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      • KCI등재
      • 옳고 그름을 따지는 보편적 (규범적) 판단을 가능한가

        선우현 청주교육대학교 교육연구원 2017 학교와 수업 연구 Vol.2 No.1

        In this article, I intend to examine critically whether there is the criterion to discern between right and wrong that we come to understand mutually and reach an consensus or not, and how it can be secured if there is. Through such an examination work, I tries to argue that the universal standard to judge the right and wrong in the normative dimension completely can be secured in the source of morality, that is ‘the right.’ Especially I will reveal the fact clearly that in the case of ‘the right’, only on the basis of ‘the Habermasian right’ is possible the universal normative judgement, while being based on ‘the Kantian right’ several different moral judgements are possible depending on the certain situations and contexts.

      • KCI등재

        민족통일과 북한철학 연구의 의미

        선우현 경희대학교 인문학연구소 2000 인문학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        In connection with the theme of 'national unification and the humanities', this essay is aimed at examining reflectively the meaning and significance of researches in North Korean Philosophies including 'Juche Philosophy' at the present point of time, and also revealing how this kind of study has something to do with national unification of South and North. Along with that, we will review how significant contents and messages to stimulate us to develop our philosophical thinking-manner this kind of researches have. As is generally known, in the course of unification of South and North the most crucial part is the integration of thought between both two regimes. Even though the unification of territory and the unity in institution between South and North is accomplished, if there were no the successful integration of thought among the national members of South and North who live in heterogeneous and hostile regimes at present, the unification of nation would remain only nominal and formal. For this reason in the process of national unification, the integration of political ruling philosophies must turn out to be the most important task. As a matter of course, the primary object in this research-project into which we will try to inquire with much more interest, is 'Juche Idea'. For this idea is the political philosophy which has maintained and justified North Korean type of Socialist regime up to now which is radically different from that of South Korea in contents and characters. Considering these circumstances this essay will emphasize on the necessity and significance of investigation of the comparison and analysis of two philosophy-types, namely, 'Juche Idea' and 'Inganjungshim Philosophy'(Man-centered Philosophy). Like this, the precise study and analysis on North Korean political philosophies including 'Juche Idea' as a ruling ideology will reach at, on one hand, the task which comes to reveal the difference and antagonism between two types of thought of South and North, and on the other hand leads to concrete systemization presenting the conjuncture of heterogeneous thoughts which will serve to promote the national integration. In particular, the reason why this kind of study is of much account is that it may serve to secure the concrete guide for substantial contribution to the integration of thought. And naturally this kind of task is given to the philosophers. At the same time the researches in North Korean philosophies focused on the 'Inganjungshim Philosophy' will certainly function as a stimulus and an initial explosive for constructing the proper and spontaneous type of philosophy suitable to disclose the contradiction our own social structure and to offer the measures to solve and cope with it. In addition this study may serve to give aid to establish the system of philosophy heading toward unity of theory and practice in a large way. Especially that study is expected to contribute into establishing the practical-political philosophy conducive to overcoming the tragic division of the Korean Peninsula and to realizing national unification.

      • KCI등재

        김두헌의 가치론적 변증법: 친일 독재 정권을 옹호・정당화하는 실천철학적 논변체계

        선우현 대한철학회 2018 哲學硏究 Vol.146 No.-

        In this article I investigate the critical fundamental truth of the practical philosophy of Kim Doo-Huhn who has not become known in our Korean society but should be paid respect at any cost in the history of practical philosophy, and whom we should take the important case of a philosophical lesson, focused on ‘the Dialectic of Theory of Value’ which makes up an essential framework of his practical philosophy. 이 글은 세간에 잘 알려져 있지 않은, 그렇지만 한국의 실천철학사에서 반드시 유념해 봐야할 인물, 무엇보다 ‘철학적 반면교사(反面敎師)’로 삼아야할 사회철학자로서의 김두헌의 철학(함)의 본질적 실상을, 그의 실천철학 체계의 핵심 얼개를 이루고 있는 ‘가치론적 변증법’에 초점을 맞추어, 비판적으로 규명해 보는데 일차적 목적이 있다. 이러한 작업은 해방 이후 이제껏 70여 년 이상 한국 사회에 군림하며 무소불위의 통치 권력을 행사해온 소위 ‘친일 독재 세력’의 정치적 지배 권력을 비호하고 정당화한 주도적인 이데올로그 가운데 한 사람으로서 그 철학자적 역할을 수행해 나갔던 김두헌의 실천적 철학함 방식과 그 철학적 여정에 관한 비판적 고찰을 통해 이루어질 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        이성옹호의 철학적 전략 : 이성의 자기비판 및 내적 분화 the Self-critique of Reason and its inner Differentiation

        선우현 한국철학사상연구회 2005 시대와 철학 Vol.16 No.1

        오늘날 이성의 위기는 이성 자체가 지닌 본질적 난점에 기인한다. 하지만 그러한 한계로 인해, 이성을 해체하거나 비이성으로 대체하려는 반이성주의적 시도는 인식론적 회의주의와 윤리적 무정부주의로 귀착한다는 점에서 실천적 대안이 될 수 없다. 이성은 그 내적 한계에도 불구하고, 자신의 문제점을 스스로 인식하고 비판·교정할 수 있는 개념적 존재이며, 그런 한에서 '이성의 자기비판 및 이성의 내적 분화'를 통해 그러한 부정적 속성과 난점을 극복하려는 전략은 현실적으로 최선의 대안이 아닐 수 없다. 그럼에도 이러한 전략 앞에는 넘어 서야할 또 다른 문제들이 자리하고 있다. 가령, 이러한 자기비판 및 자기 분화를 통해 마련되고 정립된 새로운 이성 개념이 '모든 이의 자유와 권리를 동등하게 존중하고자 하는 의도'에도 불구하고 현실적으로 배제하거나 간과하는 대상과 존재를 낳고 있다는 점이다. 이런 점에서 이성은 배제되거나 제대로 취급받지 못하고 있는 '이성의 타자'를 보다 신중하게 고려하고 포용하는 이성으로의 지속적인 보완과 혁신, 비판적인 재구성이 요구된다. 그런 한에서 다름을 존중하고 배려하는 새로운 유형의 이성을 정립해 내는 과제는, 현 단계에서 이성의 자기비판 및 내적 분화 전략이 수행해야할 우선적인 작업으로 주어진다. Nowadays the crisis of reason is due to the intrinsic limitation of reason itself. But the trials to deconstruct that reason or to replace it with non-reason owing to such limits of reason result in epistemological scepticism and ethical anarchism. Considering these negative conditions, such anti-rationalistic trials have no qualification of practical alternative. In spite of inner limitation, the reason is the conceptual being that can recognize, criticize and correct its own problems. Thus the philosophical strategics of overcoming negative attributes and faults of reason itself through self-critique of reason and its inner differentiation' cannot help but be the best alternative realistically. Nevertheless this strategics is in the face of another problems to overcome. For instance, newly constructed reason by way of self-critique and self-differentiation is tend to exclude and pass over the other beings of reason and the subjects which should be worth respecting in aspects of their own liberties and rights. Viewed in this light, the task to construct critically the reason which can esteem and care about the others of reason and the difference is the most urgent work which the strategics of self-critique and inner differentiation of reason must set out at once.

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