별 수업 전략과 설계에 따른 교실 수업활동이다. 먼저 교사가 주제를 선정하고 조사연구의 방향과 포인트에 초점을 맞추어 제시한 학습 활동 유인물을 근거로 그룹별로 문헌자료와 텍스트, 인터넷 등의 여러 자료를 수집하고 여기서 추출한 정보와 지식들을 학생들의 자율적인 토의과정을 거쳐 최종적인 결과를 이끌어낸다. 그리고 학생들은 발표와 평가에 대비한 평가 기준에 따라 자신들이 조사한 것을 여러 방식을 통해 하나의 작품을 만들어낸다. 특히 학생들은 하나의 답을 추구하는 것이 아니리 조사괴정에서 문제를 맥락적으로 사고하고 그에 따른 해결 가능성을 스스로 찾아가며 그 속에서 최선의 해결 방안을 선택하려고 한다. 결국 선택을 위한 괴정과 판단을 자기 주도적으로 이루어가는 과정에서 학생들은 자신들의 사고를 끊임 없이 생성하고 만들어가고 있는 셈이다. 그리고 학생들에 의해 이루어지는 이러한 문제 해결의 선택적 다양성이 격려되고 인정받는 교실은 다양한 생각과 가치를 인정하는 이른바 다양성이 상호 작용하는 교실문화로 나아가게 된다. 이상 미국 초등학교 사회과 교실수업의 프로젝트 수행괴정을 관찰한 본 연구는 우리 현장 교실 수업의 진전을 모색하는데 있어 하나의 길잡이를 제공할 것으로 생각된다. This paper discusses a case of project study in the social studies at an elementary school in America which seems to give suggestions as to how to qualitatively improve elementary social studies in Korea. A project study is a classroom activity depending on the teacher's sophisticated step-by-step strategies and planning. The teacher decide on a subject and collect class materials appropriate for the purpose and focus of the inquiry. Based on these materials, student groups search for relevant literature, texts, or a variety of documents in the internet and from them draw a conclusion through active discussions. As a result of the project, students make a piece of work representing their inquiry using various techniques, considering the presentations and evaluations. The students' approach to the issues with objective evidences, not with their subjective judge, signifies the progress of critical thinking in them. Students do not pursue for an answer; but they try to think in context, explore for the possibility of problem solving, and choose the best way from diverse alternatives. Diversity of students' choice is encouraged and respected. This consideration becomes a classroom culture of interactive diversity.

      • KCI등재

        예비 초등 교사들이 본 한국사교육의 문제점과 과제

        宋寅州(Song In-Ju) 歷史敎育硏究會 2010 역사교육 Vol.113 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the problems of Korean history education through Pre-service teachers' Korean history learning and to research the direction of Korean history education in the future. Their negative memory on Korean history learning is full of suggestions on Korean history education in the future. As a matter of fact it's hard to say that Korean history education after the liberation has not been designed in the long-term view because of rapid social changes. Accordingly, a discussion on meta-discourse has to be done in earnest to secure rational purpose of Korean history education for future society. To do this. it is necessary to extract meaningful experiences and values among the traditions and heritage of the past based on educational purpose. Furthermore, it involves a change in direction in which students recreate and express historical accident' showing our unique identity in history classes. In addition, it is needed to show historical concepts or valuable concepts related with subjects for children's historical thinking development. In short, why Korean history education should be done; for whom education should be taught: more sincere exploration on these points is needed. Especially for elementary school students who stan showing an interest in their surroundings, to provide dearly and specifically how to communicate with history can be a foundation of history education.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 이순신 프로젝트와 역사교실수업

        송인주 ( In Ju Song ) 역사교육학회 2011 역사교육논집 Vol.46 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore the identity of Yi Sun Sin`s leadership through Lee Sun Shin project. For this, the first thing to do was to examine comprehensively General Yi Sun Sin`s achievements and descendants` assessment of him, using documentary films. And with that, the circumstances at the time were investigated through nonfiction materials. Finally, as an extension of this, the identity of Yi Sun Sin`s leadership was considered from various angles, using fiction materials. Passing through three phases of teaching and learning process, the followings can be examined as a result of students` assessment and experience on Yi Sun Sin. First of all, there is an enormous change in students` perspective on a historical figure, Yi Sun Sin. Students said that they were able to break their fixed ideas about him. Secondly, students reported that they could not only develop their historical thinking but also experience changes and growth process, reading and responding historical materials in various genres, concerned Yi Sun Sin. According to what the students said, it is an example showing how history influences student`s perception when history approaches them in the form of story. Also, it presents the way leading students to the world of historical fiction in history class. Thirdly, students as pre-service teachers said that this project became a guide for history teaching and learning methodology in the future. In short, how teachers create class environment determines future history class and its results. This study concludes that Yi Sun Sin project makes students think over their meaning of life, through understanding the historical figure, Yi Sun Sin.

      • 서울시 지하녹색공간 조성 및 활성화 방안

        송인주 ( In Ju Song ),김시정 ( Si Jeong Kim ),김채련 ( Chae Ryun Kim ) 서울시정개발연구원 2010 연구보고서 Vol.2010 No.51

        Due to the recent increase of underground space and the gradual growth of population inflow to the underground space as well as the time spending in the basements, there is a need to establish an alternative to change the possible negative psychological elements about the underground space to a positive one beyond the previous underground space development which emphasized the acquisition of facility-oriented area. The interest and demand for creating a green area in the underground space is increasing as a considerable number of the population acknowledge the subject underground space as agreeable and lively. Thus, the Ministry of Environment has produced "A Guideline for Ecologic Landscape of Underground Space(2009)" to regulate the required items in creating an ecologic landscape in the underground space within the city for the preservation of natural environment and improvement of ecologic health of the city according to the Clause 43 of the Natural Environment Preservation Law to proactively attract green area of underground space within the city. However, the ways for systematic and practical management of the creation is insufficient. Consequently, this research attempted to understand the current status of ecologic landscape of underground space, analyze its features and issues to create ways to vitalize the green area in underground space which can provide a stable and agreeable area to the people along with the purification of indoor air quality of Seoul city, whose underground space is expected to increase continuously in the future, to manage the ecologic landscape of the underground space systematically.

      • 서울시 생태관광을 위한 생태탐방로 조성방안

        송인주 ( In Ju Song ),반정화 ( Jeong Hwa Pan ),정진아 ( Jin Ah Jeong ) 서울시정개발연구원 2008 연구보고서 Vol.2008 No.19

        In this study, we categorized ecological resources and selected main resources for ecological trails that had valuable for touring such as wild life preservation areas and ecosystem conservation region including historical and cultural resources. Moreover, we tried to make an urban ecological trail tour program not only to preserve environment but also to provide natural tour for people through examined and analyzed main resources of ecological trails. In addition, we enhanced prestige of ecological tourism in Seoul as the ecological trails vitalization program. This study is divided by four part- analysis of current condition about ecological trails tour examine and analysis about potential resources of ecological trails; suggestion of the way to make ecological trails; vitalization program for using ecological trail. The main results of this study are the followings. First, we confirmed terminologies related to ecological tour and examined domestic and foreign cases of ecological trails to understand current condition. We tried to use these two results as basic data for the ecological trails planning in Seoul. According to the survey and the analysis of park utilizations condition data, people maintained their needs that they want to experience the nature even though city of Seoul has less resources than other areas for its scale. Secondly, we categorized ecological trails into forest ways, river ways and park ways. Moreover, we surveyed and summarized potential resources each of them. For forest ways, we examined forestry resources and parks in mountains. For river ways, we went through river and wetland and for park ways, we investigated ecological parks and neighborhood parks. Forestry of Seoul as a potential resources of forest ways are founded 35 places including Gwanaksan(Mt.), Namsan(Mt.), Dobongsan(Mt.). Among these places, 7 places have special historical resources and 6 places have special preservation area. Accordingly, 37% of total forestry resources have cultural resources or special ecological resources. Potential resources of river ways are 18 areas including small creeks in Seoul such as Han river, Tancheon(stream), Dunchon-dong wetland. We can find high biodiversity in there because wetland has special characteristics and it can be allowed specific ecological resources. Resources of park ways are 28 of neighborhood parks in Seoul and except some areas, they have many visitors due to easily accessible place besides ecological and cultural resources. In case of ecological tour resources in Seoul, although forest resources located just at the edge of north and south regions, river resources are allocated evenly. Moreover, park ways resources dotted in urban areas. Therefore, Seoul has potential to make networks through whole areas using these resources including ecological and cultural resources. Even though Seoul is a huge city which have many urbanized areas and high population, three resource ways-forestry ways, river ways, park ways- have patterns that make interact with each others. Thus, if we use this interaction, we can create not only ecological trails but also green networks of Seoul. We choose 8 ecological resources from selected by ecological resources considering the values of ecological trails. We conduct analysis and assessment with chosen 8 resources. We choose 4 resources-Umyeonsan(Mt.), Daemosan(Mt.), Bugaksan(Mt.), Achasan(Mt.), as forest way resources from total 35, 2 resources-Amsa-dong wetland, Godeok-dong wetland as river way resources and 2 resources-Gil-dong Ecological Park, World Cup park as park way resources. We make "field survey sheet of ecological resources for ecological tours in Seoul"in order to analyze and evaluate and assess the 8 selected resources. In addition, we analyze land use and vegetation of each resources based on biotop map of Seoul (2005). Thirdly, we select the site of case study with basic concept plan of ecological trails through assessment of main resources of ecological trails. To select case study areas, we consider name recognition, accessibility and whether the area has historical and cultural resource, because all of 8 resources already have their own ecological resources. We apply basic concepts and methods to make ecological trails to the Umyeonsan(Mt.) which selected former step. Fourthly, we suggest managing guidelines and programs to contribute to ecological tour of Seoul. Control system for natural conservation is crucial. Thus, we need classification standards of areas under current situation for visitors` satisfaction and environmental preservation. Moreover, we have to determine the period of staying, activities, needed tools of visitors through setting up goals and guidelines within physical, social, ecological condition. The following suggested policies are based on results of study. First, we suggest establishment of the basic plan for ecological trails. There are many action plans such as "Development plan for ecological trails" and "Development plan for forestry ways". However, due to absence of basic plan for whole networks in Seoul, it cannot be connected each other. Moreover, each action plan has different characteristics and it made big gaps between districts. We need a plan for ecological trails fitting into characteristics of Seoul with a lot of efforts to create ecological trails under national government. Second, we need management for potential resources and monitoring for developed trails. We should build database for ecological trails which have potential resources. Moreover, We will extend ecological trails development plans based on potential resources which have remarkable developing results. In cases of developed ecological trails, we need management systems to monitor constantly with civic groups or citizen. Third, we need guidelines to preserve and use of ecological trails. In addition, we must make zones and regulations considering characteristics of resources, potential of resources and value of ecological resources. We should show activities allowed in districts, services provided and directions during activities through detail regulations.

      • KCI등재

        영화 포스터 읽기와 역사교실수업

        송인주 ( In Ju Song ) 역사교육학회 2013 역사교육논집 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze a classroom lesson of history where movie posters were used as visual teaching materials for students to communicate historically. Students` responses were observed and educational significances of this history class were drawn. Movie posters display written letters and images, such as lines and colors, signs, background scenes and blanks, drawings, characters and their postures, gestures and expressions, etc. which have condensed symbolic language in them. They not only guide people to the concept of the movie, but they also pictorially express various messages from the movie on one piece of paper. Compared with most written texts that function as a means of communicating knowledge through words and notions, movie posters clearly differ from them in that they are non-verbal materials with visual images offering clues to what the movie intends to mean. Current approaches to history education focus largely on logical or critical thinking; as a result, cognitive aspects associated with non-verbal experiences by the learners have been neglected. History classes using movie posters have great significance for they can provide us opportunities to look into how learners understand and experience the world. In addition, movie posters offer the learners chances to use their imagination and analogy from the visual images while interpreting them, select appropriate words and organize them while communicating each other; this leads the learners to social values and sentiments and appreciate others` way of life underlying in the movie poster.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 고려시대 친위군 연구의 현황과 문제점

        宋寅州 한국중세사학회 2004 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.16

        This study has examined existing studies and their problems of the royal army among Goryeo military organizations. Although there have been unresolved problems such as vague understanding of the term, Geunjang, a critical ground to see Igun as a kind of the royal army, the military balance of power between Igun and Geumgun, and the total size of Geumgun. it seems that Geumgun, as a special force, was the royal army. It is proved by the facts that Geumgun included several individual forces such as Gyeonyonggun, that there were some peculiar title, such as Jiyu and Haengsu in officer positions of Geumgun, that the people who held the positions of Jivu and Haengsu came from various human sources, that three Guns, six Wis, and 42 Dobus were described in Gunbusajungsincheongsagi of Jolgocheonbaek written by Choi Hac, a typical high-ranking government official in the late Goryeo period. and that there was a difference in time over the period of the establishment of Igun and Geumgun. The future study will have to distinguish between Igun and Geurngun as the central army in Gorveos military structure. Igun which included local forces also could be seemingly regarded as the army of the king, the highest commander-in-chief. But Geumgun was a quite different military organization from Igun in its duty and character, and could be considered the royal army of royal forces.

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